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Usage: %s [options] [newsgroups] -c mark all news as read in subscribed newsgroups (batch mode) -f file subscribed to newsgroups file [default=%s] -h help -H help information about %s -I dir news index file directory [default=%s] -m dir mailbox directory [default=%s] -M user mail new news to specified user (batch mode) -n only read subscribed .newsrc groups from NNTP server/usr/bin/lpr -p file print program with options [default=%s] -P purge any expired articles from index files -q quick start by not checking for new newsgroups -r read news remotely from default NNTP server -R read news saved by -S option -s dir save news directory [default=%s] -S save new news for later reading (batch mode) -u update index files (batch mode) -U update index files in the background while reading news -v verbose output for batch mode options -w post an article and exit -z start if any unread news -Z return status indicating if any unread news (batch mode)iain.lea@erlm.siemens.de Mail bug reports/comments to %s%s: Updating of index files not supportedFailed to start background indexing process Welcome to tin, a full screen threaded Netnews reader. It can read news locally (ie. /news) or remotely (-r option) from a NNTP (Network News Transport Protocol) server. tin -h lists the available command line options. Tin has five newsreading levels, the newsgroup selection page, the spooldir selection page, the group index page, the thread listing page and the article viewer. Help is available at each level by pressing the 'h' command. Move up/down by using the terminal arrow keys or 'j' and 'k'. Use PgUp/PgDn or Ctrl-U and Ctrl-D to page up/down. Enter a newsgroup by pressing RETURN/TAB. Articles, threads, tagged articles or articles matching a pattern can be mailed ('m' command), printed ('o' command), saved ('s' command), piped ('|' command). Use the 'w' command to post a news article, the 'f'/'F' commands to post a follow-up to an existing news article and the 'r'/'R' commands to reply via mail to an existing news articles author. The 'M' command allows the operation of tin to be configured via a menu. For more information read the manual page, README, INSTALL, TODO and FTP files. Please send bug reports/comments to the programs author with the 'R' command. Matching %s groups...%s: assertion failure: %s (%d): %s %s%s%sFailed copy_fp(). errno=%dVISUAL/usr/bin/viEDITOR%E +%N %F%E %F%s %s/bin/shSHELLShell Command (%s)Catchup all groups entered during this session? (y/n): Catchup %s...rONEwTHREETWO%s(%d%%) [%ld/%ld]Error setuid(real) failedError setgid(real) failedError setuid(tin) failedError setgid(tin) failedMAILerror@hellerror@nowherenobody@nowhere%s (%s) %s: Already started pid=[%d] on %s%6d %s %d~$=+%s/%s%s//w%s: r.oldnewsrc%s/%s.newsrc.%d%s %s%s%c %s%c %s%c%s options a+%s! %s%c 1-%ld ,%ld1-%ldtop >= 0newsrc.ci<=top,%ldi <= top.subrc/tmp/%s.%d.unsubrcNNTPSERVERserverrserver_init: fdopen #1wserver_init: fdopen #2tcp%s/tcp: Unknown service. %s: Unknown host. socketTrying %s Connection to %s: Giving up... NOTE: This machine does not have permission to post articles. Please don't waste your time trying. This machine does not have permission to use the %s news server. Unexpected response code from %s news server: %d stat %s group %sQUIT100 Help text on way180 Authorization capabilities199 Debug output200 Hello; you can post201 Hello; you can't post202 Slave status noted205 Closing connection211 Group selected215 Newsgroups follow217 News motd file follows218 Group index file follows220 Article (head & body) follows221 Head follows222 Body follows223 No text sent -- stat, next, last230 New articles by message-id follow231 New newsgroups follow235 Article transferred successfully240 Article posted successfully280 Authorization system ok281 Authorization (user/pass) ok282 binary data follows283 spooldir list follows284 Switching to a different spooldir285 Still using same spooldir286 Current spooldir287 Available spooldir288 Unavailable spooldir or invalid entry335 Continue to send article340 Continue to post article380 authorization is required381 authorization data required400 Have to hang up for some reason411 No such newsgroup412 Not currently in newsgroup417 No news motd file418 No index file for this group420 No current article selected421 No next article in this group422 No previous article in this group423 No such article in this group430 No such article at all435 Already got that article, don't send436 Transfer failed437 Article rejected, don't resend440 Posting not allowed441 Posting failed480 authorization required for command481 Authorization system invalid482 Authorization data rejected483 Invalid alias on spooldir cmd484 No spooldir file found500 Command not recognized501 Command syntax error502 Access to server denied503 Program fault, command not performed580 Authorization FailedUnknown NNTP response codeBEGINnntp_open/etc/nntpservernntp%s: %smode readerxoverxindexxuserENDnntp_closelistNOT_OKopen_news_active_fp%sOKroverview.fmtlist %sopen_overview_fmt_fp%s/%snewgroups %sopen_newgroups_fpactivexmotd %sopen_motd_fplist subscriptionsopen_subscription_fpUsing local copy of newsgroups fileopen_newsgroups_fplist newsgroupsINDEX file=[%s]xindex %sopen_xindex_fpxover %ld-%ldopen_xover_fp.overview%s/%s/%sXOVER file=[%s]stat %ldstat_article/%ldhead %ldopen_art_headerNOT_OK_HEAD - Find NEXTnextOK_HEAD.%ldarticle %ldopen_art_fpNOT OKART=[%s]xhdr %s %ld-%ldopen_xhdr_fpNOT_OK_XHDROK_XHDRgroup %ssetup_base%ld %ld %ld %ldlistgroup %ssetup_base, listgroupget_respcode/tmp/%stin_nntpXXXXXXwstuff_nntp ! stuff_nntp()nntp_to_fpxuser %s (%s)log_user.tin_loga+21.2%s%s: %-32s (%-8s) %sauthinfoauthorization.newsauthauthinfo user %sauthinfo pass %sPipen < top_basepage.cMailPrintSaveCrossposttext/plain%s mime article metamail -e -p -m "tin"w%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S?%d %s %s whichbase < top_basePathSubjectOrganizationDateNewsgroupsMessage-IDMessage-IdReferencesDistributionFollowup-ToKeywordsSummaryMime-VersionContent-Typesaturdayfridaythursdaywednesdaytuesdaymondaysundaydecembernovemberoctoberseptemberaugustjulyjunemayaprilmarchfebruaryjanuarysecsecondminminutehourdayweekmonthyearnzdtnzsteadteastcadtcastkdtkstjstccthktwadtwastmsdmskeetmetcetmeztmezcestceshadthasthstakdtakstydtystpdtpstmdtmstcdtcstedtestadtastndtnstbstwetzcututcutgmtsyntax erroryacc stack overflowrCorrupted file %s%s.%dw%02d-%02d-%02d|%c|%s|%s a+%sSubjectFromNewsgroupss %s %s %s Group=[%s] index=[%d] Group %s not found in active file. Exiting... Exiting... Subject: %s Newsgroups: %s Organization: %s Reply-To: %s Followup-To: %s Distribution: %s Summary: Keywords: %s%ceqeipqposter Subject: Re: %s References: %s %s References: %s .letter%s/%sTo: %s Subject: (fwd) %s Newsgroups: %s %s [%.*s]: %ceiqs%s "%s" < %s%s [Re: %.*s]: %ceqs.bugreportTo: %s%s [UNIX]21.2Subject: BUG REPORT tin %s PL%s %s uname -a BOX1: %s Please enter the following information: BOX1: Machine+OS: /etc/NNTP_INEWS_DOMAIN CFG1: active=%d arts=%d reread=%d longfilenames=%d setuid=%d CFG2: nntp=%d nntp_only=%d nntp_xindex=%d nntp_xover=%d CFG3: debug=%d gateway=[%s] domain=[%s] Please enter bug report/gripe/comment: %s: %cCc: %s To: Cc: Newsgroups: Subject: %s/%s/%dDelete article [%s]? (y/n): %s (%s)From=[%s] Cancel=[%s].cancelSubject: cancel %s Control: cancel %s Article cancelled from within tin [v%s PL%s] deq [ Article crossposted from %s ] [ Author was %s ] [ Posted on %s ] epqX-Mailer: TIN [version %s PL%s] X-Newsreader: TIN [version %s PL%s] Reply-To: %s%s%s%s (%s)%c%s%cON OFF%srauto_save=batch_save=start_editor_offset=default_editor_format=mark_saved_read=inverse_okay=draw_arrow=print_header=kill_level=pos_first_unread=full_page_scroll=catchup_read_groups=thread_articles=unlink_article=show_only_unread_groups=show_only_unread=confirm_action=show_description=show_author=post_process_type=sort_article_type=default_savedir=default_maildir=default_printer=default_sigfile=quote_chars=unread_art_mark=hot_art_mark=return_art_mark=reread_active_file_secs=show_last_line_prev_page=tab_after_X_selection=tab_goto_next_unread=force_screen_redraw=display_reading_prompt=save_to_mmdf_mailbox=use_builtin_inews=default_spooldir_alias=news_quote_format=mail_quote_format=slow_speed_terminal=groupname_max_length=beginner_level=auto_cc=default_author_search=default_goto_group=default_group_search=default_subject_search=default_art_search=default_crosspost_group=default_mail_address=default_move_group=default_pipe_command=default_post_newsgroups=default_post_subject=default_regex_pattern=default_save_file=default_select_pattern=default_shell_command=motd_file_info=active_file_info=w%E +%N %F# if ON articles/threads with Archive-name: in mail header will # be automatically saved with the Archive-name & part/patch no. ONOFFauto_save=%s # if ON articles/threads will be saved in batch mode when save -S # or mail -M is specified on the command line batch_save=%s # if ON editor will be started with cursor offset into the file # otherwise the cursor will be positioned at the first line start_editor_offset=%s # Format of editor line including parameters # %%E Editor %%F Filename %%N Linenumber default_editor_format=%s # if ON mark articles that are saved as read mark_saved_read=%s # if 0 killed articles are simply marked as being read # if 1 killed articles are removed and never seen kill_level=%d # if ON use inverse video for page headers at different levels inverse_okay=%s # if ON use -> otherwise highlighted bar for selection draw_arrow=%s # if ON print all of mail header otherwise Subject: & From: lines print_header=%s # if ON put cursor at first unread art in group otherwise last art pos_first_unread=%s # if ON scroll full page of groups/articles otherwise half a page full_page_scroll=%s # if ON ask user if read groups should all be marked read catchup_read_groups=%s # if ON confirm certain commands with y/n before executing confirm_action=%s # if ON show group description text after newsgroup name at # group selection level show_description=%s # part of from field to display 0) none 1) address 2) full name 3) both show_author=%d # type of post processing to perform after saving articles. # 0=(none) 1=(unshar) 2=(uudecode) 3=(uudecode & list zoo) # 4=(uud & extract zoo) 5=(uud & list zip) 6=(uud & extract zip) post_process_type=%d # if ON all group will be threaded as default. thread_articles=%s # if ON remove ~/.article after posting. unlink_article=%s # if ON show only subscribed to groups that contain unread articles. show_only_unread_groups=%s # if ON show only new/unread articles otherwise show all. show_only_unread=%s # sort articles by 0=(nothing) 1=(Subject descend) 2=(Subject ascend) # 3=(From descend) 4=(From ascend) 5=(Date descend) 6=(Date ascend). sort_article_type=%d # directory where articles/threads are saved default_savedir=%s # (-m) directory where articles/threads are saved in mailbox format default_maildir=%s # print program with parameters used to print articles/threads default_printer=%s # Signature path (random sigs)/file to be used when posting/replying to messages default_sigfile=%s # time interval in seconds between rereading the active file reread_active_file_secs=%d # characters used in quoting to followups and replys. '_' replaced by ' ' quote_chars=%s # character used to show that an art was unread (default '+') unread_art_mark=%c # character used to show that an art was auto-selected (default '*') hot_art_mark=%c # character used to show that an art will return (default '-') return_art_mark=%c # if ON show the last line of the previous page as first line of next page show_last_line_prev_page=%s # if ON a TAB command will be automatically done after the X command tab_after_X_selection=%s # if ON the TAB command will goto next unread article at article viewer level tab_goto_next_unread=%s # if ON a screen redraw will always be done after certain external commands force_screen_redraw=%s # if ON 'Reading...' will be displayed when reading article from NNTP server display_reading_prompt=%s # if ON save mail to a MMDF style mailbox (default is normal mbox format) save_to_mmdf_mailbox=%s # if ON use the builtin mini inews otherwise use an external inews program use_builtin_inews=%s # Format of quote line when mailing/posting/followingup an article # %%A Address %%D Date %%F Addr+Name %%G Groupname %%M MessageId %%N Name news_quote_format=%s mail_quote_format=%s # if ON automatically put your name in the Cc: field when mailing an article auto_cc=%s # If ON strip blanks from end of lines to speedup display on slow terminals slow_speed_terminal=%s # Maximum length of the names of newsgroups displayed groupname_max_length=%d # If ON show a mini menu of useful commands at each level beginner_level=%s # default action/prompt strings default_spooldir_alias=%s default_author_search=%s default_goto_group=%s default_group_search=%s default_subject_search=%s default_art_search=%s default_crosspost_group=%s default_mail_address=%s default_move_group=%d default_pipe_command=%s default_post_newsgroups=%s default_post_subject=%s default_regex_pattern=%s default_save_file=%s default_select_pattern=%s default_shell_command=%s # news motd file dates from server used for detecting new motd info motd_file_info=%s # active file sizes/dates from different servers used for detecting new groups active_file_info=%s[%s] Enter option number> ON %s%s %s%s%s/%s-o-l-tzipunzip-extract-list-testzoo%s/logwTo: %s Subject: NEWS LOG %s Saved %s... %s%s/dummy/tmp/%stin.%dNews%s/%s%s/%s/%ld[%5ld] %s %s "%s" < %s%4d unread articles in %s MailedSaved %s %d article(s) from %d group(s) Mailing log to %s Save respnum=[%d] index=[%d] mbox=[%d] file=[%s]Save file=[%s]a+From %s %sfseek() error on [%s]%s%d%s.%02dMail~$=+/.Cannot create %s%s/%s.%02dpart%s/%s/%s.%s%s%s/%s.%s%spatch%s.%s%s%s/tin%05drbeginend%s error: ASSERT - default state cd %s; uudecode %s*sum -r%s %sCannot execute %s %s %8d bytes cd %s; %s %s %s#! /bin/sh#!/bin/sh%s/tin.%05dcd %s; sh %s Mailbox=[%d] MMDF=[%d]%c%c%c%c %s: %s-> %s (%s)%s %s%4d u%5d R%s (%s %d%s)%s (%d%s) ? -%5.d %c %4.d %s %-*.*s %-*.*s %c %4.d %s %-*.*s %c %4.d %s %-*.*s%*s r.Sig%s/%sUSING random sig=[%s] -- .sigfixedrNO sigfile=[%s]sigfile=[%s].sig loop=[%d] recurse=[%d]../Found a file=[%s]return 0: sigfile=[%s]SIGWINCH setting signal...newsSIGINT SIGQUIT SIGHUP SIGPWR SIGFPE SIGBUS SIGSEGV %s: signal handler caught signal %s(%d). iain.lea@erlm.siemens.de%s: send a bug report to %s%s %-16.16s %s %4.d %-*.*s spooldir list%s%s NUM=[%d] MAX=[%d] STATE=[%d] ALIAS=[%s] COMMENT=[%s] news%s %s... %s %s...spooldir %sset_spooldirSatFriThuWedTueMonSunSaturdayFridayThursdayWednesdayTuesdayMondaySundayDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanDecemberNovemberOctoberSeptemberAugustJulyJuneAprilMarchFebruaryJanuaryPMAM%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %d%02d%03d%d%s %s %2d %d%02d:%02d:%02d%m/%d/%y%2d%I:%M:%S %p%H:%M%H:%M:%SXXX %3d %c%4d ? %4d%3s [%s] %-*.*s%s%-*.*sThread (%.*s)List Thread (%d of %d)first_thread_on_screen != 0 || index == thread_respnumthread.c-> %di >= 0n < top_basei != -2i != oldiXref:fullPt/;U&&v&UkUUdVC<[(U))/=>):V''VVVi\**++"WJWWWW,%&&v&&C</=>))a=*i+&&&B&v&&'(C<<(((D')/=>))^)}'>'x>))a=**i&?*N++++"W+i?5,,,/@,,-B-p---+.YY&&v&Z<C<D'/=>))=a=*i*+i?;;&&=B&v&?<<C<(<(((<?<?/=>)=>'I>x>>a=*>&?**++"W+i?w@,,/@d,@@@@dSubscribe to new group %s (y/n/q) [%c]: Remove bogus group %s (y/n/q) [%c]: Reading news active file...Reading mail active file...Reading attributes file...Writing attributes file...Reading newsgroups file...Reading mailgroups file...Group %s ('q' to quit)... Purging %s...Can't open article %s: Index file %s corrupted. error %d on article %dChecking for news...There is no news Selecting articles...Unselecting articles...%s %d group(s) in %ld seconds Do you want to abort indexing group? (y/n): Do you want to abort searching? (y/n): No index file specifiedWriting index file... a)rticle, t)hread, h)ot, p)attern, T)agged articles, q)uit: Process n)one, s)har, u)ud, l)ist zoo, e)xt zoo, L)ist zip, E)xt zip, q)uit: Enter regex pattern [%s]> No commandPiping...Piping not enabled. Recompile without -DNO_PIPING.-- %d Article(s) saved --Reading all articles...Reading unread articles...*** Posting not allowed ***Tagged articleTagged threadUntagged articleUntagged threadInverse video enabledInverse video disabledSubscribed to %sUnsubscribed from %sMark all articles as read? (y/n): Mark thread as read? (y/n): No more groupsNo previous group*** No Articles ****** No Groups ***Command only allowed on active news*** End of Thread ****** End of Articles ****** End of Groups ***No next unread articleNo previous unread articleNo last messageBad command. Type 'h' for help. You have mail h=help Read article> Search forwards [%s]> Search backwards [%s]> Search body [%s]> Author search forwards [%s]> Author search backwards [%s]> No search stringNo matchNo newsgroups No newsgroups. Exiting... No subject. Exiting...No subjectPost to newsgroup(s) [%s]> Post subject [%s]> Can't open %sPosting article...Article postedArticle rejected (saved to %s)q)uit, e)dit, p)ost: 4$ Goto spooldir 4 ($=goto last spooldir) 4$ Goto article 4 ($=goto last article) ^K Kill / Auto select (hot) current article ^L Redraw page ^D^U Down (^U=up) a page ^F^B Down (^B=up) a page Read current article Read news from selected spooldir Goto next unread article or group d Toggle display of subject or subject & author l List articles within current thread m Move current group within group selection list M Menu of configurable options aA Author forward (A=backward) search B Article body search cC Mark group read (C=and goto next unread group) c Mark all articles as read and goto group selection menu C Mark all articles as read and goto next unread group g Choose a new group by name I Toggle inverse video K Mark article/thread as read & goto next unread jk Down (k=up) a line np Goto next (p=previous) group NP Goto next (P=previous) unread article Q Quit r Toggle display to show all / only unread articles su Subscribe (u=unsubscribe) to current group SU Subscribe (U=unsubscribe) to groups that match pattern T Return to group selection level t Tag current article for crossposting/mailing/piping/printing/saving u Toggle display of unthreaded & threaded articles U Untag all tagged articles v Show version information w Post an article to current group x Crosspost current article to another group /? Subject forward (?=backward) search <> Goto first (>=last) article in current thread ! Shell escape - Show last message * Select thread . Toggle selection of thread @ Reverse all selections (all articles) ~ Undo all selections (all articles) X Mark all unread articles that have not been selected as read + Perform auto-selection on group = Mark threads selected if at least one unread art is selected ; Mark threads selected if at least one unread art is selected Enter regex save pattern [%s]> -- Saved pattern to %s - %s ---- Saved to mailbox %s --Threading articles...Unthreading articles...Enter selection pattern [%s]> Group Selection Commands (page %d of %d)Spooldir Selection Commands (page %d of %d)Index Page Commands (page %d of %d)Thread Commands (page %d of %d)Article Pager Commands (page %d of %d)PgDn,End,,^D - page down. PgUp,Home,b,^U - page up. ,q - quitPosted articles history (page %d of %d)=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, c)atchup,g)oto, j=line down, k=line up, h)elp, m)ove, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread,s)ubscribe, S)ub pattern, u)nsubscribe, U)nsub pattern, y)ank in/out=set current to n, CR=selects spooldir, h)elp, j=line down, k=line up, q)uit=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,a)uthor search, c)atchup, j=line down, k=line up, K=mark read, l)ist thread,|=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r=toggle all/unread, s)ave, t)ag, w=post=set current to n, TAB=next unread, c)atchup, d)isplay toggle,h)elp, j=line down, k=line up, q)uit, t)ag, z=mark unread=set current to n, TAB=next unread, /=search pattern, ^K)ill/select,a)uthor search, B)ody search, c)atchup, f)ollowup, K=mark read,|=pipe, m)ail, o=print, q)uit, r)eply mail, s)ave, t)ag, w=postEnvironment variable %s not found. Set and retry...Corrupt kill file %sKill / Auto-select Article MenuKill type : Kill Subject [%-*.*s] (y/n): Kill From [%-*.*s] (y/n): Kill text pattern : Apply pattern to : Kill pattern scope: Choose kill or auto select. toggles & sets.Subject: line to add to kill file. toggles & sets.From: line to add to kill file. toggles & sets.Enter text pattern to kill if Subject: & From: lines are not what you want.Select where text pattern should be applied. toggles & sets.Kill/auto-select only current group or all groups. toggles & sets.q)uit e)dit s)ave kill/hot description: YesNo %s (c) Copyright 1991-93 Iain Lea.Option not enabled. Recompile with %s.Group %s not found in active file%s: Screen initialization failedActive file corrupt - %sCan't open %s. Try %s -r to read news via NNTP. %s contains no newsgroups. Exiting.Checking for new newsgroups...Checking...Can't find base article %s%s: out of memoryError: rename %s to %sEnter shell command [%s]> Interactive spellchecker not enabled. Recompile with -DHAVE_ISPELL.Creating .newsrc... Group %s not in active file. Deleting.Connecting to %s...Connection to news server has timed out. Reconnect? (y/n): Cannot find NNTP server namePut the server name in the file %s, or set the environment variable NNTPSERVERFailed to connect to NNTP server %s. Exiting...Rejected by server, nntp error %dConnection to server brokenstuff_nntp: can't open %s: nntp_to_fp: can't reopen %s: nntp_to_fd: can't reopen %s: NNTP authorization password not found for %sReading...Do you really want to quit? (y/n): Article %ld unavailableArticle marked as unreadThread marked as unread*** Beginning of article ***-- Next response ---- Last response ----More----More--(%d%%) [%ld/%ld]%sThread %4d of %4d Lines %s Respno %3d of %3d No responses 1 Response %d Responses %s at %sThread %d of %d, Resp %d/%d (page %d): %sThread %d of %d (page %d): %sRead response> 0 Read the base article in current thread 4 Read response 4 in current thread Goto to next thread Goto next unread article b Back (=forward) a page R Report bug/comment via mail to %s fF Post (f=copy text) a followup D Delete (cancel) current article that must have been posted by you ^H Show articles header hH Command help (H=toggle mini help menu) q Return to previous level cK Mark thread as read & return to previous level kK Mark article (K=thread) as read & advance to next unread m Mail article/thread/hot/pattern/tagged articles to someone nN Goto to the next (N=unread) article o Output article/thread/hot/pattern/tagged articles to printer pP Goto the previous (P=unread) article rR Reply through mail (r=copy text) to author s Save article/thread/hot/pattern/tagged articles to file zZ Mark article (Z=thread) as unread ^R$ Redisplay first ($=last) page of article gG Goto first (G=last) page of article d Toggle rot-13 decoding for current article | Pipe article/thread/hot/pattern/tagged articles into command / Article forward search * Select article . Toggle article selection @ Reverse article selections ~ Undo all selections in thread Mail article(s) to [%.*s]> No mail addressNo responsesq)uit, e)dit, s)endq)uit, e)dit, s)endq)uit, e)dit, d)eleteMailing to %s...-- %d Article(s) mailed --Command failed: %s In article %M you wrote:Responses have been directed to the poster. Post anyway? (y/n): Responses have been directed to the following newsgroupsContinue? (y/n): %F wrote:Save filename [%s]> Article not savedNo filenameSaving...Article saved to %sThread not savedThread saved to %s - %sThread saved to %sPipe to command [%.*s]> Printing...%d Article(s) printedFile %s exists. Append? (y/n): Toggled rot13 encodingUse MIME display program for this message? (y/n): Group %s is moderated. Continue? (y/n): No articles have been postedPost an article...Post a followup...Mail bug report...Crosspost article(s) to group(s) [%s]> No groupCrossposting article...Mail BUG REPORT to %s%s? (y/n): Reply to author...Article to be posted has the errors/warnings noted above. q)uit, e)dit: Deleting article...Article deletedArticle cannot be deletedq)uit, e)dit, p)ost [%.*s]: %cError: Article starts with blank line instead of header Error: Header on line %d does not have a colon after the header name: %s Error: Header on line %d does not have a space after the colon: %s Error: the "Newsgroups:" line lists no newsgroups. Error: the "Newsgroups:" line is missing from the articles header. Error: the "Subject:" line is missing from the articles header. Warning: posting exceeds %d columns. Line %d is the first long one: %-100s Error: No blank line found after header. Your article will be posted to the following newsgroup%s: Warning: "%s" is not a valid newsgroup at this site! Error: "%s" is not a valid newsgroup! Error: the "Newsgroups:" line has spaces in it that MUST be removed. The only allowable space is the one separating the colon (:) from the contents. Use a comma (,) to separate multiple newsgroup names. Check Prepared ArticleError on line %d: "From:" header not allowed (it will be added for you) -- Press any key to continue --Press any key to continue...1. Auto save : 2. Editor Offset : 3. Mark saved read : 4. Confirm command : 5. Draw arrow : 6. Print header : 7. Goto 1st unread : 8. Scroll full page: 9. Catchup on quit : 10 Thread articles : 11 Show only unread: 12 Show description: 13 Show author : 14 Process type : 15 Sort article by : 16 Save directory : 17 Mail directory : 18 Printer : Options MenuNoneAddrNameBothNoneShell archiveUudecodeUudecode & list zoo archiveUudecode & extract zoo archiveUudecode & list zip archiveUudecode & extract zip archiveNothingSubject: field (descending)Subject: field (ascending)From: field (descending)From: field (ascending)Date: field (descending)Date: field (ascending)Auto save article/thread by Archive-name: header. toggles & sets.Start editor with line offset. toggles & sets.Ask for command confirmation. toggles & sets.By printing print all/part of header. toggles & sets.Put cursor at first/last unread art in groups. toggles & sets.Show Subject & From (author) fields in group menu. toggles & sets.Draw -> or highlighted bar for selection. toggles & sets.Mark saved articles/threads as read. toggles & sets.Scroll half/full page of groups/articles. toggles & sets.Ask to mark groups read when quiting. toggles & sets.Enable/disable threading of articles in all groups. toggles & sets.Show all articles or only unread articles. toggles & sets.Show short description for each newsgroup. toggles & sets.Post process (ie. unshar) saved article/thread. toggles & sets.Sort articles by Subject, From or Date fields. toggles & sets.The directory where you want articles/threads saved.The directory where articles/threads are to be saved in mailbox format.The printer program with options that is to be used to print articles/threads.Select option by entering number before text. Any other key to save.Post processing...-- post processing completed --Deleting...Uudecoding... Extracting %s... Delete saved files that have been post processed? (y/n): Post processing failed Testing %s archive... Listing %s archive... Extracting %s archive... Checksum of %s... Searching...Searching ('q' to abort)... Reading all groups...Reading unread groups...Moving %s...Enter regex subscribe pattern> Enter regex unsubscribe pattern> Subscribing...Subscribing to %s...Unsubscribing...Unsubscribing from %s...subscribed to %d groupsunsubscribed from %d groupsDelete %s from .newsrc? (y/n): Group %s deletedGroup undeletedMark group %s as read? (y/n): No groups to deleteReset newsrc? (y/n): Post newsgroup> Yanking in all groups...Yanking in subscribed to groups...No more groups to readAdded %d group%ssNo more groups to yank inGroup SelectionSpooldir Selection (%d)Select group> Select spooldir> 4$ Select group 4 ($=select last group) ^R Reset .newsrc ^KZ Delete (Z=undelete) group from .newsrc Read current group c Mark group as all read d Toggle display of groupname or groupname and description l List & select another spooldir n Goto next group with unread news and enter it N Goto next group with unread news qQ Quit r Toggle display to show all / only unread subscribed to groups W List articles posted by user y Yank in subscribed/unsubscribed from .newsrc z Mark current group as unread Y Yank in active file to see any new news /? Group forward (?=backward) search Goto newsgroup [%s]> Position %s in group list (1,2,..,$) [%d]> resizing window Stopped. Type 'fg' to restart TIN Multiple spooldirs are not supportedNo spooldirsServer does not appear to support the spooldir command Reconfigure the news reader or the server & try again. Cannot change to valid spooldir. Exiting...Changing spooldir toNo responses to list in current thread0 Goto the base article in current thread 4$ Goto response 4 ($=goto last response) in current thread Read current response Goto next unread response K Mark thread as read & return Processing Xref's...@(#)yaccpar 1.8 (Berkeley) 01/20/90       "$ #* )  !%&'(   /:,:',' /     z sldZQJA : Q<<         ,, hh  } yt ok Xf XaX]XT OK G C ? 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