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database %salias database %s out of dateWarning: alias database %s out of dater+rCan't open %s: %s newaliases: cannot open %s: %swarning: cannot lock %s: %sAlias file %s is already being rebuiltrebuildaliases1autoalias database %s %srebuilt by %sCan't create database for %s: %s Cannot create database for alias file %srebuildaliases2554 Non-continuation line starts with space554 missing colon554 %.40s... illegal alias name553 %s... bad address554 alias too long554 %s... cannot alias non-local names%s: %d aliases, longest %d bytes, %d bytes totalforward(%s) 554 forward: no home/nosuchdirectoryz/.forwardforward: trying %s forward: transient error on %s %s: forward %s: transient error: %s%s: %s: message queued554 setevent: intvl=%ld setevent: intvl=%ld, for=%ld, func=%x, arg=%d, ev=%x clrevent: ev=%x tick: now=%ld tick: ev=%x, func=%x, arg=%d, pid=%d Cannot create %s354 Enter mail, end with "." on a line by itselfinitial message readFrom message header readEOH message separator read message body readcollect: read error localhostunexpected closeI/O errorread timeoutcollect: %s on connection from %s, sender=%s: %s 451 collect: %s on connection from %s, from=%stoccbccapparently-toAdding Apparently-To: %s Apparently-To552 Message exceeds maximum fixed size (%ld)rCannot reopen %s553 header line too longlong line flushw *** Mail could not be accepted *** Mail of at least %qd bytes could not be accepted *** Mail of at least %ld bytes could not be accepted *** at %s due to lack of disk space for temp file. *** Currently, %ld kilobytes are available for mail temp files. 452 Out of disk space for temp filecannot write message body to disk (%s)/dev/nullSatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJaneatfrom(%s) return-pathcommentsmail-fromviax400-receivedreceivedresent-datedatetextmessageresent-message-idmessage-idapparently-toresent-bccbccresent-ccccresent-totoerrors-toreturn-receipt-tofull-namereply-tofromsenderresent-reply-toresent-fromresent-sender/var/run/sendmail.pidgoawaynoreceiptsauthwarningsrestrictqrunrestrictmailqnovrfynoexpnneedvrfyheloneedexpnheloneedmailhelopublicnobodyprog, P=/bin/sh, F=lsD, A=sh -c $u*file*, P=/dev/null, F=lsDFMPEu, A=FILE*include*, P=/dev/null, F=su, A=INCLUDEdbm.dirstabimplicithostdequote554 Who are you?postmastercheckcompat(to=%s, from=%s) r/proc/loadavggetla: fopen(%s): %s %lfgetla: fscanf() = %d: %s getla(): %.2f ?sendmail: reapchild: waitpid loop: pid=%d, status=%x: illegal option -- : option requires an argument -- /SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL/enoughspace: no threshold enoughspace: bavail=%ld, need=%ld %s: low on space (have %ld, %s needs %ld in %s)enoughspace failure: min=%ld, need=%ld: %s lockfile(%s%s, action=%d, type=%d): SUCCESS (%s) cannot lockf(%s%s, fd=%d, type=%o, omode=%o, euid=%d)FAIL /etc/sendmail.cfBerkeleyzero seconds%d+%02d:%02d:%02ds, %d week%s, %d day%s, %d hour%s, %d minute%s, %d second%stcpsmtp554 service "smtp" unknowngetrequests: port 0x%x w%d %s getrequests: %d rejecting connections: load average: %daccepting connectionsgetrequests: acceptgetrequests: forking (fd = %d) daemon: cannot forkstartup with %sconnect from %s (%s)rcannot open SMTP server channel, fd=%dgetreq: returning opendaemonsocket() opendaemonsocket: can't create server SMTP socketproblem creating SMTP socketgetrequests: setsockopt(SO_RCVBUF)getrequests: cannot bindgetrequests: cannot listeninet554 Unknown address family %s in Family=option554 network "%s" unknown554 Address= option unsupported for family %d554 service "%s" unknown554 Port= option unsupported for family %dinitial connection553 Invalid numeric domain spec "%s"554 makeconnection: service "smtp" unknownCan't connect to address family %dmakeconnection (%s [%s]) makeconnection: no socketmakeconnection: setsockopt(SO_SNDBUF)makeconnection: fd=%d Connect failed (%s); trying new address.... %scannot open SMTP client channel, fd=%dlocalhost!My host name (%s) does not seem to exist!!My host name (%s) not known to DNS[%s]%s@localhostgetauthinfo: %s %d,%d authgetauthinfo: sent %sgetauthinfo: got %s useridgetauthinfo: NULL [%s]host_map_lookup(%s) => CACHE %s %s: Name server timeouthost_map_lookup(%s) => FAIL (%d) NULLADDR0Family %d: %02x: ===== SENDALL: mode %c, id %s, e_from sendqueue: localhost554 too many hops %d (%d max): from %s via %s, to %ssendall: QDONTSEND sendall: split %s into %s sendall(split): QDONTSEND sendall: link(%s, %s)%s: clone %s, owner=%ssendall(owner): QDONTSEND sendall: Split queue; remaining queue: deliverable: mailer %s, host %s, user %sdeliverable: mailer %s, user %s --deliver, id=%s, mailer=%s, host=`%s', first user=`%s' queued-f-r554 Too many parameters to %s before $u send to deliver: QDONTSEND 552 Message is too large; %ld bytes max,554 deliver: pv overflow after $u for %sopenmailer:[LPC][IPC][TCP]null host name for %s mailernull host signature for %s554 non-clever IPCdeliver: null host name in signatureopenmailer: user open%s %s: %sConnecting to %s (%s)...%05d == CONNECT %s openmailer: makeconnection => stat=%d, errno=%d deliver: no host name%05d === EXEC %s %s... openmailer(%s): pipe (to mailer)openmailer: NULL %s... openmailer(%s): pipe (from mailer)%s... openmailer(%s): cannot forkopenmailer: running as r/euid=%d/%d openmailer: trydir %s %s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup pipe %d for stdout%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup xscript %d for stdout%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup stdout for stderr%s... openmailer(%s): cannot dup pipe %d for stdinAGENT=sendmailTZ=ISP=SYSTYPE=Cannot exec %swdeliver: cannot create mailer output channel, fd=%drdeliver: cannot create mailer input channel, fd=%d554 deliver: rcode=%d, mci_state=%d, sig=%s%s... Successfully delivered mci_inmci_outendmailer %s: wait451 mailer %s died with signal %oArguments:250 Sent%s (%s)554 unknown mailer error %d: %s: %s%s%s %.3s %%sgiveresponse: stat=%d, e->e_message=%s , ctladdr= (%d/%d), delay=%s, mailer=, relay= []..., stat=%s: to=%.*s [more]%s%s: to=%s%sl g554 No ! in UUCP From address! (%s given)From %s d remote from %s putbody: Cannot open %s for %s from %s<<< No Message Collected >>>From putbody: %s: read errorputbody: write errormailfile %s ctladdr=mailfile: Cannot open %s for %s from %s554 cannot open: %s554 cannot write: file changed after open451 I/O error: %smailfilechild died on signal %dhostsignature(%s) = %s getmxrr(%s, droplocalhost=%d) getmxrr: res_search(%s) failed (errno=%d, h_errno=%d) getmxrr: res_search (%s) failed with impossible h_errno (%d) unexpected answer type %d, size %d found localhost (%s) in MX list, pref=%d MX list for %s points back to %smxrand(%s) = %d getcanonname(%s) loop in ${HOSTALIASES} fileMX???AANYgetcanonname: trying %s.%s (%s) NO: errno=%d, h_errno=%d YES qdcount failure (%d) DNS failure: CNAME loop for %sDeferred: DNS failure: CNAME loop for %s.%.*s%s%.*sHOSTALIASESrdropenvelope %x: id=, flags=0x%x sendq=dropenvelope, id=%s, flags=0x%x, pid=%d<>Cannot send message for %sMessage could not be delivered for %s Message will be deleted from queue warning: cannot send message for %sWarning: message still undelivered after %s Will keep trying until message is %s old Return receipt ===== Dropping [dq]f%s ===== %s: donedropenvelopeclearenvelope xfpclearenvelope dfp%d%04d%02d%02d%02d%02dCan't create transcript file %s/dev/null!Can't open /dev/nulla!Can't create transcript stream %sopenxscript(%s): closexscriptsetsender(%s) %s@%ssetsender: %s: invalid or unparseable, received from %s553 Invalid sender addressnpostmaster553 setsender: can't even parse postmaster!setsender: QDONTSEND /HOMEcannot prescan from (%s)>@554451syserr: ExitStat = %d UID%dNOQUEUE%s: SYSERR(%s): %s501%s: %s050 (held)--- %s%s 456%s %s %05d >>> %s 221NO-HOST%s: SYSERR: putoutmsg (%s): error on output channel sending "%s": %s%3.3s%c%s: line %d: %s... : %s during with Host %s is downConnection refused by %sTimeout on file openhost not foundhost name lookup failurenon-recoverable errorno data knownOperation not permittedName server: : Error %dchompheader: %s 553 header syntax error, line "%s"no header match header match, hi_flags=%o resent-fromcomparing header from (%s) against default (%s or %s) full-name----- collected header ----- %s: %s: message-id---------------------------- precedenceposted-datedateeatheader: setsender(*%s == %s) [RESPONSE]localhost%.80s (%s)from=%.200s, size=%ld, class=%d, pri=%ld, nrcpts=%d, msgid=%.100s, bodytype=%.20s, proto=%.20s%s: %s, relay=%scrackaddr(%s) .'@,;:\()[]crackaddr=>`%s' --- putheader, mailer = %s --- %s: (skipped) (skipped (resent)) (skipped (receipt)) (skipped -- null value) commaize(%s: %s) , , expand() expand ==> define(%c as main: reentered!/dev/nullsendmailUnknown UID %dB:b:C:cd:e:F:f:h:Iimno:p:q:r:sTtvX:0-99.1Version %s IFS=LD_NAMEcanonical name: %s uname failed (%s) UUCP nodename: %s a.k.a.: %s newaliasesmailqsmtpdPermission deniedHOSTALIASESFrozen configurations unsupportedInvalid operation mode %c7bit8bitmimeIllegal body type %sMore than one "from" personBad hop count (%s)acannot open %sTSYSTEM IDENTITY (after readcf): (short domain name) $w = (canonical domain name) $j = (subdomain name) $m = (node name) $k = Processed by %s with -C %sProcessed from queue %sTZTZ=Warning: .cf version level (%d) exceeds program functionality (%d)main: cannot stat %sYou do not have permission to process the queueFjlocalNo local mailer definedprogNo prog mailer defined*file*No *file* mailer defined*include*No *include* mailer definedcannot chdir(%s)mailer %d (%s): P=%s S=%d/%d R=%d/%d M=%ld F= E= A= ADDRESS TEST MODE (ruleset 3 NOT automatically invoked) Enter
> > %sNo address! == Ruleset %s status %d daemon: cannot fork+SMTP+queueing@+debuggingstarting daemon (%s): %sRecipient names must be specifiedFrom person = "%s" main: QDONTSEND NOQUEUE ====finis: stat %d e_flags %o, e_id=%s finis, pid=%dj Sendmail v ready at bFrom g dMAILER-DAEMON.:@[]disconnect: In %d Out %d, e=%x don't rin background, pid=%dsendmail.cf-q0-d0-99.1%s: X-Authentication-Warning--- dumping state on %s: $j = %s ---*** $j not in $=w ***--- open file descriptors: ------ connection cache: ------ ruleset 89 returns stat %d, pv: ---%s--- end of state dump ---user signalNo file name for %s map %smap_rewrite(%.*s), av = (nullv) %s map_rewrite => %s NULLmap_init(%s:%s, %d) wrong pass %s:%s: valid %s:%s: invalid: %s ndbm_map_open(%s, %d) Cannot open DBM database %s.pag.dirndbm_map_lookup(%s) ndbm_map_store(%s, %s) 050 Warning: duplicate alias name %sreadaliases: dbm put (%s)ndbm_map_close(%s, %x) @stab_lookup(%s) stab_map_open(%s) rimpl_map_lookup(%s) impl_map_open(%s, %d) no map file WARNING: cannot open alias database %smci_cache: caching %x (%s) in slot %d NOQUEUE%s: mci_cache: caching %x (%s) in slot %dmci_uncache: uncaching %x (%s) from slot %d (%d) %s: mci_uncache: uncaching %x (%s) from slot %d (%d)Closing connection to %smci_inmci_uncachemci_outnegative mno %d (%s)mci_get(%s %s): mci_state=%d, _flags=%x, _exitstat=%d, _errno=%d MCI@%x: NULLflags=%o, errno=%d, herrno=%d, exitstat=%d, state=%d, pid=%d,%smaxsize=%ld, phase=%s, mailer=%s,%shost=%s, lastuse=%s%s%s --parseaddr(%s) parseaddr-->NULL parseaddr-->bad address Transient parse error -- message queued for future deliveryparseaddr: queuing message parseaddr-->553 Address contained invalid control charactersallocaddr(flags=%o, paddr=%s) o()<>,; prescan: 553 Address too long653 Unbalanced '"'653 Unbalanced '('653 Unbalanced '<'c=%c, s=%d; 653 Unbalanced ')'653 Unbalanced '>'ns=%02o tok=553 prescan: too many tokens553 prescan: token too longprescan==>prescan: null leading token rewrite: ruleset %2d input:554 rewrite: illegal ruleset number %drewrite: infinite recursion, ruleset %d-----trying rule:554 Infinite loop in ruleset %d, rule %dworkspace: ADVANCE rp=, ap= EXTEND rp=CLMATCH (NULL)rewrite: LHS $&%c => "%s" BACKUP rp=----- rule fails -----rule matches:554 rewrite: ruleset %d: replacement $%c out of bounds$%c: %x="%s"554 rewrite: expansion too longrewrite: RHS $&%c => "%s" host554 rewrite: map %s not foundmap_lookup(%s, %s) => NOT FOUND%s (%d) parseaddr: NULL subroutine call in ruleset %d, rule %d-----callsubr %s rewritten as:rewrite: ruleset %2d returns:configprotocoltempfailsoftwareunavailablenohostnouserusageERRORbuildaddr, flags=%o, tv=554 buildaddr: no net*error*error554 buildaddr: error: no user %s553 %s554 buildaddr: unknown mailer %s554 buildaddr: host too long (%.40s...)554 buildaddr: no host554 buildaddr: no user:include:@%x=NULL%s: mailer %d (%s), host `%s', user `%s', ruser `%s' next=%x, flags=%o, alias %x, uid %d, gid %d (none) owner=%s, home="%s", fullname="%s" [NULL] remotename(%s) gremotename => `%s' maplocaluser: maplocaluser: QDONTSEND queueup: cannot create %s, uid=%d: %squeueup: cannot lock %s: %sw!queueup: cannot create queue temp file %s, uid=%d (new id) >>>>> queueing %s%s >>>>> tfp= lockfp=NULL !queueup: cannot create data temp file %s, uid=%dqueueup dfpP%ld T%ld B%s D%s M%s F%s $r%s $s%s $_%s S%s E%s R%s queuedqueueing fH%s: %s !552 Error writing control file %s!452 Error writing control file %scannot rename(%s, %s), df=%s, uid=%dqueueup lockfp%s: queueup, qf=%s, df=%s <<<<< done queueing %s <<<<< C C%s:%s Skipping queue run -- load average too high running queue: %srunqueue %s, pid=%d, forkflag=%d Skipping %s orderq: QueueLimitId = %s QueueLimitSender = %s QueueLimitRecipient = %s .orderq: cannot open "%s" as "."orderq: bogus qf name %s orderq: bogus qf name %srorderq: cannot open %s (%d) %32s: pri=%ld dowork(%s) dowork: cannot fork%s: dowork, pid=%dreadqf(%s) failed r+readqf(%s): fopen failure (%s) readqf: no control file %sreadqf(%s): locked %s: locked %s: lockedreadqf(%s): fstat failure (%s) %s: bogus queue file, uid=%d, mode=%oreadqf(%s): bogus file Running %s +++++ %s readqf: cannot open %sreadqf: %s: line %d: bad line "%s"Cannot stat %s510 You are not permitted to see the queueMail queue is empty s Mail Queue (%d request%s, only %d printed) --Q-ID-- --Size-- -Priority- ---Q-Time--- -----------Sender/Recipient----------- ) --Q-ID-- --Size-- -----Q-Time----- ------------Sender/Recipient------------ %8s (job completed) *X %8ld %10ld%c%.12s %.38s%8ld %.16s %.45s %10.10s (%.60s) (---%.34s---) %.38s %.45s (no control file)qf%cAA%05dqueuename: trying "%s" queuename: Cannot create "%s" in "%s" (euid=%d)queuename: assigned id %s, env=%x lockfd=%s: assigned id%cf%squeuename: %s unlockqueue(%s) unlockqueue%s: unlock/rcannot opencannot fstatnot a plain file%s: WARNING: dangerous write permissions %s: WARNING: dangerous write permissionsinvalid rewrite line "%s" (tab expected)$0-$9$#$:$>$?$|$.$[$]$($)Inappropriate use of %s on LHSR line: null LHSreplacement $%c out of bounds$*$+$-$=$~Inappropriate use of %s on RHSR line: null RHSinvalid argument to S line: "%.20s"bad ruleset %d (%d max)%sinvalid argument to V line: "%.20s"invalid V line vendor code: "%s"unknown control line "%s"I/O read errorhosthost host -a.too many %c lines, %d maxfileclass(%s, fmt=%s) fileclass: pipes (F%c%s) not supported due to security problems cannot stat (%s) fileclass: cannot stat %sfileclass: %s not a regular filefileclass: access denied on %sfileclass: cannot open %s mailer %s: `=' expectedinvalid rewrite set, %d maxM%s: A= argument requiredM%s: P= argument requiredtoo many mailers defined (%d max) ----Rule Set %d: LHS:RHS:truednsrchstayopendefnamesrecurseigntcprimaryusevcaaonlydebugsetoption %c=%s (ignored) bCdeijLmoprsvw7 (unsafe)(Resetting uid)aliasesUnknown delivery mode %creadcf: option g: unknown group %ssendmail.hfreadcf: I option value %s unrecognized_res.options = %x readcf: Op line: %s unrecognizedmqueuesendmail.streadcf: option u: unknown user %ssetclass(%c, %s) readcf: config K line: no map namereadcf: config K line, map %s: no map classreadcf: map %s: class %s not available(null)map %s, class %s, flags %x, file %s, app %s, domain %s, rebuild %s initialmailrcptdatainitdatablockdatafinalcommandrsetheloquitmiscidentsettimeouts: invalid timeout %ssendtolist: null listsendto: %s ctladdr= recipient: 554 aliasing/forwarding loop broken550 Cannot mail directly to programs550 User %s@%s doesn't have a valid shell for mailing to programs550 Address %s is unsafe for mailing to programs%s in sendq: duplicate suppressedat trylocaluser %s 550 Cannot mail directly to :include:sincluding file %sNOQUEUE%s: include %s: transient error: %s451 Cannot open %s: %s550 Cannot open %s: %s550 Cannot mail directly to files550 User %s@%s doesn't have a valid shell for mailing to files550 Address %s is unsafe for mailing to filesrecipient: testing local? cl=%d, rr5=%x 554 aliasing/forwarding loop for %s broken/testselfdestruct: finduser(%s): failed (numeric input) found (non-fuzzy) not found (fuzzy disabled) fuzzy matches %s sending to login name %sno fuzzy match found writable(%s, %x) failed (mode %o: x bits) eu/gid=%d/%d, st_u/gid=%d/%d include(%s) ruid=%d euid=%d ctladdr include: old uid = %d/%d include: new uid = %d/%d include: not safe (uid=%d): %s rinclude: open: %s setreuid(%d, 0) failure (real=%d, eff=%d)include: reset uid = %d/%d 451 open timeout on %sCannot fstat %s!/SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL/includeforwardingsending%s to %s%s: forward %s => %sinclude: read error: %s include: QDONTSEND NONE savemail, errormode = %c, id = %s, ExitStat = %d e_from=Postmaster553 Cannot parse Postmaster!554 savemail: bogus errormode x%x state %d wn Message from %s... Errors occurred while sending mail. rCannot open %sTranscript of session is unavailable. Transcript follows: savemail transcriptOriginal message will be saved in dead.letter. postmaster<>553 cannot parse postmaster!z/dead.letterSaving message in %s/usr/tmp/dead.letter /usr/tmp/dead.lettersavemail554 savemail: unknown state %d!554 savemail: cannot save rejected email anywhereUnable to deliver mailReturn To Sender: msg="%s", depth=%d, e=%x, returnq=554 returntosender: infinite recursion on %sbinternallocalhostTo%s: %s: return to sender: %sReturned mail: %.*sSubject1.0MIME-Version%s.%ld/%smultipart/mixed; boundary="%s"Content-Type553 Can't parse myself!Mail Delivery Subsystemerrbody: null parent ----- Original message lost ----- This is a MIME-encapsulated message--%s ********************************************** ** THIS IS A WARNING MESSAGE ONLY ** ** YOU DO NOT NEED TO RESEND YOUR MESSAGE **The original message was received at %sfrom _ ----- The following addresses had delivery problems ----- (unrecoverable error) (transient failure) (expanded from: ) ----- Transcript of session is unavailable ----- ----- Transcript of session follows ----- errbody xscript ----- Original message follows ----- ----- Message header follows ----- Content-Type: message/rfc822 ----- Message body suppressed ----- ----- No message was collected ----- --%s--errbody: I/O errorwizdebugshowqonexverbehloheloquitnoophelpexpnvrfyrsetdatarcptmaillocalhostserver %s startupe220 %s220-%s220 ESMTP spoken hereserver cmd readserver %s cmd read421 %s Lost input channel from %slost input channel from %s<<< %s %s: %.80s%s %s: %.80sESMTPserver EHLOSMTPserver HELO250 %s Hello %s, pleased to meet you250-%s Hello %s, pleased to meet you250-EXPN250-SIZE %ld250-SIZE250 HELPserver MAIL503 Polite people say HELO first503 Sender already specified503 Nested MAIL command: MAIL %sSMTP-MAILHost %s didn't use HELO protocolfrom%s owned process doing -bsMAIL: got arg %s="%s" size501 SIZE requires a valuebody501 BODY requires a value501 %s parameter unrecognized552 Message size exceeds fixed maximum message size (%ld)452 Insufficient disk space; try again later250 Sender ok503 Need MAIL before RCPTserver RCPTto (will queue)250 Recipient ok%s550 Addressee unknownserver DATA503 Need MAIL command503 Need RCPT (recipient)collectdeliveryw250 %s Message accepted for delivery250 Reset state252 Who's to say?502 Sorry, we do not allow this operation%s: %s [rejected]503 I demand that you introduce yourself firstSMTP-VRFYSMTP-EXPN%s: %s501 Argument requiredVRFYEXPN554 Nothing to %s250 OK221 %s closing connection502 Verbose unavailable250 Verbose mode250 Only one transaction"%s" command from %s (%s)421 %s Too many bad commands; closing connection500 Command unrecognized500 smtp: unknown code %d501 Syntax error in parameters scanning "%s"250<%s@%s><%s>%s <%s@%s>%s <%s>r502 HELP not implementedsmtp214-%s504 HELP topic unknown214 End of HELP info%s: cannot forkserver %s child wait%s: lost child%s: died on signal %dSTAB: %s %d (hfunc=%d) not found type %d val %lx %lx %lx %lx entered stabapply: trying %d/%s 554 Local configuration error:550 Insufficient permission 554 Remote protocol error 250 Deferred:451 I/O error:550 Can't create output:554 System file missing:451 Operating system error:554 Internal error 554 Service unavailable 550 Host unknown 550 User unknown:550 Cannot open input 501 Data format error 500 Bad usagesmtpinit 451 smtpinit: state CLOSEDclient greeting%s %s: %sEHLO %sclient EHLOHELO %sclient HELO553 %s config error: mail loops back to myselfVERBESMTP size8bitmimeexpnsmtpmailfrom: CurHost=%s SIZE=%ldgMAIL From:<%s>%sMAIL From:<@%s%c%s>%sclient MAIL%s: SMTP MAIL protocol error: %sRCPT To:<%s>client RCPT%s: SMTP RCPT protocol error: %sDATAclient DATA 354%s: SMTP DATA-1 protocol error: %s451 timeout writing message to %s .%s%05d >>> . >>> .client DATA 250%s: SMTP DATA-2 protocol error: %sclient QUITQUITclient RSETRSETclient probereply 451 reply: read error from %sEHLO... while talking to %s: >>> %s <<< %s 050 %s>>> %s%05d >>> %s %s%ssmtpmessage: NULL mci_out Out of memory!! %08x=$%csafefile(%s, uid=%d, gid=%d, flags=%x, mode=%o): [dir %s] %s %s [slink mode %o] EPERM [uid %d, stat %o, mode %o] OK EACCES r+a+w+awr%05d >>> %s! %05d >>> %.*s %s: unlink %s%s: unlink-fail %dxfclose(%x) %s %s xfclose FAILURE: %s localtimeout waiting for input from %s during %s 451 timeout waiting for input during %s%05d <<< [EOF] %05d <<< %stTyY%3d: CANNOT STAT (%s)fl=0x%x, mode=%o: SOCK (badsock)%s/%d->CHR: BLK: FIFO: DIR: LNK: dev=%d/%d, ino=%d, nlink=%d, u/gid=%d/%d, size=%qddev=%d/%d, ino=%d, nlink=%d, u/gid=%d/%d, size=%ld%s%s ...!#$%&'*+-./^_`{|}~[UNKNOWN]POSSIBLE ATTACK from %s: newline in string "%s"@(#)alias.c 8.25 (Berkeley) 4/14/94@(#)arpadate.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/7/93@(#)clock.c 8.8 (Berkeley) 1/12/94@(#)collect.c 8.14 (Berkeley) 4/18/94l h d ` \ X T         | x t p @(#)conf.c (Berkeley) 3/7/95      x  f \  Y O  L B  > "3 *%            @ ` F9,   @ 2@(#)$Id: getloadavg.c,v 1.16 1991/06/21 12:51:15 paul Exp $@(#)convtime.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/7/93@(#)daemon.c (Berkeley) 3/28/95 (with daemon mode) @(#)deliver.c (Berkeley) 3/28/95@(#)domain.c (Berkeley) 3/6/95 (with name server)@(#)envelope.c (Berkeley) 2/28/95@(#)err.c 8.27 (Berkeley) 4/18/94@(#)headers.c 8.32 (Berkeley) 4/14/94@(#)macro.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 2/7/94@(#) Copyright (c) 1988, 1993 The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)main.c (Berkeley) 3/5/95@(#)sendmail.h 3/5/95I)I)I)*+-=~#@:>?|.[]()&@(#)map.c (Berkeley) 2/10/95@(#)mci.c 8.14 (Berkeley) 5/15/94@(#)parseaddr.c 8.31 (Berkeley) 4/15/94 !"3$ "3$S8@L8CE8D98E08F'8K8L8NEY8@(#)queue.c (Berkeley) 3/5/95 (with queueing)@(#)readcf.c (Berkeley) 3/5/95EE|EtEnE fE@]ETEMEHE@(#)recipient.c (Berkeley) 3/5/95@(#)savemail.c 8.29 (Berkeley) 5/10/94@(#)srvrsmtp.c 8.37 (Berkeley) 4/13/94 (with SMTP)SSSSSSS SSS S SSSSS@(#)stab.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/7/93@(#)stats.c 8.3 (Berkeley) 8/28/93@(#)sysexits.c 8.1 (Berkeley) 6/7/93\[[[[[[h[O[6['[[ZZZ@(#)trace.c 8.2 (Berkeley) 3/14/94@(#)udb.c 8.8 (Berkeley) 4/14/94 (without USERDB)@(#)usersmtp.c 8.18 (Berkeley) 1/24/94 (with SMTP)@(#)util.c (Berkeley) 3/5/95______@(#)version.c (Berkeley) 3/28/958.6.12.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~  . > N ^ n ~         !!.!>!N!^!n!~!!!!!!!!!"".">"N"^"n"~"""""""""##.#>#N#^#n#~#########$$.$>$N$^$n$~$$$    Ї`GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#)  19 `B KQ V$$\b]jqapwwȇw~ЇwLzzl~z` }