#!/bin/bash source /usr/share/slackdev/buildkit.sh export PACKAGE=minicom export PKGSERIES=a export VERSION=2.1 export BUILD=2 export ARCH=arm export SLACKPACKAGE=$PACKAGE-$VERSION-$ARCH-$BUILD.tgz # Remove existing autoconf so that it's re-added and fixed up # below. I have problems with autoconf on a devbox that I haven't # reinstalled for a while. This just saves me forgetting: removepkg autoconf autoconf2.13 # Ensure base ARM packages are installed first (this'll reinstall d/autoconf): slackbasedeps # Ensure additional dependencies: slackcheckpkgdeps ncurses || installpkg $PKGSTORE/l/ncurses-*tgz # minicom has some non-2.5.x-compatible configure scripts: slackcheckpkgdeps autoconf2.13 || installpkg $PKGSTORE/../unsupported-extra/packages/autoconf2.13-*tgz slackcheckpkgdeps ncurses,autoconf2.13 || exit 99 # Launch the package build script: ( ./$PACKAGE.SlackBuild ) 2>&1 | tee build.log # Now remove the autoconf packages - I don't want autoconf2.13 lying around # and autoconf-2.5x needs to be reinstalled to become the operational version: removepkg autoconf autoconf2.13