Begin2 Title = Callback package for Linux Version = 2.00 Desc1 = This package allows callback for Linux systems which are Desc2 = equipped with a modem. Prerequisites are: setserial 2.0.2 Desc3 = or higher and getty_ps 2.0.7b or higher. Contained are three Desc4 = programs: cblogin, a login-program for dial-in connections, Desc5 = cbgetty, a pseudo-getty and cb, a user-administrator's tool. Author = Frank B. Brokken AuthorEmail = Maintainer = Frank B. Brokken MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = pub/unix File1 = callback-2.00.tar.gz FileSize1 = about 210K Site2 = Path2 = pub/linux/sources/usr.bin/Communication File2 = callback-2.00.tar.gz FileSize2 = about 210K Site3 = Path3 = pub/Linux/system/Serial File3 = callback-2.00.tar.gz FileSize3 = about 210K Required1 = a modem capable of dialling Required2 = setserial 2.0.2 or higher Required3 = getty_ps 2.0.7b or higher CopyPolicy1 = GPL Keywords = callback dial-in dial-out modem Comment1 = The package contains a file callback.doc, which provides a Comment2 = comprehensive guide to the installation of a dial-in and Comment3 = dial-out modem before addressing the callback issue. This Comment4 = guide may be valuable even for the `bare' modem installation. RelFiles1 = callback-X.YY.tar.gz (the archive itself, X.YY is the version) RelFiles2 = callback.doc (documentation file) RelFiles3 = icmake-X.YY.tar.gz (maker, suggested for compilation) Entered = 05MAR95 EnteredBy = Frank B. Brokken CheckedEmail = End