Begin3 Title: IPAcct - Per user IP accounting program/kernel extension Version: 0.7 Entered-date: 5JUN95 Description: This program allows you to account the ip traffic on a per user basis. It also allows you to deny access for certain users. A program is provided which imposes ip quotas in the users. Keywords: net, ip, accounting, quota Author: lf@Comlink.DE (Lars Fenneberg) Maintained-by: lf@Comlink.DE (Lars Fenneberg) Primary-site: /pub/Linux/kernel/patches/network 33kb ipacct-0.7.tar.gz Alternate-site: /pub/linux/ip-acct (I think) 33kb ipacct-0.7.tar.gz Platforms: Linux with a recent kernel, patches for 1.2.1 and above included Copying-policy: GNU General Public License Copyright 1994, 1995, Lars Fenneberg End