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invalid address. bwnfsd: [read_ips] exiting with %u values bwnfsd: [add_uid] uid <%d>, name <%s> bwnfsd: [get_ui_name] uid <%u> bwnfsd: [get_ui_name] getpwuid returned NULL bwnfsd: [get_ui_name] returns %s bwnfsd: [fill_gid] uid = %u, gid = %u, user = %s bwnfsd: [mm_gidss] uid = %u, gid = %u, name = %s bwnfsd: [mm_gidss] gids_count = %u bwnfsd: [get_gr_name] for gid %u bwnfds: [get_gr_name] returns %s %ubwnfsd: [get_gr_gid] for %s bwnfsd: [get_gr_gid] returns %s bwnfsd: [get_gr_gid] returns NULL bwnfsd: [get_groups] called bwnfsd: [get_printers] called /etc/printcapbwnfsd: File %s was not found. No printers are available for use. bwnfsd: [get_printers] Following devices are available bwnfsd: %s bwnfsd: [xdr_share] called for %s, ofs = %ld, len = %ld bwnfsd: mode = %u, access = %u, stat = %u, sequence = %u bwnfsd: [xdr_share] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_shareres] called by %s bwnfsd: [xdr_shareres] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_lock] called by %s bwnfsd: ofs = %ul, len = %ul bwnfsd: [xdr_lock] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_unlock] called by %s bwnfsd: ofs = %ul, len = %ul bwnfsd: [xdr_unlock] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_res] called bwnfsd: [xdr_res] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_get_lock_name] called bwnfsd: [xdr_new_ip] called bwnfsd: [xdr_new_ip] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_g_string] called bwnfsd: [xdr_g_string] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_send_gid] called with st = %s bwnfsd: [xdr_send_gid] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_nuids] called bwnfsd: [xdr_nuids] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_ngids] called bwnfsd: [xdr_ngids] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_send_usernames] called bwnfsd: [xdr_send_usernames] p = %s bwnfsd: [xdr_send_usernames] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_send_names] called bwnfsd: [xdr_send_names] p = %s bwnfsd: [xdr_send_names] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_file] called bwnfsd: [xdr_file] status = %u, returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_file] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_print] called bwnfsd: [xdr_print] printer = %s, file = %s, ext = %s %s/%s.%03d%s/%s.%03dqueuedbwnfsd: [xdr_print] f = %s, f1 = %s bwnfsd: [xdr_print] jobname = %s bwnfsd: [xdr_print] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_auth_request] called bwnfsd: Link to %d:%d:%d:%d bwnfsd: Request type : %u bwnfsd: Device name : %s bwnfsd: Username : %s bwnfsd: Password : %s bwnfsd: [xdr_auth_request] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_pw] called bwnfsd: uid = %u, gid = %u, gids = %u bwnfsd: [xdr_pw] returns (1) bwnfsd: [create_spool] called bwnfsd: [create_spool] (1) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd : [create_spool] (2) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (3) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (4) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (5) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (5.1) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (4.1) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (5.2) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] getpwnam failed bwnfsd: [create_spool] (5.3) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] crypt request failed bwnfsd: [create_spool] (6) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] Printer %s not found bwnfsd: [create_spool] (7) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (8) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] svc_getargs request failed bwnfsd: [create_spool] (9) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (10) Can't reply to RPC call %u.%u.%u.%ubwnfsd: [create_spool] remote = %s bwnfsd: [create_spool] (11) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] svc_getargs failed bwnfsd: [create_spool] (12) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] (13) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool] lock status = false bwnfsd: [create_spool] lock status = true bwnfsd: [create_spool] (14) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [create_spool/check_lock] lock status = false bwnfsd: [create_spool/check_lock] lock status = true bwnfsd: [create_spool] (15) Can't reply to RPC call bwnfsd: [xdr_fhstatus] called bwnfsd: [xdr_fhstatus] returns (1) bwnfsd: [xdr_text] mount request for %s bwnfsd: [xdr_text] returns (1) bwnfds: [get_mount] called bwnfsd: [get_mount] dir = %s, directory = %s bwnfsd: [get_mount] "%s" is not in the /etc/hosts file. bwnfsd: please entered it and re-run. bwnfsd: [get_mount] clntupd_create failed clntudp_createbwnfsd: [get_mount] cannot allocate reserved port ... not critical. bwnfsd: [get_mount] clnt_stat failed rpcbwnfsd: [get_mount] returns mount status %u -A-d-susage : %s [-A] [-d] [-s file] spool_area_mount_point bwnfsd: host "%s" is not in the /etc/hosts file bwnfsd: Please add it to the file and restart %s bwnfsd: Spool area mount point %s could not be mounted. bwnfsd: Check that %s is in the /etc/exports file & world-writable //dev/ttybwnfsd: [main] Unable to create an RPC server bwnfsd: [main] Can't register BW-NFS service bwnfsd: [main] svc_run returned! lpbwnfsd: [print_it] called bwnfsd: Filename = %s bwnfsd: Jobname = %s bwnfsd: Printer = %s bwnfsd: [print_it] using %s bwnfsd: [print_it] using default_print /usr/bin/lp-d-c-sbwnfsd: [default_print] called -Tbwnfsd: [default_print] execv %s, %s bwnfsd: [default_print] print failed, unlinking print-file bwnfsd: [default_print] unlinking %s w/tmp/bwlocks.dmp%3d %s -> %c/%3u/%1d -> %3ld+%3ld -> NULL File Handles %3d %02X -> bwnfds: [init_locks] called bwnfsd: [locate_by_owner] called for %s bwnfsd: [locate_by_owner] owner is %s bwnfsd: [locate_by_handle] called bwnfsd: [process_lock_request] called with bwnfsd: request = %d bwnfsd: owner = %s bwnfsd: file_handle = bwnfsd: access = %d bwnfsd: mode = %d bwnfsd: offset = %ld bwnfsd: length = %ld bwnfsd: cookie = %ld iD         . > N ^ n ~         .>N^n~.>N^n~.>N  0U$  ~ | GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#<) $$19 | | B   K  Q  V``D\0U0Ub8U8UjX}XmXp~nw~n~~noPPpPpzp