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running %sExec old rdist failed: %s: %s.This version of rdist should not be installed setuid.Bad log option "%s": %s."%s" is not a number.stdout=all,debugEnable debug messages failed: %s.%s Bad dist option string "%s".No path specified to "-p".No path specified to "-P".No component of path "%s" exists.The -n flag and "verify" mode may not both be used.distfileDistfile%s: Cannot access file: %s.No distfile found.r%s: open failed: %s.cDFnvUsage: %s [-%s] [-A ] [-a ] [-d var=value] [-f distfile] [-l ] [-L ] [-M ] [-m host] [-o ] [-p ] [-P ] [-t ] [target ...] OR: %s [-%s] -c source [...] machine[:dest] OR: %s -V The values for are: %s docmdargs() files = %shost = %s(getnlstr() Buffer not large enough )remfilename: src=%s dest=%s path=%s rname=%s destdir=%d remfilename: remote filename=%s %s/%s%s%sspecial "%s"BASEFILEREMFILEFILE%s=%s;%s=%s;%s=%s;export %s %s %s;%scmdspecial "%s"Refuse to handle filename containing newline: %ssendhardlink: rname='%s' pathname='%s' src='%s' target='%s' %o %s %ssendhardlink: lname=%s %s: open for read failed: %s%o %04o %ld %ld %ld %s %s %sSend file '%s' %d bytes %s: File changed size%s: Error writing to client: %sfailedcompleteSend file '%s' %s. rmchk() %ormchk: unexpected control record/check %s %srmchk: unexpected response '%s'%o %04o 0 0 0 %s %s %s%s: opendir failed: %s...%s/%s: Name too longsendlink(%s, %x, stb, %d) %.*s%s %s: file changed sizeexpected control recordinstall link: unexpected response '%s'update(%s, 0x%x, 0x%x) %s is an executable update: unexpected control record in response to queryupdate: %s is on a NFS. Skipping... update: %s is a symlink. Skipping... update: %s is on a RO fs. Skipping... update: unexpected response to query '%s'update: size not delimitedupdate: mtime not delimited update: owner not delimitedupdate: group not delimitedupdate(%s,) local mode %04o remote mode %04o update(%s,) size %d mtime %d owner '%s' grp '%s' %s: Warning: remote copy is newermodes do not match (%04o != %04o). size does not match (%d != %d). owner does not match (%s != %s). owner does not match (%d != %s). group does not match (%s != %s). group does not match (%d != %s). statlstat%s: %s failed: %ssendit(%s, 0x%x) called sendit(%s, 0x%x): update status of %s is %d %s: need to chmod to %04o%s: chmod to %04o%o %04o %s%s: need to install%s: installing%s: need to update%s: updating%s: unknown file typeNULLinstall(src=%s,dest=%s,ddir=%d,destdir=%d,opts=%d) start -overifyinstall%s%s%s %s %sinstall: target=%s src=%s rname=%s dest='%s' destdir=%d, ddir=%d %o %sremovechild(%s, %d, %d) startRemoveChild called with bad child %s %d %dremovechild() endaddchild() start addchild() created '%s' pid %d fd %d (active=%d) [readchild(%s, %d, %d) start][readchild(%s, %d, %d) bad child][readchild(%s, %d, %d) got %d bytes][readchild(%s, %d, %d) only wrote %d/%d bytes][readchild(%s, %d, %d) write done]readchild(%s, %d, %d) done: amt = %d errno = %d readchild(%s, %d, %d) at EOF blockingnonblockingwaitproc() %s, active children = %d... Child process %d exited with status %d. waitproc() done (activechildren = %d) reap() called reap() pid = %d status = %d activechildren=%d Wait failed: %sreap() done childscan() startchildscan() endwaitup() start waitup() select on %d (%s) waitup() Call select(), activechildren=%d waitup() select returned %d activechildren = %d Select failed reading children input: %sSelect returned an unexpected count of 0.waitup() proc %d (%s) died unexpectedly!waitup() end Cannot create pipe for %s: %sCannot spawn child for %s: fork failed: %sSet nonblocking I/O failed: %sspawn() Forked child %d for host %s active = %d Cannot duplicate stdout file descriptor: %sCannot duplicate stderr file descriptor: %scloseconn() called @notify %s%s %snotify() temp file = '%s'%s: open for reading failed: %s%s: fstat failed: %s/usr/lib/sendmailIFS=" "; export IFS; %s -oi -twnotify: "%s" failed From: rdist (Remote distribution program) To: %s@%s %s, %s@%s, %sSubject: files updated by rdist from %s to %s Subject: files updated after %s checkcmd() NULL cmd parametermarkfailed() NULL cmd parameterlocal user = %s remote user = %s Remote command = '%s' Remote shell command = '%s' makeconn(%s)updating host %s%.*s -SUnexpected input from server: "%s".%dServer version (%d) is not the same as local version (%d).%c%s%c%ddoarrow() NULL cmd parameterNo files to be updated on %s for target "%s"doarrow(%x, %s, %x) startupdating host %s makeconn %s failed before; skipping setjmp to finish_jmpbuf.Debug files->n_next= %d, destdir=%d, ddir=%dDebug sc->sc_name=%x, destdir=%d, ddir=%dsmissingextra%s: Warning: %d %s link%sInvalid user name "%s" rcmptime(%x) start%s: open directory failed: %s..%s/%s: Name too long cmptime(%s)comparing dates: %s %s: cannot access file: %s%s: not a plain file%s: file is newerFILE%s=%s;%sspecial "%s":dodcolon()No files to be updated for target "%s"%s: stat failed: %s%s: mtime %d FILES%s='';cmdspecial "%s"except(%s)Regex error "%s" for "%s".update %sillegal command type %dLabel "%s" is not defined in the distfile.prev assigned: %s updating of %s finishedWaiting for %d children to finish. youngerwholeverifysavetargetsremovequietnumchkownernumchkgroupnoexecnodescendnochkownernochkmodenochkgroupignlnksfollowcomparechksymchkreadonlychknfs,noDist option "%s" is not valid.Too many namesPathname too longexpand(%x, %d) start, list = %sexpand() contains invalid 'wh' argument.Variable is too large.no variable name after '$'unmatched '{'%s%s%s%s%s{{}~: unknown user name: Missing ']'Missing '}'define(%s)lookup(%s, %d, %x)%s redefined%s undefined%s: unknown hostsocketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0) failed: %s.fork failed: %s.dup2 failed: %s.fork to lose parent failed: %s.localhost-c/bin/shexeclp %s failed: %s.-lYour user id (%d) is not known to this system.UserID = %d pwname = '%s' home = '%s' finish() called: do_fork = %d amchild = %d isserver = %dUnexpected failure of longjmp() in finish()(unknown)Lost connection to %samchildparentisserverSegmentation violation - dumping core [PID = %d, %s]Abort failed - no core dump. Exiting...sighandler() received signal %d Response time outNo signal handler defined for signal %d. >>> Cmd = %c (\%3.3o) Msg = "%.*s"Cannot read remote input: Remote descriptor not open.<<< Cmd = %c (\%3.3o) Msg = "%s"%sremote input line too long:%d%s: No password entry for uid %d%s: No name for group %dresponse() start received ACK received EMPTY logmsg %s: unknown user name6.1Version %s.%d - Protocol Version %d, Release %s, Patch level %dpipe of %s failed: %s/dev/null-csh/bin/shshell returned %dCannot malloc %d bytes of memory.Cannot realloc %d bytes of memory.Cannot calloc %d * %d = %d bytes of memory.debugallverbosewarningferrornerrornoticeinfochangenotifysyslogfilestdout Where is of form =,,...:=,... Valid names: %s Valid names: Current message logging config: %s=,%sThe "%s" message facility cannot be used by the server.No file name found for "file" message facilitywCannot open log file for writing: %s: %s.Message type "%s" is invalid.NULL message string:No '=' foundNo message facility specifiedNo message type specified%s is not a valid message facility%s TMPDIR/tmprdistXXXXXX%s/%sCannot open notify file for writing: %s: %s.Created notify temp file '%s'(unknown)%s: %sREMOTE ERROR: %sLOCAL ERROR: %s@(#)yaccpar 1.8 (Berkeley) 01/20/90$Id: gram.y,v 6.29 1994/04/11 23:59:15 mcooper Exp mcooper $x@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.   )&- .FL%%%%45 CC)7    2 /01'(3  !"#$%456 7 8   *+, 9  &;+-% )(;)(  ; ((((&;;((+;- !"#=;;[]{}*?$$Id: rdist.c,v 6.64 1994/04/26 16:57:32 mcooper Exp $@(#)main.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. stdout=all:notify=all:syslog=nerror,ferrorA:a:bcd:DFf:hil:L:M:m:NnOo:p:P:qRrst:Vvwxy$Id: client.c,v 6.73 1994/04/12 00:05:41 mcooper Exp mcooper $@(#)client.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: child.c,v 6.25 1994/03/31 02:56:25 mcooper Exp $@(#)docmd.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: docmd.c,v 6.83 1994/04/26 17:10:07 mcooper Exp $@(#)docmd.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: distopt.c,v 6.9 1994/04/26 16:59:41 mcooper Exp $@(#)distopt.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. RF?7 0@(@ ߿ٿҿƿ$Id: expand.c,v 6.17 1994/03/14 23:25:24 mcooper Exp $@(#)expand.c 5.2 (Berkeley) 3/28/86@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. ${[*?$Id: lookup.c,v 6.7 1994/04/26 17:03:09 mcooper Exp $@(#)lookup.c 5.1 (Berkeley) 6/6/85@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: isexec.c,v 6.21 1994/04/01 23:44:10 mcooper Exp $@(#)client.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: signal.c,v 6.1 1993/07/15 22:47:30 mcooper Exp mcooper $@(#)signal.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1993 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: rshrcmd.c,v 1.6 1994/04/26 16:53:42 mcooper Exp $$Id: common.c,v 6.71 1994/04/20 18:11:03 mcooper Exp $@(#)common.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. $Id: message.c,v 6.21 1994/04/20 17:53:28 mcooper Exp $@(#)common.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. N@IB;4, $v# hPcp\РU$Id: setargs.c,v 6.4 1994/02/10 01:04:50 mcooper Exp mcooper $@(#)setargs.c@(#) Copyright (c) 1983 Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved. .>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>  p 0 o HGCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#H) 001  o9 HB KQVPP\ppbxx jpw~p|@