#!/bin/bash # alpine.SlackBuild # Heavily based on the original Slackware build scripts, # Modified by Stuart Winter for ARMedslack. # # Copyright 2006, 2007, 2008 Patrick J. Volkerding, Sebeka, MN, USA # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use of this script, with or without modification, is # permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # 1. Redistributions of this script must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE AUTHOR ``AS IS'' AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED # WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO # EVENT SHALL THE AUTHOR BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, # SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; # OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, # WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR # OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF # ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # Record toolchain & other info for the build log: slackbuildinfo # Paths to skeleton port's source & real Slackware source tree: #export CWD=$SLACKSOURCE/$PKGSERIES/$PKGNAM export CWD=$SLACKSOURCE/$PKGNAM export PORTCWD=$PWD # Bundled apps, versions & build numbers: #IMAPDBUILD=${IMAPDBUILD:-2} IMAPDBUILD=$BUILD ## since these are related apps, if I rebuild one I'll always ship the rebuild of the other. PINEPGP=${PINEPGP:-0.18.0} # Temporary build locations: export TMPBUILD=$TMP/build-$PKGNAM export PKG=$TMP/package-$PKGNAM export PKG2=$TMP/package-imapd mkpkgdirs # Delete & re-create temporary directories then cd into $TMPBUILD rm -rf $PKG2 ; mkdir -p $PKG2 # Determine the CFLAGS for the known architectures: # -fPIC is required in order to build php with alpine's c-client: case $ARCH in arm) export SLKCFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS -fPIC" export LIBDIRSUFFIX="" ;; *) export SLKCFLAGS="-O2" ;; esac ################ Build ALPINE ################################################ # Extract source: tar xvvf $CWD/$PKGNAM-$VERSION.tar.xz cd $PKGNAM-$VERSION || exit 1 slackhousekeeping # Apply patches: zcat $CWD/alpine.manpage.diff.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 zcat $CWD/maildir.patch.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 # Configure: CFLAGS="$SLKCFLAGS" \ ./configure \ --prefix=/usr \ --mandir=/usr/man \ --with-ssl-dir=/usr \ --with-ssl-certs-dir=/etc/ssl/certs \ --with-c-client-target=slx \ --with-system-pinerc=/etc/pine.conf \ --with-system-fixed-pinerc=/etc/pine.conf.fixed \ --with-passfile=.alpine.passfile \ --disable-debug \ --with-debug-level=0 \ --without-tcl \ --program-prefix= \ --program-suffix= \ --build=${SLK_ARCH_BUILDTARGET} || failconfig # Correct paths and programs in tech-notes.txt: ( cd doc/tech-notes sed -i "s,/usr/local/lib/pine.info,/usr/lib/pine.info,g" tech-notes.txt sed -i "s,/usr/local/lib,/etc,g" tech-notes.txt sed -i "s,/usr/local,/etc,g" tech-notes.txt ) # Build: # Since we build non-compliant to RFC3501 we have to answer 'y' half-way: #echo y | make $NUMJOBS EXTRACFLAGS="-fPIC" SSLTYPE=unix.nopwd #echo y | make $NUMJOBS EXTRACFLAGS="-fPIC" SSLTYPE=unix.nopwd || exit 1 #make -j1 SSLTYPE=unix.nopwd || failmake echo "y" | make $NUMJOBS EXTRACFLAGS="" SSLTYPE=unix || \ echo "y" | make $NUMJOBS EXTRACFLAGS="" SSLTYPE=unix || \ echo "y" | make EXTRACFLAGS="" SSLTYPE=unix || exit 1 # Install into package: mkdir -vpm755 $PKG/etc make install SSLTYPE=unix.nopwd DESTDIR=$PKG || failinstall #make install SSLTYPE=unix DESTDIR=$PKG || exit 1 # Add default config file: ./alpine/alpine -conf > $PKG/etc/pine.conf.new # Add a documentation directory: mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAM}-$VERSION cp -a \ LICENSE NOTICE README* VERSION \ doc/tech-notes* doc/brochure.txt doc/mailcap.unx doc/mime.types \ $PKG/usr/doc/${PKGNAM}-$VERSION # Archive the alpine source so that we don't need to rebuild ALPINE # when building n/php -- we need the c-client library for the php # IMAP functions: ( mkdir -p $TMPBUILD/alpine-headers cd imap/c-client cp -Lfv c-client.a $TMPBUILD/alpine-headers cp -Lfv *.h $TMPBUILD/alpine-headers cd $TMPBUILD echo "Archiving ALPINE c-client headers for use with n/php build" mkdir -vpm755 $PORTCWD/sources tar -Ixz -cf $PORTCWD/sources/${ARCH}_alpine-headers.tar.xz alpine-headers ) ################ Build PINEGPG ################################################ # Extract source: cd $TMPBUILD tar xvvf $CWD/pinepgp-$PINEPGP.tar.gz cd pinepgp-$PINEPGP || exit 1 # Apply patches: zcat $CWD/pinepgp-${PINEPGP}-makefile-sed-fix.diff.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 zcat $CWD/pinepgp.pinegpgp.in.diff.gz | patch -p1 --verbose || exit 1 slackhousekeeping # Configure: ./configure \ --prefix=/usr || failconfig # The Makefile has some old stuff that make-3.81 isn't compatible with: make || failmake make install DESTDIR=$PKG # Copy docs: mkdir -p $PKG/usr/doc/pinepgp-$PINEPGP cp -a COPYING* README $PKG/usr/doc/pinepgp-$PINEPGP # Package descriptions: mkdir -vpm755 $PKG/install install -vpm644 $CWD/doinst.sh.alpine $PKG/install/doinst.sh install -vpm644 $CWD/slack-desc.alpine $PKG/install/slack-desc ################ Package IMAPD & POP3d ################################################ cd $TMPBUILD/$PKGNAM-$VERSION/imap mkdir -vpm755 $PKG2/usr/{sbin,man/man8,doc/imapd-$VERSION} # Build imapd and ipop3d: make $NUMJOBS || make || failmake # Copy docs: cp -fav \ CONTENTS LICENSE.txt NOTICE SUPPORT \ $PKG2/usr/doc/imapd-$VERSION cat << EOF > $PKG2/usr/doc/imapd-$VERSION/additional-imap-documentation Additional documentation for imapd may be found in the alpine sources in the /imap/docs directory. EOF install -vpm644 src/imap/imapd.8 src/ipopd/ipopd.8 $PKG2/usr/man/man8/ install -vpm755 imapd/imapd $PKG2/usr/sbin/ install -vpm755 ipopd/ipop3d $PKG2/usr/sbin/ # Add slack-desc file: mkdir -vpm755 $PKG2/install install -vpm644 $CWD/slack-desc.imapd $PKG2/install/slack-desc ############## Begin packaging ####################################################### # Set policies for both packages: for i in $PKG $PKG2 ; do cd $i # Slackware policies: slackgzpages -i # compress man & info pages and delete usr/info/dir slackslack # set all files to root.root, chmod -R og-w, slackchown, slack644docs done # Build ALPINE package: ( cd $PKG && slackmp ) # Build IMAP package: ( cd $PKG2 PKGNAM=imapd # so that slackmp wipes the old imapd package, not the alpine one we just built! # and now override the package name to be imapd: SLACKPACKAGE=imapd-$VERSION-$PKGARCH-$IMAPDBUILD.txz slackmp )