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Station address 00 is reserved for broadcasts! %s%6s: WARNING! Station address FF may confuse DOS networking programs! %s%6s: ARCnet station %02Xh found at %03lXh, IRQ %d, ShMem %lXh (%ld bytes). %s%6s: Resetting %s (status=%Xh) %s%6s: reset failed: TESTvalue not present. <6>%6s: debug level set to %d %s%6s: arcnet_open: resetting card. %s%6s: ARCnet RFC1201 protocol initialized. %s%6s: Ethernet-Encap protocol not available (disabled). %s%6s: RFC1051 protocol not available (disabled). %s%6s: transmit requested (status=%Xh, inTX=%d) %s%6s: send_packet called while in txhandler! %s%6s: send_packet called while intx! %s%6s: premature kickme! (status=%Xh ticks=%d o.skb=%ph numsegs=%d segnum=%d %s%6s: tx timeout - missed IRQ? (status=%Xh, ticks=%d, mask=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: tx timed out (status=%Xh, tickssofar=%d, intmask=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: tx passed null skb (status=%Xh, inTX=%d, tickssofar=%ld) %s%6s: trying to start new packet while busy! (status=%Xh) %s%6s: transmitter called with busy bit set! (status=%Xh, inTX=%d, tickssofar=%ld) tx%s%6s: not splitting %d-byte packet. (split_flag=%d) %s%6s: short packet has split_flag set?! (split_flag=%d) %s%6s: packet (%d bytes) split into %d fragments: %s%6s: continue_tx called (status=%Xh, intx=%d, intxh=%d, intmask=%Xh %s%6s: continue_tx: called with packet in buffer! %s%6s: continue_tx: building segment %d of %d! %s%6s: building packet #%d (%d bytes) of %d (%d total), splitflag=%d %s%6s: arcnetAS_prep_tx: hdr:%ph, length:%d, data:%ph %s%6s: transmitting packet to station %02Xh (%d bytes) %s%6s: go_tx: status=%Xh, intmask=%Xh, txready=%d, sending=%d <7>arcnet: irq %d for unknown device. %s%6s: in arcnet_interrupt %s%6s: DRIVER PROBLEM! Nested arcnet interrupts! %s%6s: in arcnet_inthandler (status=%Xh, intmask=%Xh) %s%6s: spurious reset (status=%Xh) %s%6s: receive irq (status=%Xh) %s%6s: TX IRQ (stat=%Xh, numsegs=%d, segnum=%d, skb=%ph) %s%6s: transmit was not acknowledged! (status=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: broadcast was not acknowledged; that's normal (status=%Xh, dest=%02Xh) %s%6s: TXDONE while intx! (status=%Xh, intx=%d) %s%6s: TX IRQ done: no split to continue. %s%6s: recovery from silent TX (status=%Xh) %s%6s: reconfiguration detected: cabling restored? %s%6s: recon: clearing counters. %s%6s: recon: counter=%d, time=%lds, net=%d %s%6s: many reconfigurations detected: cabling problem? %s%6s: cabling restored? %s%6s: not recon: clearing counters anyway. %s%6s: net_interrupt complete (status=%Xh, count=%d) %s%6s: discarding old packet. (status=%Xh) %s%6s: received packet from %02Xh to %02Xh (%d bytes) %s%6s: received unknown protocol %d (%Xh) from station %d. rx%s%6s: it's an RFC1201 packet (length=%d) %s%6s: compensating for exception packet %s%6s: incoming is not split (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: aborting assembly (seq=%d) for unsplit packet (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: Memory squeeze, dropping packet. %s%6s: ARP source address was 00h, set to %02Xh. %s%6s: ARP source address (%Xh) is fine. %s%6s: funny-shaped ARP packet. (%Xh, %Xh) %s%6s: packet is split (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: wrong seq number (saddr=%d, expected=%d, seq=%d, splitflag=%d) %s%6s: brand new splitpacket (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: aborting previous (seq=%d) assembly (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: incoming packet more than 16 segments; dropping. (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: (split) memory squeeze, dropping packet. %s%6s: can't continue split without starting first! (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: duplicate splitpacket ignored! (splitflag=%d) %s%6s: out-of-order splitpacket, reassembly (seq=%d) aborted (splitflag=%d, seq=%d) %s%6s: ?!? done reassembling packet, no skb? (skb=%ph, in->skb=%ph) %s%6s: create header from %d to %d; protocol %d (%Xh); size %u. %s%6s: I don't understand protocol %d (%Xh) %s%6s: I don't understand protocol type %d (%Xh) addresses! %s%6s: rebuild header from %d to %d; protocol %Xh %s%6s: rebuilt: from %d to %d; protocol %Xh arc0GCC: (GNU) egcs-2.90.29 980515 (egcs-1.0.3 release).symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.data.rel.data.bss.note.rodata.comment4-! L0 +. 1 Pc ;0/@0/FD/NB55BWlD ' H2 !p1p~DR\gt a`kMe0Z$)ha` !5BTVX`("k v(   ".=IQZ,)~i*t+0, H-,arcnet.cgcc2_compiled.versionarcnet_dump_skbarcnet_dump_packetinit_once.344ports.345shmems.346numports.347numshmems.348arcnet_foundarcnet_interruptarcnet_openarcnet_closearcnetA_send_packetarcnet_get_statsarcnet_setuparcnet_resetarcnet_send_packet_badarcnet_inthandlerarcnetAS_prepare_txarcnet_go_txarcnetA_continue_txarcnet_rxarcnetA_rxdevicenamethiscardioirqnumirqshmemdevicekernel_versionarcnet_debugprintkarcnet_probecheck_regionjiffiesprobe_irq_onloops_per_sec__do_delayprobe_irq_offrequest_regionrequest_irqrelease_regionirq2dev_mapkmallocfree_irqarcnetA_headerarcnetA_rebuild_headermod_use_count_dev_kfree_skbdev_tintbh_activekfree_skballoc_skbarcnetA_type_transnetif_rxpanicarp_findinit_moduleregister_netdevcleanup_moduleunregister_netdevkfree)38)KP)^c)))));fp(y~)()()17A(OTY)ci|()()()+(( )(!&+)4(>FN`(hm)v()(()(( ) &4(<A)J(X]b)p(z)(),,()( )((-2)@(JO)`(y~)()(()()()((6;@)I(Xam(uz)()()()(),(6;)HQY(af)o(})()()()(%M(Z_)h(-./0()()(   * (3 8 )N ,Y ,b h } (  )    (  )   (  ) (( - 2 ); (E M U i r ~ (   )     (   )  1% , 2 2A (L Q V )d 3{ 4 5 4 6 3 ) 3 : V 7` 8z (   ) (   ) (   (   ) (B G L )} (   ) , , ( )+(() ()o(y~)()()./9 9r9x9()(()%,;(]bg)()():5(=,V[`)l;()(, )(()(#(-)t:<()Z:h,()()("',)l()(5:?)H(D([`e)n(v()h4r({)()(")K(rw|)()()Z()()()(KPU)l(z)<:<B(QV[),(),( ,(OTY)(,()("',)F(kpu)~() (  # )l (   )              !!! !!!!! !$!(!,!0!4!8!h#(z###($$$)2$(E$J$O$)Z$(r$w$|$)$($$($$$)%(B%G%L%)\%=%(%%%)%(%%%)&=;&(N&S&X&)&>&(&&&)'(5':'?')r'(''')'(''')'=((((()((()@X)])b)As)())))2*(B*G*L*)*(***)*(+++)4+BE+(]+b+g+)++++++++++,,, ,,,,, ,$,(,,,0,4,8,<,@,D,H,L,P,T,X,\,`,d,h,l,p,t,,,,,,,,,,,,----)-.-3-DK-Q-Z-|---4-6--3--F--G-(L*