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Also, the rules areprogram is waiting for you to finish reading, and will continueFrequently, you will see the characters '-->' indicating that thein small blocks that will not roll off the top of the screen.addition, the program presents text output, such as these rules,before typing, since it reacts as soon as you type something. Inagainst the computer. When using this program, think carefulyfollowed by a tutorial session where you play a practice game  These rules consist of text describing how to play Backgammoneach player. It looks like this:board consists of twenty-four positions, a 'bar' and a 'home' formove all your men from the board before the opponent does. Theeach player gets fifteen men. The object of the game is to re-the luck of two dice. There are two players, red and white, and Backgammon is a game involving the skill of two players and Introduction:have any pieces of either color.tion 12 has five red pieces on it, while position 11 does notAlso, a position may have zero or more pieces on it, e.g. posi-letter 'r' and white's pieces are represented by the letter 'w'.looking like this. Notice that red's pieces are represented by thesaw was in it's initial position. All games start with the boardthere when they are removed from the board. The board you justlocated just to the right of the board. A player's men are placed Although not indicated on the board, the players' homes arehis roll. However, he must use as much of his roll as possible.that this could mean that a player could not use part or all ofcannot pass it and are trapped, at least for the moment. Noticecalled a 'wall,' since any of his opponent's men behind the wallanother position. When a player has six points in a row, it iscannot place his men there, even if passing through on the way totion. This gives him custody of that position, and his opponentplayer has a point when he has two or more men on the same posi- However, there are certain limitations, called 'points.' Amen two positions each, or any permutation in between.rolled double 2's, you could move one man eight positions, fourmove as if he had four dice instead of two. For instance, if youspecially in backgammon. When a player rolls doubles, he gets toing from the same position.) In addition, doubles are treatedto 15 and one to 18. (Red did not have to choose two men start-dice for one man, or he might move two men from position 12, oneof the game, he might move a man from 1 to 7 to 10, using botheach individual die. For example, if red rolled 6 3 at the startmove one man the sum of the two rolls, or two men the number onpositions indicated on each die. The two numbers can be used to A turn consists of rolling the dice, and moving the number ofterclockwise from 24 to 1).from 1 to 24), and white moves in the negative direction (coun-their numbers. Red moves in the positive direction (clockwise Moves are made along the positions on the board according to Moves and Points:many moves as possible.tion 21. A player never has to remove men, but he must make ason 19 (where he could use a 6), he can use these rolls for posi-4. Since he does not have men on 20 (where he could use a 5) ormove men from that position if he rolled a 5 or a 6, as well as aple, if red's farthest man back was on position 21, he could re-roll made, he may move his farthest man off the board. For exam-ception. If the player rolling has no men far enough to move theanother man, or for another purpose. However, there is one ex-23, he would have to roll a 2, anything else would be used forhis 'home.' Hence, if red wanted to remove a man from positionget his man one position past the last position on the board, or To get off the board, a player must roll the exact number towhite).the last six positions of the board (19-24 for red, 6-1 forcannot remove men until all his men are on his 'inner table,' oroff the board for the duration of the game. However, a playerthat is how you win the game. Once a man is removed, he stays The most important part of the game is removing men, since Removing Men from the Board:bar, as well as being set back the full distance of the board.for often a player can lose many turns trying to move off thewould forfeit his turn. Being on the bar is a very bad position,other man. If white had points on positions 2 and 3, then redmust move the man on the bar to position 2 or 3 before moving anyon the board. Thus if red has a man on the bar and rolls 2 3, hecounted as if the bar is one position behind the first positionplayer must do is move the man off the bar. Such moves areblot is hit, he is placed on the bar, and the first thing thatthe potential of getting hit by an opposing man. When a player'slone man is not so secure. Such a man is called a 'blot' and has Although two men on a position form an impenetrable point, a Hitting Blots:from!)which is called a 'backgammon.' (So that's where the name comeswinner's inner table, then the winner gets triple the game value,'gammon.' If the losing player has a player on the bar or on thethen the winning player wins double the game value, called agame. However, if the losing player has not removed any men yet, Winning a game usually wins one point, the normal value of a Ending the Game and Scoring:points, he wins 192 points!or six doubles. However, if a player wins a backgammon at 64low. At any rate, the value of the game will never go above 64,the two players a great deal, the value of the game should beThus, unless the game swings back and forth in advantage betweenaccepted, he cannot double again, until his opponent has doubled.player must double before he rolls, and once his double has beenposal and forfeit the game before the price gets too high. Avalue of the game. However, his opponent may not accept the pro- If a player thinks he is in a good position, he may double the Doubling:tional hints on strategy are presented in the practice game.being hit, so the game reduces to a race off the board. Addi-passed each other on the board, there is no chance of either teamto hit men. Finally, remember that once the two player's haveto move back men forward, doing so lessens the opportunity for youly together produce a formidable barrier. Also, while it is goodpoints in a row) are difficult to form, many points nestled close-be brought together to form a new point. Although walls (sixpoints as possible. Often, two men from different positions canunless absolutely necessary. Also, it is good to make as many Some general hints when playing: Try not to leave men open Strategy:score.will not get to change your mind later, since the computer keepswant to play a friend) at the beginning of the session, and youwill get to decide if you want to play red or white (or both if youtypes 'Move:', which has the same effect as above. Finally, you'b' as appropriate. You may also type 'r' or 'q' when the programate number, 0 or 25 as the case may be, or by the letters 'h' ortunity to double. Home and bar are represented by the appropri-roll will always be printed, and you will not be given the oppor-must end your move with a newline. If you cannot double, yourfore you type a newline, to see what the board looks like. Youthe board by typing a 'r' if you have made a partial move, or be-killing lines will echo differently than normal. You may examineechoed, and a bell will sound instead. Also, backspacing and While typing, any input which does not make sense will not beor a space.short for /,/. Moves may be separated by a comma-- is short for -,- and / isthe finishing position, or / where is the roll made.move with -, where is the starting position and is'Move:' when it wants your move, and you may indicate each die'sboard, and a 'q' will quit the game. The program will typedouble before you roll.) Also, typing a 'r' will reprint thespace or newline, you will get your roll. (Remember, you mustafter it. You may double by typing a 'd', but if you type ayour turn, only your color will be printed out, with nothingtype a question mark, and you should get some help. When it is A general rule of thumb is when you don't know what to do, The Program and How It Works:torial starts. This is your last chance to look over the rules before the tu-after quitting.al, not the game. You will still be able to play backgammonnever get that opportunity, and quitting only leaves the tutori-tle, doubling will not take place in the tutorial, so you willfun learning about backgammon. Also, to speed things up a lit-a subjective statement. At any rate, be patient with it and havedifferent order), claiming that that move is 'best.' Obviously,torial will only accept one (not including the same moves in aAlthough a given roll will may have several legal moves, the tu-only one response will let you advance to the next move.predetermined game. All the rolls have been pre-arranged, and This tutorial, for simplicity's sake, will let you play one Tutorial (Practice Game):AARGH!!! _____________________________________________________ |_______________________|___|_______________________| must make can only make moveAttempt to move to same location. Backwards move. Men still on bar. Move not rolled. Bad starting position. Destination occupied. Can't remove men yet. Internal cursor error. licopcredwhiteRedWhiteError: ... . sfile recover saved game from file term terminal is a term pb print the board before both player's turn pw print the board before white's turn pr print the board before red's turn b two players, red and white (implies n) r player is red (implies n) w player is white (implies n) - gets this list n don't ask for rules or instructionsUsage: backgammon [-] [n r w b pr pw pb t3a] addbuf (write):buflush (write):readcRed's roll: White's roll: Game value: . doubled last. Are you sure you want to quit?Would you like to save this game? (Y, N, or (Y or N) Yes. No. Blot hit on Score: , fixttyROLL: Remember, each die roll must be moved separately.position, is the finishing position, and is the roll. Enter moves as - or / where is the starting Move:   Move: @(#)data.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90[q[2[[\f\%\[g^&^]]]]=]\\_S__^^__``f`<`ayakkj]T h |Ȩܨ  0  D P ` x ĩЩܩ@(#) Copyright (c) 1980 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. @(#)teach.c 5.6 (Berkeley) 6/1/90kkkk%l@(#)ttext1.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90sllmmmNm=mmmmlllllhp*pooho*onnhn(nmmmmrqqOqqppmm tssDssr~r@rrmlz+zyyyNy yxxLx xwwIwwvvmPvvuuLu uttItm~~e~&~}}}`}}||`||{{Y{{zzzm>ÀA~@m^߂[m@(#)ttext2.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90ۅ[؄Yڃm,i&f)PӎWݍ[ڌL̋J ɊGÉ?ȒIϑO ͐M@(#)tutor.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90That is a legal move, but there is a better one. @(#)allow.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)board.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90| | | | | | | | @(#)check.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)fancy.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 6/1/90bccdceclcmhomcmlndupL`h|xpdX@(#)init.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90/usr/games/backgammon/usr/games/teachgammonQMGC@(#)odds.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)one.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90@(#)save.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90Are you sure you want to leave now?Enter a file name: The file '' already exists. Are you sure you want to use this file? Can't use This game has been saved on the file ''. Type "backgammon " to recover your game. Can't recover file: @(#)subs.c 5.5 (Berkeley) 6/1/90Player is red, computer is white.Player is white, computer is red.(No computer play.)K!Ӕh@(#)table.c 5.4 (Berkeley) 6/1/90YR?QB9876543210.9876543210/ -'./ , 654321.H =9=8=7=6=5=4=3=25130=.9=8=7=6=5=4=3=2=1=0= ,-' ..>N^n~  . > N ^ n ~      [XH  $ GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#`) HH1XX9  B KQV  4Q\[[b[[=j((pw~$$x@@p @ֹ