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Error writing during compression. I/O error in lzd:rd_dcode. Write error in lzd:wr_dchar. Output error in lzd(). Stack overflow in lzd(). Could not get file time rInvalid number %s /needed %u bytes: %s%srr+/%u;+/:;;0^0?-?//.lastptr: received null pointer w+Zoo: WARNING: ERROR: FATAL: Configuration problem: T_UINT16 is not 16 bits -acDegflLPTuUvVxauDUcexlvVLTPlvVL.zooaP:auP:aunP:aMP:xxNdxpDPVCc%s %s%s%s Zoo archiver, %s (C) Copyright 1991 Rahul Dhesi -- Noncommercial use permitted Choose a command from within {} and zero or more modifiers from within []. E.g.: `zoo a save /bin/*' will archive all files in /bin into save.zoo. (Please see the user manual for a complete description of commands.) Commands in {} mean: |Modifiers in [] mean: a add files | a show archive name(s) in listing c update comments | A apply g or c to archive D delete stored files | c add/list comments e,x extract files | d extract/list deleted files too g adj. gen. limit/count | dd extract/list only deleted files l,L,v,V list filenames | E erase backup after packing P pack archive | f fast add (no compression) or list T fix archive datestamp | M move when adding (erase original) u add only newer files | n add only files not already in archive U undelete stored files | N send extracted data to Nowhere ----------------------------- O don't ask "Overwrite?" q be quiet p pipe extracted data to standard output : don't store dir names /,// extract full pathnames . pack to current dir I add filenames read from stdin C show file CRC value +/- enable/disable generations S overwrite newer files g list generation limits P pack after adding @n start extract/list at position n C change archive cmnt h use high-compression method + - enable generations I - read filenames from standard input (leaves a .bak file, use PP to overwrite it) P - pack after adding, remove overwritten or deleted files q - quiet (qq suppresses warnings, qqq suppresses nonfatal errors too) : - strip directory names, save filenames only C - add a comment to the archive as a whole c - add a comment to each file added M - move files to archive, delete after saving h - high performance compressor, slower than default f - fast, don't compress at all n - new, add if file is not in archive u - update, replace only if file is newer than saved version a add filesCommands: zoo {command}[options] archive files(s)command line format: S - overwrite superceded (newer) files O - overwrite without asking p - extract for pipe to standard output. Use q to avoid header N - extract to nowhere. Used to test the archive with xN or xNq d - extract deleted files, too. dd extract *only* deleted files q - quiet (the sequence :/ may be used to use but not create subdirs) / - extract to subdirs, // create subdirs as needed - default (name /etc/hosts becomes ./etc/hosts) . - make absolute pathnames relative to current directory : - extract to current directory (ignore pathnames) x extract files e extract files A - only change archive comment (changes all file comments if no files given) c comment changes, change or add comments to listed files 1 - one column output (for the f option) f - fast, lists only filename, no pathname, multiple columns q - quiet, shows only file info, no comments or headers d - show deleted files a - show archive name in file listing (useful with L) C - show CRC V - verbose with file comments v - verbose (same as v command, used with L for multiple files V list verbose file info, archive and file comments v list verbose file info and archive comment L list info for multiple archives l list archive info h - use the high compression method u - uncompress c - compress f filter, copy stdin to stdout with [de]compression A - apply limit to archive rather than a file (with gl) l - set generation limit on files g generation commands T timestamp adjust, make archive age of newest file P - pack after deletion, use PP if .bak file exists D delete files by name E - erase the .bak file when done P pack archive, remove deleted or overwritten files zoo L xxx.zoo /doc/*.zoo ../*.zoo# list all files in all archives zoo v arch# list the contents and archive comments zoo xp test users.lst | sort# extract a single file and sort before listing zoo x: test# extract files into the current directory zoo x test# extract all files zoo ah test *.doc# add documentation files with high compression zoo a test part1/*.c part2/*.c# add C source files in subdirectories zoo a arch file1 files# just add a few filesExamples:%d%s Hit RETURN (or ENTER) key to continue...r+.bakArchive time adjusted. .rArchived copy of %s is newer. %-*s -- Read error. (%2d%%) replaced+ added+ replaced added No files added. ----- Packing...PPdone _A----- Erasing added files... %-*s -- erased Could not erase %s. "f" and "h" can't both be used Generation count must be nonzero. r+Archive generation limit is now %u Archive generations on Archive generations off %-14s -- Could not write to archive deleted undeleted adjusted to %u no generations Zoo: No files matched. ----- Packing...PPdone r.%-14s -- skipped Overwrite %s (Yes/No/All)? Can't open %s for output. Could not seek to file data. %-14s -- ******** %s ******** File %s: impossible packing method. extracted WARNING: OK extracted %d File(s) with bad CRC. Archive seems OK. 000JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec....zoor Archive %s: ; %s %*sLength CF Size Now Date Time %8lu %3u%% %8lu %2d %-.3s %02d %02d:%02d:%02d%04x %2dg --g CD%-*s * (V%d.%d) ----- %d deleted. Generation limit %u (off). . s D: deleted file. There is 1 deleted file. There are %d deleted files. C: file has attached comment. V: minimum version of Zoo needed to extract this file. *: directory entry may be corrupted. Zoo: %s(The archive is empty.) Archive generation limit is %u (generations off). .zoo.bakr+File %s already exists. Delete it or use PP option. Could not create temporary file %s. Could not seek to file data. Write to temporary packed archive %s failed. No files moved. Renaming error. Packed archive is now in %s. Bad decode table 17@(#) addbfcrc.c 2.2 88/01/29 17:04:31@(#) addfname.c 2.11 88/02/06 20:17:17@(#) basename.c 2.2 87/12/27 13:42:40tabcdefghijklmnopqrs_uvwxyz0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ@^`{}~!#$%&'()-.@(#) comment.c 2.14 88/01/24 12:42:13[Enter %scomment for %s then type /END] @(#) crcdefs.c 2.1 87/12/25 12:21:58@AA@ A@ @  AA@@A@AA@01A3@26@754A<@=?>A:;A9@8(@)+*A./A-@,$%A'@&"@#! A`aAc@bf@gedAl@monAjkAi@hx@y{zA~A}@|tuAw@vr@sqpAP@QSRAVWAU@T\]A_@^Z@[YXAHIAK@JN@OMLAD@EGFABCAA@@@(#) getfile.c 2.7 88/01/24 12:44:23@(#) lzc.c 2.6 88/01/30 18:39:15@(#) lzd.c 2.6 88/01/30 20:39:18 !"#@(#) machine.c 2.3 88/01/02 01:21:44@(#) generic.c 2.2 88/01/24 12:44:03Q@(#) nixtime.i 2.3 88/01/24 12:49:28;Zx0N@(#) nixmode.i 1.2 88/01/24 12:48:57@(#) makelist.c 2.3 88/01/24 12:46:44$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/misc.c,v $ $Id: misc.c,v 1.8 91/07/09 01:54:08 dhesi Exp $@(#) misc2.c 2.7 88/01/24 12:47:36@(#) nextfile.c 2.2 87/12/26 12:23:43@(#) needed.c 2.16 88/01/31 15:54:37@(#) options.c 2.1 87/12/25 12:23:56@(#) parse.c 2.1 87/12/25 12:24:10@(#) portable.c 2.24 88/08/24 01:22:06@(#) prterror.c 2.8 88/01/31 18:48:17No files matched. Archive header failed consistency check. Invalid or corrupted archive. Internal error. I/O error or disk full. Directory entry in archive is invalid. Ran out of memory. Some filenames ignored -- can only handle %d. Old format archive -- please pack first with P command. Command is garbled. Starting at %ld (offset %ld) Zoo %d.%d or later is needed to fully manipulate this archive. The rest of the archive (%lu bytes) cannot be processed. Ignoring option %c. Option %c is invalid. Bad CRC, %s probably corrupted Could not open %s. zoo 2.1 $Date: 91/07/09 02:10:34 $$Id: zoo.c,v 1.21 91/07/09 02:36:40 dhesi Exp $Incorrect number of arguments. Usage: zoo {acDeglLPTuUvx}[aAcCdEfInmMNoOpPqu1:/.@n] archive file ("zoo h" for help, "zoo H" for extended help) Novice usage: zoo -cmd archive[.zoo] file... where -cmd is one of these: -add -extract -move -test -print -delete -list -update -freshen -comment =(=zV^tY=UcU=i>=BvSBpC===U=T=<=X='={e=QB=~]7T($Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zooadd.c,v $ $Id: zooadd.c,v 1.10 91/07/08 23:48:39 dhesi Exp $$Id: zooadd2.c,v 1.5 91/07/04 13:33:55 dhesi Exp $$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zoodel.c,v $ $Id: zoodel.c,v 1.4 91/07/09 01:54:11 dhesi Exp $$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zooext.c,v $ $Id: zooext.c,v 1.9 91/07/09 01:54:13 dhesi Exp $Zoo %d.%d is needed to extract %s. Insufficient disk space to extract %s. ****** @(#) $Id: zoofilt.c,v 1.5 91/07/09 01:54:15 dhesi Exp $$Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zoolist.c,v $ $Id: zoolist.c,v 1.4 91/07/09 01:54:16 dhesi Exp $%8lu %3u%% %8lu %4d file-------- --- -------- --------- -------- Archive %s: %s------------ $Source: /usr/home/dhesi/zoo/RCS/zoopack.c,v $ $Id: zoopack.c,v 1.5 91/07/09 01:54:17 dhesi Exp $ZOO 2.10 Archive.ܧ*@)#(XXXXXXPartially packed archive left in %s.   . > N ^ n ~           . > N ^ n ~           . > N ^ n ~     \|  0P\8GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#) ||1\\9 \\8B PK  Q  V  \b jhp  w((~00S(