! / 803178193 0 0 0 1190 ` P j\\\\\&&&&4d4d4dD`D`R4R4[e`rr{{{{{{{~~~~JJȖȖӘӘӘӘӘ/`5n5n=zCCCCCCCC[dddalloc_fbmfree_fbmbluenoise_fbmget_longmachine_byte_orderput_longput_shortget_shortconstravg_fbmclr_unmapgray2clrcopy_clrclr2grayfindedge_fbmfindedge_bwfindedge_clrextract_fbmextract_onewrite_faceread_facefloyd_fbmcompressGIFEncodeGIFNextPixelGetCodeLWZReadByteReadColorMapReadInterlacedread_gifReadRasterIgnoreExtentionwrite_gifrowlenpixelsGetGIFPixelread_iff_bodyread_iffparse_formbuild_bmhdbuild_bodybuild_cmapwrite_iffclean_bwclean_fbmread_pbmwrite_pbmwritepcxrowread_pcxpcxline_readwrite_pcxencgetread_fbmread_hdr_fbmread_bitmapwrite_bitmaprotate_fbmrot270_fbmrot90_fbmrot180_fbmsharpen_bwsharpen_fbmsharpen_clrread_sunwrite_sunthesh_fbmwrite_fbmwrite_hdr_fbmread_picwrite_tgaRLE_countRLE_flagColourMapget_map_entryTGA_ImageIDFieldget_pixelread_tgaread_uunetwrite_rleread_rleglobalsflalfb.o/ 803178104 0 0 100644 1348 ` ELF4( UVS]Sru 1\CCsPtt/Vuhje[^]ÐUS]tPǃtPǃ]]$FBM flalfb.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$alloc_fbmGCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! 8 +39  CHQ  ,, C UZ a  ~T'perrormallocalloc_fbmexitfree_fbmfreeflblue.o/ 803178109 0 0 100644 3253 ` ELF@ 4( UWVSE}t$hh1juuhhE PU u2B BEyU؋} W} GGW}?}E@E܋}}ESESE19]~ ŰMȐC9]1E}9}E1ېiEmNA90E ?U)у?E<9߉}M)΋E } Elj}]E}9}|1EE9E}}]iEmNA90E ?U)у?ߋEG9߉}M)΋}E OEE]E}9}|119]ẺE};Ei}mNA90} ?U)у?U9߉}M)΋E +}tE|}UEEC9]RM}E Em]mEM}E Em]mEE}9}BEEEċ}؉}EEE}EE} E}E)ωE8t ʋ}ȉEH9}}}EȃE}G}ẼEi}mNA90} 1u+Uč )׉}iEmNA90E 1uЉ+MX)ωEtu}UUTUUʋETUUMbE })E~}}EEEECEH9 })ȉ}?tʋEȉ}EL8)ωE}|t ʋE}E}L)ȉ}E|8tʋ}ẺT&}}}E}lj}E؉E}}ȉ}iEmNA90E 1u+Uč )׉}iEmNA90E 1uЉ+MX)ωEtu}UUTUUʋETUUMbE })E~}}EEMEK })ȉ}?t ʋẺ}EL8)ωE}|t ʋE}̉TEE}}EE9Ep[^_]$FBM flblue.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$bluenoise_fbm: can't halftone color images Blue noise, %1.2lf%% weights @@Y@@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! h +39 `  CHQh   x =" ' GL Q Z  "   &4_IO_stderr_mallocfprintfalloc_fbmbluenoise_fbmfree_fbm flbyte.o/ 803178110 0 0 100644 1838 ` ELFX4( UVSu} uRVV% V% V%?VV% V% V É؍e[^]ÐUVSu] }u?SPS%PS%PS=SPS%PS%PSPe[^]ÐUVSu} u"VV%VV% É؍e[^]ÐUVSu] }uS%PSSPS%Pe[^]ÐUEEf}t ]Ð1]$FBM flbyte.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@&!  +f39  CHQ   F  - A b k {   &P Y r {    &#,V6<@Tget_longmachine_byte_orderfgetcput_longput_shortfputcget_shortflcavg.o/ 803178113 0 0 100644 1957 ` ELF4( U\WVSE}] ]m]mExthh1$hh} u2] C CEyU] S] CCS]]E@E][]E9E}h}uE1ɋE ]E<ÈE ]xÈZ}uEEME]9]|19u~`EH]؉]؋}E ]<] ]ME><]F9uEEH9E*EHEȸQmUЋ]]̋EEċ]]}EEċ] E9u]+]̉]Ԑ+MD9‰UTUUT7UU>]T7‰UUJMM MMRʉU)щ]ܸQ))Ѹ*GU)]9]]F9uREEċ]]EEH9Ee[^_]$FBM flcavg.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$constravg_fbm: can't halftone color images Constrained average halftoning, gamma %1.2lf Y@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! @@ +43 9  C$H$6Q  x-49 > W\ a     _IO_stderr_fprintfalloc_fbmconstravg_fbm flclr.o/ 803178116 0 0 100644 3456 ` ELFX 4( U4WVS]MuUzu%zu} u4lExt'xu!PRjhh1:EЉ}ЉE}ЉEU¸)ЉEPUREPVQShh} u2U BBBB  REEURUE@EUZVUUUщ)ǃPE19}UU܋uE UU̍UEЉE̋U EUC9|EE9E1UE 19]~EGAC9]uEU9U|ExxEU9U}zE}ԋEpPU؋MԋE 19]~3UE‰ŰUUEEFGAC9]͋UUEE9E|e[^_]ÐUWVSu~u.hh} u4Ex~GpVUUU)URhh} U4Exuxt1uvVE@PhDh1ZuvuEH u} U2E؋u FVEE19M~M uBFuGA9M}}E uƂƆƇEu 19M~^;u;u  BAC9M*Eu 19M~CBA9Me[^_]ÐU WVS]{u} 4@{tCPhh1{tCPhh1} 2E @@PP P{|EVUUUkыC)M}ωUsE U9szE𐐐UAE:EUUC9MwDsEU Uu9sUUAEGBU9Mwe[^_]ÐUWVS]} G9Ct"~PCPsw19} CAB9|e[^_]$FBM flclr.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$clr2gray was passed invalid raster type, clrlen %d, planes %d Using weights [%2d %2d %2d] ==> <%3d, %3d, %3d> Input already is in RGB format Input already has color map with %d colors gray2clr was passed invalid raster type, clrlen %d, planes %d clr_unmap cannot handle images with %d planes clr_unmap cannot handle images with %d physbits GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@!  + 39  CH Q @  0 PV[ ` :  ^c h  %;@ Ev  s ' '/9`jBKclr_unmap_IO_stderr_gray2clrmallocfprintfalloc_fbmcopy_clrclr2grayfreefledge.o/ 803178121 0 0 100644 4032 ` ELF 4( UEM URQP ]ÐUWVSUzthh1EPhh} u2U REEURUE@EEEEUE E10RW)ËE8UT0VUUUщ)Ã9]}1EEEUuD70@>)ӋUB0VUUUщ)9]}1EEEUT70>)D7ËUJR]gfff0)9]}1EEEUFEH9rEEH9EBMϋUʋE U1E8DUW)ӋE8UT0gfff]0)9]}1EEEUu+ET8T7U>0E)ËU׉0G0gfff]0)9]}1EEEUMEEH9EUU׋EE U1U:TE@G)0VUUUщ)9]} 1E EEUu+ET8T7t>0@t)0VUUUщ)9]}1E EEU+UL:TD7h>0h)D7\gfff0)9]}1EEEUFEH9bEEH9EUJ8E44U4E U98+EL8DT7P>P)T7ӋEPщ@@9]}1EEEUF98nE4EUJ9U!EPURhhEPURhh$[^_]ÐUlWVSEL}E Em]m$h3h} u2] SEE][]܋E@E؋][]E@EPEE]9]}nEE]E]EE19u~2119}~]UG9}ș}؉] F9u΋EEEE]9]|19}EHEEEEE9E}JM] EEȉ‹] ]@BME]9]|19u~\EE̐] UE E EUU]EE M] F9uEEG9}4EEH9Eq]K]ċEEEЉE9u6+M]T L M\3ڋE)ڋED0‹]]K C19}E]]]E]E] E}2]]ԉӉUQ])+EEEQm])ڋE)Љ…}1~]EEG9}BF9u]]]EEH9Ee[^_]$FBM fledge.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$findedge_bw: can't process color images Edge detect BW, beta %d Edge detection complete for slope of %2d for %d pixels. Detected %d white pixels and %d black pixels. Sharpen color, beta %lg Y@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@ ! +@ T3 9 L C H  QT   tL6; @UZ _v@E JW\ a      !)3 W?_IO_stderr_mallocfindedge_fbmfprintfalloc_fbmfindedge_bwfindedge_clrflextr.o/ 803178125 0 0 100644 3480 ` ELF4( UWVSu} ](M 9MuM$9Mt~ t F Ph~tFPhh1h}~}~ }$~} (M$QM QMQMQhh1*E E$PM$QM QMQMQMQMQ؅u~(tF(PhhEE(9},hNhPMQMQhyhEE9F}-hhFPMQMQhhU VB}BM M$OFGF G FG҉WʉOFGF M ME$EP4$_ t;ujPF(PG(P SG(P},tM,9u%jPFxPGxP !W1M,QGxPWWV ~~,M 9MuM$9Mthh"hXh19_~ZM$QM QMQMQMQMQGPFPFPPGPFP.0CC9_e[^_]ÐU4WVSM U09U(u|E49E,ut} |n}$|hE 9E|^E$E49E|SEU49UPEE$EEE19u(~E UF9u(MEE,9E|EU49UMEEؙ}4M$M]EEEEE19u0U4)ډUE܉EEE}0׋] x}|E9E9EEH9u}| EH9E~EH9Eu)|%EH9E]̋U EEPUREPSURVhqh E4PU0RE,PU(RhhEM0)EEЋUʉEU‹EDE‰UЋU\]EMU0U4Uԉș}ԉ}1~EEU(UF9u0sEE܋U,UEE49Ee[^_]$FBM flextr.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$Can't resize images with %d bits per pixel Can't extract images with %d physbits per pixel Extract: zero dimension [%dx%d] => [%dx%d] untitledExtract "%s" <%d,%d> [%dx%d] => [%dx%d] %d pixels Warning, input exceeds image horizontally xo %d, w %d, input->hdr.cols %d Warning, input exceeds image vertically yo %d, h %d, input->hdr.rows %d I'll do it anyway, but you should probably use unmap first.resizing a mapped image is probably not what you wantWarning, %s %s i,j %d,%d => xi,yi %d,%d, out of bounds %d,%d w %d, h %d, ow %d, oh %d GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! X +3|9  CHQ @  @ X*;@ E y~         # 49 >    7<AF K HNns x     &.:COstrcpy_IO_stderr_fprintfalloc_fbmstrncpyextract_fbmcopy_clrextract_onefree_fbmflface.o/ 803178127 0 0 100644 2354 ` ELF4( U WVSM MMIMjM Qh!!jM QMQjM QMQ1҃$9U~}1ۉЋMA19]~4GuπujM QSU UF9uΉt )jM QSU UB9Ue[^_]ÐUWVS}u~ NG/M A9AwQ%U B~ 2M A9AwQ%  ËU B!!tmShhhh1M QShhG ~hh1bjU REjM QE}=~AURMQhh1SWhh1MU MJBB By$UBUJJJBB B$?B(BxRURU19}~gEuM19]~@ujU RE-uFM؋UMC9]MMG9}e[^_]$FBM flface.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$Bad magic number %04x, not BM format Next 10 chars: %03o Image too big, bogus width %d or height %d maybe? r %d, c %d GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@>!  +~39  CHQ@  V&5D Muz         " 38 =     *2^<BL_IO_stderr_fprintfalloc_fbmwrite_face__uflowread_facefgetcput_shortget_shortflflyd.o/ 803178130 0 0 100644 2433 ` ELF(4( U\WVSE}thh1yhhE PU u2B BEyU} W} GGW}?}E@E}}ESESE19]~U܋MC9]EE}9}11ېiEmNA90Eԉ ?})‰U)у?};U9߉}M)ʉUE u]E}9}|EEE9Eu]萐i}mNA90}ԉ ?)U)у?ߋEGU9߉}M)ʉUE Ou]EE9E|E19]}܉}iEmNA90Eԉ ?})‰U)у?};U9߉}M)ʉUE }4;)tU}֋E0EC9]GE}9}EE̋}}ȋ}ȋE}}̋E }E)ωE8tʋ}؉UJ9UЉMAE܃E}?}}DTR‰UċE؋D}+TUyUEƒ~ AEC9]})ȉ}?tʋE؉}EL8)ωE}|t ʋE}؉TE܉Eĉ}܉E؋}}̋EEE}9}qe[^_]$FBM flflyd.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$floyd_fbm: can't halftone color images Floyd-Steinberg halftoning GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! P +39 0 CHQ8  H 9 $ 16 ; D     &0_IO_stderr_mallocfprintfalloc_fbmfloyd_fbmfree_fbm flgifc.o/ 803178133 0 0 100644 3202 ` ELF4( U WVS]E puuHCuA uu MQEE5 E~+UU MQuPURǃЋuƉM]194 t(< |DE)؅u)y]94 u]LN]뇐< ʋUR}} 9~$f f]LN 4 ,MQ'uPe[^_]ÐUS] $(! ~   $=$~( P- $=$١ 9| =td=t. pu H6 9 u  H9uuZ=$~* PS- $$cuPuPt]]ÐUP2u uPn]ÐUSE SJĉJȉJ̉JЉJԉJ؉J܉JJJJJJJJ yƃ~ H]]ÐUhjUu]ÐUUuuu=u~]ÐU=u~3uPuPuPuPjhuu]$FBM flgifc.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$error writing output file ??GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! < +3l9  C vH 2Q 0  D >&0:I[djs  >Hcu"(.4?KR\djr{ $ )/T`iox 5W]ci  #)05printffflushGIFNextPixelferrorfputcfwriteexitcompressflgife.o/ 803178135 0 0 100644 2456 ` ELF4( UU=@u]Ð @0P P҉ 9 =Pu0tft0t{009~0h009R0<009"0 0Љ]ÐUWVS} E]PU=M щ@]E0 uuh1,VjjhVWVMQK] ؃ VPVURVj19M~E](U$U} M MVPVUPVPE9]Vj,VjVjVPt VPe=Pt Vj@VjVMQU,RVE@PVjVj;$Ve[^_]ÐUVSu] SPS}%Pe[^]$FBM flgife.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$error: could not open output file GIF87aGCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@J! l +3@9 4 CPTHPbQ<   \ <"'-8=COYbq'1Bcu~ %MYb|#=  PM&,3printfGIFEncodeGIFNextPixelfclosefputcfwritecompressflgifr.o/ 803178141 0 0 100644 7759 ` ELFD4( U@WVS}]E~KEG7U J9JwREM E @M~KEG2U J9JwREM E @M~KEG2U J9JwREM E @M~KEG2U J9JwREM E @M~KEG2U J9JwREM E @M~E4U J9JwREM E @ME]޿thhU RjjSEuhːEU ӋEUE ЉEUBBEAJ BusCǁUzU׋EPP@(@x@ur}u@ 3333@$33?}}uUB 3333B$33?}^uE@ 3333@$33?}uUB 3333B$33@y}uE@ 3333@$33@U}uUB 3333B$33?5}^uE@ 3333@$33?UB B$?EP}}mURVE PE _hhh`hiU Rjj]SEt};2}!u/E PjjSEtU RE},t EPhh 뇐}uh/hjEE Pjj UREM}}V9~hhjSVhhލvUBPVU RSEE@ PURREPhhUz~6BEĸVUUUmĉыE)MQhh !Uz ~hhE@thhh+hE@tEWEPUE RUE RU RE1EWEPUE RUE RU REt 1e[^_]ÐU WVSU }4: 2M19}\MQjjEPUUu"h-h1.E;E3EM C9|e[^_]ÐUS]SjjEPuh=h1Q}t:EPhSU 9th=h1]]ÐUWVS]}t. 0@1hE  90=@t2 90%hOhPSjjEPuhkh}t:SjEPhu+hh@EP +0 01 19} ~2؅}C)щ CF9u ЋM  e[^_]ÐUWVSuM}  pC`CjjV19~"B@9=%BB9~1=t7j`PV^ 9t=vTwhhihhI}j`PV !9 19~"B@9=,BB9~p@`ۉjPVn9 uXVjjEPt#}t'M}tVjjWt}M9 O 3B9 M 9 ~΋B DB9= %`]= ȍe[^_]ÐUWVSUE11EMQjjEPUUu$hh1sEPjMQU U$1EPjMQU U}uMM9]MAMEM 9MuEt$~t-1|"4փ44V9]}]9]]GtCtKt;:4#ֻֻM9M|&t1Sh he[^_]ÐU WVS11MQjjEPuhhEPjMQ |~1EPjMQƒ |+uMM}F9u|VЋMAMC9] u1뽐MQM QVShkhUU9u *t1Vh:he[^_]$FBM flgifr.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$GIF87abad magic number (version mismatch?) error reading screen descriptor No image data -- EOF No extention function code -- EOF Bogus character ignoring '%c' This file contains more than one image! FAILING Couldn't read left/top/width/height Local colormap has more colors than global! Overriding global colormap (%d) with local (%d) Reading GIF image [%dx%d], %d bits, %d colors, grayscale, interlaced Bogus colormap EOF in extention Ran off the end of my bits Error in getting buffer size Error in getting buffer missing EOD in data stream (common occurance) Circular table entry BIG ERROR Bogus image data -- EOF Wanring Too much data, started to read line %d Warning: too much data, started to read line %d Done storing bitmap, xpos %d, ypos %d [%dx%d] GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! 0 +/39 , CHQ4  =}=}  -U     `e j     6BG Llr ! &BHNTZhty ~  % I {               ! % 2 ; G S X a r v            ! 3 8 = [ a g o u ~          " * 1 B I Q Y f l t {                   N ] b  g         ` !.6@EK Zbkv{ GetCodeLWZReadByte_IO_stderr_ReadColorMapfprintfalloc_fbmreadfreadReadInterlaced__uflowread_gifReadRasterexitIgnoreExtention flgifw.o/ 803178143 0 0 100644 2251 ` ELF4( U, WVSMyyu%hh1LE@ EtEu)$hh؋MIVUUU)Ή~ G9tVhGvWh(h1~EM E@DžDžʚ;19Dž  9~ C9VQWVE@PM QhZhhPQPWQjE@PM QE P[^_]ÐUE E]$FBM flgifw.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$write_gif can only handle mapped color images Warning, image has aspect ratio of %1.3lf, GIF standard is 1.2 Error, number of colors %d is not a power of 2 Error, bits per pixel (%d) must be in range 1..8 Writing GIF file [%dx%d], %d colors, %d bits, bkg %d ffffff??GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@!  +3 9 ` CHQh   C!&HWnsx* 5 ).38m     #/7write_gifrowlenpixelsGIFEncode_IO_stderr_fprintfGetGIFPixel fliff.o/ 803178149 0 0 100644 6791 ` ELF`4( U WVSU u]~ KF)B9BwRUU BE~KF3B9BwRUU B%e E~KF4B9BwRUU B%e E~&B9BwRUU Be EE]޿ttjhS t(jhS tjhS uhh1Shh1jRÍCPMROF_hSjGP9}:}h SPh&hjWMQW؍e[^_]ÐU$WVS}U EEJMJMBJ  ȉEB M B M U}MBLI}EPhYhqhhXuu4V% ‹ ʋ Mu0VF% ‹F% ‹F VV@$MLM>DHMBEFEEfVffF f fVfV ffF f fV fV fF f fV fVfFf fVfVffFf fVfVfFf fVfVfFf fVN OFGNO G@‰рOGGGVvuV$R<$_ G(Gx>PAMCWWVUUUoO)ʉU1ۃ9_~6VUUU)ʍR)MʉUT3MC9_̋]~؉B9W ~W E>YDOB}z}u WG$W PRGPG PGPPhh ~GPhh ~&VUUUoO)ʉURhh Ex thhMy uhhhhVEPW*EEM9M1e[^_]ÐU,WVS]M}} }M y uG}PE{}KMEC}9}v(MAP}Whh1AEMAE19~};CM9E}9}M y u'EEBE4}}]+]M B}}؋MMԉE~}K}}G}؃'B)xi)xeM؊}ԈAMG}Jt)щKx3)x/}؊G}ؐMԈAMJ닐E}؉}MԉM}tWVShh}t=} BPMQ}WMAP}WhIh\h1MMM}9O ~X}1ۋM9~Eu萉؃)NjEM؅t} M؊M؈FC}9EM9M8EM}9OE+E~Phhe[^_]ÐU,WVS}~hh1u _ *VUUUGG)»~ CSGPP(tW(Rhh~!hh<hrhhSEEPWNSEPWaESEPWE]Ã$hE PjE PShE PhE P$jE PVE PjVEP}~HhE PjE P]܃SE PjSEP$EܨtE PjhE PjE P]SE PjSEP$EtE Pj}t EP}t EPe[^_]ÐUSM] EfffQfSfCfCCC C C fC CdI }E Em<$ZYmSffSfSfSf ffSf f fKffSf fKfKfSf fKfKfSf fKfK ffS f fK fKfSf fKfKfSf fK]]ÐUWVSMVUUUAY)ډUER]SE] 1ɋU9M~GBFBEEBA9MEe[^_]ÐUWVS] }yMAEEPEM}9OEM}EMAE19~2CE% ‹EuЈF1EM}9΋}tEҋMuЈFE}9}sE}M9yMEe[^_]$FBM fliff.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$error in unpack, src %d, dst %d FORMFORLISCATSorry, I only handle FORM type IFF files read_iff: error, file not a FORM type IFF file, magic '%s' stdinerror: premature EOF in FORM after %d of %d bytes this FORM doesn't start with ILBM, but %4.4s, sorry. Error, BODY found with no BMHD header Reading IFF [%dx%dx%d], %d physbits, %1.3lf aspect, %d planes, %d colors, compressed, with mask Ran out of data in body after %d of %d rows Error in UnPackRow%s, row %d of %d, plane %d of %d, bytes per row %d Warning, %d bytes of data unread Error, write_iff cannot handle multi-plane images Writing "%s" [%dx%d] as a %d bit IFF ILBM file 'gray2clr -u | fbquant -c32' first. 32 colors. You should probably run the image thoughWarning: most IFF ILBM displays cannot handle more than%s %s %s ILBMBMHDCMAPBODYY@?GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@ ! p + 39  CHQ   -m,?ESYgmy~    .!  (Nmr w     t   FKP U  3 8  =             # ( 1 6 ? Q a o x          ! !u ~      @">+2@=FYalv~0  P } read_iff_body_IO_stderr_perrorread_iffmallocparse_formget_longmachine_byte_orderfprintf_IO_stdin_alloc_fbmstrncmpbuild_bmhdfreadbuild_body__uflowput_longfputcfwritebuild_cmapexitwrite_ifffree flklnr.o/ 803178152 0 0 100644 2576 ` ELF04( UVSUu ]MEPQSVRe[^]ÐUHWVSu~thh1;EPuVEPhh} U2E Pu6uE@E܋uvu}EPhhEEE u9u}R1ɉˋEEu9u}(9E E EBEE9E|MEu9u|MЋEEP4$Ƀ$$hhEEEEEEEEu9uEuE uE+E؉EyEuuuE9~EEu9u&1EE+E؉EyEuuuE9~EuuEM9M~ U9U~EB9UA]9M}uh)h4<}E+EԉEЙ}d)ˋuEEU~'9M~1E0E9]~ E1EȋuE0@Eu9EEEu9u~EEPuVhLhEPuVhh EPuVhhe[^_]$FBM flklnr.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$clean_bw: can't process color images Clean BW, beta %d, gamma %d, nbr %d Thresholding image, gamma %d... Converted to %1.2f %% Black, %1.2f %% White image. Panic, no pixels in neighborhood! Cleaning pass complete for %2d neighbors of %d pixels. Removed %d white pixels and %d black pixels. Left Unchanged %d white and %d black pixels. Y@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@!  +39  CHQ   8CH Mmr w Bin sw| OT Yfk p   0m ' &.clean_bw_IO_stderr_clean_fbmabortfprintfalloc_fbmflpbm.o/ 803178154 0 0 100644 2758 ` ELF 4( UWVSu]~ KF,} G9GwWM APu@~2} G9GwWM A1t"hh1p} WMW}GGG Gy$MAMyyyAA A$?A(9~y+MAPPhh1}GPPhhhWDž||9O|}GDžxx9:} W01#uE#]M Qt tC]}#tUC;#tDP ujhS uCPE(PE(Phh 6uKxW|Qhh1^FʐF뺐xx}9||}9Ol[^_]ÐUWVS1MAPPh2U RMy(tȃ(Ph<U R EyEMA19~FU RGE1tE0MQFE~hIU R1CM9thIU R1EUM9Qye[^_]$FBM flpbm.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$bad magic number, input not PBM file Error, specified size %d by %d Reading PBM file "%s" [%dx%dx1] Title: Read_pbm found title '%s' premature EOF, row %d, col %d P1 %d %d # Title: %s GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@!   +VK39  CHQp  \ j-m 05 :[`e jp: HNe ty ~ FOfo  &08C!LTZ`0strcpy__ctype_b_IO_stderr_fprintfalloc_fbmstrncmppbm_getintread_pbm__uflowfgetcfputcwrite_pbmflpcx.o/ 803178159 0 0 100644 5079 ` ELF 4( UWVS}p} t G }t'GPhh15C}ClPtE EEEfEfEf]fpf}fE,}O ٽ|| x٭x$X٭|fE1ɃꐐZBH9}A~EEflf}fE9D)IyfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUċ} WjhEPDžhph}G19l~*1ҹҊFtIyt;C9l׋} WlWtW@ hp9h|tW\[^_]ÐUWVSu>F] K~> 9uBFM%=uMQ PMQWu MQW1҅~ >FBKe[^_]UWVSU]u~ SRV M Qj)Pމ@V@uh1} t*EPhh1fUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUfUfEf fUMU)AlEU)@hM`U1ۃtu}v f}tE\}t,`QEPhh#h1RlMhAAu `~HMA FXPxQhhMA E@ly ldMQhA@ى˃0EX@ @$?@(@xhQlPhHh}vEPhah `~`Qhuh ~'VUUU)ʉ@Rhh hhEP ~lVUUU@)ډ@Rhh1ۃ u1MD7L7LEL7L C~ȋEP9s F9rM`XQTDžxh9xDžDM QXPTQ\Pz@`upDM19lIpڃ@FTڋ@C9lDž|`9|DPDžHPM|t19l~rHLLpڃ@dDxh9x>`~`Qhh TP,[^_]ÐUWVS}u ]C9CwS Ct0%=u7?C9Cw SCu1e[^_]ÐUWVSu ]1}SMQjVEC9CwS Ct@%=uG?UC9CwSCuU1b}~EFGM}9}S}~ EPEPMQhhhe[^_]$FBM flpcx.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$write_pcx: can't handle %d bits per pixel r@read_fbm (header)Error, file is not a PCX file, magic %02x is not 0a Error in PCX file, can't handle%s %d bits per pixel with %d planes Reading PCX file [%dx%d], %d bits per pixel, %d planes, %d colors reading %d (really 16) colors Premature EOF in row %d, totalbytes %d Read %d planes successfully Error in reading scan lines%s, after %d bytes, lost %d bytes of %02x GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@ !  +@ :3| 9 t C H  Q|  <>C Hu1 Ml~   ?D I  " 'HM RZ_ dm    % 4 o   1 i         '00CKU]ck x~P writepcxrow_IO_stderr_perrormallocread_pcxmachine_byte_orderfprintfalloc_fbmstrncpyfread__uflowpcxline_readfputcfwritewrite_pcxencgetfree flrdfb.o/ 803178162 0 0 100644 3036 ` ELF4( UWVSMEURP} WQMMu1QMMQy}y~r} WjAPPUMUMuIAPhh1hh1sE}9y~REu19Y~(} WRjVUMUM9uC9Y؋}}E}9ye[^_]UWVS]E}~ WPV U Rj)P7Puh1jVh thh1PPCPC PC (PC0PC 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$can't read colormap (%d bytes) premature EOF on input read_fbm (header)%bitmapBad magic number, input is not an FBM image Invalid number of cols (%d) on input Invalid number of rows (%d) on input (must be 1 or 3)Invalid number of planes (%d) on input %s (must be [1..8])Invalid number of bits (%d) on input %s (must be 1 or 8)Invalid number of physbits (%d) on input %s Invalid row length (%d) on input Invalid plane length (%d) on input Invalid aspect ratio %lg on input {Gz?Y@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! p +39   CHQ `   \Ev  c}  "1@R gv 0QV [u    !+@4<DJO@_IO_stderr_perroratoffprintfalloc_fbmread_fbmstrncmpstrncpyfreadatoiread_hdr_fbmflread.o/ 803178164 0 0 100644 4511 ` ELFH4( U(WVSDžDž} tu >tu u7hu VÃuV1SƒuDjjhP } hhhÃ.Su VhShSÃSƒJ]$@@` PPSuV PPSuVPPSuVPPSuVPPSuVPPSuVnPPSuVNhNh>h.PPSuV3hhRhh tSS[^_]ÐUSME ]S $00 00PQnPQ^PQNPQ>PQ.PQPQPQu%1&Shh1]]$FBM flread.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$-rlseekuncompressuncompress < %sCan't read Andrew rasters Can't read MacPaint files Can't read X bitmaps Empty fileUnknown magic char %03o write_bitmap: unknown format type %d GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@\!  +D39  CHQ  2CQZi & !  3@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|  $(,048<@DHLPTX\`dhlptx|1Qq.B|#' ( #%27<   "+5AHQW`hs|Y`write_rlewrite_gifpopenpcloseread_sunwrite_sun_IO_stderr_perrorread_ifflseekread_pcxfprintf_IO_stdin_read_fbmfopenwrite_faceread_pbmfcloseread_gifread_faceread_rlefgetcsprintfread_bitmapwrite_pbmwrite_bitmapwrite_pcxfilenowrite_fbmwrite_iff flrot.o/ 803178167 0 0 100644 2772 ` ELF4( UMU E=t- ZtD=t)7RQI]ÐRQ]ÐRQ)]ÐPhhh1]ÐULWVS}tGPhhjM M]}}}MIM}}My uEyE$%}B}BEMˉM܋E u2MX}xM܉H}w X PM QWEM} 9O}O}EE19]~rMMԋ}ĉ}E19u~JM)ىM}ȉ}EM UUU}EE8 MMF9uˋ}}C9]MMċ}}E}M 9yie[^_]ÐU8WVSMytAPhhj} u2]]MIM][]MIM] SSMQEM9K]K]MIME19}~h]ԉ]E19u~HE)EE܋M؉M̐E)] UU‹MEEF9u͋]]G9}MMEM] 9Kye[^_]ÐUHWVS]{tCPhhjM MM][]]MIM][]My uEyE$%]B}BEMMM} u2M] MKMKMK]s M Y Q] SMQEM9K]K]EE19}~eMĉM؋]ȉ]E19u~=M̉MАU)U] UMEEF9ű]]G9}MMȋ]]E]M 9Yve[^_]$FBM flrot.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$invalid rotation%s %d degrees, must be 90, 180, or 270 Can't handle images %d physical bits per pixel GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@1!  +q3d9 4  ChHhzQ< @  | Xbgl q V`W\ ah ^k  { #+5?H@2Srotate_fbm_IO_stderr_rot270_fbmfprintfalloc_fbmrot90_fbmcopy_clrrot180_fbmexitflshrp.o/ 803178171 0 0 100644 2977 ` ELF 4( USM] EUyuyuRPSQRPSQ]]U 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$sharpen_bw: can't sharpen color images Y@cannot sharpen mapped color images, use 'gray2clr -u' first Y@GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@t! X +39 0  CHQ8   X IKpu z Cu   @ @+3=sharpen_bw_IO_stderr_mallocsharpen_fbmfprintfalloc_fbmsharpen_clr flsun.o/ 803178174 0 0 100644 4758 ` ELFt 4( U8WVSMytythh1Mythh1My u'At!hh1My uMIM؋MIMЋMIMԋMqYEjYEM؉M]E…}EEM EujM QEPjM QEPjM QEP$jM QEPjM QEPjM QEP$jM QEPjM QEP~M QVjMPMuMM19]M QPGM QPFM QMPAMC9]M QMQjMP19}EuȋM119]~.F҄u؃uM QR1҃C9]ՋMMG9}+Sh=h1e[^_]ÐUHWVSu]~ KMF/U B9BwR%EE̋M A~KUF2M A9AwQ%EEȋU B~K>F2M A9AwQ8U B~7M A9AwQU BEU Љ ؉E=jYt&Phkh14jM QEjU REjM QEjU RE jM QEjU REjM QE}t"hh1~}thh1u}u*}t$}thh1M}t*}t$}tEPh,h1UUMM܋]uu)ЃyЃǃU׉U"}tGMωM؃~&~"SVh[h1MU M܉Ju BUBtMY UB MAyU؉QqA A$?A(AxQ~=M QVjUP9t VPhh1gWMuUU19]M Qu3U RGM QFU RMЈAMЃ C9]9]8E؋UBPMQShhh1U RMQjUP9EMQPhh1EU9UEuċM19}2uU REԃtGF}؈eC9|}EM9M|PSh3h1AEPEPhh1e[^_]$FBM flsun.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$Error, write_sun can only handle images with depth 1 or 3 Error, write_sun can only handle 8 physical bits per pixel Error, 1 bit deep files must have rowlen (%d) divisible by 16Error, write_sun given invalid depth %d bits Error, not a Sun raster file (bad magic %08x) Error: rasterfile is not a Sun RT_STANDARD file Error: color rasterfile is not RMT_EQUAL_RGB Error: black and white rasterfile is not RMT_NONE Error, bits per pixel (%d) must be 1, 8 or 24 Error, input has colormap of length %d, but %d bits per pixel Error: couldn't read colormap, read %d of %d bytes EOF on bitmap afterError: %s %d of %d pixels (%d bytes) Error: EOF on bitmap after %d of %d bytes Invalid depth %d bits GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@! ,x +J3 9  C H " Q  ,j #:? D`e j$3ETcu(U -m,1 6Wes   GL Q Xu  INS X "' ,QV [    %.6@FNT]cread_sunwrite_sun_IO_stderr_feofget_longfprintfalloc_fbmfread__uflowfgetcput_longfputcfwriteflthre.o/ 803178176 0 0 100644 1490 ` ELF4( UWVS]{thh1MQhh] S} u2C C]y$EM AM YYQM M][]MIME9]}\E1]Mu] 9U~M 9E؈2B9U]]}EM9M|e[^_]$FBM flthre.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$thesh_fbm: can't halftone color images Threshhold halftoning, thesh %d GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@#! X@ +c389  C<H<NQ  2  5: ? H  # )thesh_fbm_IO_stderr_fprintfalloc_fbmfree_fbmflwrfb.o/ 803178178 0 0 100644 1999 ` ELF4( UWVSUM QRUUu 1JMJMz~NM QjBPPUUu+h1th1Y19z~KEu19Z~&M QMQjVUUtCu9ZڋMMG9ze[^_]ÐUWVS]} jhVPhPCPhP$CPhPC Ph PCPh(P$CPh0PCPh 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$write_fbm (colormap)write_fbm%bitmap%7d%11d%11.6lfwrite_fbm (header)GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@R!  +3h9  ClHl~Q  7Wfk  ! )5 >J Vb kw        (-   )Rperrorstrncpysprintffwritewrite_fbmwrite_hdr_fbm flpic.o/ 803178179 0 0 100644 1377 ` ELF`4( UWVSMEPEPh] SMEMAEtAA AAYYAA A$?A(AxQMM싹qQErEI] SjjWGUMSjjVF SjjURBUEUM]9]wE9tGFBE]9]we[^_]$FBM flpic.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 (C) 1989,1990 by Michael Mauldin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$%d %d GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@)! 0 +i39 H CHQP  @!!    )fscanfalloc_fbmread_picfread fltga.o/ 803178185 0 0 100644 6197 ` ELF4( U 25-Jun-90 by Ian MacPhedran, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$Can't allocate TGA memory Read only %d bytes in header Targa File Type %d not supported! Too many colours %d Unknown Pixel Size Line too wide is %d, must be %d TGA files must 1 or 3 planes deep GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@ !  +^ C3 9  CHQ   # (/JZ_ dk  r r1>CP 9AN^x~  1>GMS]q~!*7AGaf kr    ! @ E  J Q v     {     . (19DNX^l} write_tga_IO_stderr_mallocRLE_countRLE_flagfprintf_IO_stdin_alloc_fbmColourMapfreadget_map_entryTGA_ImageIDFieldget_pixelfwriteexitread_tgafree fluun.o/ 803178188 0 0 100644 2265 ` ELF4( UlWVSƅƅ`E]u VjPSjShru&RRRh{URjSh u&RRRh{URj Sh u#WhURhWj Sh u20ҋTRhUR jSh u`RhUR 0t } }WtuFV VVV}B}? ыuVF11QR,$}_ R(R`RxRWODž9} W9WwW u F t֋} W9WwW u F`~S!@~ S S`~T#@~ T TЋ9[^_]$FBM fluun.c <1.0> written by Dan Sahlin, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$PicData:%d%d%dImage:FirstName:%s LastName:E-Mail:GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@s!  +3`9 ` CdHdvQh0  A8 @Efoz&16IR  q  s#*29strcpyread_uunetfgetsalloc_fbmstrcatstrncmpsscanf__uflow flrle.o/ 803178192 0 0 100644 5355 ` ELF 4( UPWVS}}EExt!hh1}wE܋}؋E@Eԋ}}ЋEأ }O=F (}$GEVUUU})U9}'VUUU(ɋE@E})U9|ދE@EPEuh`1ɋ}9O~%UEffA}9OE,$,19]~ك8C9]}(tH(Phh ]EjaƒuhwjRExxtGExPhh ]EjaƒuhwjR}G E@tQ$hh%]EjaƒuhwjR؋}~p (VUUU)9tLRh+h<]EjaƒuhwjR}U9!0E 4h}}WEuhB1NxWEƉE19]~)}̉}ċM1Ґ}ċE׉9UC9]hEP}W E)ENyh}WU9UvӐEEP9]w}t }We[^_]ÐUDWVS} u]WPFKu=4hXwq$2hhuhhhh1hh= thh4%W + AE +BUP MH(uEX @UP@MAEA(MAhh+ÃtSEUBMA$AhhÃt SUZ  MA A$?hhÃtSE(P E@(hhÃt!SExPUBxMǁǁQEx~}Xؙ=$EMh?jjhEuE19]~GC9]P9u}׋URM IEHt(t@t%9E?E%PhZh UJMII EEPEuhB]KxwUӉUܐEM9M}DE܉E̋}1M̋UMĉ}t EPQuEȋU9U|ɋMQhE)EKyURe[^_]$FBM flrle.c <1.0> 25-Jun-90 by Paul Milazzo, source code available free from MLM@CS.CMU.EDU and from UUNET archives$Can't allocate space for RLE commentwrite_rle: error: can only handle 8 physical bits per pixel write_rle: can't allocate RLE color mapTITLE%s=%sCREDITSaspect_ratio%s=%gcolor_map_length%s=%dwrite_rle: can't allocate row indirection vectorsread_rle: input is not a Utah RLE file. read_rle: input file is empty. read_rle: end-of-file encountered while reading RLE header. read_rle: rle_get_setup returned something strange! read_rle: discarding alpha channel. read_rle: unknown background flag '%d'. 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