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Bye-bye. PROFVTALARMXFSZXCPUTINTTTOUTTINCHLDCONTTSTPSTOP???TERMALRMPIPESYSSEGVBUSKILLFPEEMTIOTTRAPILLQUITINTHUPa SIGan internal error Caught %s%s--.newsrc restored Signal %d--bye bye Hash table is invalid.x-supersedesxrefslugwordsupersedessubjectsummarysenderrelay-versionreferencesreply-topriorityposting-versionpostedpathorganizationnotenntp-posting-hostnewsgroupsnf-idnf-frommessage-idlineskeywordsformatfromfollowup-toexpiresdate-receiveddatedistributioncontrolcontent-transfer-encodingcontent-typecodesanpaacategoryapprovedarticle-i.d.unrecognizedBODYXHDR %s %ld-%ldXHDR %s %ld Unexpected close of server socket. Paging commands: SP Display the next page. x Display the next page decrypted (rot13). d Display half a page more. CR Display one more line. ^R,v,^X Restart the current article (v=verbose header, ^X=rot13). b Back up one page. ^E Display the last page of the article. ^L,X Refresh the screen (X=rot13). _C Switch characterset conversion. t Display the entire article tree and all its subjects. g pat Go to (search forward within article for) pattern. G Search again for current pattern within article. ^G Search for next line beginning with "Subject:". TAB Search for next line beginning with a different character. q Quit the pager, go to end of article. Leave article read or unread. j Junk this article (mark it read). Goes to end of article. The following commands skip the rest of the current article, then behave just as if typed to the 'What next?' prompt at the end of the article: n Scan forward for next unread article. N Go to next article. ^N Scan forward for next unread article with same title. p,P,^P Same as n,N,^N, only going backwards. - Go to previously displayed article. <, > Browse the previous/next selected thread. If no threads are selected, all threads that had unread news upon entry to the group are considered selected for browsing. Entering an empty group browses all threads. [, ] Go to article's parent/child (try left-/right-arrow also). (, ) Go to article's previous/next sibling (try up-/down-arrow also). {, } Go to tree's root/leaf. The following commands also take you to the end of the article. Type h at end of article for a description of these commands: # $ & / = ? c C f F k K ^K J , m M number e r R ^R s S u U v w W Y ^ | (To return to the middle of the article after one of these commands, type ^L.) Article Selection commands: n,SP Find next unread article (follows discussion-tree in threaded groups). N Go to next article. ^N Scan forward for next unread article with same subject in date order. p,P,^P Same as n,N,^N, only going backwards. _N,_P Go to the next/previous article numerically. - Go to previously displayed article. <, > Browse the previous/next selected thread. If no threads are selected, all threads that had unread news upon entry to the group are considered selected for browsing. Entering an empty group browses all threads. [, ] Go to article's parent/child (try left-/right-arrow also). (, ) Go to article's previous/next sibling (try up-/down-arrow also). {, } Go to tree's root/leaf. t Display the entire article tree and all its subjects. number Go to specified article. range{,range}:command{:command} Apply one or more commands to one or more ranges of articles. Ranges are of the form: number | number-number. You may use . for the current article, and $ for the last article. Valid commands are: e, j, m, M, s, S, t, T, |, +, ++, -, and --. :cmd Perform a command on all the selected articles. ::cmd Perform a command on all non-selected articles. :.cmd Perform a command on the current thread or its selected articles. ::.cmd Perform a command on the unselected articles in the current thread. /pattern/modifiers Scan forward for article containing pattern in the subject line. (Use ?pat? to scan backwards; append f to scan from lines, h to scan whole headers, a to scan entire articles, r to scan read articles, c to make case-sensitive, t to scan from the top of the group.) /pattern/modifiers:command{:command} Apply one or more commands to the set of articles matching pattern. Use a K modifier to save entire command to the KILL file for this newsgroup. Commands m and M, if first, imply an r modifier. Valid commands are the same as for the range command. f,F Submit a followup article (F = include this article). r,R Reply through net mail (R = include this article). ^F Forward article through net mail. e dir{|command} Extract to directory using /bin/sh, uudecode, unship, or command. s ... Save to file or pipe via sh. S ... Save via preferred shell. w,W Like s and S but save without the header. | ... Same as s|... C Cancel this article, if yours. ^R,v Restart article (v=verbose). ^X Restart article, rot13 mode. _C Switch characterset conversion. c Catch up (mark all articles as read). b Back up one page. ^E Display the last page of the article. ^L Refresh the screen. You can get back to the pager with this. X Refresh screen in rot13 mode. ^ Go to first unread article. Disables subject search mode. $ Go to end of newsgroup. Disables subject search mode. # Print last article number. & Print current values of command-line switches. &switch {switch} Set or unset more switches. && Print current macro definitions. &&def Define a new macro. j Junk this article (mark it read). Stays at end of article. m Mark article as still unread. M Mark article as read but to-return on group exit or Y command. Y Yank back articles marked as to-return via the M command. k Kill current subject (mark articles as read). , Mark current article and its replies as read. J Junk entire thread (mark all subjects as read in this thread). A Add current subject to memorized commands (selection or killing). T Add current (sub)thread to memorized commands (selection or killing). K Mark current subject as read, and save command in KILL file. ^K Edit local KILL file (the one for this newsgroup). = List subjects of unread articles. + Start the selector in whatever mode it was last in. _a Start the article selector. _s Start the subject selector. _t Start the thread selector. _T Start the thread selector if threaded, else the subject selector. U Unread some news -- prompts for thread, subthread, all, or select. u Unsubscribe from this newsgroup. q Quit this newsgroup for now. Q Quit newsgroup, staying at current newsgroup. Newsgroup Selection commands: y Do this newsgroup now. SP Do this newsgroup, executing the default command listed in []'s. .cmd Do this newsgroup, executing cmd as first command. + Enter this newsgroup through the selector (like typing .+). = Start this newsgroup, but list subjects before reading articles. U Enter this newsgroup by way of the "Set unread?" prompt. u Unsubscribe from this newsgroup. t Toggle the newsgroup between threaded and unthreaded reading. c Catch up (mark all articles as read). A Abandon read/unread changes to this newsgroup since you started trn. n Go to the next newsgroup with unread news. N Go to the next newsgroup. p Go to the previous newsgroup with unread news. P Go to the previous newsgroup. - Go to the previously displayed newsgroup. 1 Go to the first newsgroup. ^ Go to the first newsgroup with unread news. $ Go to the end of newsgroups. g name Go to the named newsgroup. Subscribe to new newsgroups this way too. /pat Search forward for newsgroup matching pattern. ?pat Search backward for newsgroup matching pattern. (Use * and ? style patterns. Append r to include read newsgroups.) l pat List unsubscribed newsgroups containing pattern. m name Move named newsgroup elsewhere (no name moves current newsgroup). o pat Only display newsgroups matching pattern. Omit pat to unrestrict. O pat Like o, but skip empty groups. a pat Like o, but also scans for unsubscribed newsgroups matching pattern. L List current .newsrc. & Print current command-line switch settings. &switch {switch} Set (or unset) more command-line switches. && Print current macro definitions. &&def Define a new macro. !cmd Shell escape. q Quit trn. x Quit, restoring .newsrc to its state at startup of trn. ^K Edit the global KILL file. Use commands like /pattern/j to suppress pattern in every newsgroup. v Print version and the address for reporting bugs. Valid substitutions are: a Current article number A Full name of current article (%P/%c/%a) b Destination of last save command, often a mailbox B Bytes to ignore at beginning of last saved article c Current newsgroup, directory form C Current newsgroup, dot form d Full name of newsgroup directory (%P/%c) D Distribution line from current article e The last command executed to extract data from an article E The last extraction directory f Who the current article is from F Newsgroups to followup to (from Newsgroups and Followup-To) h (This help message) H Host name (yours) i Message-I.D. line from current article, with <> I Reference indicator mark (see -F switch) l News administrator's login name, if any L Login name (yours) m Current mode, first letter of (init,newsgroup,thread,article,pager, unread,Add,Catchup,Delete-bogus,Mailbox,Resubscribe) M Number of article marked with M n Newsgroups from current article N Full name (yours) o Organization (yours) O Original working directory (where you ran trn from) p Your private news directory (from -d) P Public news spool directory r Last reference (parent article id) R References list for followup article s Subject, with all Re's and (nf)'s stripped off S Subject, with one Re stripped off t New To line derived from From and Reply-To (Internet format) T New To line derived from Path u Number of unread articles U Number of unread articles not counting the current article (when threads are selected, the count only reflects selected articles) v The number of extra (unselected) articles, not counting the current one if it is unselected W Where thread files are saved x News library directory X Trn library directory z Length of current article in bytes Z Number of selected threads ~ Your home directory . Directory containing the "dot" files, such as .newsrc # A counter in multi-article saves $ Current process number / Last search string ESC Run preceding command through % interpretation Put ^ in the middle to capitalize the first letter: %^C = Rec.humor Put _ in the middle to capitalize the last component: %_c = rec/Humor Put \ in the middle to quote regexp and % characters in the resulting string Put :FMT in the middle to format the result printf-style: %:-30.30t Selection commands: a-z,0-9 Select/deselect the indicated item by its letter or number. Many of the alpha letters are omitted for the following commands. SP Perform the default command (usually > or Z). CR Start reading. Selects the current item if nothing is selected. Z,TAB Start reading. If nothing is selected, read all unread articles. . Toggle the current item's selection. * Same as '.' except that it affects all items with the same subject. # Read the current item only, temporarily ignoring all other selections. k, ',' Mark the current item as killed. m, \ Unmark the current item. - Set a range, as in d - f. Repeats the last marking action. @ Toggle the selection of all visible items. M Mark the current item's article(s) as to-return and kill the item. Y Yank back and select articles marked to return via M. E Toggle exclusion of non-selected items from the selection list. n, ] Move down to the next item (try down-arrow also). p, [ Move up to the previous item (try up-arrow also). <, > Go to previous/next page (try left-/right-arrow also). ^, $ Go to first/last page. S Set what the selector displays: threads, subjects, or articles. If the group is unthreaded, choosing threads will thread it. = Toggle between the article and thread/subject selector. O Set the selector's order. A separate default is kept for the article and subject/thread selector. R Reverse the current sort order. L Switch the display between a short style without authors and a medium or long style with authors. U Switch between selecting unread/read articles. X Mark all unselected articles as read and start reading. D Mark unselected articles on the current page as read. Start reading if articles were selected, else go to next page. J Junk all selected articles (mark them as read). c Catch up -- marks ALL articles as read without chasing xrefs. A Add current subject to memorized commands (selection or killing). T Add current thread to memorized commands (selection or killing). ^K Edit local KILL file (the one for this newsgroup). N Leave this group as-is and go on to the next one. P Leave this group as-is and go on to the previous one. :cmd Perform a command on all the selected articles (use :p to post). ::cmd Perform a command on all non-selected articles. :.cmd Perform a command on the current thread or its selected articles. ::.cmd Perform a command on the unselected articles in the current thread. /pattern/modifiers Scan all articles for a subject containing pattern. (Append f to scan the from line, h to scan whole headers, a to scan entire articles, c to make it case-sensitive, r to scan read articles (assumed when you are selecting read articles to set unread.) /pattern/modifiers:command{:command} Apply one or more commands to the set of articles matching pattern. Use a K modifier to save entire command to the KILL file for this newsgroup. Commands m and M, if first, imply an r modifier. Valid commands are: e, E, j, m, M, s, S, t, T, !, =, ',' and the article/thread (de)selection commands: +/++ (-/--). & View or set command line switches. && View or set macro definitions. !cmd Escape to a subshell. h, ? This help message. ESC, + Leave the selector but stay in the group (at last visited article). q Quit the selector and the group. Q Quit group and return to news group selection prompt for this group. HOMELOGDIR/tmp/usr/lib/trnTMPDIRTMP-XTERMMOUSETERMxterm%./.rnlockrYou seem to have left a trn running, process %d. Trn left running, #%d. That process does not seem to exist anymore. The count of read articles may be incorrect in the last newsgroup accessed by that other (defunct) process. Process crashed. (The last newsgroup accessed was %s.) (In %s.) You may not have two copies of [t]rn running simultaneously. Goodbye. Can't start another. w%ld %X/newsnews^$.*[\/?%newsHOMELOGDIRDOTDIRUSERLOGNAME/tmp%./.rnhead/etc/HOSTNAMErWarning: Couldn't open %s to determine hostname! %s%s%s is an unknown user. Using default. !=:))`"/?g/?%s: %s Can't run %s %ld%d %s/%s-<%s>'%s'NAMENEWSORGORGANIZATION- (nfnoname%5ld%s@%s.UUCP % interp buffer overflow! THRU (Interrupted at article %ld) (Intr at %ld) subject not found (?) not found found T,s%ld auto-kill command%s.%ld auto-select command%s.Killed %ld article%s; Selected %ld article%s. %s T%c KILLLOCALwTHRU %ld KILLGLOBALEDITORVISUAL%s %slocalglobal Editing %s KILL file: %s ,Can't make %s r Depositing command in %s... --> %s...a+%s done %./.rnlastrw%s %ld %ld %ld %ld %s%sWhat next? [%s]Processing memorized commands... Auto-processing... FIRSTLINEHIDELINEPAGESTOPYour server went south for the winter: %s + End of newsgroup %s.End of %s (%ld + %ld articles still unread)s (%ld article%s still unread) ** This group has been disabled by your news admin ** ** Please start using %s **%s: article is not available.%s: article may show up in a moment. Cleaning up... Set unread: +select or all? Set unread?+an Set unread: +select, thread, subthread, or all?Type t or SP to mark this thread's articles as unread. Type s to mark the current article and its descendants as unread. t or SP to mark thread unread. s to mark subthread unread. +tsanType + to enter select thread mode using all the already-read articles. (The selected threads will be marked as unread and displayed as usual.) Type a to mark all articles in this group as unread. Type n to change nothing. + to select threads from the unread. a to mark all articles unread. n to change nothing. parentroot There is no %s article prior to this one. No prior %s. You're at the end of the group. End of group. This group is not threaded. Unthreaded group. This is the last leaf in this tree. Last leaf. previousnext This article has no %s sibling. No %s sibling. selected unread There are no%s%s articles prior to this one. No previous%s%s articles (Interrupted at article %ld) (Intr at %ld) done Not found. Article %ld will return. Article %ld marked as still unread. The last article is %ld. %ld SUBJLINE%5ld Selected all articles in this thread. Selected all articles in this subject. Deselected all articles in this thread. Deselected all articles in this subject. %s/var/spool/mail/%LMAILFILE(Mail) MAILCALLqnpnpq^Nnpqyn#hDo you really want to mark everything as read?ynhReally? Type y or SP to mark all articles as read. Type n to leave articles marked as they are. Enter a number to mark all but the last # articles as read. Type u to mark everything read and unsubscribe. y or SP to mark all read. n to forget it. u to mark all and unsubscribe. 0 Enter the number of articles to leave unread: %s (If you meant to hit 'y' instead of 'u', press '-'.) threadsubjectreplies to this articlethis subject and all repliesMemorize %s command:+.j,cC Type + or SP to auto-select this %s (i.e. includes future articles). Type . to auto-select %s. Type j to auto-kill (junk) this %s. Type , to auto-kill %s. Type c to clear all selection/killing on this %s. Type C to clear all selection/killing on %s. Type q to abort the operation. + or SP auto-selects this %s. . auto-selects %s. j auto-kills this %s. , auto-kills %s. c clears auto-commands for this %s. C clears auto-commands for %s. q aborts. Selection memorized. Kill memorized. Error seeking in active file. controlactives have has%ld more article%s arrived -- processing memorized commands... More news -- auto-processing... Skipping unavailable article Skipping %ld %ld %c (no posting)NOPOSTRING (moderated)MODSTRING (DISABLED) (REDIRECTED)%P/rrnact.%$LISTCan't get active file from server: %s w+Error writing to active file %s. active file not read activeerror on active file(I assume you meant %s) (Using %s) However, here are some close matches: %d. %s %dWhich of these would you like?Which? You entered an illegal newsgroup name, and these are the nearest possible matches. If you want one of these, then enter its number. Otherwise just say 'n'. Illegal newsgroup, enter a number or 'n'. %s Searching... [0 unread in %s -- skipping]No previous search pattern-d No articles ,-.$m(First article is %ld) (Last article is %ld) Bad range (Interrupted at article %ld) (Intr at %ld) Interrupted E%-6ld Junked Killed Marked unread Will return %sNot cC %sancelled:!&sSwWe| Shell escaped Switched ???%s %s , etc. Restriction %s%s removed. Exiting "only". Marking all but %d articles in %s as read. All but %d marked as read. Marking %s as all read. Marked read %s: 1-%ld%ld-%ld,%ld Warning! Bogus newsgroup: %s 1-%ld Warning! Somebody reset %s--assuming nothing read. 1-%s,%sNEWSRCNEWSRC environment variable ignored -- use DOTDIR to set the directory. %./.newsrc%./.newnewsrc%./.oldnewsrc%./.rnsoftroptions(Revising soft pointers -- be patient.) sUnread news in %-40s %5ld article%s %s: %ld article%s etc. : Unable to open %s. Type n to forget about this newsgroup. n to forget it. Bad newsgroup name. Newsgroup %s does not exist! No %s! un(Adding %s to end of your .newsrc %ssubscribed) (Subscribing to %s) (Ignoring %s) Newsgroup %s not in .newsrc -- subscribe? Subscribe %s?ynYNType y or SP to subscribe to %s. Type Y to subscribe to this and all remaining new groups. Type N to leave all remaining new groups unsubscribed. y or SP to subscribe, Y to subscribe all new groups, N to unsubscribe all (Adding %s to end of your .newsrc subscribed) (Adding %s to end of your .newsrc unsubscribed) Newsgroup %s is unsubscribed -- resubscribe? Resubscribe %s?ynType y or SP to resubscribe to %s. y or SP to resubscribe. $^.Lq$^Lq Put newsgroup where? [%s] Put where? [%s] Type ^ to put the newsgroup first (position 0). Type $ to put the newsgroup last (position %d). Type . to put it before the current newsgroup (position %d). Type -newsgroup name to put it before that newsgroup. Type +newsgroup name to put it after that newsgroup. Type a number between 0 and %d to put it at that position. Type L for a listing of newsgroups and their positions. Type q to abort the current action. ^ to put newsgroup first (pos 0). $ to put last (pos %d). . to put before current newsgroup (pos %d). -newsgroup to put before newsgroup. +newsgroup to put after. number in 0-%d to put at that pos. L for list of .newsrc. q to abort Not found. %s(JUNK)(BOGUS)(UNSUB)(READ) # Status Newsgroup %3d %6ld %3d %7s Checking out your .newsrc -- hang on a second... Checking .newsrc -- hang on... It looks like the active file is messed up. Contact your news administrator, leave the "bogus" groups alone, and they may come back to normal. Maybe. Moving bogus newsgroups to the end of your .newsrc. Moving boguses to the end. nyDelete bogus newsgroups?Type y to delete bogus newsgroups. Type n or SP to leave them at the end in case they return. y to delete, n to keep Trying to set up a .newsrc file -- running newsetup... Setting up .newsrc... newsetup Can't create a .newsrc -- you must do it yourself. (Fatal) Warning: %s is zero length but %s is not. Either recover your newsrc or else remove the backup copy. w.newsrc%s %ld %P/rrnact.%$NEWSACTIVE Saving null articles is not very productive! :-) -%pSAVEDIR%s/%s (Ignoring conflicting directory)Continuing %s:%s Extracting data into %s using %s: ! /bin/sh!/bin/shThis is sed cat echo Extracting shar into %s using %s: Xbegin Extracting shar into %s: /bin/shUNSHARtail +%Bc %A | %eEXSAVER$ $ f ship cont table begin shippeduuencodedExtracting %s file into %s: Didn't find cut line for extraction to '%s'. Unable to determine type of file. %(%B=^0$?<%A:tail +%Bc %A |) %bPIPESAVER%^CSAVENAMEWarning: '-' ignored. This isn't readnews. '-' ignored. News%anyqynq File %s doesn't exist-- use mailbox format? Type y to create %s as a mailbox. Type n to create it as a normal file. Type q to abort the save. y to create mailbox. n to create normal file. q to abort. %X/mbox.saver %A %P %c %a %B %C "%b" "From %t %`LANG= date`"MBOXSAVER%X/norm.saver %A %P %c %a %B %C "%b"NORMSAVERNot savedmailboxfileAppendedSaved%s to %s %s Canceling null articles is your idea of fun? :-) You can't cancel someone else's article Not your article wNewsgroups: %n Subject: cancel Control: cancel %i Distribution: %D %i was cancelled from within trn. CANCELHEADER Canceling... /usr/bin/inews -h <%hCANCEL Superceding null articles is your idea of fun? :-) You can't supersede someone else's article Newsgroups: %n Subject: %S Summary: %[summary] Expires: %[expires] References: %[references] Supersedes: %i Sender: %[sender] Followup-To: %[followup-to] Distribution: %D Organization: %o Keywords: %[keywords] SUPERSEDEHEADERQUOTECHARS=%I Pnews -h %hNEWSPOSTERQUOTECHARS=%I Rnmail -h %hMAILPOSTERTo: %t Subject: %(%i=^$?:Re: %S %(%{REPLYTO}=^$?:Reply-To: %{REPLYTO} )Newsgroups: %n In-Reply-To: %i) %(%[references]=^$?:References: %[references] )Organization: %o Cc: Bcc: MAILHEADER%h %s (Above lines saved in file %s) %s (Header in %s) In article %i you write:YOUSAID%s %s%s FORWARDPOSTERTo: %" To: " Subject: %(%i=^$?:%[subject] (fwd\) %(%{REPLYTO}=^$?:Reply-To: %{REPLYTO} )Newsgroups: %n In-Reply-To: %i) %(%[references]=^$?:References: %[references] )Organization: %o Cc: Bcc: FORWARDHEADER------- start of forwarded message -------FORWARDMSG%s------- end of forwarded message -------FORWARDMSGEND Are you starting an unrelated topic? [ynq] y%(%[followup-to]=^$?:%(%[followup-to]=^%n$?:X-ORIGINAL-NEWSGROUPS: %n ))Newsgroups: %(%F=^$?%C:%F) Subject: %(%S=^$?%" Subject: ":Re: %S) Summary: Expires: %(%R=^$?:References: %R )Sender: Followup-To: %(%{REPLYTO}=^$?:Reply-To: %{REPLYTO} )Distribution: %(%i=^$?%"Distribution: ":%D) Organization: %o Keywords: %[keywords] Cc: %(%F=poster?%t:%(%F!=@?:%F)) NEWSHEADER (Be sure to double-check the attribution against the signature, and trim the quoted article down as much as possible.) In article %i,%?%)f <%>f> wrote:ATTRIBUTION (leaving cbreak mode; cwd=%s) (-cbreak; cwd=%s) (re-entering cbreak mode) (+cbreak) lineherethiscutsniptear Selected DeselectedXTHREAD DBINIT Mthreads database is the wrong version -- ignoring it. XTHREAD THREAD Getting thread file.@%s<%s%s>XOVERXOVER %ld-%ld Getting overview file.xref: Threading the group. threadssubjectsarticlesdatesubjectauthorcountnumberSubjDateabdefgijlorstuvwxyz1234567890BCFGHIKVWSELECTCHARSsread %ld %sarticle%s out of %ld%s ** Please start using %s ** ...etc. %s %s %s %3d %s %s%3d %s %s < >.s** %ld new article%s arrived ** ** %ld of %ld new articles unread ** iss are%ld article%s selected. %sAllBot%s [%c%c] --Top %s%ld%% [%c%c] --reverse SELECTEDSelect%s-- %s %s (%s%s order) -- %sNo marked articles to yank back.tsaSelector mode: Threads, Subjects, Articles? Type t or SP to display/select thread groups (threads the group, if needed). Type s to display/select subject groups. Type a to display/select individual articles. Type q to leave things as they are. t or SP selects thread groups (threads the group too). s selects subject groups. a selects individual articles. q does nothing. dsangDSANGOrder by Date, Subject, Author, Number, subject-date Groups?dscDSCOrder by Date, Subject, or Count? Type d or SP to order the displayed items by date. Type s to order the items by subject. Type a to order the items by author. Type n to order the items by number. Type g to order the items in subject-groups by date. Type c to order the items by article-count. Typing your selection in upper case it will reverse the selected order. Type q to leave things as they are. d or SP sorts by date. s sorts by subject. a sorts by author. g sorts in subject-groups by date. c sorts by article-count. Upper case reverses the sort. q does nothing. Group is not threaded.Kill memorized.Selection memorized.Auto-commands cleared. Interrupted Done Not found. SDeselected %d article%s.<+>^$!?&:;/hDEJLNOPqQRSUXYZ Type ? for help. %s No articles to set unread. No articles. No unread articles to select. No unread articles.NO NAME...%s + No article tree to display. No tree. Threading the group. *failed* [%c] %s Badly formed search stringNull search stringUnbalanced parensToo many parensNo \| in parensUnmatched right parenMissing ]bad braces Badly compiled pattern -c%X/INITTRNINITRNINITUnmatched %c in switch TERM%p/%c%pSAVEDIR%a%^CSAVENAMEThis isn't readnews. Don't use -n. Ignoring unrecognized -O option: %c Ignoring -O with %c Ignoring unrecognized switch: -%c Ignoring -%c Current switch settings: %c/ %ca %cA %cb %cB %cc -C%d -d%s %ce %cf -F"%s" -g%d %cG%ch%s%c-i%d %cI %cj -J%d +J %ck %cK %cl %cL -m%d%c +m %cM %cN -o%d +o -p%c +p %cq -Q%s %cr -s%d %cs -S%d +S %ct %cT %cu %cU %cv -x%d%s +x -X%d%c%c +X -z%ld +z -Z+Z Current restriction:Only: %sNo restriction. ~/News%~/NewsCannot make directory %s-- articles will be saved to %s Can't make %s-- using %s Current directory %s is not writeable-- articles will be saved to home directory %s not writeable--using ~ TERMdumbfileentryNo termcap %s found. pcbsbcleup clcetitekskehoalcmcdsosesgusueuguclicoamxnvbcrnc%s ku%(%m=[ap]?\(:%(%m=t?[:p))kd%(%m=[ap]?\):%(%m=t?]:n))kl%(%m=[ap]?\[:<)kr%(%m=n?^j:%(%m=[ap]?\]:>))r%./.trnmacTRNMACRO%./.rnmacRNMACRO Macros: No macros defined. ^%c\040^?%c+%d%s %c %s %s %s BOGUS pushback buffer overflow macro loop? [Type space to continue] [MORE] Type q to quit or space to continue. q to quit, space to continue. [Type space or a command] [CMD] %s [%s] ^R %dLINESCOLUMNS [?1001s[?1000h[?10001[?1001r>No unread news in subscribed-to newsgroups. To subscribe to a new newsgroup use the g command. , etc. Restriction %s%s still in effect. ("Only" mode.) No articles under restriction. No "only" articles.npqqnp ****** End of newsgroups -- what next? [%s] **** End -- next? [%s] +ynqynqs======****** %s %3ld unread article%s in %s -- read now? [%s] ====**** %s %3ld in %s -- read? [%s] ynConfirm: exit and abandon .newsrc changes? Moving changed version to '.newnewsrc'. (Interrupted) (Intr) Not found -- use a or g to add newsgroups Not found Only %d groups. Try again. Not running in thread mode. un %s will be read %sthreaded. Abandon changes to current newsgroup?ynh Abandon?Type y or SP to abandon the changes to this group since you started trn. Type n to leave the group as it is. -dnewsgroups%s '%s' (Error from newsgroups program) (Error) Not on a newsgroup. %sGrabbing new active file... Trn version:%s. Configured for NNTP news access. Send bug reports, suggestions, etc. to: davison@borland.com SHELL/bin/bash-cmkdir %s No room for feature "%s" on this machine. Can't link backup (%s) to .newsrc (%s) %s=%sError writing file.File already exists.CRC check failed.This piece is out of sequence.Invalid ship format.$ $ f ship -unnamed%s/%sDecoding: %s rwmorecont endCRC verified -- Done. Ignoring unsupported ship keyword: '%s' (Continued) shippart Expecting part %d; got part %d. tablebegin Xbegin %o%sExpecting part 1; got part %d. %s/%swCannot create file: %s Decoding: %s Done. (Continued) Couldn't find anything to decode. endinclude BEGINENDError on writing decoded file EOF while in translation table. beginIncomplete translation table. Duplicate char in translation table. saturdayfridaythursdaywednesdaytuesdaymondaysundaydecembernovemberoctoberseptemberaugustjulyjunemayaprilmarchfebruaryjanuarysecsecondminminutehourdayweekmonthyearnzdtnzsteadteastcadtcastkdtkstjstccthktwadtwastmsdmskeetmetcetmeztmezcestceshadthasthstakdtakstydtystpdtpstmdtmstcdtcstedtestadtastndtnstbstwetzcututcutgmtsyntax erroryacc stack overflowrserver_init: fdopen #1wserver_init: fdopen #2XMODE READERMODE READERtcpnntpnntp/tcp: Unknown service. %s: Unknown host. sockettrying %s connection to %s: giving up... NNTPSERVER/etc/nntpserverrCouldn't get name of news server from %s Either fix this file, or put NNTPSERVER in your environment. News server %s unavailable: %s News server %s unavailable, try again later. This machine does not have permission to use the %s news server. NOTE: This machine does not have permission to post articles. Unknown response code %d from %s. %s Unexpected close of server socket. timeout %s QUIT %s list %s GROUP %s Server's response to GROUP %s: %s %*d%ld%ld%ldSTAT %ldSTAT %s%*d%ldHEAD %ldw+ Unable to write temporary file: '%s'. BODY %ld Receiving the rest of the article...Receiving...XDATENEWGROUPS %02d%02d%02d %02d%02d%02d GMTXLISTGROUPrrn.%ld 503 Server timed out. X$sfHha"""}}}}{ywwwwuuuusqomkmgd`\YTOJGDA>>}}};852/2wwwwuuuusq,o,)m&#a]YTPKGC?:61-(# J= 0 '      {p ^YL G@0'    Xnews/etc/organization%p/KILL%p/%c/KILLX Null article \X +-* |/-\ 123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz+  !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~+- keymap overrides string @(#)$Id: trn.c,v 3.0 1991/11/22 00:14:59 davison Trn $ 3.6 (20 Nov 1994)l0lmsZ>,i/bin/sh/usr/bin/viType h for help. rn read error Unsubscribed to newsgroup %s Can't open %s Can't create %s Can't recreate %s -- restoring older version. 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