.TH GNUAN GNUCHESS .SH NAME gnuan .SH SYNOPSIS .B gnuan .SH DESCRIPTION .I gnuan produces an analysis of a chess game. For each move it shows the move, the score and the principle variation selected by .I gnuchess .I gnuan prompts for input parameters when it is invoked. Input file is a .I gnuchess list file or a .I xboard game file or a .I PGN file. .I gnuan is a modification of the gnuan program from Truman Collins (tcollins@pdx.mentor.com). .SH "FUNCTION LETTERS" The following commands are recognized: .PP .B bd -- Print out the current board .PP .B depth n -- set depth to search .PP .B next -- find the next best move in this position. .PP .B top n -- find the best n moves (1 number of moves at the command prompt. The moves will be examined til the end of the game. .SH BUGS .PP .fi .SH SEE ALSO .nf gnuchess(6) chesstool(6) xboard(6) .fi