ELF 44K4 (44PCPCPCPSIY/lib/ld-linux.so.1     ("Y" DZ,PS 6<FHPS! PHZ^@ d8kY>4DZDZLZlibc.so.5printf_DYNAMICputs___brk_addr__environ_init__libc_initenviron__fpu_control_finiatexit_GLOBAL_OFFSET_TABLE_exit__setfpucw_etext_edata__bss_start_endDZHZ YYYY Y Yk5Y%Y%Yh%Yh%Yh%Yh%Yh %Yh(YЃPSQ̀-̀DZD$PSHZPjh@p KPm[̀SY=Yt Ѓ;u[ÐÐUWVSujSY=Yt Ѓ;u[ÐÐ[ Quick Reference$Revision: 6.21 $ Q: Return to main spreadsheet P: Time and date functions O: Financial functions N: String functions M: Numeric functions L: Range functions K: Variable names/Expressions J: Miscellaneous commands I: Range commands H: Row and column commands G: File commands F: Line Editing E: Cell entry and editing commands D: Cursor movement commands C: Set Options B: Toggle Options A: This overview.Lp Overview:.SH (for r && z see also set rowlimit=n, collimit=n) z Set the newline action limits to the current row and column after entry and move right after entry. r Newline action. Toggle between no action, move down (not expressions) entered are multipled by 0.01. $ Dollar prescale. If enabled, all numeric constants x Encrypt/decrypt database and listing files (Not available). t Top line display enable/disable. n If enabled, a digit starts a numeric value. l Autolabeling defined cells enable/disable. e External function execution enable/disable. c Current cell highlighting enable/disable. a Recalculate automatically or on ``@'' commands. ^To Toggle options. Toggle one option selected by o: B: Toggle Options (rowlimit and collimit can both be set by ^Tz) collimit=n Set the remembered column limit for newline action. rowlimit=n Set the remembered row limit for newline action. rndinfinity Round to infinity (round .5 up vs to nearest even). 0 (none), tex, latex, slatex, or tbl. tblstyle=xx Set ``T'' output style to: iterations=n Set the number of iterations allowed. (10) bycols Recalculate in column order. byrows Recalculate in row order. (default) S Set options. Options include: C: Set Options a number, 'error', or 'invalid' to specify which cell. g Go to a cell. Cell name, range name, quoted string, w Forward then down to the next valid cell. b Back then up to the previous valid cell. $ Forward to the last valid column of the current row. 0 Back to column A. Preface with ^U if numeric mode. # Down to the last valid row of the current column. ^ Up to row 0 of the current column. TAB Forward, otherwise starts/ends a range ^H Back SPACE Forward J,K,L,H Down, up, right, left by 1/2 pages j,k,l,h Down, up, right, left Cell cursor movement if no prompt active: Arrow keys (if the terminal and termcap support them.) such as ^P or j. ^Ed Go to end of range. Follow ^E by a direction indicator ^N ^P ^B ^F Down, up, back, forward D: Cell cursor movement (always OK): a new numeric constant or expression. In numeric mode, a decimal digit, ``+'', ``-'', and ``.'' all start RETURN Enter insert mode if the input line was empty (ESC to edit) - Decrement numeric part + Increment numeric part m Mark a cell to be used as the source for ``c'' c Copy the last marked cell to the current cell. x Clear the current cell. F Assign a format to the current cell's numeric value. E Edit the current cell's string part. e Edit the current cell's numeric value. > Enter a right justified string or string expression. " Enter a centered label. < Enter a left justified string or string expression. = Enter a numeric constant or expression. E: Cell entry and editing commands: . u Repeat/undo the last command. n Repeat last history search. + j - k / Forward/backward/search the command history. R Enter replace (overstrike) mode. dm Delete - m = b,f,h,l,t or w. cm Change - m = b,f,h,l,t or w. rc Replace the character under the cursor with c. x X Delete the character under/before the cursor. I A Move to column 0/end of line and enter insert mode. i a Enter insert mode before/after the cursor. tc Move the cursor the the character before c. fc Move cursor to character c. b w Move cursor forward/back one word. 0 $ Move cursor to the beginning, end of the line. h l Move cursor forward, backward. ESC q Abort command entry. will start a one-line vi-style editor. Supported commands: Hitting the ESC key while entering any command on the top line F: Line Editor file name. as the file name, the cell's string part will be used as the a program for Put, Write and Table. If a cell name is used ``"| program"'' for a file name will pipe output to ``LaTeX'', ``SLaTex'', or ``TeX''. Optionally brackets output with control lines for ``tbl'', put delimiters between each pair of fields. T Write a listing of the current database to a file, but a form that matches its appearance on the screen. W Write a listing of the current database into a file in P Put the current database into a file. M Merge a new file into the current database. G Get a new database from a file. G: File commands: @myrow, @mycol return the row or column of the current cell ``$'' style cell reference to supress the change. references in the new cell expressions. Use ``fixed'' or the Commands which move or copy cells also modify the row and column used to change more than one column. number of fractional digits. A preceding count can be each cell in this column. Enter field width and f Set the output format to be used with the values of sr, sc Show hidden rows (columns) zr, zc Hide (``zap'') the current row (column) leaving only the values. vr, vc Remove expressions from the affected rows (columns), Insert rows, columns or merge the cells. pr, pc, pm Pull deleted cells back into the spreadsheet dr, dc Delete the current row (column) ar, ac Append a new copy of the current row (column) ir, ic Insert a new, empty row (column) H: Row and column commands: a name previously defined using ``/d''. such as ``a20:k52''. Another way to refer to a range is to use A range is specified by giving the cell names separated by ``:'', defined by the upper left and lower right cells in the region. Range operations affect a rectangular region on the screen /F Assign a format string to a range of cells. /u Use this command to undefine a previously defined range name. sort, then to less. /s Shows the currently defined range names. Pipe output to /U Unlocks a locked cell, i.e makes it changeable. /l Locks a cell or a range of cells, i.e makes it unchangeable. as ``A10'' or a range such as ``a1:b20''. the name, surrounded by quotes, and either a cell name such /d Assign a name to a cell or a range of cells. Give the value and increasing by a given increment. /f Fill a range with constant values starting with a given /c Copy a source range to a destination range. just the values. /v Remove the expressions from a range of cells, leaving /x Clear a range. I: Range commands: to start or stop the display of the default range. TAB When the character cursor is on the top line TAB can be used ^A Type, in the command line, the current cell's numeric value. ^W Type, in the command line, the current cell's expression. ^V Type, in the command line, the name of the current cell. @ Recalculate the spreadsheet. ^X Redraw the screen. Show formulas, not values. expressions. ^R Redraw the screen. Highlight cells with values but no ^L Redraw the screen. the last command. Just ``!'' starts an interactive shell. ! Shell escape. Enter a command to run. ``!!'' repeats ? Help ^G ESC Abort entry of the current command. Q q ^C Exit from the program. J: Miscellaneous commands: Terms may be constants, variables, and parenthesized expressions. Conditional: If e is non zero then then e1, else e2. e?e1:e2 or @if(e,e1,e2) ~e Boolean operator NOT e|e Boolean operator OR e^e Exponentiation e&e Boolean operator AND. e%e Modulo ee Greater than e*e Multiplication e>=e Greater than or equal e-e Subtraction e!=e Not Equal e+e Addition e=e Equal -e Negation e<=e Less than or equal Expressions: Cells and ranges can be given a symbolic name via ``/d''. fixed holds following expession fixed on copies. K$20 Row stays fixed; column can vary on copies. $K20 Row can vary; column stays fixed on copies. $K$20 Row and column stay fixed on copies. K20 Row and column can vary on copies. K: Variable names: returns the value n columns (rows) from the match. (@vlookup) searches the first row (column) in r and the value from the next column (row); @hlookup @lookup searches a single row (column) and returns matches; if string, an exact match is required. matches e. If e is numeric, the last value <= e Search through the range r for a value that @lookup(e,r) @hlookup(e,r,n) @vlookup(e,r,n) index e into range r. Return the numeric (string) value of the cell at @index(e,r) @stindex(e,r) the cells in the range. @stddev(r) Return the sample standard deviation of @min(r) Return the minimum value in the range. @max(r) Return the maximum value in the range. @count(r) Count all valid cells in the range. @avg(r) Average all valid cells in the range. @prod(r) Multiply together all valid cells in the range. @sum(r) Sum all valid cells in the range. L: Range functions: @asin(e) @acos(e) @atan(e) Inverse trig function. @cos(e) @sin(e) @tan(e) Trig functions of radian arguments. @dtr(e) @rtd(e) Convert degrees to/from radians. @ln(e) @log(e) Natural/base 10 logarithm of e. @ston(se) Convert string expr se to a numeric @sqrt(e) Square root of e. @round(e,n) Round e to n decimal places. @rnd(e) Round e to the nearest integer. @pow(e1,e2) e1 raised to the power of e2. pi @pi A constant quite close to pi. @nval(se,e) The numeric value of a named cell. @min(e1,e2,...) The minimum of the values of the e's @max(e1,e2,...) The maximum of the values of the e's. @hypot(x,y) Sqrt(x*x+y*y). @floor(e) The largest integer not greater than e. @abs(e) @fabs(e) Absolute value of e. @exp(e) Exponential function of e. @eqs(se1,se2) 1 if string expr se1 has the same value as se2. @ceil(e) Smallest integer not less than e. @atan2(e1,e2) Arc tangent of e1/e2. M: Numeric functions: surrounded by quotes), variables, and string functions. String expressions are made up of constant strings (characters @capital(e) Return the string with words in upper case @upper(e) @lower(e) Return the string in upper/lower case @coltoa(e) Return the column letter(s) from the passed number output by the command. a string: the first line printed to standard to the command line as an argument. @ext yields script). Convert e to a string and append it @ext(se,e) Call an external function (program or @sval(se,e) Return the string value of a cell selected by name. ``*10.500*''. Use formats are e, E, f, g, and G. For example, ``@fmt("*%6.3f*",10.5)'' yields @fmt(se,e) Convert a number to a string using sprintf(3). ``e ja''. ``@substr("Nice jacket" 4, 7)'' yields string expression se. For example, @substr(se,e1,e2) Extract characters e1 through e2 from the ``the lazy dog'' if A0 is ``the la''. string expression ``A0 # "zy dog"'' yields # Concatenate strings. For example, the N: String functions: pay $1000 per month?'' much can I borrow at 18% for 30 years if I interest. It answers the question: ``How monthly payments of $1000 at 18% annual value of an ordinary annuity of 36 @pv(e1,e2,e3) @pv(1000,.015,36) computes the present pounded monthly?'' savings account paying 6% interest com- months if I deposit $100 per month in a question: ``How much will I have in 36 interest (.005 per month). It answers the of 36 monthly payments of $100 at 6% @fv(e1,e2,e3) @fv(100,.005,36) computes the future value years (360 months). annual interest (.01 per month) for 30 payments for a $60000 mortgage at 12% @pmt(e1,e2,e3) @pmt(60000,.01,360) computes the monthly O: Financial functions: last full minute: 0 to 59. @second(e) Return the number of seconds since the last full hour: 0 to 59. @minute(e) Return the number of minutes since the @hour(e) Return the number of hours since midnight: 0 to 23. @day(e) Return the day of the month: 1 to 31. @month(e) Return the month: 1 (Jan) to 12 (Dec). @year(e) Return the year. Valid years begin with 1970. string with @substr. that you can extract pieces of this fixed format form: ``Sun Sep 16 01:03:52 1973''. Note string 24 characters long in the following @date(e) Convert the time in seconds to a date All of the following take an argument expressed in seconds: @tts(h,m,s) Return h:m:s encoded in seconds since midnight. @dts(m,d,y) Return m/d/y encoded in seconds since 1970. @now Return the time encoded in seconds since 1970. P: Time and date functions:.nr PS 12.nr VS 14.nr HM 1i.nr FM 1i.nr PO 0.5iSC.EH '%s%s''%s' .OH '%s%s''%s' .EF ''%''.OF ''%''.de Lp.LP.ft CW.na.nf...P1.bpHY40%4! z\G* 4k40 4!_    r 7   y 9 s6404!   C    =   404!qO4wb+r-u.40 4!w8w>}44 404!4sB`#\-^.404!a m(4?/404!\t;@ 4I440$!|$;$ $##s#2#""q"7"!!!X!4!  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