#!/bin/sh if [ -r /tmp/SeTcolor -o "$COLOR" = "on" ]; then T_PX="`cat /tmp/SeTT_PX`" if [ -r /tmp/SeTCDdev ]; then ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf `cat /tmp/SeTCDdev` cdrom ) exit fi if mount | fgrep iso9660 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # CD is mounted DEVICE=`mount | fgrep iso9660 | cut -d ' ' -f 1` ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf $DEVICE cdrom ) exit fi dialog --title "CONFIGURE CD-ROM?" --yesno "\n Do you have a CD-ROM?" 7 35 if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then exit fi rm -f /tmp/SeTmount /tmp/SeTDS /tmp/SeTCDdev dialog --title "Configuring CD-ROM link (/dev/cdrom)" \ --menu "\nWhat type of CD-ROM drive do you have?" 15 66 7 \ "1" "SCSI (/dev/scd0 or /dev/scd1)" \ "2" "Sony CDU31A (/dev/sonycd)" \ "3" "Sony 531/535 (/dev/cdu535)" \ "4" "Mitsumi (/dev/mcd)" \ "5" "Sound Blaster Pro/Panasonic (/dev/sbpcd)" \ "6" "Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes with interface card" \ "7" "Most IDE-interface CD drives" 2> /tmp/cdtype if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then rm -f /tmp/cdtype exit fi CD_ROM_TYPE="`cat /tmp/cdtype`" rm -f /tmp/cdtype if [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "1" ]; then dialog --title "SELECT SCSI DEVICE" --menu "Which SCSI CD-ROM are you \ using? (If you're not sure, select /dev/scd0)" 10 60 2 \ "/dev/scd0" "SCSI CD 0" \ "/dev/scd1" "SCSI CD 1" 2> /tmp/whichscsi if [ $? = 1 -o $? = 255 ]; then rm -f /tmp/tmpmsg /tmp/cdtype /tmp/whichscsi exit fi CD_DEVICE="`cat /tmp/whichscsi`" rm -f /tmp/whichscsi elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "2" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/sonycd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "3" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/cdu535" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "4" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/mcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "5" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/sbpcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "6" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/aztcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "7" ]; then dialog --title "SELECT IDE DEVICE" --menu \ "Which IDE device is your CD-ROM drive connected to? \ Devices hda and hdb are the possible drives on the \ primary IDE interface, and hdc and hdd are the drives \ on the secondary IDE interface. If you're not sure, we can try to \ scan for your drive." \ 15 70 5 \ "scan" "Try to scan for your drive" \ "/dev/hda" "Primary IDE drive 1 (unlikely)" \ "/dev/hdb" "Primary IDE drive 2 (common)" \ "/dev/hdc" "Secondary IDE drive 1 (common)" \ "/dev/hdd" "Secondary IDE drive 2" 2> /tmp/idecd if [ ! "`cat /tmp/idecd`" = "scan" ]; then CD_DEVICE="`cat /tmp/idecd`" else for device in /dev/hdb /dev/hdc /dev/hdd /dev/hda ; do dialog --infobox "Scanning $device..." 3 30 mount -o ro -t iso9660 $device /var/adm/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ $? = 0 ]; then DRIVE_FOUND=$device break fi done umount /var/adm/mount 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null if [ "$DRIVE_FOUND" = "" ]; then dialog --title "DRIVE NOT FOUND" --msgbox \ "An IDE CD-ROM drive could not be found on any of the devices that were \ scanned. Please consult the BOOTING file for more information on \ forcing the detection of your drive, and then reattempt installation. \ If all else fails, see the SLAKWARE.FAQ for information about copying \ parts of this CD to your DOS partition to allow you to install." \ 12 55 else dialog --title "IDE CD-ROM DRIVE DETECTED SUCCESSFULLY" --msgbox \ "An IDE CD-ROM drive was found on device $DRIVE_FOUND." 5 65 CD_DEVICE="$DRIVE_FOUND" fi fi fi ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf $CD_DEVICE cdrom ) # The CD will be mounted automatically later on: # echo "$CD_DEVICE /cdrom iso9660 ro" > /tmp/SeTcdfstab else T_PX=$1 if [ -r /tmp/SeTCDdev ]; then ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf `cat /tmp/SeTCDdev` cdrom ) exit fi if mount | fgrep iso9660 1> /dev/null 2> /dev/null ; then # CD is mounted DEVICE=`mount | fgrep iso9660 | cut -d ' ' -f 1` ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf $DEVICE cdrom ) exit fi while [ 0 ]; do echo echo -n "Do you have a CD-ROM ([y]es, [n]o)? " read REPLY; if [ "$REPLY" = "y" ]; then break; elif [ "$REPLY" = "n" ]; then exit; fi done echo rm -f /tmp/SeTmount /tmp/SeTDS /tmp/SeTCDdev while [ 0 ]; do echo "Configuring CD-ROM link (/dev/cdrom)." echo echo "What type of CD-ROM drive do you have?" echo "1 - SCSI [ /dev/scd0, or /dev/scd1 ]" echo "2 - Sony CDU31A [ /dev/sonycd ]" echo "3 - Sony 535 [ /dev/cdu535 ]" echo "4 - Mitsumi [ /dev/mcd ]" echo "5 - Sound Blaster Pro (Panasonic) [ /dev/sbpcd ]" echo "6 - Aztech/Orchid/Okano/Wearnes with interface card" echo "7 - Most IDE-interface CD drives" echo -n "Enter the number that matches your CD type: " read CD_ROM_TYPE; echo if [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "1" -o "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "2" -o \ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "3" -o "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "4" -o \ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "5" -o "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "6" -o \ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "7" ]; then break; fi done if [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "1" ]; then while [ 0 ]; do echo "Which SCSI CD-ROM are you using? /dev/scd0 is a good guess if you" echo "aren't sure." echo "0 - /dev/scd0 (SCSI CD 0)" echo "1 - /dev/scd1 (SCSI CD 1)" echo "Which one (0/1)? " read CD_DEVICE; echo if [ "$CD_DEVICE" = "0" -o "$CD_DEVICE" = "1" ]; then break; fi done if [ "$CD_DEVICE" = "0" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/scd0" else CD_DEVICE="/dev/scd1" fi elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "2" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/sonycd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "3" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/cdu535" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "4" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/mcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "5" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/sbpcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "6" ]; then CD_DEVICE="/dev/aztcd" elif [ "$CD_ROM_TYPE" = "7" ]; then echo "SELECT IDE DEVICE" echo echo "Enter the device name that represents your IDE CD-ROM drive." echo "This will probably be one of these (in the order of most to least" echo "likely): /dev/hdb /dev/hdc /dev/hdd /dev/hda" echo echo -n "Enter device name: " read CD_DEVICE; echo fi ( cd $T_PX/dev ; ln -sf $CD_DEVICE cdrom ) # The CD will be mounted automatically later on: # echo "$CD_DEVICE /cdrom iso9660 ro" > /tmp/SeTcdfstab fi