#!/bin/bash # arm/build # Check package dependencies, set metadata and launch # package build script. # by Stuart Winter # source /usr/share/slackdev/buildkit.sh export PKGNAM=aspell-dict export VERSION=${VERSION:-NOVER} # versions are set by the file name of the dict archives export BUILD=${BUILD:-NOVER} # Build numbers are set in the text files in the "build-nums" directory export PKGSERIES=${PKGSERIES:-l} export SLACKPACKAGE=$PKGNAM-$VERSION-$PKGARCH-$BUILD.txz # Ensure base ARM packages are installed first: slackbasedeps # Ensure additional dependencies: # aspell is required to generate the dictionary files and aspell # requires ncurses: { slackcheckpkgdeps aspell || installpkg $PKGSTORE/aspell-[0-9]*.t?z || exit 99; } { slackcheckpkgdeps ncurses || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/ncurses-[0-9]*.t?z || exit 99; } # Launch the package build script: BUILDLOG=$( basename $SLACKPACKAGE .t?z ).build.log ( ./$PKGNAM.SlackBuild ) >& /dev/stdout | tee $BUILDLOG # Compress the build log: bzip2 -9fvz $BUILDLOG