Begin2 Title = xephem Version = 2.5 Desc1 = Xephem is an interactive astronomical ephemeris program Desc2 = for X Windows/Motif systems. It computes heliocentric, Desc3 = geocentric and topocentric information for celestial objects. Desc4 = Xephem has built-in support for all planets; the moons of Desc5 = Jupiter, Saturn and Earth. Author = AuthorEmail = Elwood Downey Maintainer = MaintEmail = Site1 = Path1 = /contrib/xephem File1 = xephem-2.5-linux-bin.tar.gz FileSize1 = 1,459,049 Site2 = Path2 = /pub/Linux/X11/Motif File2 = xephem-2.5.tar.gz FileSize2 = 1,459,049 CopyPolicy1 = Keywords = Comment1 = Tar file contains xephem binary and configuration files Comment2 = Comment3 = Entered = 23JUN94 EnteredBy = Ed Rodda CheckedEmail = End