%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % apatch.sty % last minute corrections % see \version, \datum and \level at the end of the file %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % (c) Klaus Lagally % Institut fuer Informatik % Universitaet Stuttgart %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % this is just another *.sty file % you do not have to do any manual patching % just put this file onto the TEXINPUT path %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \version = {3.02} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % presently no patches %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \datum = {14.07.94} \def \level {} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \chardef \patchatcode = \catcode`\@ \catcode`\@ = 11 % arabtex.sty \ifx \a@@document \undefined \let \a@@document \a@document % sentinel \def \a@document {\a@@document \setnone \input apatch.sty } % load twice \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty % correct tanwin + alif maqsura \def \syl@ignore #1{% kill the rest after Tanwin except U, A, and Y \let \next \syl@ignore \ifx #1-\else \ifx #1U\put@con w\put@syl \else \ifx #1A\put@con a\put@syl \else \ifx #1Y\put@con Y\put@syl \else \ifcat #1a\else % tie \def \next {\syl@con #1}% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hescan.sty \ifx \sethed@codes \undefined \else % load only if Hebrew loaded % correct Chet versus He % dynamic definitions for Hebrew {\catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \sethed@codes {\seta@codes % activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \sc@A {v} \def \sc@B {g} \def \sc@C {d} \def \sc@D {h} \def \sc@E {w} \def \sc@F {z} \def \sc@G {X} \def \sc@H {V} \def \sc@I {y} \def \sc@J {k} \def \sc@K {k} \def \sc@L {l} \def \sc@M {m} \def \sc@N {m} \def \sc@O {n} \def \sc@P {n} \def \sc@Q {s} \def \sc@R {P} \def \sc@S {f} \def \sc@T {f} \def \sc@U {S} \def \sc@V {S} \def \sc@W {q} \def \sc@X {r} \def \sc@Y {\n@xp \a@S } \def \sc@Z {t} \def \sc@s {\n@xp \a@S } \def \sc@@ {QQ} \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {()[]} \a@first = {"`} \globaldefs=0 \lccode `-=`<% for Maqqeph } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for Hebrew % improved handling of Maqqeph \def \hed@word #1#2{% transform input into internal notation \def \next {\hed@word #2}% \ifx #1>\let \next \relax \else \ifx #1<\def \sc@char {B}\sc@put \else \ifcat \noexpand #1a\ifx #1#2\def \next {\hed@word -#2}\fi \edef \sc@char {\csname sc@#1\endcsname }\sc@put \else \def \sc@char {#1}\sc@put \fi\fi\fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % hewrite.sty % special handling of apostrophe \def \h@put@spec #1#2*#3<{% special character % c m * c < \ifx #1|\else \ifx #1--\else \ifx #1!#1\else \ifx #1,#1\else \ifx #1.#1\else \ifx #1:#1\else \ifx #1][\else \ifx #1[]\else #1% \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi \kern 1pt% \fi\fi \h@test@chr #3% \ifx #1'\def \next {\heb@mid #3}\else \def \next {\heb@end #3}\fi } \message {(hebtex.sty patched)} \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \datum = {19.07.94} \def \level {a} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % awrite.sty % try to economize on diacritics \def \tat@skip {0.04ex plus 0.2fil } \def \put@hi #1{% upper modifier \setbox0 \hbox {#1}\dimen@ \a@wd \advance \dimen@ -\wd0 \divide \dimen@ \tw@ \ifdim \z@ > \dimen@ \setbox0 \rlap {#1}\fi \global\advance \a@ht \ht0 \global\advance \a@ht \dp0 \global\setbox \ab@x \vbox {\moveright \dimen@ \box0 \nointerlineskip \ifvbox \ab@x \unvbox \ab@x \else \box \ab@x \fi }} \def \put@lo #1{% lower modifier \setbox0 \hbox {#1}\dimen@ \a@wd \advance \dimen@ -\wd0 \divide \dimen@ \tw@ \ifdim \z@ > \dimen@ \setbox0 \rlap {#1}\fi \global\advance \a@dp \ht0 \global\advance \a@dp \dp0 \global\setbox \ab@x \vbox {\ifvbox \ab@x \unvbox \ab@x \else \box \ab@x \fi \nointerlineskip \moveright \dimen@ \box0 }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif \if@updia % \ifa@kern kann weg !!! \def \test@updia #1+#2*{% test for upper diacritic % m21 + m22 * \global\red@mod #1 \relax \ifnum #1 > 9 \global\advance \red@mod -10 \fi \@updiafalse \ifnum \red@mod = 0 \else \ifnum \red@mod = 5 \else \@updiatrue \fi\fi \if@updia \else \ifnum #2 = 0 \else \ifnum #2 = 3 \else \ifnum #2 = 6 \else \ifnum #2 = 11 \else \@updiatrue \fi\fi\fi\fi \fi } \def \under@cut #1*{% if no upper diacritic % m2 * \ifdim \a@dp > .5ex \@updiafalse \else \test@updia #1*\fi \if@updia \unkern \a@mkern \fi } % aligs.sty %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \aw@endligs #1#2*#3#4{% test for final ligatures % c1 m1 * c2 c3 \ifcase \act@cls \lam@lig #3#4% % 0 l \or \test@in@list #1YyKL\a@E \a@y \a@Y >% % 1 YntCbyp \ifin@list \yah@end #1#3#4\else \ifx #1E\yah@p@end #3#4\else \test@in@list #1n\a@N a@n >% \ifin@list \nun@end #1#3#4\else \bah@end #1% \fi\fi\fi \or \sin@lig #1#4% % 2 sxSD \or \gim@lig #1#3#4% % 3 GHXJ \or \global\@highfalse \set@mod@chr \put@tatwil % 4 cR \or \kaf@end #3#4% % 5 kgM \or \fah@end #1% % 6 fqv \or \sin@lig #1#4% % 7 VZ \or \rah@end #1#2*#3#4% % 8 rzj \a@r \a@R \or \ifx #1\a@n \nun@end #1#3#4\else % 9 \a@t \a@n \ifx #1\a@N \nun@end #1#3#4\else \bah@end #1% \fi\fi \else \global\@highfalse % 10 ... \ifx #1\a@h \hah@urd #3% \else \set@mod@chr \ifx #1m\mim@end #2*#3#4\else \ifx #1d\gim@test #4\put@tatwil \else \ifx #1F\gim@test #4\put@tatwil \else \put@tatwil \fi\fi\fi \fi \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% gim %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \gim@one #1#2#3{% gim, hhah, khah, tchah % and one char % c1 c2 c3 %\ifligs \ifcase \chr@cls \act@gim #1\chr@tie = \a@lam@on@gim % 0 l \chr@cd = \a@space@spec \or \act@gim #1\chr@tie = \a@g@to@bb % 1 YntCbyp \chr@cd = \a@space@spec \or \act@gim #1\chr@tie = \a@g@to@s % 2 sxSD \chr@sin #2\@raisetietrue \or \act@gim #1% % 3 GHXJ \or % \act@gim #1% % 4 cR \or \act@gim #1% % 5 kgM \or \act@gim #1% % 6 fqv \else \ifx #2m\act@gim #1\chr@cd = \a@mim@spec \else \put@tatwil \fi %\fi \fi } \def \gim@more #1#2#3{% gim, hhah, khah, tchah % and more than one char % c1 c2 c3 \ifligs \ifcase \chr@cls \act@gim #1\chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@yah % 0 l \or \act@gim #1\chr@tie = \a@g@to@mb % 1 YntCbyp \chr@cd = \a@bah@spec@yah \or \act@gim #1\chr@tie = \a@g@to@s % 2 sxSD \chr@sin #2\@raisetietrue \or % \act@gim #1% % 3 GHXJ \or % \act@gim #1% % 4 cR \or \act@gim #1% % 5 kgM \else \ifx #2m\ifx #3l\act@gim #1\chr@cd = \a@mim@lam@gim \fi\fi \fi \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% lam %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \lam@lig #1#2{% lam family % c2 c3 \ifnum \act@cd = \a@lam@spec@low \else \set@mod@chr \gim@kaf@test #1#2% \ifnum \act@cd = \a@lam@spec@yah \@raisetrue \fi\fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% mim %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \mim@end #1*#2#3{% final mIm % m1 * c2 c3 %\ifligs \ifcase \chr@cls \act@cd = \a@mim@spec \test@end@char #3% % 0 l \ifend@char \else \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@mim \fi \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec \test@end@char #3% % 1 YntCbyp \ifend@char \chr@cd = \a@space@spec \chr@tie = \a@em@to@bb \else \chr@cd = \a@bah@end@mim \fi \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec % 2 sxSD \chr@tie = \a@em@to@s \chr@sin #2% \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec % 3 GHXJ \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec % 4 cR \or \test@updia #1*% upper diacritic? % 5 kgM \if@updia \put@tatwil \else \act@cd = \a@mim@spec \chr@kaf #2% \fi \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec % 6 fqv \else \ifx #2h\test@end@char #3% \ifend@char \act@cd = \a@mim@spec \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \ifx #2m\act@cd = \a@mim@spec \test@end@char #3% \ifend@char \chr@cd = \a@mim@spec \else \chr@cd = \a@mim@spec@high \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi\fi %\fi \fi } \def \mim@mid #1*#2#3{% medial mIm % m1 * c2 c3 \ifligs \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@alif % s-m-a \ifnum \chr@cls = 2 \chr@sin #2% \fi \else \ifcase \chr@cls \test@end@char #3% % 0 l \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@lam@gim \@raisetrue % l-m-^g \ifend@char \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@hah \else \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@yah \fi \test@updia #1*% upper diacritic? \if@updia \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@long \fi \else \ifend@char \act@mim@spec #1*\chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@mim \fi\fi \or \act@mim@spec #1*\chr@cd = \a@bah@mid@mim % 1 YntCbyp \or \act@mim@spec #1*\chr@tie = \a@bah@mid@mim % 2 sxSD \@raisetietrue \chr@sin #2% \or \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@high \gim@test #3% % 3 GHXJ \else \ifnum 8 > \chr@cls \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@high \else \ifx #2m\test@end@char #3% \ifend@char \act@mim@spec #1*\chr@cd = \a@mim@spec@mim \fi \fi\fi \fi \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi % ifligs \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@spec \@raisetrue \else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@long \@raisetrue \else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@high \@raisetrue \else \ifnum \act@cd = \a@mim@lam@gim \@raisetrue \else \fi\fi\fi\fi } \def \act@mim@spec #1*{% lam-mim etc. \test@updia #1*% upper diacritic \if@updia \act@cd = \a@mim@spec@long \else \act@cd = \a@mim@spec % no diacritic \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% rah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \rah@end #1#2*#3#4{% final r, z, j % c1 m1 * c2 c3 \set@mod@chr \ifcase \chr@cls \put@tatwil % 0 l \or \test@end@char #4% % 1 YntCbyp \ifend@char \else \chr@cd = \a@bah@spec \set@high@chr \fi \or \chr@tie = \a@er@to@s \chr@sin #3% % 2 sxSD \or \put@tatwil % 3 GHXJ \or \put@tatwil % 4 cR \or \ifligs % 5 kgM \ifx #1r\test@updia #2*% \if@updia \put@tatwil \else \chr@kaf #3% \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \hah@end #1#2+#3*#4{% hah, prfen auf Ligatur % c2 m21 + m22 * c3 \set@mod@chr \global\@highfalse \ifurd@ \act@cd = \a@hah@urd \test@end@char #1% \ifend@char \else \@raisetrue \fi \else \ifx #1l\ifx #4l% % 0 l \ifnum #2 = \c@shadda \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@low % special short form of lam for the Name of God \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 1 \chr@cd = \a@bah % 1 YntCbyp \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 3 % 3 GHX \test@updia #2+#3*% upper diacritic \if@updia \chr@tie = \a@tatwil \else \put@tatwil \fi \else \gim@test #4\put@tatwil \fi\fi\fi\fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% hah %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \hah@mid #1#2#3{% hah in der Mitte % c1 c2 c3 %\ifligs \ifcase \chr@cls \act@cd = \a@hah@spec@lam % 0 l \test@end@char #3% \ifend@char \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@hah \else \chr@cd = \a@lam@spec@mim \fi \or \act@hah \chr@cd = \a@bah@end@hah % 1 YntCbyp \or \act@hah \chr@tie = \a@mh@to@s \chr@sin #2% % 2 sxSD \else \ifnum \chr@cls = 9 % \a@t \a@n \act@hah \chr@cd = \a@bah@end@hah \else \put@tatwil \fi \fi %\fi % ifligs \ifnum \act@cd = \a@hah@spec@lam \@raisetrue \fi } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % arabtex.sty \def \arab@space {\space \hskip 0pt plus 0.001fil \relax } \def \arab@insert #1>{% Arabic insertion in Roman text \ifshow \a@verb #1>\fi % verbating listing \ifarab \arab@sequence #1> \fi % arabic writing \iftrans \set@transfont \trans@text #1 \end \/\fi \ifnum \tracingarab > \@ne \message {>}\fi \unskip \egroup } \def \def@arabstrut {\def \arab@strut {\if@vocals \vrule height2ex depth1.5ex width\z@ \relax \else %\vrule height3ex depth1.5ex width\z@ \relax \else \vrule height2ex depth1.0ex width\z@ \relax }} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % aparse.sty \def \syl@quote@beg #1#2{% start word with quote: " #1 #2 \ifx #1'\put@con Q\def \next {\syl@voctest #2}\else \ifx #1Q\put@con Q\def \next {\syl@voctest }\else \ifx #1|\put@spec W\def \next {\syl@beg #2}\else % start new word \put@con a% alif implied \xpa \ifx \csname sv@\string #1\endcsname \relax % consonant follows \togglev@c \add@wasla \put@syl \def \next {\syl@con #1#2}% wasla \else \if@wasla \v@ctrue \else \add@wasla \togglev@c \fi \def \next {\syl@voc #1#2}% explicit vowel \fi \fi\fi\fi \next } \def \syl@hamzamid #1#2#3{% intermediate hamza, context #1'#2#3 \@ayfalse \def \next {\syl@voctest #2}% \ifx #2a\ifx #3y\@aytrue \fi\fi %\if@ay \put@con Y\add@hamza \else \ifx #1I\ifqur@n \put@con B\else \put@con Y\fi \add@hamza \else \test@in@list #1iy>% \ifin@list \put@con Y\add@hamza \else \test@in@list #2iIE>% \ifin@list \put@con Y\add@hamza \ifqur@n \add@hamzalow \fi \else \test@in@list #1uo>% \ifin@list \put@con w\add@hamza \else \test@in@list #2uo>% \ifin@list \put@con w\add@hamza \else \test@in@list #2UO>% \ifin@list \ifqur@n \put@Q #1\else \put@con w\add@hamza \fi \else \test@in@list #1AUO>% \ifin@list \put@Q #1\else \test@in@list #2A>% % \test@in@list #2AY>% \ifin@list \put@con a\add@madda \put@syl \def \next {\syl@con }\else \ifx #1a\put@con a\add@hamza \else \ifx #2a\ifqur@n \put@Q #1\else \put@con a\add@hamza \fi \else \put@Q #1% deposit Hamza \fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi\fi %\fi \ifx #2Q\def \next {\syl@doublehamza }% \fi \next } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % abidir.sty \ifx \RL \undefined \else % load only if "abidir.sty" is loaded \iffalse \def \a@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \def \next@command {\test@special}\transfalse \showfalse %\tracingmacros=1 \a@splitdimen % get the dimensions of \arab@strut \a@Rdimen #1 \@@ % get the length of the first RL word \tracingmacros=0 \ifdim \a@Rlength = \z@ \unhbox0 \else % done with the insertion %\arab@sequence #1>\else \a@Ldimen % get the dimensions of the last line \a@Rtobox {#1}% pack the insertion lines into a \vbox \a@Runpack % unpack and splice into the current paragraph \fi \egroup } \fi \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \ifx \sethed@codes \undefined \else % load only if Hebrew loaded % correct handling of double consonants; hacked % dynamic definitions for Hebrew {\catcode `\ =9 \catcode `\^^M=9 \catcode `\^^I=9 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \gdef \sethed@codes {\seta@codes % activate and change some codes \globaldefs=1 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \sc@A {va} \def \sc@B {ga} \def \sc@C {da} \def \sc@D {ha} \def \sc@E {wa} \def \sc@F {za} \def \sc@G {Xa} \def \sc@H {Va} \def \sc@I {ya} \def \sc@J {ka} \def \sc@K {ka} \def \sc@L {la} \def \sc@M {ma} \def \sc@N {ma} \def \sc@O {na} \def \sc@P {na} \def \sc@Q {sa} \def \sc@R {Pa} \def \sc@S {fa} \def \sc@T {fa} \def \sc@U {Sa} \def \sc@V {Sa} \def \sc@W {qa} \def \sc@X {ra} \def \sc@Y {\n@xp \a@S a} \def \sc@Z {ta} \def \sc@s {\n@xp \a@S a} \def \sc@@ {QQ} \a@digits = {0123456789} \a@paren = {()[]} \a@first = {"`} \globaldefs=0 \lccode `-=`<% for Maqqeph } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% }% end of dynamic definitions for Hebrew \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \datum = {12.08.94} \def \level {b} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % new versions 10.08.94 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \newif \ifR@split \ifx \RL \undefined \else % load only if "abidir.sty" is loaded \newbox \a@Rboxi \newbox \a@Rboxii \newbox \a@Rdummyi \newbox \a@Rdummyii \newbox \a@spacebox \def \a@Rsplit #1{% splice RL words into the current paragraph \bgroup \def \next@command {\test@special}\transfalse \showfalse \def \arab@space {\space }% no infinite stretch !! \def \tat@skip {0.04ex plus 0.5ex }% \a@splitht 1.4\baselineskip \a@splitht 3.5ex \a@Rdimen {#1}% get the length of the first 2 RL words \ifdim \wd\a@Rboxii = \z@ \unhbox\a@Rboxi \else % done with the insertion \a@Ldimen % get the dimensions of the last line \a@Rtobox {#1}% pack the insertion lines into a \vbox \a@Runpack % unpack and splice into the current paragraph \fi \egroup } \def \a@Ldimen {% get the dimensions of the preceding line \setbox\a@spacebox \hbox {\arab@space}% \R@splitfalse \leavevmode \copy \a@Rdummyi \arab@space \copy \a@Rdummyii \lineskiplimit \lineskip \parfillskip \z@ plus 1fill $$\global \a@Llength \predisplaysize % dummy display \global \a@Lwidth \displaywidth \global \a@Lindent \displayindent \hbox to \a@Lwidth {}\postdisplaypenalty \@M $$ \endgraf \a@Ladjust % update \a@Llength \ifinner \a@killdisplay \else \a@skipback \fi } \def \a@Ladjust {% correct \a@Llength \ifdim \a@Llength = \maxdimen \a@Llength \hsize % flexible line \else \advance \a@Llength -2em \fi % fixed line \advance \a@Llength -\a@Lindent \advance \a@Llength -\wd\a@Rdummyii \ifdim \a@Llength = \z@ \a@Llength \hsize \R@splittrue \else \advance \a@Llength -\wd\a@spacebox \fi \advance \a@Llength -\wd\a@Rdummyi } \def \a@killdisplay {% get back to the old position %\fontdimen 4\font \z@ % no shrink \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox % get rid of garbage \ifR@split \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox \fi \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox % last line \dimen0 \baselineskip \advance \dimen0 -\ht0 \advance \dimen0 -\lastskip \prevdepth \dimen0 \unskip \vskip -\parskip \noindent \unhbox0 % open and trim last line \unskip \unskip \unpenalty \setbox0 \lastbox \ifR@split \else \unskip \setbox0 \lastbox \fi } \def \a@skipback {% get back to the old position \vskip -\belowdisplayskip \vskip -\baselineskip \vskip -\abovedisplayskip \vskip -\baselineskip \vskip -\parskip \ifR@split \vskip -\ht\a@Rdummyii \vskip -\dp\a@Rdummyii \vskip -\lineskip \fi \noindent \arab@strut \nobreak \hskip \a@Llength } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \def \a@Rdimen #1{% get the dimensions of the first two words \a@Rfirst #1 \to \a@wordi \a@Rrest \xpa \a@Rwordtobox \a@wordi \to \a@Rboxi \a@Rdummyi \xpa \ifx \xpa \relax \a@Rrest \relax \def \a@wordii {}% \else \xpa \a@Rfirst \a@Rrest \to \a@wordii \a@Rrest \fi \xpa \a@Rwordtobox \a@wordii \to \a@Rboxii \a@Rdummyii } \def \a@Rwordtobox #1\to #2#3{% Rword to \box#2, Rdummy to \box#3 \setbox#2\hbox {\arab@strut \arab@sequence #1>}% \setbox#3\hbox to \wd#2{\hfill }\ht#3\ht#2\dp#3\dp#2} \def \a@Rfirst #1 #2\to #3#4{% split off first word \ifx \relax #1\relax \a@Rfirst #2\to #3#4\else \def #3{#1}\def #4{#2}\fi } \fi %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \datum = {13.08.94} \def \level {b1} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \edef \arabtexversion {\the\version \level \space (\the\datum)} \message {\arabtexversion } \edef \arabtexconfig {\arabtexconfig apatch.sty \the\version \level \space (\the\datum) } %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% \catcode`\@ = \patchatcode \endinput %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%