comment { FRACTINT.DOC has instructions for adding new formulas to this file. There are several hard-coded restrictions in the formula interpreter: 1) The fractal name through the open curly bracket must be on a single line. 2) There is a hard-coded limit of 200 formulas per formula file, only because of restrictions in the prompting routines. 3) Formulas can containt at most 250 operations (references to variables and arithmetic); this is bigger than it sounds, no formula in the default fractint.frm uses even 100 3) Comment blocks can be set up using dummy formulas with no formula name or with the special name "comment". The formulas at the beginning of this file are from Mark Peterson, who built this fractal interpreter feature. The rest are grouped by contributor. (Scott Taylor sent many but they are no longer here - they've been incorporated as hard-coded types. Lee Skinner also sent many which have now been hard-coded.) Note that the builtin "cos" function had a bug which was corrected in version 16. To recreate an image from a formula which used cos before v16, change "cos" in the formula to "cosxx" which is a new function provided for backward compatibility with that bug. } Mandelbrot(XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson ; Classical fractal showing LastSqr speedup ; TW modified to allow inside= options to work correctly z = Pixel, y = Sqr(z): ; Start with z**2 to initialize LastSqr z = y z = z + Pixel y = Sqr(z) ; z is still the orbit value for inside=bof60 LastSqr <= 4 ; Use LastSqr instead of recalculating } Dragon (ORIGIN) {; Mark Peterson z = Pixel: z = sqr(z) + (-0.74543, 0.2), |z| <= 4 } Daisy (ORIGIN) {; Mark Peterson z = pixel: z = z*z + (0.11031, -0.67037), |z| <= 4 } InvMandel (XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson c = z = 1 / pixel: z = sqr(z) + c; |z| <= 4 } DeltaLog(XAXIS) {; Mark Peterson z = pixel, c = log(pixel): z = sqr(z) + c, |z| <= 4 } Newton4(XYAXIS) {; Mark Peterson ; Note that floating-point is required to make this compute accurately z = pixel, Root = 1: z3 = z*z*z; z4 = z3 * z; z = (3 * z4 + Root) / (4 * z3); .004 <= |z4 - Root| } comment { The following are from Chris Green: These fractals all use Newton's or Halley's formula for approximation of a function. In all of these fractals, p1 real is the "relaxation coefficient". A value of 1 gives the conventional newton or halley iteration. Values <1 will generally produce less chaos than values >1. 1-1.5 is probably a good range to try. P1 imag is the imaginary component of the relaxation coefficient, and should be zero but maybe a small non-zero value will produce something interesting. Who knows? For more information on Halley maps, see "Computers, Pattern, Chaos, and Beauty" by Pickover. } Halley (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green. Halley's formula applied to x^7-x=0. ; P1 real usually 1 to 1.5, P1 imag usually zero. Use floating point. ; Setting P1 to 1 creates the picture on page 277 of Pickover's book z=pixel: z5=z*z*z*z*z; z6=z*z5; z7=z*z6; z=z-p1*((z7-z)/ ((z6*7.0-1)-(z5*42.0)*(z7-z)/(z6*14.0-2))), 0.0001 <= |z7-z| } CGhalley (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green -- Halley's formula ; P1 real usually 1 to 1.5, P1 imag usually zero. Use floating point. z=(1,1): z5=z*z*z*z*z; z6=z*z5; z7=z*z6; z=z-p1*((z7-z-pixel)/ ((7.0*z6-1)-(42.0*z5)*(z7-z-pixel)/(14.0*z6-2))), 0.0001 <= |z7-z-pixel| } halleySin (XYAXIS) {; Chris Green. Halley's formula applied to sin(x)=0. ; Use floating point. ; P1 real = 0.1 will create the picture from page 281 of Pickover's book. z=pixel: s=sin(z), c=cos(z) z=z-p1*(s/(c-(s*s)/(c+c))), 0.0001 <= |s| } NewtonSinExp (XAXIS) {; Chris Green ; Newton's formula applied to sin(x)+exp(x)-1=0. ; Use floating point. z=pixel: z1=exp(z) z2=sin(z)+z1-1 z=z-p1*z2/(cos(z)+z1), .0001 < |z2| } CGNewton3 {; Chris Green -- A variation on newton iteration. ; The initial guess is fixed at (1,1), but the equation solved ; is different at each pixel ( x^3-pixel=0 is solved). ; Use floating point. ; Try P1=1.8. z=(1,1): z2=z*z; z3=z*z2; z=z-p1*(z3-pixel)/(3.0*z2), 0.0001 < |z3-pixel| } HyperMandel {; Chris Green. ; A four dimensional version of the mandelbrot set. ; Use P1 to select which two-dimensional plane of the ; four dimensional set you wish to examine. ; Use floating point. a=(0,0),b=(0,0): z=z+1 anew=sqr(a)-sqr(b)+pixel b=2.0*a*b+p1 a=anew, |a|+|b| <= 4 } MTet (XAXIS) {; Mandelbrot form 1 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner z = pixel: z = (pixel ^ z) + pixel, |z| <= (P1 + 3) } AltMTet(XAXIS) {; Mandelbrot form 2 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner z = 0: z = (pixel ^ z) + pixel, |z| <= (P1 + 3) } JTet (XAXIS) {; Julia form 1 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner z = pixel: z = (pixel ^ z) + P1, |z| <= (P2 + 3) } AltJTet (XAXIS) {; Julia form 2 of the Tetration formula --Lee Skinner z = P1: z = (pixel ^ z) + P1, |z| <= (P2 + 3) } Cubic (XYAXIS) {; Lee Skinner p = pixel, test = p1 + 3, t3 = 3*p, t2 = p*p, a = (t2 + 1)/t3, b = 2*a*a*a + (t2 - 2)/t3, aa3 = a*a*3, z = 0 - a : z = z*z*z - aa3*z + b, |z| < test } { The following are from Lee Skinner, have been partially generalized. } Fzppfnre {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = 1./(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzppfnpo {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = (pixel)^(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzppfnsr {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = (pixel)^.5: z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzppfnta {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = tan(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z|<= 50 } Fzppfnct {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = cos(pixel)/sin(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z|<= 50 } Fzppfnse {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = 1./sin(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzppfncs {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = 1./cos(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzppfnth {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = tanh(pixel): z = fn1(z)+f, |z|<= 50 } Fzppfnht {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = cosh(pixel)/sinh(pixel): z = fn1(z)+f, |z|<= 50 } Fzpfnseh {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = 1./sinh(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } Fzpfncoh {; Lee Skinner z = pixel, f = 1./cosh(pixel): z = fn1(z) + f, |z| <= 50 } { The following resulted from a FRACTINT bug. Version 13 incorrectly calculated Spider (see above). We fixed the bug, and reverse-engineered what it was doing to Spider - so here is the old "spider" } Wineglass(XAXIS) {; Pieter Branderhorst c = z = pixel: z = z * z + c c = (1+flip(imag(c))) * real(c) / 2 + z, |z| <= 4 } { The following is from Scott Taylor. Scott says they're "Dog" because the first one he looked at reminded him of a hot dog. This was originally several fractals, we have generalized it. } FnDog(XYAXIS) {; Scott Taylor z = Pixel, b = p1+2: z = fn1( z ) * pixel, |z| <= b } Ent {; Scott Taylor ; Try params=.5/.75 and the first function as exp. ; Zoom in on the swirls around the middle. There's a ; symmetrical area surrounded by an asymmetric area. z = Pixel, y = fn1(z), base = log(p1): z = y * log(z)/base, |z| <= 4 } Ent2 {; Scott Taylor ; try params=2/1, functions=cos/cosh, potential=255/355 z = Pixel, y = fn1(z), base = log(p1): z = fn2( y * log(z) / base ), |z| <= 4 } { From Kevin Lee: } LeeMandel1(XYAXIS) {; Kevin Lee z=Pixel: ;; c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(z), this line was an error in v16 c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(c), |z|<4 } LeeMandel2(XYAXIS) {; Kevin Lee z=Pixel: c=sqr(pixel)/z, c=z+c, z=sqr(c*pixel), |z|<4 } LeeMandel3(XAXIS) {; Kevin Lee z=Pixel, c=Pixel-sqr(z): c=Pixel+c/z, z=c-z*pixel, |z|<4 } { These are a few of the examples from the book, Fractal Creations, by Tim Wegner and Mark Peterson. } MyFractal {; Fractal Creations example c = z = 1/pixel: z = sqr(z) + c; |z| <= 4 } Bogus1 {; Fractal Creations example z = 0; z = z + * 2, |z| <= 4 } MandelTangent {; Fractal Creations example (revised for v.16) z = pixel: z = pixel * tan(z), |real(z)| < 32 } Mandel3 {; Fractal Creations example z = pixel, c = sin(z): z = (z*z) + c; z = z * 1/c; |z| <= 4; } { These are from: "AKA MrWizard W. LeRoy Davis;SM-ALC/HRUC" The first 3 are variations of: z gamma(z) = (z/e) * sqrt(2*pi*z) * R } Sterling(XAXIS) {; davisl z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z), |z| <= 4 } Sterling2(XAXIS) {; davisl z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z) + pixel, |z| <= 4 } Sterling3(XAXIS) {; davisl z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)/sqr(6.2831853*z) - pixel, |z| <= 4 } PsudoMandel(XAXIS) {; davisl - try center=0,0/magnification=28 z = Pixel: z = ((z/2.7182818)^z)*sqr(6.2831853*z) + pixel, |z| <= 4 } { These are the original "Richard" types sent by Jm Collard-Richard. Their generalizations are tacked on to the end of the "Jm" list below, but we felt we should keep these around for historical reasons.} Richard1 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: sq=z*z, z=(sq*sin(sq)+sq)+pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard2 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: z=1/(sin(z*z+pixel*pixel)), |z|<=50 } Richard3 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: sh=sinh(z), z=(1/(sh*sh))+pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard4 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: z2=z*z, z=(1/(z2*cos(z2)+z2))+pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard5 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: z=sin(z*sinh(z))+pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard6 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z = pixel: z=sin(sinh(z))+pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard7 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z=pixel: z=log(z)*pixel, |z|<=50 } Richard8 (XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard ; This was used for the "Fractal Creations" cover z=pixel,sinp = sin(pixel): z=sin(z)+sinp, |z|<=50 } Richard9 (XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z=pixel: sqrz=z*z, z=sqrz + 1/sqrz + pixel, |z|<=4 } Richard10(XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z=pixel: z=1/sin(1/(z*z)), |z|<=50 } Richard11(XYAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard z=pixel: z=1/sinh(1/(z*z)), |z|<=50 } { These types are generalizations of types sent to us by the French mathematician Jm Collard-Richard. If we hadn't generalized them there would be --ahhh-- quite a few. With 11 possible values for each fn variable,Jm_03, for example, has 14641 variations! } Jm_01 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=(fn1(fn2(z^pixel)))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_02 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=(z^pixel)*fn1(z^pixel), |z|<=t } Jm_03 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_03a {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_04 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1((fn2(z)*pixel)*fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)), |z|<=t } Jm_05 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2((z^pixel))), |z|<=t } Jm_06 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel))), |z|<=t } Jm_07 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel)))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_08 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3((z^z)*pixel)))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_09 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z))))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_10 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel))), |z|<=t } Jm_11 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_11a {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(fn4(z)*pixel)))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_12 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel)), |z|<=t } Jm_13 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_14 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)*pixel))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_15 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: f2=fn2(z),z=fn1(f2)*fn3(fn4(f2))*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_16 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: f2=fn2(z),z=fn1(f2)*fn3(fn4(f2))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_17 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z)), |z|<=t } Jm_18 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z)*pixel), |z|<=t } Jm_19 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z)*pixel*fn2(fn3(z)+pixel), |z|<=t } Jm_20 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z^pixel), |z|<=t } Jm_21 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z^pixel)*pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_22 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: sq=fn1(z), z=(sq*fn2(sq)+sq)+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_23 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(fn3(z)+pixel*pixel)), |z|<=t } Jm_24 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z2=fn1(z), z=(fn2(z2*fn3(z2)+z2))+pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_25 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(z*fn2(z)) + pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_26 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: z=fn1(fn2(z)) + pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_27 {; generalized Jm Collard-Richard type z=pixel,t=p1+4: sqrz=fn1(z), z=sqrz + 1/sqrz + pixel, |z|<=t } Jm_ducks(XAXIS) {; Jm Collard-Richard ; Not so ugly at first glance and lot of corners to zoom in. ; try this: corners=-1.178372/-0.978384/-0.751678/-0.601683 z=pixel,tst=p1+4,t=1+pixel: z=sqr(z)+t, |z|<=tst } Gamma(XAXIS)={ ; first order gamma function from Prof. Jm ; "It's pretty long to generate even on a 486-33 comp but there's a lot ; of corners to zoom in and zoom and zoom...beautiful pictures :)" z=pixel,twopi=6.283185307179586,r=10: z=(twopi*z)^(0.5)*(z^z)*exp(-z)+pixel |z|<=r } ZZ(XAXIS) { ; Prof Jm using Newton-Raphson method ; use floating point with this one z=pixel,solution=1: z1=z^z; z2=(log(z)+1)*z1; z=z-(z1-1)/z2 , 0.001 <= |solution-z1| } ZZa(XAXIS) { ; Prof Jm using Newton-Raphson method ; use floating point with this one z=pixel,solution=1: z1=z^(z-1); z2=(((z-1)/z)+log(z))*z1; z=z-((z1-1)/z2) , .001 <= |solution-z1| }