Begin3 Title: Koules - an action game for UNIX/X11 and Linux/svgalib(binary) Version: 1.1 Entered-date: 29Aug95 Description: Koules is a fast action arcade-style game for UNIX. This version supports X window system and SVGAlib for Linux. It works in fine (up to 640x480) resolution with cool 256 color graphics,multiplayer mode up to 5 players and sounds. koules1.1-sound is required to enable sounds Keywords: game, X11,Xlib, svgalib, digital sound, video, sound, action, fun Author: (Jan Hubicka) Maintained-by: (Jan Hubicka) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/games/video 155kb koules1.1-bin-svga.tar.gz 55kb koules1.1-bin-X11-aout.tar.gz 64kb koules1.1-bin-X11-elf.tar.gz 122kb koules1.1-sound.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/binaries/ 155kb koules1.1-bin-svga.tar.gz 55kb koules1.1-bin-X11-aout.tar.gz 64kb koules1.1-bin-X11-elf.tar.gz 122kb koules1.1-sound.tar.gz Platform: Linux, svgalib 1.2.5 or greater,hpux,sun,freeBSD, generic-X11 Copying-policy: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE All rights reserved by the author End