Begin3 Title: ipxbridge.tar.gz Version: 0.2 Entered-date: 23 Oct 1994 Description: This is attempt to provide IPX connectivity across Linux router. Currently this has only a single bridge program -- very very inefficient. (Doesn't do intelligent bridging also!) We go on from here to eventually support full fledged bridging and/or routing along with IP routing. (Please see accompanying readme for more details). This should become alternative to PCrouter. Eventually, we should be able to get linux specialised for routing all types of protocols! THIS RELEASE: 1. It is intermediatory release which provides 'a.h' file that was missing in earlier release. 2. Alternatively, it provides much cleaned up code in directory 0.1.1, which, though tested only locally, should work without problems. Try this ... 3. I have also included 0.2, the intelligent bridging code. There are some unresolved bugs which will require you to kill and restart it once a while. We are working on it. Let us know if you get this working flawlessly (I mean for days together ...) Keywords: IPX route bridge network PCrouter Author: , (contact Maintained-by: authors Primary-site: Alternate-site: Original-site: Platform: Linux Copying-policy: GNU GPL, copyright by authors End