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(line %s%ld%s ...%c Warning: Indented line occurred at level zeroyou are at parenthesis level Warning: Inconsistent indentation; %s%s%ldIllegal character in the fileIllegal hexadecimal digitFile ended unexpectedly: No closing ")"I'm out of memory---increase my vfsize!Junk after property value will be ignoredSorry, I don't know that property name"C" value must be standard ASCII and not a parenThis value shouldn't exceed 255This value shouldn't exceed '377This value shouldn't exceed "FFIllegal face code, I changed it to MRRYou need "C" or "D" or "O" or "H" or "F" hereDecimal ("D"), octal ("O"), or hex ("H") value needed hereIllegal digitSorry, the maximum octal value is O 37777777777Sorry, the maximum decimal value is D 4294967295Sorry, the maximum hex value is H FFFFFFFFAn "R" or "D" value is needed hereReal constants must be less than 2048Memory overflow: more than 1028 widths, etcCongratulations! It's hard to make this error.There's junk here that is not in parentheses characters will be keptString is too long; its first %s%ld%sThis character already appeared in a LIGTABLE LABELThis character already has a NEXTLARGER specThis character already has a VARCHAR spec0AThis property name doesn't belong in a MAP listUndefined MAPFONT cannot be selectedCharacter cannot be typeset in undefined fontDon't push so much---stack is full!Empty stack cannot be poppedSpecial command being clipped---no room left!Missing POP supplied%c%ld%ld%ldThe relative dimension is too large. (Must be less than 16*designsize = designunits0@0A@This property name doesn't belong in a LIGTABLE listSTOP must follow LIG or KRNSKIP must follow LIG or KRNMaximum SKIP amount is 127Sorry, LIGTABLE too long for me to handleSorry, too many different kerns for me to handleThis property name doesn't belong in a CHARACTER listAt most 256 VARCHAR specs are allowedThis property name doesn't belong in a VARCHAR listThis property name doesn't belong on the outer levelThe design size must be at least 1The number of units per design size must be positiveSorry, it's too late to change the design unitsThe flag value should be "TRUE" or "FALSE"HEADER indices should be 18 or moreThis HEADER index is too big for my present table sizeThis property name doesn't belong in a FONTDIMEN listPARAMETER index must not be zeroThis PARAMETER index is too big for my present table sizeVTITLE clipped to 255 charactersI can handle only 256 different mapfontsThis property name doesn't belong in a MAPFONT listFONTNAME clipped to 255 charactersFONTAREA clipped to 255 charactersExtra right parenthesis0ALIG character examined by%s%c had no CHARACTER spec.LIG character generated byKRN character examined byThe character NEXTLARGER thanTOP piece of characterMID piece of characterBOT piece of characterREP piece of characterThe font is not really seven-bit-safe!Infinite ligature loop starting with boundary and Sorry, I haven't room for so many ligature/kern pairs!All ligatures will be cleared. refers to nonexistent character LIG stepUnused %s%s%sKRN stepVARCHAR TOPVARCHAR MIDVARCHAR BOTVARCHAR REPA cycle of NEXTLARGER characters has been broken at s by widthI had to round some units.heightdepthitalic correction0A0A0A%%%d.%dlf%s: Not enough arguments. 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