#!/bin/bash # arm/build # Check package dependencies, set metadata and launch # package build script. # by Stuart Winter # source /usr/share/slackdev/buildkit.sh # Package version data: export PKGNAM=ncurses export PKGSERIES=l export VERSION=5.9 export BUILD=2 export ARCH=arm export SLACKPACKAGE=$PKGNAM-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # Ensure base ARM packages are installed first: slackbasedeps # We do NOT want to link against gpm! # 19-sep-04: I don't know why I said this. Slackware's ncurses links with gpm # and gpm's .so is in aaa_elflibs, so I don't see what the problem is # although I *think* linking against gpm turned out to be bad # when I last did it. # .. and gpm links against ncurses.. hmm. # slackfailpkgdeps gpm || removepkg gpm # We link against gpm, but if we can't find gpm installed nor can we install it # then it doesn't matter: # 1. build ncurses without gpm # 2. build gpm with ncurses # 3. rebuild ncurses with gpm # This is what is suggested in the Slackware ncurses build script anyway. slackcheckpkgdeps gpm || installpkg $PKGSTORE/a/gpm-*.tgz slackcheckpkgdeps libtermcap || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/libtermcap-*tgz slackcheckpkgdeps libtermcap || exit 99 # Launch the package build script: BUILDLOG=$( basename $SLACKPACKAGE .tgz ).build.log ( ./$PKGNAM.SlackBuild ) >& /dev/stdout | tee $BUILDLOG # Compress the build log: bzip2 -9fvz $BUILDLOG