These files are the release of the Exodus Storage Manager (ESM) and the E persistent object-oriented programming language, ported to the Linux operating system. These binaries have been tested with the Slackware 1.1.0 and 2.0 distributions, and the 1.1.8 and 1.1.13 kernels. Your kernel revision should be at least 1.1.8. To install and use this port, follow these instructions: 1) Install the software in /usr/local. The binary releases are meant to be installed in /usr/local/e and /usr/local/sm. If you install them in another directory, make a symbolic link to the appropriate /usr/local directory. To install, type cd /usr/local gzip -d < esm.tgz | tar xvf - gzip -d < eg++.tgz | tar xvf - If you are running a Slackware distribution, then you can copy the distribution files to the root directory and run 'pkgtool'. This distribution requires approximately 11Meg for E and 1.5Meg for ESM. Some space can be reclaimed by deleting the info and doc files in each package. 2) Add a symbolic link from /usr/local/e/E-include to /usr/include/E. E requires a set of include files, normally referenced as . You can optionally symlink /usr/local/e/bin/eg++ to /usr/local/bin/eg++. 3) Update the sm_config file for your machine. There are two changes to be made to the sm_config file in /usr/local/sm. First, storage volumes for ESM are assumed to be in /home/volume. Change the path to a suitable directory. Second, the address of the host on which ESM runs is given in the form of an IP address. Change this to the full domain name of the machine running Exodus, if you have configured your machine as part of a network rather than just installing from the distribution disks. You can find documentation on the Exodus Storage Manager (ESM) in sm/doc. The directory sm/tests and e/examples contain programs and README files for testing ESM and E. The programs in e/examples are a good starting point. As a quick start, try the following, either in two Xterms or in two VTs: Window 1: cd /usr/local/sm/bin formatvol -vol 3000 formatvol -vol 3001 formatvol -vol 3002 sm_server Window 2: cd /usr/local/e/examples/pcounter make setenv EVOLID 3001 Known Problems: The iterator class has not yet been properly ported and tested, so you will encounter an error when trying to compile the sample code in e/samples/binaryTree. This problem is being worked on. Another problem arises when trying to compile the debitcredit example code. The compiler complains of an unimplemented db code 40 mode 6. This problem is related to gcc's internal representation of the code, and is also being addressed. Good luck with Exodus and E. Let me know if any problems arise. Mark A. Fleming