package sigtrap; =head1 NAME sigtrap - Perl pragma to enable stack backtrace on unexpected signals =head1 SYNOPSIS use sigtrap; use sigtrap qw(BUS SEGV PIPE SYS ABRT TRAP); =head1 DESCRIPTION The C pragma initializes some default signal handlers that print a stack dump of your Perl program, then sends itself a SIGABRT. This provides a nice starting point if something horrible goes wrong. By default, handlers are installed for the ABRT, BUS, EMT, FPE, ILL, PIPE, QUIT, SEGV, SYS, TERM, and TRAP signals. See L. =cut require Carp; sub import { my $pack = shift; my @sigs = @_; @sigs or @sigs = qw(QUIT ILL TRAP ABRT EMT FPE BUS SEGV SYS PIPE TERM); foreach $sig (@sigs) { $SIG{$sig} = 'sigtrap::trap'; } } sub trap { package DB; # To get subroutine args. $SIG{'ABRT'} = DEFAULT; kill 'ABRT', $$ if $panic++; syswrite(STDERR, 'Caught a SIG', 12); syswrite(STDERR, $_[0], length($_[0])); syswrite(STDERR, ' at ', 4); ($pack,$file,$line) = caller; syswrite(STDERR, $file, length($file)); syswrite(STDERR, ' line ', 6); syswrite(STDERR, $line, length($line)); syswrite(STDERR, "\n", 1); # Now go for broke. for ($i = 1; ($p,$f,$l,$s,$h,$w) = caller($i); $i++) { @a = (); for $arg (@args) { $_ = "$arg"; s/'/\\'/g; s/([^\0]*)/'$1'/ unless /^(?: -?[\d.]+ | \*[\w:]* )$/x; s/([\200-\377])/sprintf("M-%c",ord($1)&0177)/eg; s/([\0-\37\177])/sprintf("^%c",ord($1)^64)/eg; push(@a, $_); } $w = $w ? '@ = ' : '$ = '; $a = $h ? '(' . join(', ', @a) . ')' : ''; $mess = "$w$s$a called from $f line $l\n"; syswrite(STDERR, $mess, length($mess)); } kill 'ABRT', $$; } 1;