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Please verify. ok. aha152x: failed to reassign interrupt. aha152x: interrupt driven driver; use aha152x_queue() aha152x: abort(), SCpnt=0x%08x, bus busy w/o current command, command not found aha152x: reset(), bus not free: SCSI RESET OUT commands on targets w/ soft-resets: aha152x: unable to verify geometry for disk with >1GB. using extended translation. aha152x: unable to verify geometry for disk with >1GB. Using default translation. Please verify yourself. Perhaps you need to enable extended translation in the driver. See /usr/src/linux/drivers/scsi/aha152x.c for details. aha152x: current partition table is using extended translation. using it also, although it's not explicty enabled. aha152x: current_SC->scsi_done() == NULLdone() called outside of commandaha152x: catched interrupt for unknown controller. reselected, reconnecting target unknownRESELI failedtarget doesn't enter MSGI to identify (phase=%02x) unknown luntarget=%d, inbound message (%02x) != IDENTIFY lun=%d, no disconnected command for that lunissuing command, selecting %d, aha152x: ignoring spurious interrupt, nothing to do aha152x: SWINT is set! Why? aha152x: passing bus free condition SELDO (SELID=%x), (ABORT) target selected, outbound SDTR: neither timeout nor selectionSELTO, (ABORT) selection timeout, MESSAGE OUT, COMMAND, target left COMMANDNothing to send while in COMMANDMESSAGE IN, target disconnected, target was not allowed to disconnectinbound message (COMMAND COMPLETE), synchronous rejected, inbound message (MESSAGE REJECT), SDTR message length != 3inbound SDTR: received SDTR invalidunsupported inbound message %x, STATUS, aha152x: passing STATUS phaseDATA IN, aha152x: more data than expected (%d bytes) aha152x: data (%2x ) DATA OUT, %d(%d) left in FIFO, FIFO should be emptyunexpected BUS FREE, PARITY error in DATA phase, aha152x: unexpected phase aha152x panicon buswaiting %s: SCSISEQ (TARGET MODE SELO SELI RESELI AUTOATNO AUTOATNI AUTOATNP SCSIRSTO ); SCSISIG (DATA OUTDATA INCOMMANDSTATUSMESSAGE OUTMESSAGE IN*illegal*); hiloINTSTAT (%s); SSTAT (TARGET SELDO SELDI SELINGO SWRAP SDONE SPIORDY DMADONE SELTO ATNTARG SCSIRSTI PHASEMIS BUSFREE SCSIPERR PHASECHG REQINIT SXFRCTL0 (SCSIEN DMAEN CH1 CLRSTCNT SPIOEN CLRCH1 SIGNAL (ATNI BSYI REQI ACKI SELID (%02x), SSTAT2 (SOFFSET SEMPTY SFULL ); SFCNT (%d); SCSICNT (%d), OFFCNT(%d), SSTAT4 (SYNCERR FWERR FRERR DMACNTRL0 (8BIT16BIT%s DMAPIOWRITEREADENDMA INTEN RSTFIFO SWINT DMASTAT (ATDONE WORDRDY DFIFOFULL DFIFOEMP ) enabled interrupts (ENSELDO ENSELDI ENSELINGO ENSWRAP ENSDONE ENSPIORDY ENDMADONE ENSELTIMO ENATNTARG ENPHASEMIS ENBUSFREE ENSCSIPERR ENPHASECHG ENREQINIT 0x%08x: target=%d; lun=%d; cmnd=(); residual=%d; buffers=%d; phase |not issued|in selection|disconnected|aborted|send_ident|; in other(; phaseend; next=0x%08x QUEUE STATUS: issue_SC: current_SC: none disconnected_SC: 0x%08x: target=%d; lun=%d; cmnd=( 0x%02x ) Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.18 $ ioports 0x%04x to 0x%04x interrupt 0x%02x disconnection/reconnection %s parity checking %s synchronous transfers %s %d commands currently queued synchronously operating targets (tick=50 ns): target %d: period %dT/%dns; req/ack offset %d enabled debugging options: skip ports(%s) queueinterruptselectionmessage outmessage instatuscommanddata indata outabortdonebios parametersphasesqueuesreset queue status: not yet issued commands: no not yet issued commands current command: no current command disconnected commands: no disconnected commands Adaptec 152x SCSI driver; $Revision: 1.18 $GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4F! Hep +Fl1 ;\H`@\HFpHvN[5\WT^  Tb &,$6xAJ3VP_PehvP 2X($|(h/41D3<5 0 8$\$%,:@M<]`#o~(0   0h,9CQ<3bj|@X$HpF;Faha152x.cgcc2_compiled.setup_countportsaddressessignaturesdo_pausemake_acklowgetphasesetupaha152x_porttestaha152x_hostaha152x_reset_portsshow_queuesaha152x_panicdisp_portsdisp_enintrshow_commandget_commandget_portskernel_versionproc_scsi_aha152xaha152xaha152x1jiffiesprintkaha152x_setuppaniccheck_regionaha152x_checksetupaha152x_swintraha152x_detectscsi_registerrequest_regionrequest_irqscsi_unregisterfree_irqaha152x_intraha152x_queueaha152x_commandaha152x_abortaha152x_resetaha152x_biosparamscsicam_bios_paramaha152x_doneprint_msgprint_commandaha152x_set_infosprintfscsi_command_sizeaha152x_proc_infodriver_templateinit_modulemod_use_count_scsi_register_modulescsi_unregister_modulecleanup_modulew| " #E" -27 @E OV[ ds+0 9H[clv +BHN| BRb{  '#.4?EPin v(%)       *+ G L  _ q  +      *    $ . ,? )M R  \ h      V [    mr -2 2  Mv{ "9JO" -|   `e   .3   >C 8= P4 8= ]b    qx|  EMR  4{af 4K P  i!n! !! !! ## ## ## $$ e$j$ $$ $'' A'F' y'~' b(g( r(w("(((( (( (( (( (( (( )) )) &)+) 8)=) E)J) O)T) )))))))) )) )))* * * $*)* 6*;* H*M* Z*_* l*q* ~** ** ** ** ** ** ** + + ++ *+/+ <+A+ I+N+ S+X+ z++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ ,$, 1,6, C,H, U,Z, g,l, y,~, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, ,, - - -- (--- 5-:- ?-D- \-a- n-s- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- . . .. 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