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book...prYntYWhereIsWIndexIGotoFldrGListFldrsLComposeToCQuitQCreateListSAddADeleteDNextPageSpcPrevPage-NextEntryNPrevEntryPOTHER CMDSOHelp?TAKEADDR: SELECT NICKNAMEUNKNOWN SCREEN STYLE!COMPOSER: SELECT ADDRESSADDRESS BOOKNo Address Book ConfiguredNow in addressbook %sEExitSelect[Select]MMainMenu[Edit]ZAddToListNo addrbook operations possible, use %s to exitHELP ON ADDRESS BOOKNo entries in address book. Use ExitSelect to leave address book%saddressnicknameNo %s selectedNo entries to editAddressBook not expanded, use "S" to expandAlready on last line.Already on first line.Already on first page.Already on last page.No entries to deletePermission DeniedPine suspension not enabled - see help textF1 %sAddressBook%s%s is Read OnlyAddressBook is Empty%sAddress book %s cancelledTabs not allowed in address booksearchWord not foundSearch wrapped to beginningaddress books %-10.10s %-35.35s %s %s %s Really delete "%.50s"Really delete ENTIRE list "%.50s"Really delete "%.100s" from listEntry deleted, address book updatedError writing address book: %sEntry not deletedAddress book is at maximum size. Addition cancelled.New full name (Last, First): Enter new nickname (one word and easy to remember): Enter new e-mail address: Warning! %s exists in %s as %sPine bugError updating address book: %sAddition complete. Address book updated.additionAddress book is at maximum size. List addition cancelled.Long name/description of new list: Enter list nickname (one word and easy to remember): Enter %s address or blank when done: Addition of list %s complete. Address book updated.list creationNo distribution lists. To create, use "S"Move cursor to list you wish to add to. Use "A" to create plain entryEnter %s address to add or blank when done: iesyEntr%s added to "%s". Address book updated.^TTo AddrBkAlready an entry with nickname "%s"Address book is at maximum size. Nickname change cancelled.Edit Nickname: Edit Full name of list: Edit Full name: Edit address in list: Edit address: Comment: Edit Fcc for list: Edit Fcc: Edit which field ? NicknameAddressFFullnameFccCommentCan't happen, do_edit_cmd(cmd=%c)changeAddress book edited and updatedWord to search for [%s]: ^YFirst Adr^VLast AdrSearched to first entryNo entriesSearched to last entryMatched string in Fcc fieldMatched string in Comment fieldMatched string in Fcc and Comment fieldsEditEnter%s new nickname (one word and easy to remember): Already an entry %s in address book!Entry %s (%s) exists, replaceAddress book is at maximum size. TakeAddr cancelled. (Last, First)%s new Full Name%s: %s new e-mail address: %s added. Address book %s%supdated"@Enter new or existing list nickname (one word and easy to remember): RReplaceList %s (%s) exists, replace or add addresses to it ? Enter new List Full Name: Entr%s added to "%s". Address book %s%supdated.Can't open address book!unbalanced quotes in addresses not allowedparenspacecommaunquoted %ss not allowed in addressesQuotesCommasBlank spaces%s not allowed in nicknames><Loop or Duplicate detected in addressbook!%s not in addressbook***address-loop-or_duplicate***%s -- %swritable No %sAddressbook to Take to!^PPrev AddrBook^NNext AddrBook[ReadOnly] Take to which addrbook : %sNo addressbook "%s"SingleModeUnSetAllUSetAllSet/UnsetXNextPrev[Take]TExitTakeListModeNo addresses to take, cancelledList mode: Use "X" to mark addresses to be included in listSingle mode: Use "P" or "N" to select desired addressTAKE ADDRESS SCREEN (List Mode)TAKE ADDRESS SCREEN (Single Mode)HELP FOR TAKE ADDRESS SCREENAlready in ListMode. Press "S" for Single entry mode.Already in SingleMode. Press "L" for List entry mode.No addresses marked for taking. Use ExitTake to leave TakeAddr screen[%c] %-*.*s %-*.*s[%c] %s %sNo messages to take the address fromCan't take address into address book. Error accessing folder.addressbook.a1a2Can't create temporary filerAddress book %s doesn't exist, creatingw.luPine needs to update lookup file %s, okCan't create lookup databaseLookup file %s doesn't exist, creatingname too long, using %sproblems accessing addressbooka3a4Can't create %sforcing rebuild of %s...%s isn't valid, rebuilding...%2d P#*E@P#*@ 03initializing address book...Max addrbook size is %s, %s too large, bailing outaddressbook entry is corruptnickname %s: %.500sAddrbook has been changed by another process, need to re-sync...Aborting our change to avoid damage...Lookup file %s inconsistent...remove it and restart Pine Addrbook changed by another process, aborting our change to avoid damage...Writing addrbook...Still writing%s %s%s %s %5lu %5hu %5hu %11ld %11ld %10ld %5hu %s %5hu %2d %2d %2d %2d %2d %10lu %2d Programming botch in adrbk_get_entryref()Still sorting%sconfpinercError: missing argument for option "-pinerc" (use - for standard out) create_luError: missing argument for option "-create_lu" Usage: pine -create_lu nrsortError: missing argument for option "-sort" Error: missing argument for flag "%c" Error: Non numeric argument for flag "%c" Error: unknown flag "%c" Error in -I argument "%s": %s pinef,use-function-keysenable-suspendexpanded-view-of-foldersInternal error %s Can't currently use -a without -nr Can't have both -conf and -pinerc Can't have both -conf and -create_lu Can't have both -pinerc and -create_lu Possible Starting Arguments for Pine program: Argument Meaning ... Go directly into composer sending to given address -f Folder - give folder name to open -F File - give file name to open and page thru -h Help - give this list of options -k Keys - Force use of function keys -z Suspend - allow use of ^Z suspension -r Restricted - can only send mail to one self -sort Sort - Specify sort order of folder: subject, arrival, date, from, size, /reverse -i Index - Go directly to index, bypassing main menu -I Initial keystrokes to be executed -n Entry in index to begin on -o ReadOnly - Open first folder read-only -conf Configuration - Print out fresh global configuration -pinerc Configuration - Put fresh pinerc configuration in -p Use alternate .pinerc file -P Use alternate pine.conf file -create_lu create .lu from script -nr Special mode for UWIN -a Special anonymous mode for UWIN -l List - Expand List of folder collections by default -

... Go directly into composer with given address Argument MeaningPossible Starting Arguments for Pine program:| (7) Command Line Options |----------------------------this one.)below. This command is also available from any help screen (including The "Report Bug" command does the obvious thing; please see section (10)during a temporary absence from your terminal.The "Keyboard Lock" command allows your Pine session to be protected Pine, as well as historical and legal notes.The "Release Notes" command displays information about this version of fully-qualified path name. location using the correct syntax for a remote folder and/ordefined collections, you are going to have to enter the exact folderallow you to rotate thru them. However, if the folder is outside of yourthe desired folder, and if you have multiple folder collections defined,having to use the Folder List display. It will prompt you for the name ofand MESSAGE TEXT screens) lets you jump directly to a new folder withoutThe "Goto" command (available on MAIN MENU, FOLDER LIST, FOLDER INDEX,the bottom of the screen, are the following commands. Also available from the Main Menu, but only displayed on the Key Menus atby which you may activate optional Pine features. one of several configuration screens, including the SETUP CONFIGURATION screen,The "SETUP" command (available only from the MAIN MENU) prompts you forbook(s) may be updated. to the ADDRESS BOOK management screen. From here, your personal addressThe "ADDRESS BOOK" command (available only from the MAIN MENU) takes youexpand the collection and display all of the folders in it. screen to learn more about Collections), you may need to press RETURN tomultiple folder collections defined (See the Help text for the FOLDER LISTor their control-key equivalents) and pressing RETURN. If you haveone currently open by highlighting the desired one (using the arrow keysdelete, and add folders. You can open (view) a different folder than thethe names of all your message folders and allows you to view, rename,MESSAGE TEXT screens) takes you to the FOLDER LIST screen which displaysThe "FOLDER LIST" command (available on MAIN MENU, FOLDER INDEX, andPrint, Save, etc) apply to the current message. commands available from this screen (e.g. View, Reply, Forward, Delete,message will be highlighted; this is the "Current" message. The messagea summary caption for each message in the currently-open folder. OneMESSAGE TEXT screens) takes you to the FOLDER INDEX screen which displaysThe "FOLDER INDEX" command (available on MAIN MENU, FOLDER LIST, andcomposer and permits you to create and send a new message. FOLDER INDEX, and MESSAGE TEXT screens) takes you into the Pine messageThe "COMPOSE MESSAGE" command (available on MAIN MENU, FOLDER LIST,support concerns. At some sites, certain commands may not be available due to security orSETUP) is determined by Pine configuration files and system capabilities.NOTE: The availability of certain commands (e.g. some of the options under{F10 Lock keyboard F10 ADDRESS BOOK screen :}{F9 Display Pine release notes F9 SETUP menus :}{ F7 FOLDER INDEX screen :Q Quit Pine}{F6 Select next command down on menu F6 Goto a specified folder :S SETUP functions G Goto a specified folder}{F5 Select previous command up on menu F5 FOLDER LIST screen :A ADDRESS BOOK screen K Lock Keyboard }{F4 Execute current MAIN MENU command F4 Compose a message :L FOLDER LIST screen R Display Pine Release Notes}{F3 Quit Pine :I FOLDER INDEX screen N Select Next command down on menu}{F2 Show all other available commands F2 Show other commands :C Compose a message P Select Previous command up on menu}{F1 Show this help text F1 Show this help text :? Show help text O Show all Other available commands}{------------------------------ ------------------------------ :--------------------- -------------------------}{Available Commands -- Group 1 Available Commands -- Group 2 :General Pine Commands MAIN MENU Screen Commands}| (6) Main Menu Commands |server. has been suspended for more that 30 minutes while accessing a remote mailstored on an invalid or non-operational server, or it can mean that PineThis can be a result of trying to open a non-existent folder, or onethe mail server has either been lost, or never successfully established.folder on a remote mail server, and for some reason, communication withIf the top line says "CLOSED" it means that you are trying to access arecent session of Pine has taken the INBOX lock. your INBOX) is "locked" by another mail session -- most likely a moreIf the top line says "READONLY" it means that the open folder (typicallycollection, folder and message number is active. status of the program. This is where you look to find out whatthe current version of Pine and will also convey information about theThe top line of the screen is Pine's status line. It will always display| (5) Status Line |-------------------command to do this. It never hurts to do it when in doubt. to repaint the whole screen to make it correct. You can use the Ctrl-Lincorrect due to noise on the phone line or other causes and you will wantREPAINTING THE SCREEN: Sometimes what is displayed on the screen will beand see if that puts things right. mysteriously freeze up with no warning. In this case, try typing a Ctrl-Qfeature, be advised that if you accidentally hit a Ctrl-S, Pine willto set the "preserve-start-stop-characters" feature. If you *do* set thissystem is probably using software flow control. In this case you will needprinted via the "attached-to-ansi" option are missing pieces, then yourmessages such as "^X not defined for this screen", or if messagesbe treated as special characters by the operating system. If you seebe configured for "software flow control" which means that XON/XOFF mustHowever, the printer, modem, or communication software you are using mayand XON), as normal characters, even though Pine does not use them. Note: by default, Pine treats Ctrl-S or Ctrl-Q (sometimes known as XOFF ESC Conflicts with sequences used for arrow keys Ctrl-\ Often used by Unix as "Abort" Ctrl-] Often used by Telnet as escape key Ctrl-Q Used by Unix as "resume output" Ctrl-S Used by Unix as "stop output"reasons. Pine does not use any of these keys: certain control keys that are reserved by other programs or for technicalPine has used nearly all the control keys available. There are, however,control keys must be used for editing and navigation functions.text input, e.g. in the composer or at prompts for file/folder names, with --we hope-- some mnemonic value, but in places where Pine is expecting CONTROL KEYS NOT USED BY PINE: Most commands in Pine are single letters, enclosed in square brackets [] is the same as the return key. "view msg". In the key menu at the bottom of the screen, whatever iscommand, so RETURN does nothing; when in the index, it is synonymous withcommand. When viewing a message, there is currently not a defaultRETURN KEY: The return key is usually a synonym for a frequently usedcomposer. Ctrl-V to page down and Ctrl-Y to page up as you do in the messageor previous page. The space bar is a synonym for "+". You may also usePAGING UP/DOWN: The "+" and "-" keys are used for moving to the next{:Control-O (^O) does not work on your system, try typing "ESC ESC O".}{:the ESCAPE key twice followed by the desired key. For example, if } {:intercepted before they get to Pine. As a work-around, you can press} {:front of the letter. On some systems, certain control characters are} {:letter indicated at the same time. This is usually shown with a "^" in} {:have to use Control keys which means pressing the control key and the } {:CONTROL KEY: When composing mail and in a few other places in Pine you} {:you NEVER need to prefix a command key with the 'O' key.}{:are not currently showing at the bottom of your screen. In other words,} {:of keys which it toggles through. ALL COMMANDS ARE ACTIVE, even if they} {:at the bottom of any screen. In some cases there are 3 different pages} {:OTHER COMMANDS: The "Other Commands" function changes the keys you see} menu are always present (except when viewing help as you are now). the command. The commands for getting help and going back to the maincommands you can give. You press the keys that are highlighted to giveCOMMANDS: The bottom two lines of the screen are always used to list the| (4) Giving Commands in Pine |-------------------------------___end_include [ No local information available. ]___include /usr/local/lib/pine.info| (3) Local Support Contacts |------------------------------at your site.)copy of Pine you are using has been properly configured for printing light bedtime reading, then press {F12:Z} now. (This assumes that the If you would like to print *all* of Pine's internal help text for a littlenotices. notes for PC-Pine, the history of the Pine project, credits, and legalbrowse the release notes. These include changes since the last release,Pine version are also available from the MAIN MENU. Press {F9:R} toIn addition to this general help on Pine, Release Notes on the currentprovide an overview of Pine operation. describe the specific commands available from the MAIN MENU, but alsoscreen. This particular Help section is unusual in that it will not onlywill have its own help text, explaining the choices available for thatPine help is context-sensitive. In other words, each Pine screen you use| (2) Pine Help |-----------------available to you is determined by your local system managers.configuration and personal-preference options, though which of them aresupport many advanced features. There are an ever-growing number ofAlthough originally designed for novice email users, Pine has evolved toremote mailservers as if they were local.systems do not yet support MIME). IMAP allows access to mailboxes onavailable for most types of computers, although some proprietary mailyour recipient also has MIME-capable mail software (which is readilyMIME allows you to attach any kind of file to your message, provided that IMAP - Internet Message Access Protocol MIME - Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions NNTP - Network News Transport Protocol SMTP - Simple Mail Transport Protocolspecifications:(Netnews) messages. Pine supports the following Internet protocols andreceiving, and filing Internet electronic mail messages and bulletin boardEmail". It is intended to be an easy-to-use program for sending,PINE(tm) is the University of Washington's "Program for Internet News and| (1) Introduction |-------------------- (10) Reporting Problems (9) Reading News (8) Pine Configuration (7) Command Line Options (6) Main Menu Commands (5) Status Line (4) Giving Commands in Pine (3) Local Support Contacts (2) Pine Help (1) Introduction August, 1994 University of Washington Version 3.90 (built ___cdate) GENERAL INFORMATION ON THE PINE MESSAGE SYSTEMto do this. define the selected set; you need to use a select (";") command in ordermessages in the folder). Neither apply nor zoom removes the markings whichzoom-in (and only to see the selected messages) and zoom-out (to see allbeen selected. Zoom ({F7:Z}) is a toggle command which allows you tozoom in on them. Like Apply, Zoom only becomes active when messages haveAnother action you might want to take on a set of selected messages is toZOOMexplain. Try them out to see what they do.The behavior of some of these commands in an aggregate sense is not easy to Unix Pine) pipe to Unix command. undelete, reply, forward, print, take address, save, export, flag, and (onfollowing commands can be applied to a selected message set: delete,becomes active any time there is a defined set of selected messages. TheApply ({F5:A}) is the second step of most aggregate operations. ApplyAPPLYyour local help desk before reporting a bug. disabled by your system manager; if they don't work, please check withconfiguration. Note that aggregate commands may be administratively"enable-aggregate-command-set" feature-list option in your PineThe availability of the aggregate operations commands is determined by theWhereIs searches through just the text which appears on the FOLDER INDEX. (Ctrl-X) to select all the messages which match the WhereIs search. Also, the venerable "WhereIs" ({F8:W}) command has a new featureselected set right. You are allowed to use select as many times as you need to get thebroaden (implements a logical OR), and narrow (implements a logical AND). you selection "alteration" options: unselect all, unselect current,After you have an initial selection, the select command changes. It givesto select the current message or to select all messages. certain quick options to select a specific message or range of messages,(including fielded selections on header lines) or date. You also getselect messages based on their status (read, answered, etc.), contentspart is handled by the select ({F4:";") command. Select allows you toset of messages and then (2) applying a command to that set. The firstat once. Acting on multiple messages requires two steps: (1) selecting aAggregate operations give you the ability to process a group of messagesSELECTING: SELECT AND WHEREIS/SELECT"interesting" message is the next one that you have not yet deleted. previously flagged as Important. When reading news folders, the nextmessage in the folder which you have not read before, or that you havemessage. When you are using Pine to read email, that message is the nextWhen you press the TAB key, Pine advances to the next "interesting"NEXT NEW (TAB) COMMANDFlag may be administratively disabled by your system manager; if it"enable-flag-cmd" feature-list option in your Pine configuration. Also,The availability of the flag command is determined by theread or answered. command to set (or unset) the flags which indicate that a message is new,a note to yourself to get back to that message. You can also use the flagcommon use of this is to mark a message as important. This is something offlags which appear on the left side of the FOLDER INDEX screen. The mostFlag ({F11:*}) is the command which allows users to manipulate the statusFLAGbug. doesn't work, please check with your local help desk before reporting athat Bounce may be administratively disabled by your system manager; if it"enable-bounce-cmd" feature-list option in your Pine configuration. NoteThe presence or absence of the Bounce command is determined by thelists need the bounce command to handle list traffic. redirect email which was sent to you in error. Also, some owners of emailenvelope, and putting it into the mailbox. Bounce is used primarily toout your address on a postal letter, writing a different address on themessage, as if you were never in the loop. It is analogous to crossingThe bounce ({F10:B}) command allows you to re-send, or "remail", aBOUNCEa while. Sometimes, especially with PC-Pine or with large folders, this could takethat Pine has to do the work of sorting every time you change sort order. it just re-arranges how the messages are presented to you. This meansSorting a folder does not actually rearrange the way the folder is saved,current sort order is. of the first message in the group. Reverse simply reverses whatever the"threaded" sort, and then presents each "thread" in order of the dateSorting by "ordered subject" does a grouping intended to simulate athe same subject together and then puts the groups in alphabetical order. Some of the subtleties: sorting by subject will group all messages withOrderedSubject and Reverse. Your sorting options are: Subject, Arrival, From, Date, siZe,You can also re-sort the folder on demand with the sort ({F6:$}) command. which they arrive. This default can be changed in the SETUP CONFIGURATION. In Pine's generic configuration, messages are presented in the order inSORTmessage (enable-jump-shortcut in the SETUP CONFIGURATION). configured such that typing in any number automatically jumps you to thatJust press {F7:"J"} and then enter the message number. Pine can also beThis is Pine's way of allowing you to go straight to a specific message. JUMPbelow for more information on this. message). WhereIs can also be used as a quick way to select messages, seeindex (Ctrl-Y -- first message) or the end of the index (Ctrl-V -- lastline. WhereIs has special features to let you "find" the beginning of thethrough whatever you see, usually the name of the author and the subjectThe WhereIs command lets you search the FOLDER INDEX for a word. It scansWHEREISfor a remote folder and/or fully-qualified path name.going to have to enter the exact folder location using the correct syntaxHowever, if the folder is outside of your defined collections, you arePine will help you as much as it can to narrow in on the folder you want. one in a collection you've never even used before. world: one in your current collection, one in a different collection orand jump directly to a new folder. You can select any folder in theGoto is the command which lets you bypass Pine's folder selection screensGOTOthough it is not technically gone. exclude -- Pine removes the message from your view of the folder evenyou don't have permission to actually remove the message, so it is anthe text from the current folder. With newsgroups or shared mailboxes,marked for deletion. With regular email files, expunge literally deletesExpunge/Exclude is the command Pine uses to actually remove all messagesEXPUNGE/EXCLUDEconfiguration. "enable-enable-full-header-cmd" feature-list option in your PineThe presence or absence of the Header Mode command is determined by thePine, the Pipe command is also affected.they are printed, they are saved, and how they are exported. In Unixmessages are displayed, how they appear in Forward and Reply email, howSeveral different Pine commands honor the header mode -- it affects howheaders. normal header lines as well as delivery headers, comment headers and MIMEyou press {F9:"H"} to turn full headers on, Pine will show you theonly see a few lines about who a message is to and who it is from. Whenhandling of these header lines. Normally, full headers is "off" and youThe Header Mode ({F9:H}) command is a toggle which controls Pine'sreveal them. suppresses them from MESSAGE TEXT display. There is, however, a way topurposes. These are normally of no import and simply add clutter, so Pinetransport system to record the route your message took, for diagnosticsee. These include anywhere from 3-20 lines added by Internet mailEvery email message comes with some header lines that you normally don'tHEADER MODEyour address book, or add several of them to a personal address list. selection screen which lets you choose the address you want to save into one recipient or an email list involved), then you will see an addressprovide a nickname. If the message is more complicated (with more thanIf the message is just to you individually, then you will only need toaddresses of the people who write to you. to add to your address book and avoid having to remember the emailincoming message and save them in an address book. This is an easy wayWith the Take Address command, you can extract email addresses from anTAKE ADDRESStext. toggled on, then complete headers are exported along with the messageheaders are exported with the message; however, if the full header mode isuse-current-dir configuration setting. In the normal case, only minimalhome directory or current working directory, depending on theWhen you use export, the message is placed in a plain text file in yourand save-will-advance feature list settings. configured with the save-will-quote-leading-froms, save-will-not-delete,program other than Pine. The exact behavior of the save command can befor its mail folders -- never edit a Pine folder by hand or with anyemail format and can be read by Pine again. Pine may use a special formatfolder in one of your existing folder collections. The message stays inWhen you save a message, it is put into an existing folder or into a newmessage in another program, use "export". message within Pine's email world, use "save"; if you want to use theyou to keep a copy of the message you are reading. If you want to keep theExport ({F12:E}) and Save ({F11:S}) are the two alternatives Pine givesSAVE AND EXPORTincluded with the text of the message in your reply/forward. If the full header mode is on, then all the header and delivery lines areBoth the Reply and Forward commands react to the full header mode toggle.include-text-in-reply configuration features. this is configurable. Specifically, see the include-header-in-reply andwhether or not to include the previous message in your reply. Some ofwill have to decide who should get the reply. You also need to decideis to multiple people and/or specified with a Reply-to: header, then youWhen replying, you usually have to answer some questions. If the messageabove the forwarded text for you to include any comments. attachments to the message if you have requested them. There is spaceinclude the text of the forwarded message. Pine will also include anymessage is the name/email address of the new recipient. Pine willIn the normal case, the only thing that you must supply when forwarding ato see the message. people who have already seen it. You use forward if you want somebody newwant to get email back to the author of the message and/or the otherfollowing up on the message you are reading. You would use reply if youReplying ({F11:R}) and Forwarding ({F12:F}) are your two alternatives forREPLY AND FORWARD| Brief Command Explanations | SUBJECT: As much of the message's subject line as will fit on the screen. SIZE: The number in parentheses is the number of characters in the message. sender, then the first recipient's name is shown here. SENDER: The name or email address of the sender. If you are the long time in delivery. however, the index will appear to be out of order because a message took aand date sent (effectively departure time) are similar. Sometimes,ordered by arrival time, not by date sent. Most of the time arrival time DATE SENT: The date the message was sent. By default, messages areof messages in the folder, to help you know where you are in the folder. NUMBER: Messages in a folder are numbered, from one through the number to mark this message as "important". o "*" for Important. You have previously used the "Flag" command type.) messages to be denoted by the index line being displayed in bold "select" command. (Some systems may optionally allow selected o "X" for selected. You have selected the message by using the mailing list. directly to your account, your copy is not part of a cc: or a o "+" for direct-to-you. The "+" indicates that a message was sent to be answered. o "A" for Answered. Any time you reply to a message it is considered o "N" for New. You have not looked at the text of the message yet. yet eXpunged the folder. o "D" for Deleted. You have marked this message for deletion but notmessage: status. You may see one or more of the following codes on any given STATUS: The markings on the left side of the message tell you about itsmessage line contains the following columns: highlighted, and its message number is shown in the status line. Eachlist with the {F7:-}/{F8:SPACE} commands. The current message is alwaysthe list is too long to fit on one screen, you can page up and down in thethe text of each message, or to quickly get rid of junk messages, etc. Ifnew messages, or find a particular message without having to go throughmessage in the current folder. This is useful if you want to quickly scanThe Folder Index displays the headers or summary information of each| Description of the FOLDER INDEX Screen |-------------------------------------------The "Pipe message to a Unix command" command is not available in PC-Pine. o Pipe message to a Unix command o Bounce (re-mail message to correct recipient) o Zoom (show only pre-selected messages) o Flag (mark message as important or set other message status flags) o Apply (apply a command to multiple previously-selected messages) o Select (tag messages for aggregate operations) o Header Mode (toggle between display of full or minimal headers)don't work, please check with your local help desk before reporting a bug. commands may be administratively disabled by your system manager; if they"feature-list" options in your Pine configuration. Also, some of theseNOTE: The presence or absence of the following commands is determined by{F6 Sort order of index F9 Full Header Mode F12 Pipe to a Unix command :}{F4 Select F5 Apply F8 Next New F11 Flag message as important:}{F3 Expunge/Exclude F7 Jump to message F10 Bounce (remail) msg :Tab Next-New ; Select C Compose a new message }{------------------------------ : Z Zoom A Apply M MAIN MENU Screen L FOLDER LIST screen}{Available Commands -- Group 3 : X Expunge/Exclude ? Show Help text Q Quit Pine }{ : H Full header mode O Show all other available commands }{F12 Forward F12 Export message into a plain file : $ Sort order of index --------------------- }{F11 Reply to message F11 Save message into an email folder : G Goto a specified folder General Pine Commands }{F10 Undelete (remove delete mark) F10 Take address into address book :----------------------------}{F9 Mark message for deletion F9 Print message :Miscellaneous Operations}{F8 Show next screen of messages F8 Whereis : | Pipe to a Unix Command B Bounce * Flag}{F7 Show previous screen of messages F7 Zoom : specific message E Export as a plain text file}{F6 Move to next message F6 Goto a specified folder : W Whereis -- search for a S Save into an email folder} {F5 Move to previous message F5 FOLDER LIST screen : J Jump to a specific message T Take Address into Address Book}{F4 View current message F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next screen of messages U Undelete (remove deletion mark)}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous screen of messages D Mark for deletion }{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Move to the next message R Reply to message F Forward}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Move to the previous message V View Y Print}{------------------------------- ----------------------------- :------------------------------- ---------------------------------}{Available Commands -- Group 1 Available Commands -- Group 2 :Navigating the List of Messages Operations on the Current Message} FOLDER INDEX COMMANDSwhich got you here is canceled. No messages will be removed.If you exit this screen without selecting a message, the Compose command postpone (Ctrl-O) command in the composer. you select a message and then want to postpone it again, use the normalSimilarly, messages do not stay in this postponed state automatically. Ifmessage, you have to select it and then cancel (Ctrl-C) the message.You cannot delete messages from this list. If you wish to abandon aregular message composer.way. Once you choose a message, Pine reads it in and puts you into the-- the screen is not meant to let you manipulate these messages in anymessages in order to continue composition. Your options are very limitedThis screen allows you to select one of several previously postponed| Description of the Select Postponed Message Screen | ------------------------------------------------------ {F4 : S } Select the currently highlighted message {F3 : E } Exit the Message Select menu (canceling Send command)Message Selection Commands {F8 :Spc} Show next screen of messages {F7 : - } Show previous screen of messages {F6 : N } Move to next message {F5 : P } Move to previous message {F1 : ? } Show this help text------------------------------- ---------------------Navigating the List of Messages General Pine Commands POSTPONED MESSAGE SELECTION COMMANDSdisplay ISO-8859-1. Displays for other characters sets are less common. character set if the right font is selected. VT220's and higher alsocharacter set. For example, most X-terminals will display the ISO-8859-1In all cases Pine requires that the display device can handle thethe beginning of the message display. configuration, then a warning message will be printed to your screen atthe set you have indicated with the "character-set" variable in yourother than "US-ASCII" and it is a character set that is different fromtotally incorrect. If the message is marked as being in a character setas it was written it will do so. If not, the display may be partially oryour display device. If the device is capable of displaying the messageviewing mail in any character set. It will simply send the message toPine attempts to stay out of the way so that it won't prevent you fromALTERNATE CHARACTER SETSthey are printed, they are saved, and how they are exported. In Unixmessages are displayed, how they appear in forward and reply email, hownot yet deleted. folders, the next "interesting" message is the next one which you havepreviously marked "Important" via the Flag command. When reading newsmessage in the folder which you have not read before or which you haveWhen you press the TAB key, Pine advances to the next "interesting" end (Ctrl-V) of the message. reading. You can also use WhereIs to jump to the beginning (Ctrl-Y) orYou type in a word and Pine will try and find it in the message you areThe WhereIs ({F8:W}) command does a "find in current message" operation. "mailcap" configuration file. (See the release notes for more information.)by your system administrator. MIME configuration is handled with thedisplay attachments. Hopefully much of that will have been done alreadysome system configuration that has to happen before you can actuallyBecause many attachments require external programs for display, there iseither view or save the selected attachment.message attachments--you just choose the attachment you want. You mayattachments on a message you have received. Pine shows you a list of theThe View/Save Attachment ({F4:V}) command allows you to handle MIMEVIEW ATTACHtext.When you use export, the message is placed in a plain text file in your included with the text of the message in your reply/forward.include-text-in-reply configuration features.will have to decide who should get the reply. You also need to decide above the forwarded text for you to include any comments.message is the name/email address of the news recipient. Pine willright as well. If the message is marked for deletion "DEL" will appear in the upperpercentage of the current message that has been displayed on the screen.of messages in the folder, the number of the current message and theand then the name of the folder. The status line also displays the numbercurrent message. It shows the name of the collection in angle bracketsinformation about the currently open collection and folder and about theThe upper right corner of the view message screen displays status| Description of the MESSAGE TEXT Screen |------------------------------------------ o Pipe message to a Unix command o Bounce (re-mail message) o Flag (mark message as important or set other message status flags) o Header Mode (toggle between display of full or minimal headers)work, please check with your local help desk before reporting a bug.commands may be administratively disabled by your system manager; if they don't "feature-list" options in your Pine configuration. Also, some of these {F8 Next New F10 Bounce this message F12 Pipe to a Unix command :}{F7 Jump to message F9 Full header mode F11 Flag message : I FOLDER INDEX Screen C Compose a message }{------------------------------ : specific word in message M MAIN MENU Screen L FOLDER LIST screen}{Available Commands -- Group 3 : W Whereis -- search for a ? Show Help text Q Quit Pine }{ :Tab Next New O Show all other available commands }{F12 Forward F12 Export message into a plain file : H Full Header Mode --------------------- } {F11 Reply to message F11 Save message into an email folder : G Goto a specified folder General Pine Commands }{F10 Undelete (remove delete mark) F10 Take address into address book :----------------------------}{F9 Mark message for deletion F9 Print message :MESSAGE TEXT Screen Commands B Bounce * Flag}{F8 Next screen of this message F8 Whereis : | Pipe to a Unix Command}{F7 Previous screen of this message F7 FOLDER INDEX screen : E Export as a plain text file}{F6 Display next message F6 Goto a specified folder : S Save into an email folder}{F5 Display previous message F5 FOLDER LIST screen : J Jump to a specific message T Take Address into Address Book}{F4 View attachment F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next page of this msg U Undelete (remove deletion mark)}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous page of this msg D Mark for deletion }{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Display next message R Reply to message F Forward}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Display previous message V View attachment Y Print}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :------------------------------- ---------------------------------}{Available Commands -- Group 1 Available Commands -- Group 2 :Navigating the List of Messages Operations on the Current Message} MESSAGE TEXT COMMANDSstore incoming mail for you on that particular host. "{{:{}xxx.art.nowhere.edu}INBOX" refers to whatever file is used toINBOX on any given host. Therefore, a name likemessage folder" and will be mapped to the actual file name used for yourspecifications. The name INBOX refers to your "principal incomingNote that "INBOX" has special meaning in both local and remote folder *{{:{}news.nowhere.edu/nntp}comp.mail.pine the /anonymous flag. Example: o A "/nntp" flag means NNTP protocol access. It cannot be used with {{:{}wharhol.art.nowhere.edu/anonymous}job-board o An "/anonymous" flag means anonymous IMAP access. Example:There are certain flags within remote folder names: #mh/mail/sep-1994, {{:{}rembrandt.art.nowhere.edu}#mh/mail/sep-1994 o A folder name beginning with "#mh/" is an mh format folder. Examples: *comp.mail.pine, *{{:{}wharhol.art.nowhere.edu}job-board a bulletin board -- shared access and no write privileges. Examples: o A "*" in front of the folder specification means that the folder is There are certain markings which have special meanings in folder names:protocol specified, then IMAP is assumed. name of the folder. If, as in these examples, there is no remote accessthe name of the computer is in {{:{}} brackets followed immediately by theis "{{:{}monet.art.nowhere.edu}~/mail/september-1994". As you can tell,"{{:{}monet.art.nowhere.edu}INBOX" is a remote folder specification, asincluding the domain name of the remote machine. For example,nntpd) and you must correctly specify the name of the folder to Pine,remote host must be running the appropriate server software (imapd orTransport Protocol). To be able to access remote folders in Pine, theAccess Protocol), or in the case of news, via NNTP (the Network Newscomputer. Pine accesses remote folders via IMAP (the Internet MessagePine users have the option of using folders which are stored on some otherand "\C:\PINE\FOLDERS\OCT-94" might exist on a PC. "~/mail/september-1994" might be a reasonable folder name on Unix Local folders follow the local naming rules. For example,you are adding new folder collections via the SETUP CONFIGURATION screen.both local and remote, is handy when using the Goto command and whendisplay. However, understanding the complete syntax for folder names,folders by their simple (unqualified) name, or pick from a FOLDER LIST Once your folder collections are defined, you can usually refer to| Valid Folder Names |done via the Setup/Config command on the Main Menu. then define folder-collection entries to correspond with each one. This ismail directories as you would like using the Unix "mkdir" command, andPine will never create any directories. However, you may create as many"mail" in your Unix home directory to hold your folders. Otherwise,single default folder collection, and if necessary, create the directoryIn the absence of any folder-collection definitions, Pine will assume aDefining Collections.or so.starts with just one collection and few people ever have more than a dozenThere is no limit to the number of collections you can have. Everyonefor your saved and sent messages folders.configuration for "folder-collections". This is the default collectioncollection is the one which you specify as the first item of the DEFAULT COLLECTION FOR SAVES: Perhaps the most important specialand Pine knows not to save messages there.Server in your Pine configuration. The news collection is presented lastnewsgroups. Pine does this for you implicitly when you define a NNTP NEWS: You can also define a collection specifically forbecause you have multiple accounts.like this because you use an external program to filter your email orhere are those that get incoming messages. You may have multiple foldersspecial collection used to supplement your single INBOX. All the folders INCOMING FOLDERS: Pine's "incoming-folders" configuration is aPine's eye. However, there are some special collections: on the same machine. In general, all collections of folders are equal inA collection of folders is just a group of folders in the same directoryTypes of Collections.That is where collections come in. hundreds or thousands of folders need a way to group folders together.different sets of folders on those different platforms. People who have case. People who use more than one computer account need to havetime, then folders would be enough. For good or bad, that is not theIf a Pine user only got 5 messages a day and used the same computer all theWhy have Collections?list option in your Pine configuration.folders in all collections with the "expanded-view-of-folders" featureExpanded List" button. Pine can be configured to always show you allwill see each of your collections listed with a "Select Here to Seeyou have a collection (news or otherwise) defined on your system, then youor your system administrator have defined more than one collection or ifThat model wouldn't work for Pine users with multiple collections. If youwill appear at the top of the list. All others are in alphabetical order.folders you have. The special folders for INBOX, sent mail and saved messages Those of you with simple mail configurations will just see a list of all the| Folder Collections |----------------------or otherwise manipulate, use the export command to export them from Pine.Pine. If you want copies of your messages in text files that you can editmessage ends and another begins) and should *not* be edited outside offolders have some special formatting in them (so that Pine knows where oneFolders are just files in the filesystem. However, the files which aremessage from your INBOX to any other folder.folder and saving messages into the other folder just as you can saveYou can move messages from one folder to another by opening the originalthose folders READ-ONLY.can understand the normal Unix mail folder format, but can only openaccessing saved-message folders on a Unix host via SMB or NFS. PC-Pinecan be overridden by a Setup/Config option, which may be useful whentyping a folder name at a Save or Goto prompt. The use of the MTX extensionsuppressed from FOLDER LIST displays, and should not be entered whenextension ".MTX" (which stands for Mailbox-text). The extension issuch as "/". Normally PC-Pine folders are automatically given the DOSmust be 8-characters or less; on Unix you shouldn't use special charactersnames that can be filenames on the filesystem. On DOS that means theyYou may create as many other folders as you wish. They must be givenfolder for sent mail and a folder for saved messages.in a folder. Most every Pine user starts out with 3 folders: an INBOX, a Folders are simply files where messages are kept. Every message has to beWhat are Folders?| About Folders |each collection via the "expanded-view-of-folders" feature list option. configured to always immediately display the complete list of folders in"Select Here to See Expanded List" button. Alternatively, Pine can bee.g. News, then you may see each of your collections listed with aIf you or your system administrator have defined additional collections,All other folders will be listed in alphabetical order. with the three distinguished folders INBOX, sent-mail, and saved-messages. The most basic configuration will show a single list of folders, beginningThe appearance of the Folder List depends upon your Pine configuration.the current folder. Rename, Delete, and Add commands. The status bar shows information aboutand allow you to "open" or view a new one, or manage your folders using theThe purpose of the FOLDER LIST screen is to display your message folders| Description of the FOLDER LIST Screen |-----------------------------------------{ : Y Print folder listing C Compose a message}{F11 Rename selected folder : W Whereis (search folder names) Q Quit Pine}{F10 Add a new folder : I Show FOLDER INDEX of current folder M MAIN MENU Screen}{F9 Delete selected folder F9 Print folder listing : G Specify a folder to go to ? Show Help text{F8 Show next screen of listing F8 Whereis (search folder names): A Add a folder O Show all other available commands}{F7 Show previous screen of listing F7 Show FOLDER INDEX of current folder :--------------------------- ---------------------}{F6 Move to next folder F6 Specify a folder to go to :FOLDER LIST Screen Commands General Pine Commands}{F5 Move to previous folder :}{F4 Select folder and view it F4 Compose a message :Spc Show next page of listing}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Show previous page of listing R Rename}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands : N Move to next folder D Delete}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Move to previous folder V View Index of selected folder}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :---------------------------- ---------------------------------}{Available Commands -- Group 1 Available Commands -- Group 2 :Navigating the Folder Screen Operations on the Selected Folder} FOLDER LIST COMMANDS press "?" for Help... Look for the section "About Folders".FOR MORE INFORMATION: From the Main Menu, select "L FOLDER LIST" and{F4 : S } Select the currently highlighted folder{F3 : E } Exit the Folder Select menu (without selecting a folder)-------------------------Folder Selection Commands {F12: W } WhereIs (search folder names){F8 :Spc} Show next screen of folders{F7 : - } Show previous screen of folders{F6 : N } Move to next folder{F5 : P } Move to previous folder {F1 : ? } Show this help text------------------------------ ---------------------Navigating the List of Folders General Pine Commandsfolders and select one to open.This screen is designed to allow you to quickly and easily survey yourfolders and select one to use for saving the current message.current message.folders and select one to use as the file carbon copy (fcc) for the site to the network you are trying to reach. complicated. Ask your local consultants for the correct syntax from yourmessages across gateways to other networks, the addresses get moreright part of the address if you are at the same domain. When sendingPine will fill it in automatically. Sometimes you can also abbreviate thethe "@" and all the information to its right off of the address, andIf you are sending to someone on the same system as you are, you can leaveparticular host. sign can vary depending on how the address is structured for the"art.nowhere.edu". The number of segments on the right of the "@"of a person with the username "jsmith" who has an account withthen a domain. For example, jsmith@art.nowhere.edu is the email addressA valid email address on the Internet has a user name, an "@" sign andafter sending the message. reachable from your site. If it is not, you will get an error messagereach. The address you enter here must be a valid address which isbook you are giving Pine an address that it must be able to actuallyWhen you enter an email address into the address field of your address| Valid Email Addresses | ------------------------- operation, which will cause Pine to re-open the updated file. only cause other Pine users to have to restart their address bookmaking any changes. Consequently, inadvertent concurrent updates willaddressbook, but it does check to see if the file has been modified beforedoes not do any file-locking to manage concurrent updates to thebe done when other Pine users are not accessing the address book. PineHowever, it is recommended that updates to shared personal address booksPine users. This might be useful in the case of a small workgroup. nothing to prevent you from sharing a personal address book with otherWhile global address books are explicitly intended to be shared, there isthat this limits the utility of global address books for PC-Pine users.)low-level file access protocols such as NFS or SMB. (It is understoodhave the ability to access address books on remote systems, except viaroutines on the machine where Pine is running. That is, Pine does not yetAccessing. Address books must be accessible via normal file accessthis. Notes document (included in the Pine distribution) for more information ondatabase, or by copying an existing address book. See the Pine TechnicalPine. They might be hand-edited, generated by a program from anotherThus, global address books are created, populated and updated outside ofnot be modified/updated from within Pine; that is, they are Read-Only. TakeAddr command. Unlike personal address books, global address books mayand populated by explicit additions from within Pine, e.g. via theCreating and updating. Personal address books are normally created empty"global-address-book" option in the SETUP CONFIGURATION screen. Pine configuration file. You may over-ride this definition using thebook by defining the "global-address-book" variable in the system-widemany as you like. System administrators may specify a site-wide address"address-book" option in the SETUP CONFIGURATION screen. You can add asDefining. You define multiple personal address books via theentered a local user name rather than an address book nickname. then searches the local host password file on the assumption that you haveafter searching all the address books there is still no match, (Unix) Pineyour personal address book would override a global address book entry. Iffor the nickname, Pine uses the first one that it finds, so an entry inglobal address book(s) searched. If more than one address book has an entrypersonal address books will be searched through in order, and then theSearching. If you enter a nickname when composing a message, yourcontain entries for users on multiple machines within the organization. allows system administrators to implement site-wide address books thatmultiple personal address books (some of which may be shared) and it alsobe one or more global addressbooks. This capability allows you to haveYou may have more than one personal address book. In addition, there may| Multiple and/or Site-Wide Address books |------------------------------------------- including the comment and fcc fields. command may be used to search for particular strings in the address book,default fcc if this address is the first one on the To line. The WhereIscomments field is just for your own use. The fcc field overrides theis the same Edit command used for all of the fields ({F4:"E"}). Thefields, fcc and comments. The command to look at or edit either of theseAs mentioned above, each entry in the address book also has two optional| FCC and Comments |address book. discussion groups if all the participants have access to the same sharedimplement discussion groups, but can be used to facilitate smallpeople who have access to that address book. They are not usually used toDistribution lists in Pine address books can only be used by the person orcomponents are stored in separate fields.list entries, since in the single-address entries the fullname and address". This last form is only valid in distributionfullname/address combination, e.g. "John Smithaddress of the form "jsmith@art.nowhere.edu", or a completeforms: a nickname existing in any of the defined address books, a normalAddress field entries in distribution lists may take any one of threenickname/fullname line. delete the entire distribution list if the cursor is on theaddress from the list if the cursor is placed on the address; it willexisting list is {F5:"Z"}. Delete ({F11:"D"}) will delete a singledistribution list is {F4:"S"} and the command to add entries to anThey may even refer to other distribution lists. The command to create aactual addresses or they may be other nicknames in your address book. nickname, a full name and a list of addresses. The addresses may bepointing at more than one email address). Each distribution list has ato a single email address) or distribution lists (a single nicknamePine entries can be simple cases of aliases (a single nickname is linked| Distribution Lists | book.this reason you may not be able to sort a shared or system-wide addressaddress book actually changes the file as it is kept on the computer. ForUnlike the sorting of folders (which only changes presentation), sorting an--assuming you have "write" permission for the address book file.resetting the address book sort rule in the Pine SETUP CONFIGURATION screenname with distribution lists sorted to the end. Sorting can be changed byBy default, address book entries are sorted alphabetically on the full| Sorting the Address book |---------------------------view or modify them.the normal ADDRESS BOOK display. You must select the "Edit" command to Due to screen width limitations, these last two fields do not show up in COMMENTS: This field contains arbitrary text for your convenience. FCC folder name. Pine will use this folder name for the FCC in lieu of the normal this address is the first one in the message's To: header, then message to this address to be saved in. If this field is set, and FCC: The name of the folder you would like a copy of any outgoingThe two optional fields are: addresses a little later in this section.) header standard, RFC-822. (There is more information on email a valid Internet address that conforms to the Internet message ADDRESS: This is the actual email address itself. This must be finally delivered. you put as the name here will appear on the message when it is name first so they sort nicely in alphabetical order. Whatever person or organization. Usually the full names are put in last FULLNAME: A longer field where you can put the full name of the generate the actual address for your message. Pine will extract the corresponding FullName and Address fields to composer. If there is a matching entry in your address book(s), This is what you type in as you are addressing the message in the NICKNAME: A short easy-to-remember label to identify the entry. The required elements, which are visible on the ADDRESS BOOK display, are:in the address book has three required fields and two optional fields.you do not have to remember addresses that are often complex. Each entryPine's address book helps you keep a list of addresses you send mail to sofeature list option in your Pine configuration. entries in each address book via the "expanded-view-of-addressbooks"Alternatively, Pine can be configured to immediately display all thebooks and a "Select Here to See Expanded List" button for each of them. system has a site-wide address book defined, you may see a list of addressIf you have more than one address book defined for yourself or if yourcurrently selected. message starts "pre-addressed" to whatever address book entry isbook. When, from this screen, you press {F4:"C"} for Compose, thealso acts as a short-cut for composing messages to people in the addressThis screen lets you edit any and all entries in your address book. It| Description of the Address Book Screen | {: Y Print address book}{: Z Add to a list entry}{F12 Add to a list entry : A Add a single entry} {: S Create an entry for a list}{F10 Add a single entry F10 Edit Fcc or Comment field of entry : E Edit selected entry} {F11 Create an entry for a list : D Delete selected entry} {F9 Delete selected entry F9 Print address book :---------------------}{F8 Next page of address book F8 Whereis (search through address book):Address Book Commands I FOLDER INDEX screen} {F7 Previous page of address book F7 FOLDER INDEX screen : G Specify a folder to go to}{F6 Move to next entry F6 Specify a folder to go to : or name in address book) L FOLDER LIST screen}{F5 Move to previous entry F5 FOLDER LIST screen : W WhereIs (search for word/ C Compose a message to selected addr}{F4 Edit selected entry F4 Compose a message to selected addr :Spc Next page of address book Q Quit Pine}{F3 MAIN MENU Screen F3 Quit Pine : - Previous page of address book M MAIN MENU screen}{F2 Toggle to see more commands F2 Toggle to see more commands: N Next Address O Show all other available commands}{F1 Show Help Text F1 Show Help Text : P Prev Address ? Display this help text}{------------------------------- ------------------------------ :----------------------- ---------------------}{Available Commands -- Group 1 Available Commands -- Group 2 :Address Book Navigation General Pine Commands} ADDRESS BOOK COMMANDSMenu, select "A ADDRESS BOOK" and press "?" for Help... FOR MORE INFORMATION on addresses and Pine's address book: From the Mainselecting an entry does not cancel your message.appropriate header line (To:, Cc:, etc.) Exiting this screen withoutwant, you can bypass this screen by simply typing in the nickname on theIf you are composing a message and know the nickname of the person/list youmaintenance, select the address book command when not composing a message.edit your address book in any way at this time, for address bookorder to select an entry for the message you are composing. You cannotThis screen is designed to let you easily scan your address book(s) in{F4 : S } Select the currently highlighted entry{F3 : E } Exit the Address Select screen (without selecting an address)Address Selection Commands {F12: W } WhereIs (search through address book){F8 :Spc} Show next screen of address book{F7 : - } Show previous screen of address book{F6 : N } Move to next entry{F5 : P } Move to previous entry {F1 : ? } Show this help text COMPOSER: SELECT ADDRESSentry, then you are in the wrong place-- press {F3:"E"} to exit.select the nickname to be changed/augmented. If you want to add a new"Take Address". This screen simply lets you scan your address books andbook entry. You have already selected the name(s) and address(es) throughThis screen is designed to let you modify or add to an existing address{F3 : E } Exit the Nickname Select screen (without selecting an address)Message Selection Commands TAKEADDR: SELECT NICKNAME books, or type in the address book name. anything else. You can use ^N and ^P to choose among the defined addressthe name of the address book you wish to add the new entry to beforeIf you have more than one writable address book, you will be prompted forerase those selections with the UnSetAll command. of all of the messages you are operating on. You may, of course, easilythat are pre-selected when you start in List Mode are the From addressesswitch to Single Mode and then back to List Mode. The set of addressesselected several addresses in List Mode, those will be remembered when youYou may switch between the two modes at any time. If you've alreadyto startup the TakeAddr screen, in which case you will start in List Mode.You will normally start in Single Mode, unless you used the Apply commandnickname from your address book. you can press Ctrl-T at the nickname prompt and select an existingthe entry (simple case) or add to the list (list case). Alternatively,creates the new entry/list. Entering an existing nickname will replaceyou will be asked for the nickname of the entry. Typing in a new nameIn both the simple and list cases, after choosing to take the address,{F4:"T"}. selection the way you want it, you may create a new list by pressingcommand will turn off all the selections. Once you've gotten theThe SetAll command will select all of the addresses, and the UnSetAllhighlighted address if it was off or turn it off if it was previously on. The Set/Unset ({F9:"X"}) command will turn the "X" on for thegroup of addresses you wish to manipulate by marking them with an "X".into List Mode by pressing {F12:"L"}. In List Mode, you select thecreate a new list or add to an existing list, switch the screen displaydo this, simply highlight the correct line and press {F4:"T"}. ToThe simple case is adding a new, single entry into your address book. ToReply-To:) are also listed here. message. Other people "involved" in the message (e.g. the person named asinclude the names of people and/or mailing lists who also received theis initially placed on the line with the message author. Other linescombinations from the current message into your address book. The cursorThis screen is designed to let you select one or more address/name| Description of the Take Address Screen |{ : S Switch to single mode}{ F12 Toggle between List and single mode F11 Unset all : L Switch to list mode U Unset all addresses}{----------- F10 Set all :----------- A Set all addresses} {Mode Toggle F9 Set/Unset current address :Single Mode X Set/Unset current address}{ -------------- : ---------}{ F8 Show next page of address list -List Mode Only :spc Show next page of address list List Mode}{ F7 Show previous page of address list : - Show previous page of address list} { F6 Move to next entry F4 Take current address(es) : N Move to next entry T Take address}{ F5 Move to previous entry F3 Exit without taking address : P Move to previous entry E Exit without taking address}{-------------------------------- -------------------------- :-------------------------------- --------------------------}{Navigating the List of Addresses Address Selection Commands :Navigating the List of Addresses Address Selection Commands} TAKE ADDRESS COMMANDSpine's message line. cases, the reason why the message cannot be displayed is displayed onnot be readily displayed by either pine or an external tool. In suchAll attachments can be saved or piped into a UNIX command, but some maynot include the header portion of the message. attachment. The first attachment is usually the message text, but doesand provides for the viewing, saving, or piping (if enabled) of eachThe Attachment Index displays a list of the current message's attachments,{F12: W } Find the matching string in the attachment list{F10: | } Pipe the selected attachment through a UNIX command (if enabled) {F9 : S } Save the selected attachment to a file{F8 :Spc} Next page of the listed attachments{F7 : - } Previous page of the listed attachments{F6 : N } Move to next attachment{F5 : P } Move to previous attachment{F4 : V } View the currently selected attachment{F3 : E } Exit this screen without displaying or saving any attachments {F1 : ? } Show this help text ______ first occurrence beyond the current cursor position. ______ If there are multiple occurrences, the cursor moves to the______ found, move to it. The string can be one word or a phrase.{F12: W } WhereIs Search the attachment for a string of letters. If it is ______ path and filename to save it in another directory. ______ your home/current directory. You may enter the full ______ a filename, the attachment will be saved with that name in{F11:S } Save Copy the current attachment to a file. If you just enter ______ on the Main menu. ______ printer or the print command via the "Setup" command _{F9:Y } Print Print the current attachment on paper. You can select the ______ the space bar.{ F8:Spc} Next Page Show the next page of the current attachment by pressing _{F7:- } Prev Page Show the previous page of the current attachment. _{F3:E } Exit Viewer Go back to mail viewing. _{F1:? } Get Help Display this help text can only view one attachment at a time. This function allows you to view the contents of a text attachment. YouFCC folder (if any).the message. After confirmation, the message is sent and copied to the back to the top so that you can verify that the right people are gettingmessage to go out. At that confirmation stage, Pine moves the composerBefore sending a message, Pine will ask you to confirm that you want theSEND ({F2:Ctrl-X})will not be checked. There is no spell check feature with PC-Pine. each occurrence of it. Lines beginning with ">" ( included messages)more than once, then you will be prompted to confirm the correction of"incorrect" word and let you fix it or move on. If a word is misspelledThere are no suggested alternative spellings, but Pine will show you theyou are composing. By default, Pine uses the simple Unix spell checker.Pine can call an external spell checking program to look over the messageSPELL CHECK ({F12:Ctrl-T})composition?" question. You may postpone as many messages as you like. later, start to compose and answer "yes" to the "Continue postponedmessages or compose another message. When you want to resume a messageTemporarily stop working on the current message so you may read otherPOSTPONE ({F11:Ctrl-O})means that WhereIs is a jump-to-top and jump-to-bottom feature, too.WhereIs can "search" for the first line or last line of a message -- thissquare brackets rather than entering a new search string.and then just press RETURN to accept the previous search string shown inTo search for the same string a second time, press {F12:^W} to begin searchmessage when it no longer finds matches in the remainder of the message. location of the cursor. The search will wrap to the beginning of thecursor to the first occurrence of the match string appearing after theWhereIs searches the message body part of your composition and moves theWHEREIS ({F6:Ctrl-W}) system as the method will vary from site to site. local consultants about the correct way to transfer a file to your Pineto the system Pine is running on before they can be read. Please ask yourUnix machine but have files on a PC or MAC, the files must be transferredfile to be read must be on the same system as Pine.* If you use Pine on ayour system. The file will be inserted where the cursor is located. *Thename is relative to your home directory or must be a full path name onprompted for the name of a file to be inserted into the message. The fileThis will allow you to copy in text from an existing file. You will beREAD FILE ({F5:Ctrl-R}) justified as typed with auto-wrap, no justification will be done. aligned or justified and the right is ragged. If the text is alreadybeen editing a paragraph and the lines become uneven. The text is leftParagraphs are separated by one blank line. This is useful when you haveThe justify command reformats the text in the paragraph the cursor is in.JUSTIFY ({F4:Ctrl-J})"type the character ^". hold down the "Control" key on your keyboard. The second "^" meansterminology: Mark is shown as "^^". The first "^" means you shouldin the same buffer, so {F10:Ctrl-U} will restore them as a block. Abouta single line. If you delete a group of lines together, Pine keeps themIf you press {F9:Ctrl-K} without having marked anything, Pine will deleteallowing you to use this feature to copy a block of text also. ({F10:Ctrl-U}) in the new location. You can paste more than once,"cut" the block out ({F9:Ctrl-K}), move the cursor, and "paste" itthen moving the cursor to the end of the desired text block. You can thencopied as a unit, by setting a mark at the start of the block (Ctrl-^) andYou can define a "block" of text, which can subsequently be deleted orMARK, CUT, AND PASTEprompted for the file name of the file. You can include other text files with the {F5.:"Ctrl-R".} You will bereformat text explicitly, perhaps after you have deleted some text. have to hit return. Using the {F4:"Ctrl-J"} command, you can alsoText automatically wraps as you type past the end of a line so you do notinclude characters with diacritical marks and certain special symbols. punctuation and special characters found on most keyboards, but you can'tis about 100,000 characters, which is about 2,000 lines. You can includelower case is encouraged. On some systems the size limit of the messageMessages are usually just text, about 80 columns wide. Using upper anduse so that you can get started writing email right away. without having to leave Pine. The editor is designed to be very simple toPine has a built-in editing program which allows you to compose messages| Description of Composer |this feature, be advised that if you accidentally hit a Ctrl-S, Pine willto set the "preserve-start-stop-characters" feature. If you *do* setand XON), as normal characters, even though Pine does not use them.Pine does not use the following keys: Ctrl-S, Ctrl-Q, Ctrl-], Ctrl-\, ESCPC-Pine.The "Alternate Editor" and "Spell Check" commands are not available in o Alternate editor (allows you to compose with your own editor) o Suspend (suspends Pine and gives a system prompt)don't work, please check with your local help desk before reporting a bug. {F2:^X} Send | {F6:^_} Alt. editor | {F5:^R} Read in a file {F11:^O } Postpone | ^Z Suspend | ^L Redraw Screen {F3:^C} Cancel | {F1:^G} Get help | {F4:^J} Justify paragraph MESSAGE COMMANDS | GENERAL COMMANDS | {F12:^T } Spell checker---------------------------------------| {F6(^W):^W } Whereis (search for string) ^@ (Ctrl-SPACE) Next word |SCREEN/COMPOSITION COMMANDS {F8:^V} Next page |------------------------------------- {F7:^Y} Previous page | cut with ^K, or unjustify ^E End of line | {F10:^U } Paste text, undelete lines ^A Beginning of line | delete current line ^N (Down Arrow) Next line | {F9:^K} Cut marked text or ^P (Up Arrow) Previous line | ^^ Set a mark ^F (Right Arrow) Forward character | ^H (DEL) Delete previous character ^B (Left Arrow) Back character | ^D Delete current character CURSOR MOTION KEYS |EDITING KEYS COMPOSER COMMANDShome directory.current directory at the time you started Pine, rather than to your If the "use-current-dir" feature is set, names are relative to yourdirectory. The file must reside on the system running Pine. refer to your home directory or "~user" to refer to another's homeNo wild card characters may be used. In Unix Pine, you may use "~" topath name for your system, or a file path relative to your home directory.file name given can be a file in your home directory, an absolute fileUse this to browse files, perhaps created by some other application. Thefile must reside on the system running Pine. home directory or "~user" to refer to another's home directory. Thecharacters may be used. In Unix Pine, you may use "~" to refer to youryour system, or a file path relative to your home directory. No wild cardgiven can be a file in your home directory, an absolute file path name forUse this function to insert a text file into your message. The file nameshown in square brackets rather than entering a new search string. search and then just press RETURN to accept the previous search stringTo search for the same string a second time, press {F12:Ctrl-W} to beginfinds matches in the remainder of the message. The search will wrap to the beginning of the message when it no longeris put on the first occurrence appearing after the location of the cursor. composer, only the message part of your mail is searched, and the cursorSearch the message for a word or part of a word. When searching in the{F2:^X} Send | | {F5:^R} Rich Headers{F11:^O } Postpone | ^Z Suspend | ^L Redraw Screen{F3:^C} Cancel | {F1:^G} Get help | {F4:^J} Attach File MESSAGE COMMANDS | GENERAL COMMANDS | {F12:^T } To Addressbook/Browser----------------------------------------| ^@ (Ctrl-SPACE) Next word |SCREEN/COMPOSITION COMMANDS{F8:^V} Next page |-------------------------------------{F7:^Y} Previous page | ^E End of line | {F10:^U } Undelete line(s)^A Beginning of line | delete current line^N (Down Arrow) Next line | {F9:^K} Cut marked text or^P (Up Arrow) Previous line | ^F (Right Arrow) Forward character | ^H (DEL) Delete previous character ^B (Left Arrow) Back character | ^D Delete current character CURSOR MOTION KEYS----------------------|EDITING KEYS------------------------- MESSAGE HEADER COMMANDSsite to the network you are trying to reach.particular host."art.nowhere.edu". The number of segments on the right of the "@" with the arrow keys and use many of the usual composer editing keys.separated by commas. You can move around this and other header fieldsuser name. You may enter as many addresses as you wish, but they must beaddress book, and the local names will be expanded to include the actualout of this field, the nicknames will be expanded to the addresses in yourmail alias defined by your system administrator. When you move the cursorcomplete for you, the nickname of someone in an address book, or a localYou may enter a full name and address, a local address that Pine will| Email Address Format |------------------------the message. from your site. If it is not, you will get an error message after sendingThe address you enter here must be a valid address which is reachable| The "To:" field | o Message Header Commands o Email Address Format o The "To:" fieldTopics:For information on email address format, check the Help for the To: header.rather than the To: field.only difference the recipients see is that their name is in the Cc: field,addressed to these recipients, but you wanted them to see the message. Thethat you wish to send a carbon copy to. That is, the message is not directlyThe Cc: field is just like the To: field, except it is used for addresseescopy was sent to the Bcc: recipients. indicates a Bcc: was sent. The To: and Cc: recipients will not know aconfigured-- there will be nothing in the message header as delivered thatmessage, but --assuming your site's mail transport software is properlyare entered. The recipients listed here will receive a copy of theBcc: is just the same as the To: and Cc: fields in the way the addressesaddress is correct! unless you have defined an optional "Reply-To:" header. Make sure thisreplies (and often, future unrelated correspondence) will be directed,This header carries your return address. It is the address toward whichor folders designated for specific classes of correspondence. name on each one, or when you wish to direct certain replies to accountscan happen when you use multiple machines and do not have the same accountaddress other than your normal "From:" address. This is atypical, butcases where you would like replies to your messages to be directed to anMost people should not need this header. The Reply-To: header is used inset of Compose headers.This is a customized header, i.e. not one that is part of Pine's normalThis field consists of arbitrary text.server" in your Pine configuration in order for you to be able to post.your message. Also, you or your system manager must have defined a "nntp-Be aware that when you post to a newsgroup thousands of people will be reading({F5:Ctrl-R}) to make it visible.line may be hidden. If so, just press the rich headers commandyour message should be posted. When composing a message from scratch, thisUse the Newsgroups line to specify any and all USENET newsgroups to whichthe FCC for this message. You may type ^T to get a list of all your folders and select one to use asthe file carbon copy on any message you send by editing the FCC header. "default-fcc" and "fcc-name-rule" options. You can change or removeeach outgoing message. The default value can be configured with theThe FCC (File Carbon Copy) specifies the folder used to keep a copy ofbut it is considered a courtesy to use a meaningful subject. the topic of the message you are sending. You may leave this line blank,The subject header provides a place to enter a few words that summarizeForwarded message by editing the Attchmnt header line.If you Forward a message with attachments, you may delete them from yourthe {F6:Ctrl-J} command.Typing the filename on the Attchmts: line achieves the same result as usingattachments (even attachments which are just plain text) are not. reading program yet, then the main message text will be readable, butIf you send an attachment to someone who does not have a MIME-capable maillength can safely be delivered to any MIME capable mail reading program.Pine uses MIME encoding for attachments, so binaries and files of anyContact local computer support people for assistance with transferring. account on a Unix machine, you'll have to transfer it before attaching it. running Pine. If your file is on a PC or Mac and you run Pine with anthe message you are composing. Those files must reside on the machineThis field is where you specify what file or files you'd like attached to"art.nowhere.edu". The number of segments on the right of the "@" after sending the message.reach. The address you enter here must be a valid address which is When you enter an email address into the address field of your address | Valid Email Addresses |server" in your Pine configuration in order for you to be able to post. Be aware that when you post to a newsgroup thousands of people will be reading NEWSGROUPScopy on a message by message basis by editing the Fcc line."fcc-name-rule" variables. You can change or remove the folder carbonemail. The default value can be configured with the "default-fcc" andFcc specifies the folder which will keep a copy of this piece of outgoingFCC (File Carbon Copy)considered a courtesy to use a meaningful subject.the message you are sending. You may leave this line blank, but it isThe subject is your chance to give a few words which will give context toSUBJECTattachments which are just plain text) are not.program, then he main text will be readable, but attachments (evenIf you send an attachment to someone who doesn't have a MIME mail readingcomputer support people for assistance with transferring.machine, you'll have to transfer it before attaching it. Contact localIf your file is on a PC or Mac and you run Pine with an account on a Unixthe current message. Those files must reside on the machine running Pine.This field is where you specify what file or files should be attached toATTACHMENTSused when sending email to a large group of people.without the other parties to the message knowing they got it. It can also be envelope. Blind carbon copies are used to allow some parties to read email get a copy of the message, but their names do not appear anywhere on the Bcc stands for "blind carbon copy". People listed on the Bcc line do about who is expected to act on the message.message in the same way, but the difference might give recipients clues"other" parties. With email, recipients on the To: and Cc: lines get theTo and Cc is a remnant of the time when a memo would be carbon copied tonicknames from the address book for any of these. The distinction betweenaddress which your system can recognize (see below). You can also type insend. Anything specified an any of these lines must be a valid emailThese lines specify the various recipients of the message you are about toTO, CC, and BCCsettings.with the "default-composer-hdrs" and "customized-hdrs" configurationdefine any arbitrary headers you want added to your email. This is donemay specify which headers should be part of the default set and may alsoPine introduced a user-defined headers capabilities into version 3.90. Youlines.Pressing the {F5:Ctrl-R} key lets you see and modify any of the rich headerhidden from you. Rich headers include Fcc:, Bcc:, and Newsgroups:.are present on every message, but are normally filled out automatically andSubject:. There are other headers which are called "rich headers". TheyStandard headers which you supply include To:, Cc:, Attchmts:, andcopies and what the message is about.email. They say who a message is to and who it is from; who should getMessage headers are the electronic equivalent of the envelope on postal| Message Headers |{F2:^X} Send | | {F5:^R} Rich Headers{F11:^O } Postpone | ^Z Suspend | ^L Redraw Screen{F3:^C} Cancel | {F1:^G} Get help | {F4:^J} Attach File ---------------------------------------| MESSAGE COMMANDS | GENERAL COMMANDS | {F12:^T } To Addressbook/Browser^@ (Ctrl-SPACE) Next word |SCREEN/COMPOSITION COMMANDS^E End of line | {F10:^U } Undelete line(s)^A Beginning of line | delete current lineCURSOR MOTION KEYS |EDITING KEYS MESSAGE HEADER COMMANDS{F12: W } WhereIs (search through configuration){F8 :Spc} Show next screen of configuration{F7 : - } Show previous screen of configuration {F6 : N } Move to next entry {F3 : E } Exit SETUP CONFIGURATION{F5 : P } Move to previous entry {F1 : ? } Show this help text------------------------------- ---------------------Navigating the List of Settings General Pine Commands {F4 : C } Change the current setting {F10:D} Delete Value{F3 : E } Exit the Configuration Screen {F9:A} Add Valuenext Pine session. need to save these settings. Some changes will not take effect until your{F3:E}. Pine will save new configurations as you set them, there is nodelete ({F10:D}) as appropriate. To exit this configuration screen, pressTo change the current variable, press change ({F4:C}), add ({F9:A}) or| Setup Configuration Commands |--------------------------------{F12: W } WhereIs (search through options){F8 :Spc} Show next screen of options{F7 : - } Show previous screen of options{F4 : X } Change (set or unset) the currently highlighted setting{F3 : E } Exit the Setup Config Screennot take effect until your next Pine session. them, there is no need to save these settings. However, some changes willConfiguration screen, press {F3:E}. Pine will save new options as you setTo change the current variable, press {F4:X}. To exit this Setup{F4 : S } Change to the currently highlighted settingTo change the current variable, press {F4:S}. To exit this Setupthe system password file. on messages you send. If unset, Unix Pine will obtain your full name fromThis value is used to determine the full name part of the "From" address OPTION: Personal-Nameto the username part you want to appear on outgoing email. It is also the default login name for remote IMAP server access. Set thisThis value is used as part of the "From" address on messages you send. OPTION: User-IdentificationIf you set this, see also the "quell-user-lookup-in-passwd-file" feature.system administrator. the system. Often this value will be set for your whole site by thecomposed to a local user. If unset, Unix Pine will obtain the domain fromaddress on outgoing email and is also used as the default domain for emailThis value specifies the domain part (right-hand side) of your return OPTION: User-Domainand can leave this blank. servers you should use. Unix Pine users do not need to use an SMTP servercampus or department. Contact your local help desk to ask what SMTPnormally setup by a system administrator for use by all members of a givenmail. You must have an SMTP server for use with PC-Pine. SMTP servers areThis value specifies the name of one or more SMTP servers for sending OPTION: SMTP-Servernews. For more about reading news with Pine, see the release notes. use the NNTP protocol and a local newsrc configuration file for readingyou, assuming that server as the news server and assuming that you willdefine an NNTP server here, Pine implicitly defines a news collection forset for the whole system (and you don't have to worry about it). When youshould use. Often Unix Pine users will find that this variable has beenor department. Contact your local help desk to ask what NNTP servers yousetup by a system administrator for use by all members of a given campusserver for reading and posting USENET news. NNTP servers are normallyThis value specifies the name of the NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) OPTION: NNTP-Serverpress "?" for Help... Look for the section "Valid Folder Names".mail server.where "monet.art.nowhere.edu" is replaced by the name of your IMAPA typical remote inbox-path entry would be: {{:{}monet.art.nowhere.edu}INBOXan IMAP server. specify an alternate INBOX which is either a local folder or a folder onhas been pre-configured by your system administrator. You may be able toIMAP server. Unix and VMS Pine users will often find that this variablePC-Pine users must specify an inbox path and it must be a folder on anThis value over-rides the default value of your INBOX name/path/location. OPTION: Inbox-Pathpress "?" for Help... Look for the section on "Folder Collections". {F4 : C} Change the current setting {F10: D} Delete Value {F9 : A} Add Valuecollections list:Use the following SETUP CONFIGURATION commands to manipulate your folder Desktop MAIL\[] <-- Local collection (PC) Widget-Project widget/[] <-- Local collection (Unix) Saved-Email {{:{}klee.art.nowhere.edu}mail/[] <-- Remote collectionAdditional examples: optional-label {{:{}optional-imap-hostname}optional-directory-path[]Collection syntax: brackets followed immediately by the name of the collection. remote collection. As you can tell, the name of the computer is in {{:{}}brackets. For instance, "{{:{}wharhol.art.nowhere.edu}art-101/[]" is aIMAP mail server, the name of the collection on that server, and the squareTo specify a remote folder collection, you need to give the name of theit supports IMAP and you have the right to store folders on it.)Pine also allows you to access a collection on a remote computer (providedbe valid on a PC and "exhibit/[]" may be valid on Unix.local system followed by square brackets. For example, "ART-101\[]" mayA valid local collection is just the specification of a directory on theotherwise. Save command -- the place various folders are put unless you specifyThe first folder collection listed here is the default collection for thePine will not create any directory other than the original default.but they must correspond to a pre-existing filesystem directory, i.e.specify additional collections. These collections may be local or remote, with one folder collection by default. Using this option, you maycorrespond to a filesystem "directory". Pine will normally provide youFolder collections are "places" to store folders. They roughly OPTION: Folder-CollectionsCollections" option above and the help for the FOLDER LIST screen.FOR MORE INFORMATION on collections, check the help for the "Folder Newsfeeds accessed via IMAP: News *{{:{}news.nowhere.edu}[] News on the local host: News *[] Partial newsfeeds: News *{{:{}news.nowhere.edu/nntp}[comp.*] take several forms:implicitly by defining an NNTP server. News collections defined here canYou can use this to set a specific news collection other than that definedconfiguration.nntp-server option will implicitly define the most common news-collectionhowever, most people will not need to use this option since setting theThis value defines one or more collections of incoming newsgroup folders; OPTION: News-CollectionsTo suppress saving of outgoing mail, set: default-fcc=""default is "SENTMAIL" (normally stored as SENTMAIL.MTX)is normally "sent-mail" in the default folder collection. PC-Pineconfiguration screen) is set to use the default folder. Unix Pine defaultfolder carbon copy only applies when the fcc-rule-name (see later in thisAny valid folder specification, local or IMAP, is allowed. This defaultthis is not a path name, it will be in the default collection for saves. This value specifies where a copy of outgoing mail should be saved. If OPTION: Default-FCC (File Carbon Copy)POSTPOND.MTX)in the default collection. PC-Pine default is "POSTPOND" (stored asremote, is allowed. The Unix Pine default is normally "postponed-mail"collection for message Saves. Any valid folder specification, local ormessages are saved. If this is not a path name, it will be in the defaultThis value over-rides the default name for the folder where postponed OPTION: Postponed-Folderallowed. There is no default for the name of the read message folder. saves. Any valid folder specification, local or remote (via IMAP), isIf this is not a path name, it will be in the default collection forcase, moving the messages means they will be deleted from your INBOX. Pine if you want read messages to be moved to this folder. In eithersetting in the "feature-list", you may or may not be asked when you quitalready read. Depending on how you define the "auto-move-read-messages"between your really new email (in your INBOX) and those which you have"read messages" folder. This allows you to more easily distinguishsave all messages which you have read during a session into the designatedBy virtue of specifying a folder name here, Pine will be configured to OPTION: Read-Message-Folderdirectory as your pinerc file for NEWSRC.of the current drive, e.g. "C:\" ) and then it looks in the same PC-Pine looks first for $HOME\NEWSRC (where $HOME defaults to the root If this option is not set, Unix Pine looks for the file ~/.newsrc and full pathname for the desired newsrc file. status and subscription file. If set, Pine will take this value as theThis option over-rides the default name Pine uses for your "newsrc" news OPTION: newsrc-pathunless you use this option to specify a different file name.identity and affiliation. Save this text to the file ".signature"pico, vi, or emacs, and enter a *few* lines of text containing yourTo create a signature file, use your favorite text editor, such as The signature file must be kept on the local system, not a remote IMAPthe same directory as your PINERC file, under the name "\PINE.SIG". The default file name on Unix is ".signature"; on PC-Pine the file is inthe feature list. message replies is controlled by the "signature-at-bottom" setting inremove it on a message by message basis. Signature file placement ininto the message as soon as you enter the composer so you can choose toemail address and organizational affiliation. Pine adds the signatureoutgoing messages. It typically contains information such as your name,This is the name of a file which will be automatically inserted into OPTION: Signature-File PERSONAL addrbookfor identification in the ADDRESS BOOK display. For example: You may optionally precede the file name with a label that will be usedup) file. and add a ".lu" extension when it generates its auxiliary index (lookdo not add a filename extension, since Pine will use your specified nameIMAP server. If you override the default name for PC-Pine's addressbook,At this time address books must be kept on the local system, not a remotePINERC file, under the name "\ADDRBOOK". "~/.addressbook" and on PCs the file is in the same directory as yourThe default is to have a single address book. On Unix the file is namedmay add selected addresses from within Pine.You may also define additional personal address books, to which youThis value over-rides the default name of your personal address book file. OPTION: Address-BookThere is no default value for this option. that is, they are Read-Only. global address books may not be modified/updated from within Pine;on the machine where Pine is running. Unlike personal address books,Global address books must be accessible via normal file access routines WORKGROUP wgaddrbksystem-wide default, if it exists. to specify one for a shared workgroup addressbook, or to over-ride theconfiguration file by your system administrator. This option may be usedDefining these will typically be done in the system-wide PineThis value specifies the name(s) of global (system-wide) address books. OPTION: Global-Address-Bookkeystroke list. Restriction: You cannot pre-type into the composer with the initialto view message 1 on startup, you would specify i,j,1,CR,v. the RETURN key. F1 through F12 represent the function keys. For example,RIGHT indicate the pressing of those keys. CR indicates the pressing ofby Pine upon startup as a macro. The words SPACE, TAB, DOWN, UP, LEFT, andany place you like. Whatever keystrokes you specify here will be executedThe initial keystroke --or command-- list option lets you start Pine at OPTION: Initial-Keystroke-Listdisplay, but should be spelled-in-full here.Note that the "Newsgroups:" header will be abbreviated in the Composer Attchmnt:, and Subject:. can't just add to the regular header set. The default set is To:, Cc:,this setting at all, you must specify all the headers you want to see, youheader or any custom header which you have already defined. If you useemail using this option. You can specify any of the regular set, any richYou can decide which headers you want visible when composing outgoing OPTION: Default-Composer-Headers(Ctrl-R) command. of the rich header set which you only see when you press the rich headeryour default composer headers list (see above), otherwise they become partthese custom headers each time you compose a message, you must add them toand may optionally include a value for that header. If you want to seeyou specify here must include the header tag (Reply-to:, Approved:, etc.)You may add your own custom headers to all outgoing messages. Each header OPTION: Customized-Headers"saved-messages" and in PC-Pine means "SAVEMAIL". Normal default is "default-folder", which on Unix meansdefault-folder, by-sender, by-from, by-recipient, last-folder-used. This option determines the default folder name for Saves... Choose either: OPTION: Saved-Msg-Name-Rulespecified here, it will be overwridden by any fcc entries you have in youras specified earlier in this configuration. Note that whatever the fcc"default-fcc", the value of which is set in the "default-fcc" variableone: default-fcc, by-recipient, last-fcc-used. Normal default isThis option determines the default name for folder carbon copy. Choose OPTION: FCC-Name-RuleNormal default is "arrival". message of each group) are ordered with the newest groups first (according to the first o ReverseOrderedSubj -- Like "OrderedSubj" but groups of messages ordered in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A). o ReverseSubject -- Like "Subject" but groups of messages are reverse alphabetical order (Z-A). o ReverseFrom -- Like "From" but groups of messages are ordered in o ReverseArrival -- Like "Arrival" but the newest message is first. o ReverseDate -- Like "Date" but the newest message is first. provides pseudo threading of messages. according to the oldest message on a given subject. This sorting "OrderedSubj" however, groups of messages are put into date order together is done in the same way as sort by subject. With o OrderedSubj -- Grouping of all messages with the same subject into alphabetical order according to subject. alphabetical order of subject lines. Groups of messages are put and trailing "(fwd)" when determining the likeness and subject are grouped together. Pine ignores leading "Re:" and "re:" o Subject -- Sort messages by subject. Messages with the same author. messages are then put into alphabetical order according to message Messages with the same author are grouped together. Groups of o From -- Sort messages by the name of the author of the message. o Arrival -- Sort messages into the order in which they arrived. identical to sorting by "Arrival". sent. On a folder like INBOX, sorting by "Date" should be almost o Date -- Sort folders according to the date and time they werethe Folder Index screen. Choose from: This option determines the order in which messages will be displayed in OPTION: Sort-KeyThe normal default is "fullname-with-lists-last".dont-sort don't change order of filenickname-with-lists-last use nickname field, but put lists at end nickname use nickname field, lists mixed in fullname-with-lists-last use fullname field, but put lists at endfullname use fullname field, lists mixed in presented. Choose one of the following: This option controls the order in which address book entries will be OPTION: Address-Book-Sort-Ruleinclude ISO-8859-x, where x is a number between 1 and 9. your character set. Normal default is US-ASCII. Typical alternativesthe outgoing message will be marked as such no matter what you have set asfact, US-ASCII (a subset of the other sets allowable). If it is US-ASCII,Whenever you actually send a message, Pine checks it to see if it is, inSet it to whatever character set you might use to compose messages.The character set is used primarilly to mark outgoing email appropriately. OPTION: Character-Set"enable-alternate-editor" feature must be turned on too. alternate-editor-implicitly" setting). In either case, thehave a favorite editor and want to use it all the time (see the "enable-this setting to specify an alternate editor to use occasionally or if younormally an alternative to Pine's internal composer (Pico). You could useEditor specifies the program invoked by ^_ in the Composer. This is OPTION: Alternate-Editor"mailcap" configuration file. specific MIME data types is to use the system's (or your personal)general method for associating external printing and viewing programs withno longer needed, but remains for backward compatibility. The moreattachments of type IMAGE (e.g. GIF or TIFF). The Image Viewer setting isThis option specifies the program Pine should call to view MIME OPTION: Image-ViewerNot applicable to PC-Pine. that you enter into the composer. your return ("From") address and when completing unqualified addressesto "Yes" (and user-domain is not used), then Pine strips the hostname fromThis option is used only if the "user-domain" option is *not* set. If set OPTION: Use-Only-Domain-Namethis to a date in the future, e.g. 99.12month. If you wish to suppress the monthly sent-mail pruning feature, setsent-mail. It is set automatically by Pine at the beginning of eachThis value records the last time you were asked about deleting old OPTION: Last-Time-Prune Questionsetting.)Full Header mode will respect the "include-headers-in-reply" featurefor Export, Pipe, Print, Forward, and Reply functions. (For Reply, theheaders. The Full Header command also controls which headers are includedthe display of all headers in the message and the normal edited view ofThis feature enables the "H Full Headers" command which toggles between FEATURE: enable-full-header-cmdto the specified Unix command for external processing. Not available onThis feature enables the "| Pipe" command that sends the current message FEATURE: enable-unix-pipe-cmdcompleted, provided the partial name is unambiguous.case, TAB will cause the partial name already entered to be automaticallyThis feature enables the TAB key when at a prompt for a filename. In this FEATURE: enable-tab-completionQuit command is received.This feature controls whether or not Pine will ask for confirmation when a FEATURE: quit-without-confirmJump command.screens. In other words, it obviates the need for typing the "J" for theand jump to that message number, when in the FOLDER INDEX or MESSAGE TEXTSetting this feature will allow you to enter a number (followed by RETURN) FEATURE: enable-jump-shortcutavailable in PC-Pine. set the "enable-alternate-editor" feature. This feature is notspecified editor without prompting, in which case it is not necessary toa default. If "editor" variable is set, the ^_ key will activate theIf the environment variable $EDITOR is set, this value will be offered asfor the name of the editor you would like to use.the ^_ (Control-underscore) key while composing a message will prompt youIf this feature is set, and the "editor" variable is not set, entering FEATURE: enable-alternate-editor-cmdis not available in PC-Pine.replies, the alternate editor will be activated immediately. This featurethe header of the message being composed into the message text. Forautomatically activate the specified editor when the cursor is moved fromIf this feature and the "editor" variable are both set, Pine will FEATURE: enable-alternate-editor-implicitlyand replies to it will go back to that author, and not to you.the message's From: header will show the original author of the message,recipient will see a header indicating that you have Resent the msg, butbe redirected for some other reason (e.g. list moderation). The finalis used to re-direct messages that you have received in error, or need to for an address and *remail* the message to the new recipient. This commandSetting this feature enables the "B Bounce" command, which will prompt FEATURE: enable-bounce-cmdselected.command which causes all messages matching the WhereIs argument to becomeThis feature also enables the "^X" sub-command in the FOLDER INDEX WhereIs view between just those Selected and all messages in the folder. messages. Further, the Zoom command allows you to toggle the Folder Indexthen be used to apply any message command to all of the selected/tagged"tag" one or more messages meeting the specified criteria. Apply canand "Z Zoom" commands are enabled by this feature. Select is used to"aggregate operations". In particular, the "; Select", "A Apply",performing operations on more than one message at a time. We call theseSetting this feature enables the commands and subcommands that relate to FEATURE: enable-aggregate-command-setdisplayed in column one of the FOLDER INDEX for such messages.will set the "Important" flag, which results in an asterisk beingmanipulate the status flags associated with a message. By default, FlagSetting this feature enables the "* Flag" command which allows you to FEATURE: enable-flag-cmdsuspend Pine. Not available on PC-Pine.Setting this feature will allow you to type ^Z (Control Z) and temporarily FEATURE: enable-suspendfeature.expanded implicitly upon entering the FOLDER LIST screen, then set this If multiple folder collections are defined, and you wish to have them all FEATURE: expanded-view-of-foldersscreen, then set this feature. wish to have them all expanded implicitly upon entering the ADDRESS BOOKIf multiple address books (either personal or global) are defined, and you FEATURE: expanded-view-of-addressbooksto the newsgroup you are reading.in this situation, and will assume that you do indeed wish to postnewsgroup or not. If this feature is set, Pine will not prompt youdetermine whether you intend the new message to be posted to the currentcomposer while reading a news group, you will normally be prompted toThis feature controls one aspect of Pine's Composer. If you enter the FEATURE: compose-sets-newsgroup-without-confirmConsider this a safety feature against mis-directed mail.an address book nickname. address (e.g. "fred@nowhere.edu") or correct the name so that it matchesaddresses as errors, and require that you explicitly enter the full localof such accidents, setting this feature will cause Pine to treat suchmis-delivered without your realizing it. In order to reduce the liklihoodthere actually was a "fred" in your local domain, the message might beturned out to be a typo (intended to be an addressbook nickname), butunqualified names as valid (local) addresses. For example, if "fred"There are situations where it is not desirable for Pine to interpret suchnot a valid nickname), Pine will turn that into "fred@nowhere.edu". "jsmith@nowhere.edu" and you enter "fred", then (assuming "fred" is your own domain to the name entered. So if your address ismatching nickname in your addressbook, or failing that, by simply addinga fully qualified address, first by checking to see if you have entered ayou enter an unqualified name, Pine will normally attempt to turn it intoheaders and will not send an unqualifed name to the MTA. Therefore, whenyour system. Pine conforms to the Internet standards governing messagemodify it, but simply passes it on to the mail-transport-agent (MTA) forWhen you enter a fully qualified address, Pine does not interpret orsymbol and host or domain name (e.g. "jsmith"),"jsmith@nowhere.edu"). An unqualified name is one *without* the "@"by an "@" symbol, followed by a host or domain name (e.g. A complete (fully qualified) address is one containing a username followedthem into complete addresses by adding your local domain.unless they match an addressbook nickname. Pine will not attempt to turnIf set, unqualified names entered as addresses will be treated as errorswhat happens when an unqualified name is entered into an address header.This feature controls one aspect of the message composer; in particular, FEATURE: compose-rejects-unqualified-addrsfor incomplete addresses you enter.Pine from looking up names in the password file to find the Full NameIf you are seeing this behavior, enabling this feature will prevent Unixentered name as it is turned into an address in the configured domain. personal name from the password file could get falsly paired with theis coincidental, and Full Name info will be incorrect. For example, aisn't accurately reflected, Pine should be told that a passwd file matchis set such that the administrative domain of other users on the systemThat is, if either the "user-domain" or "use-only-domain-name" optionother users of the system do not receive mail at the domain you are using.However, password file matching can have surprising (incorrect) results iffor that individual, and adds that to the address being entered. system password file, Pine extracts the corresponding Full Name information the Unix password file. If the entered name matches a username in thenickname. Failing that, (in Unix Pine) the name is then checked againstchecked against your address book(s) to see if they match an address bookNormally, names you enter into address fields (e.g. To: or Cc:) arein the system password file to find a Full Name for the entered address.file. Specifically, if this feature is set, Pine will not attempt to lookusually be set by your system manager in Pine's system-wide configurationThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Composer, and if needed, will FEATURE: quell-user-lookup-in-passwd-fileagain, simply type Ctrl-Q.interpreting such input as a "stop output" command. To "start output"whenever the Ctrl-S key combination is entered as the system is nowthat enabling this feature will also cause Pine to ostensibly "hang"likely setting this option will solve the problem. Be aware, though,and, at the same time, see your display become garbled, then it is [ Command "^Q" not defined for this screen. ]off. However, if you see Pine reporting input errors such as:By default, Pine turns the system's handling of these special characterscommunications paths to control data flow.are known as the "start" and "stop" characters and are sometimes used inCtrl-S and Ctrl-Q, are interpreted when input to Pine. These charactersThis feature controls how special control key characters, typically FEATURE: preserve-start-stop-charactersuseful if you have accounts on multiple computers.incoming folders, once they are created by other programs. It is alsoMessage Folders collection provides a convenient way to access multipleother programs such as "filter" or "procmail". Pine's IncomingNOTE: Pine does not do "delivery filtering"; this is the province offor those with Recent messages.FOLDER INDEX or MESSAGE TEXT screens) may be used to scan the foldersOnce a set of Incoming Message Folders are defined, the TAB key (insame host used for your INBOX), a nickname, and the actual folder name. be prompted for the host the folder is stored on (which defaults to theusing the "{F10:A} Add" command in the FOLDER LIST screen. You will You may add more folders to the Incoming Message Folders collection byyour default saved-message folder collection.in this collection will be your INBOX, which will no longer show up in "INCOMING MESSAGE FOLDERS". Initially, the only folder includedIf set, this feature defines a pseudo-folder collection called FEATURE: enable-incoming-foldersincluded in the Reply.attachments that were part of the original message will automatically beThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Reply command. If set, any MIME FEATURE: include-attachments-in-replymessage will also be part of the reply.original message is being included in the reply, then headers from thatThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Reply command. If set, and the FEATURE: include-header-in-replymessage, and the cursor will also be positioned after the included text.contents of your signature file (if any) will be inserted after the includedis set, and the original message is being included in the reply, then theThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Reply command. If this feature FEATURE: signature-at-bottomnormal mnemonic key. bottom of each screen will show function key designations instead of thethe normal single-letter commands. In this mode, the key menus at theThis feature specifies that Pine will respond to function keys instead of FEATURE: use-function-keysdeleted.current message deleted and advance to the next message that is not markedare marked deleted. In other words, pressing "D" will both mark thefeature will cause the Delete command to advance past other messages thatThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Delete command. If set, this FEATURE: delete-skips-deletedwill not be prompted to confirm your intent before the expunge takes place.This features controls an aspect of Pine's eXpunge command. If set, you FEATURE: expunge-without-confirm(meaning New, or unseen) are not affected.them as deleted in the INBOX. Messages in the INBOX marked with an "N"automatically transfer all read messages to the designated folder and markand the "read-message-folder" variable is also set, then Pine willThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's behavior upon quitting. If set, FEATURE: auto-move-read-msgswill be presented in alphabetical order.file (or \NEWSRC file in the case of PC-Pine). If not set, the newsgroupsset, they will be presented in the same order as they occur in your .newsrcThis feature controls the order that news groups will be presented. If FEATURE: news-read-in-newsrc-orderSLIP or PPP) can cause delays. Set this feature to eliminate such delays. are entered for posting. Validation over slow links (e.g. dialup using This feature controls whether the NNTP server is queried as news groups FEATURE: news-post-without-validationopportunity to confirm or edit the name.If set, the selected name will be used immediately, without furtherfile to be used, but allow you to press ^T for a list of possible names.These commands all take text input to specify the name of the folder orThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's Save, Export, and Goto commands. FEATURE: select-without-confirm o Ctrl-J file attachment in the COMPOSER o Ctrl-R file inclusion in the COMPOSER o Attachment Save in the MESSAGE TEXT and ATTACHMENT TEXT screens o Export in the FOLDER INDEX and MESSAGE TEXT screensthe following operations: working directory" will be used instead of your home directory for all ofThis feature controls an aspect of several commands. If set, your "current FEATURE: use-current-dircopied to the designated folder.not mark the message "deleted" (its default behavior) after it has beenThis feature controls one aspect of the Save command. If set, Save will FEATURE: save-will-not-deleteadvance to the next message.(in addition to copying the current message to the designated folder) also FEATURE: save-will-advancelow-speed links (e.g. 2400 bps dialup connections) will be activated.replaced by an "arrow" cursor and other screen update optimizations forinverse-video cursor (used to highlight the current item in a list) will beThis feature affects Pine's display routines. If set, the normal FEATURE: assume-slow-linkmailbox to disk.asterisks whenever Pine saves (checkpoints) the state of the currentleft-hand corner of the screen whenever Pine checks for new mail, and twoIf set, this feature will cause an asterisk to appear in the upper FEATURE: enable-mail-check-cueautomatically open the folder without prompting.whether you wish to open the folder. If this feature is set, Pine willopened) messages. Normally, when such a folder is found, Pine will askone containing New or Recent (new since the last time the folder wasfolder, Pine will search the list of folders in the current collection forare no more unseen messages in the current (incoming message or news)"news-collections". When the TAB (Next New) key is pressed, and therein the optional "incoming-folders" collection or in optionalThis feature controls the behavior of the TAB key when traversing folders FEATURE: auto-open-next-unreadautomatically, without prompting.If this feature is set, the original message will be included in the replywill ask whether you wish to include the original message in your reply.This feature controls an aspect of Pine's Reply command. Normally, Pine FEATURE: include-text-in-replyterminal being used.preferable to the "X" will depend on personal taste and the type ofattempt to display those index lines in boldface. Whether this isis set, instead of using the "X" to denote a selected message, Pine willfirst column of the applicable lines in the FOLDER INDEX. If this featurespecified criteria, and "tag" the resulting messages with an "X" in the^X subcommand) will search the current folder for messages meeting aparticular, the Select and WhereIs commands. Select and WhereIs (with theThis feature controls an aspect of Pine's aggregate operation commands; in FEATURE: show-selected-in-boldfaceextension.your existing folders will need to be renamed to correspond to this newthe three characters you desire to use in lieu of "MTX". Note thatto tell PC-Pine to use an extension other than MTX. In this case, enterWe don't know why you might wish to, but you could also use this optionyou have changed to your mail directory: RENAME *.MTX *.not have an MTX extension. In DOS this can be done in one command, oncequote marks, and you will need to rename your existing local folders to you will need to set this option to the null string by entering two double-If you wish to permanently avoid having to deal with folder name extensions,Likewise for GOTO. will need to enter the full name, "FOO.MTX" at the Save prompt. "FOO.MTX". If you wish to save additional messages to that folder, youa local folder named "FOO" it will now appear in the Folder List asfolders will have apparently changed their names. For example, if you hadtheir names. However, doing this means that your existing PC-Pine localbehavior so that such folders can be seen and accessed without changinghave an MTX extension, it is possible with this option to switch PC-Pine'sUnix mail folders. Since it might be inconvenient to rename all of them toversions of PC-Pine have the ability to open (albeit READ-ONLY) normalThe reason you might wish to over-ride the MTX default is that recentneither add nor hide-from-view *any* folder name extension. set "folder-extension" to the "null string" which tells PC-Pine tosetting this option, you over-ride this behavior. In particular, you maynames and suppresses that extension when listing those folders. ByNormally PC-Pine appends the extension "MTX" to all local (PC) folderscreen (Main/Setup/Config) will not be available.about Pine's growing set of optional features. If set, the configurationspecific Pine configuration to their users in order to reduce confusionThis feature is intended for use by system managers who wish to provide a FEATURE: disable-config-screenwhere it is inappropriate.disable Pine's password-changing command (Main/Setup/Password) at sitesThis feature is intended for use by system managers who wish to globally FEATURE: disable-password-cmdand other information may also be available via the Update function.allows PC-Pine users to fetch new releases of the program. Tech notesdisable Pine's update command (Main/Setup/Update). The Update command FEATURE: disable-update-cmddisable the keyboard lock command (Main/KBlock). FEATURE: disable-kblock-cmdand the feature is irrelevant. incompatible with other mail programs), then this issue does not arise,Pine has been configured to use a different mailbox format (possiblyformat that uses message separator lines beginning with "From ". Ifenable this feature. This feature only applies to the common Unix mailboxdisplaying a message with an unquoted "From " saved by Pine, you shouldthis default is reasonable. If another program you use has troubleseparator line on Unix systems. If pine is the only mail program you use,beginning with "From " that might otherwise be confused with a messageThe default behavior is that a ">" will be prepended only to linesUnix systems.distinguishable from the type of message separator line commonly used on" when they are saved to another folder, including lines syntacticallya leading ">" character in front of message lines beginning with "Fromoutgoing messages are saved to an FCC folder). If set, Pine will addThis feature controls an aspect of the Save command (and also the way FEATURE: save-quotes-leading-fromsSets PC-Pine's foreground (the actual character) color. OPTION: normal-foreground-colorSets PC-Pine's background (the area behind the character) color. OPTION: normal-background-colorcharacters. Sets PC-Pine's foreground (the actual character) color for reverse video OPTION: reverse-foreground-colorreverse video characters. Sets PC-Pine's background (the area behind the character) color for OPTION: reverse-background-color*approximation* of seen/unseen status that may be useful.any messages in a news group. This feature enables a startingpreviously seen, so it normally does not show the "N" status flag formeans that Pine has no way to record exactly which messages you have indicated by marking the message as "Deleted". Unfortunately, thisthis to record whether or not you are "done with" a message, asfor news groups) is only capable of storing a single flag, and Pine uses Background: your "newsrc" file (used to store message status informationmark deleted.messages from those you have seen previously, but are not yet ready tostatus, it provides a useful cue to distinguish more-or-less recent Although this is only an approximation of true "New" or "unseen"Index with an "N", and the first of these messages will be highlighted. key. If this feature is set, any subsequent messages will be shown in thedetermine the last message you have previously disposed of via the "D"When opening a news group, Pine will consult your "newsrc" file andFolder Index of news groups.This feature causes certain messages to be marked as "New" in the FEATURE: news-approximates-new-statusthen press RETURN. Then you'll be able to Save or process that attachment. Enter the attachment number from the list above, or if none, enter "1",Or, enter the match string followed by RETURN.Enter ^V or ^Y to go immediately to the last or first message in the index.Or, enter the match string followed by RETURN (or ^X to select all matches). Enter ^V or ^Y to go immediately to the last or first message in the index,Press ^C to cancel addition. Type the full name of the person being added and press the RETURN key.remember word, name or initials like "joe", or "wcfields." ^C to cancel. Type a short nickname and press RETURN. A nickname is a short easy-to-Press ^C to cancel addition.Type the e-mail address and press RETURN.press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel creation of list. Type a long name or description for the list that you are creating andyou are creating and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel. Type a nickname (short, easy-to-remember name or single word) for the listwant to be part of this list and press RETURN. Type an e-mail address, or a nickname already in the address book that youwant to add to this list and press RETURN. Type an e-mail address or a nickname already in the address book that youwhen done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the nickname as it was. Change the nickname using the arrow keys and delete key. Press RETURNwhen done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the full name as it was. Change the full name using the arrow keys and delete key. Press RETURNwhen done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the address as it was. Change the address using the arrow keys and delete key. Press RETURN done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the fcc as it was. Change the fcc using the arrow keys and delete key. Press RETURN whenwhen done. Press ^C to cancel editing and leave the comment as it was. Change the comment field using the arrow keys and delete key. Press RETURN letters at the bottom of the screen. Press ^C to cancel edit.Edit any of the fields of the currently selected entry by typing one of the RETURN without entering anything the word in [] will be searched for. Type the word or name you want to search for and press RETURN. If you press press RETURN without entering anything the word in [] will be searched for. Type the word, name or address you want to search for and press RETURN. If you Press ^T to get a list of your folders. Press ^C to cancel saving this mail. Type the name of the folder you want to save the message in and press RETURN. Use ^N or ^P to change address books. ^C to cancel.Choose the address book you want to save the new entry in.when done. Press ^C to cancel adding this entry to the address book. Edit the e-mail address using the arrow and delete keys. Press RETURNselected addresses to the old existing list. Press ^C to cancel addition. Press R to replace the old entry with this new list. Press A to add theEdit the full name to be correct using the arrow and delete keys. Press RETURN entry in the address book and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel addition. Type a nickname (short easy-to-remember name, initials or single word) for this RETURN. Press ^C if you want to cancel jumping to another message. Type the number of the message number you want to jump to and pressget a list of all your folders and make a selection. Press ^C to cancel open. Type the name of the folder you want to open and press RETURN. Press ^T to cancel adding a new folder. Type the name of the folder you want to add and press RETURN. Press ^C todelete keys and press RETURN. Press ^C to cancel rename. Change the old name of the folder to the new name using the arrow andRETURN to use your login from this host as is, or edit it with delete key. Enter your login name for the host you are opening the mailbox on. Just press Press ^C to cancel opening folder. Type your password for the host and login shown as part of the prompt. cancel the printer selection. The current selection is highlighted. Enter the number associated with the printer you want to select. Press ^C to cancel the printer selection. Type the name of the Unix print command and press RETURN. Press ^C tounlock this keyboard by typing the password. The keyboard is in use and locked by another user. Only that user canpress RETURN. You may also give an absolute path or use "~". Use ^C to cancel Type the name of file in your home directory to write the message into and folder to one named for the month so you have a sent-mail folder for each month At the beginning of each month Pine offers to rename your current sent-mail space. Please delete any sent-mail that you do not need. It is the beginning of the month, and we need to conserve diskfile for debugging and will NOT SAVE message under composition or status. This emergency cancel is used when Pine is completely stuck. It'll dump a core Arrival is by arrival in your mailbox; Date is by time/day message was sent. Select the order for sorting the index by typing the capitalized letter. Select one of the setup tasks by typing the capitalized letter. will be saved into your Pine configuration file. Type in your name as you want it to appear on outgoing email. This entryThis entry will be saved into your Pine configuration file. INBOX syntax is usually {{:{}complete.machine.name}INBOXto the Internet. This entry will be saved into your Pine configuration file. The name of the computer on your campus which relays your outgoing emailsaved into your Pine configuration file. The username or login-id part of your email address. This entry will beentry will be saved into your Pine configuration file. The domain part of your email address, NOT the name of your PC. Thisthe message, which will retain the original author's From: address.Enter the address or nickname of the intended recipient. Pine will resendotherwise enter the host name of the mail server, or ^X if same as INBOX.Enter RETURN if the folder is on the machine where Pine is running;folder on the previously specified mail server. Enter the name of the desired folder. Pine will attempt to create thishost and folder names in the FOLDER LIST display.Enter an (optional) nickname that will be used in lieu of the actual Example: jsmith@somewhere.eduEnter the address of your intended recipient, or ^C to cancel.or ^C to cancel. Example: comp.mail.pineEnter the name of the news group to which you wish to subscribe,message, or ^C to cancel.Enter the name of the Unix command to which you wish to send thisattachment, or ^C to cancel.Enter the name of the Unix command to which you wish to sent thiscorresponding to the numbers will be selected. Example: 2-5,7-9,11,19Enter a list of numbers (or number ranges), or ^C to cancel. The messages ^C to cancel. ^R enters current msg From: address. ^T enters To: address.Messages with From: headers containing the entered string will be selected.Messages with To: headers containing the entered string will be selected.^C to cancel. ^X enters Subject: line of current message.Messages with Subject: headers containing the entered string will be selected.but not encoded attachments, will be compared. Enter ^C to cancel.All messages containing the entered string will be selected. Headers, attachment. The first attachment containing that text will be highlighted.Enter some text that appears in the Attachment Index entry for the desiredbe entered again later in order to unlock the keyboard.Keystrokes entered here (up to a RETURN) comprise a password that must^C to cancel.To move quickly to a particular option or feature, enter a search string orpressing RETURN sets the Empty Value (this turns off any global default).Enter desired value; use normal editing keys to modify (e.g. ^K, ^D). Justdelete current (highlighted) character, etc. Enter ^C to cancel change.Edit the existing value using arrow keys, ^K to delete entire entry, ^D to [CLOSED]mailboxaddressfolder%s-no folder-%s : %s[TRYCREATE][READ-ONLY][ALERT]%s : %s%s%sanonymous%s@%sHOST: %s ENTER LOGIN NAME: HOST: %s USER: %s ENTER PASSWORD: Serious error saving mail folder "%s":Press return to retry saving or press ^Z to suspend Pine: Press return to retry saving or press ! to get to system prompt: Retry Please attempt to correct the error preventing the saving of the mail folder. For example if the disk is out of space try removing uneeded files. You might also contact your system administrator. Give the command "exit" to get back to Pine and try saving the folder again. cshinboxpersonal-nameuser-iduser-domainsmtp-servernntp-serverinbox-pathincoming-foldersfolder-collectionsnews-collectionsdefault-fccpostponed-foldermail-directoryread-message-foldersignature-fileglobal-address-bookaddress-bookfeature-listinitial-keystroke-listdefault-composer-hdrscustomized-hdrssaved-msg-name-rulefcc-name-rulesort-keyaddrbook-sort-rulecharacter-seteditorimage-vieweruse-only-domain-nameprinterpersonal-print-commandstandard-printerlast-time-prune-questionedlast-version-usedbugs-fullnamebugs-addresselm-style-saveheader-in-replyfeature-levelold-style-replycompose-mimeshow-all-characterssave-by-senderattached-to-ansilprnoinboxsent-mailpostponed-msgssaplingarrivaldefault-folderfullname-with-lists-last.signaturemailPine Developerspine-bugs@cac.washington.edu.addressbook/usr/local/lib/pine.conf.pinerc/usr/local/lib/pine.conf.fixedyes%d.%dseedlingold-growth3.90[]toccSort type "%s" is not implemented yet Sort type "%s" is invalid by-fromuse-function-keysuse-current-dirsignature-at-bottomshow-selected-in-boldfaceselect-without-confirmsave-will-advancesave-will-not-deletesave-will-quote-leading-fromsquit-without-confirmquell-user-lookup-in-passwd-filepreserve-start-stop-charactersnews-read-in-newsrc-ordernews-post-without-validationnews-approximates-new-statusinclude-text-in-replyinclude-header-in-replyinclude-attachments-in-replyexpunge-without-confirmexpanded-view-of-foldersexpanded-view-of-addressbooksenable-unix-pipe-cmdenable-tab-completionenable-suspendenable-mail-check-cueenable-jump-shortcutenable-incoming-foldersenable-full-header-cmdenable-flag-cmdenable-bounce-cmdenable-alternate-editor-implicitlyenable-alternate-editor-cmdenable-aggregate-command-setdisable-update-cmddisable-password-cmddisable-keyboard-lock-cmddisable-config-cmddelete-skips-deletedcompose-sets-newsgroup-without-confirmcompose-rejects-unqualified-addrsauto-open-next-unreadauto-move-read-msgsassume-slow-linkno-no-include-header-in-replyno-signature-at-bottomno-old-growthlast-folder-usedby-recipientby-senderlast-fcc-useddont-sortnicknamenickname-with-lists-lastfullnameobsoletenot user settableOption "%s" is %s Missing "=" after -%s %s in %s = "%s" SPACECRTABUPDOWNLEFTRIGHTBad initial keystroke "%s" (missing comma?) Can't mix characters and function keys in "initial-keystroke-list", skipping. Who are you? (Unable to look up login name) Folders directory name is longer than %d Directory name: "%s/%s" No host name or domain name set Syntax error in %s: "%s" Unbalanced parentheses.pinercw%s%s%s %s%s%s= %s=%s ,= %s%s%s%s "%s=%s%s%s # %s %s %s # %s %s="" Error saving configuration in file "%s": %sreverse# /usr/local/lib/pine.conf -- system wide pine configuration # # Values here affect all pine users unless they've overidden the values # in their .pinerc files. A copy of this file with current comments may # be obtained by running "pine -conf". It will be printed to standard output. # # For a variable to be unset its value must be null/blank. This is not the # same as the value of "empty string", which can be used to effectively # "unset" a variable that has a default or previously assigned value. # To set a variable to the empty string its value should be "". # Switch variables are set to either "yes" or "no", and default to "no". # Except for feature-list items, which are additive, values set in the # .pinerc file replace those in pine.conf, and those in pine.conf.fixed # over-ride all others. Features can be over-ridden in .pinerc or # pine.conf.fixed by pre-pending the feature name with "no-". # # (These comments are automatically inserted.) Error writing config to stdout: %s Missing argument to "-pinerc". -%sError writing config to %s: %s GlobalFixedUserCommand_lineCurrent======= %s_val options setNO pine.conf.fixed (%s) ======= %20.20s : %s ========== Feature settings ========== %s%s ========== struct pine * ========== !No struct! ui: login = NULL, full = home = home_dir= hostname= localdom= userdom= maildom= cur_cntxt= None cur_fldr= actual mbox= no mailbox! msgmap: tot=, cur=, del=DELETED, hid=, exld=, slct=, sort=rev- No msgmap No mail_stream actual inbox= inbox map: tot= No inbox_map inbox is mail_stream no inbox stream term type=, ttyname=NONE, size=x, speed=slownormalTrying to set non-user variable %sBOTCH: Trying to set non-user or non-list variable %sThe "mail" subdirectory already exists, but it is not writable by pine so pine cannot run. Please correct the permissions and restart pine. Pine requires a directory called "mail" and usualy creates it. You already have a regular file called "mail" which is in the way. Please move or remove "mail" and start pine again. Creating subdirectory "%s" where pine will store its mail folders. Error creating subdirectory "%s" : %s saved-messages%s*SENTREAD-%s-%2dMove current "%s" to "%s"Error renaming "%s": %sTo save disk space, delete old %.4s mail folder "%.30s" Error deleting "%s".MAILCAPS.mailcap:/etc/mailcap %simage/*Pine Image ViewerProgrammer botch in mc_process_filer/*needsterminalcopiousoutputtestdescriptionprintcomposecomposetypedtextualnewlineseditx11-bitmap/Error constructing viewer commandmcIgnoring ill-formed parameter reference in mailcap file: %s < %sALTER message selection : Narrow selctnNBroaden selctnBCunselect AllASELECT criteria : StatusSTextTDateDNumberselect Curselect AllAPPLY command : ExportESaveTakeAddrprYntYForwardFReplyRUndelUDelSelect New, Deleted, Answered, or Important messages ? Select NOT New, NOT Deleted, NOT Answered or NOT Tagged msgs ? Not!AnsweredDeletedImportantINewSelect On, Before or Since the date to be entered ? SinceBeforeOnOSelect based on To, From, Cc, or Subject fields or All message text ? CcAll TextToSubjectFromEnter comma-delimited list of numbers (dash between ranges): Flag New, Deleted, Answered, or Important ? Flag NOT New, NOT Deleted, NOT Answered, or NOT Important ? No help text currently availableHELP FOR FOLDER INDEX VIEWHELP FOR MESSAGE VIEWNo default action in the Message Text screen.No message to viewCan only view one message at a time! Try Zoom Cmd.No message in folder%s msgs selected. Try paging commands!Already on first message in Zoomed IndexAlready on first messageNo more messages in Zoomed Indexore messagesessages in folderNo m%s. Press TAB for next folder.. No more folders to TAB to.Already in Indexincoming foldernews groupNo more %ss. Return to "%s"No more %ssIncoming folderNo more messages. %sView next %s "%s"? NextNewTabNoYesCommand cancelledundeletednewNo more %s messagesNo messages to Zoom onIndex Zoom Mode is now offNo selected messages to Zoom onsIn Zoomed Index of %s message%s. Use "Z" to restore regular IndexNo message in folder to SaveDELETEDExclude %ld message%s from %s%s message%s excludedNo messages excludedNo deleted messages to excludeCan't expunge. Folder is read-onlyNothing to Expunge! No messages marked "Deleted".Expunge %ld message%s from %sExpunge cancelled%ld:%ld** Expunged %s message%s from folder "%s"No messages expunged from folder "%s"Unexclude not available for mail foldersUNexclude %ld message%s in %s%s message%s UNexcludedNo messages UNexcludedNo excluded messages to UNexcludeNo messages to Apply command to. Try "Select"nffF9HDisplay of full headers is now o%s. Use %s to turn back o%sF1?%s char received. See "preserve-start-stop" feature in Setup/Config. for help Use Command "%s" not defined for this screen.%s%s%sCan't delete message. Folder is read-only%ld message%s Can't delete message %s. Error accessing folderLast message Message %ld already \DELETED%ld selected message%s marked for deletiondeletedLast undeleted messageCan't undelete message. Folder is read-onlyCan't undelete message. Error accessing folderCan't undelete a message that isn't deletedDeletion mark removed, message won't be deletedDeletion mark removed from %s message%sCan't flag message. Folder is read-onlyFlag message cancelled\ANSWERED\FLAGGED\SEENunMessage %s already %sflagged %sSelected messages already %sflagged %sMessage %s %sflagged %s%ld messages %sflagged %s%ld message%s %sflagged %s, %ld unchanged"%s" flag ONLY set while folder is openFolder is empty. No message to Forward.Folder is empty. No message to Bounce.Can't save message. Error accessing folder%s msgs saved-messages^TTo Fldrs^PPrev Collection^NNext CollectionTABCompleteSAVE %sto folder in <%.25s> [%s] : SAVE %sto folder [%s] : Error reading folder nameSave message cancelledNo folder named; save message cancelled%ld message saved before error occurredCan't save message. Error accessing folder...Message %s copied to "%.15s%s" in <%.15s%s>Message %s copied to folder "%.27s%s" and marked deleted and deleted%ld messages saved%sCan only save to existing folders in Incoming CollectionProblem creating space for message text.Message to save shrank! (#%ld: %ld --> %ld)\DELETED \ANSWERED \FLAGGED \SEEN Folder "%.15s%s" in <%.15s%s> doesn't exist. CreateFolder "%.40s" doesn't exist. CreatePine demo can't export messages to filescurrenthomeEXPORT: (copy message) to file in %s directory: Export message cancelled%s in file nameError expanding file name: "%s" unknown userAppendOverwriteFile "%s%s" already exists. Overwrite or append it ? Error deleting old %s: %sError opening file "%s" to export message: %sCan't export message. Error accessing mail folder@the-concourse-on-high %sFrom %s%s%s%sError exporting to "%s" : %s%s message%s exported to file "%s"Message %s exported to file "%s"No messages to jump toUnselect %s msgs in favor of number to be enteredMessage number to jump to : Invalid number entered. Use only digits 0-9Message number (%s) must be greater than 0Message number must be no more than %s, the number of messagesMessage number (%s) is not in "Zoomed Index"ToFldrs [%s] folderGOTO %s in <%.20s> %s%s: GOTO folder %s: Open Folder cancelledOpen folder cancelledCan't find Incoming Folder %s.Opened folder "INBOX" with %s message%sOpening "%s"...no_mailbox>Folder "%s" reopenedNo folder opened READONLYNews groupFolder%s "%s" opened with %s message%s%sClosing "%s"...SEEN UNDELETEDSave the %ld read message%s in "%s"Saved %ld of %ld read messages, aborted after error on msg %ldUnable to save %s read messages to %sExpunge the %ld deleted message%s from "%s"Closing "%s". Keeping %s message%s and deleting %s all Closing folder "%s". Keeping%s%s message%sClosing empty folder "%s"Closing news group "%s"Closing read-only folder "%s". No changes to saveLast Msg^VFirst Msg^YNo messages to search%s msgs selected; Can't searchWord to search for [%s] : ^XSelect MatchesSearched to First Message.Searched to Last Message.Search cancelledWord not found. Search wrapped to beginningWord found%s%s messages found matching word%s messages message %s Error printing messagePine demo can't pipe messagesInternal problem encounteredPipe command cancelledError piping messagePIPE MESSAGEError opening pipePipe cancelledPipe message to : unselect CurSelect command cancelledUNAll %s%ld message%s %sselectedadditional Select failed! No %smessages selected.de-oldSelect matched %ld messages! %ld %s messages %sselectedOnly one message selected!*Flag|PipeApply command cancelledSelection by number cancelled%ld out of message number rangeInvalid message number rangeTodayCur MsgSINCEONBEFORESelect messages dated %s (eg: 10-DEC-93): %d-%s-%dSelection by date cancelled%s %sFROMCCTOCur To^RCur FromSUBJECTCur SubjectTEXTProgrammer botch: unrecognized optionString in message %s to match : %.30s%s%.40s%.70sSelection by text match cancelled%s "%{\{%d} %s"%s"Selection by status cancelledUNSEEN UNDELETED UNANSWEREDUNDELETEDSEEN UNANSWERED UNDELETEDANSWERED UNDELETEDUNFLAGGEDFLAGGEDChoose type of sort, or Reverse current sort : ReverseSort cancelledReverse %s%s sort complete.%:@ZoomModeZPipe|Flag*BounceBHdrModeHJumpJSortIndex$ApplyASelect;unXclude&XExportESaveSTakeAddrTprYntYWhereIsWNextNewTabGotoFldrGListFldrsLComposeCQuitQForwardFReplyRUndeleteUDeleteDNextPageSpcPrevPage-NextMsgNPrevMsgP[ViewMsg]VMain MenuMOTHER CMDSOHelp?Fwd Email[Select]ExitSelectFOLDER INDEXZOOMED FOLDER INDEX.pine-interrupted-mailCOMPOSE: SELECT INTERRUPTEDCOMPOSE: SELECT POSTPONEDeXcludeeXpungeNo folder is currently openFirst Index pageAlready at start of IndexLast Index pageAlready at end of IndexPine suspension not enabled - see help textHELP FOR SELECTING INTERRUPTED MSGHELP FOR SELECTING POSTPONED MSG %-3ld[ No Message Text Available ] %-3ld %-*.*s%c %s %-3ld %s %2d To: %-*.*s %-*.*s(%s) %-*.*s(%sK) (****)%s%s%s%sSorting "%s" - %s%% complete(fwd)Sorting "%s" by %sOrderedSubjBOTCHsiZeToFromCcSubjectDateArrivalDELETEDget_index_cache failed!WhereIsWPipe|SaveSNextPageSpcPrevPage-NextAttchNPrevAttchP[View]VExit IndexEHelp?Can only view one message's attachments at a time!Message %s has only one part (the message body), and no attachments.ATTACHMENT INDEXHELP FOR ATTACHMENT INDEX][Word to find %s%.40s%s: WhereIs cancelledWord foundWord not foundF1Pine suspension not enabled - see help text-> namecurrenthomeCopy attachment to file in %s directory: Save attachment cancelled%s in file nameError expanding file name: "%s" unknown userPine demo can't save attachmentsAppendAOverwriteO...File "%s%s" already exists. Overwrite or append it ? Error deleting old %s: %sSave of attachment cancelledError opening destination %s: %s)(decoded from linesPart %s, %s%s written to "%s"%s%s%s%s: Error writing attachment to "%s"/Don't know how to display attachment format %s%s%sDon't know how to unpack "%s" encodingunkimg-%.3sError "%s", Can't write file %s%s: Error saving image to temp file %sDisplaying attachment...Cannot display %s attachmentATTACHED TEXTError allocating space for attachment.Error allocating space for message.rfc822 [Can't display first non-text segment]external-bodyThis part is not included and can be fetched as follows:ATTACHED MESSAGEPine demo can't pipe attachmentsPipe attachment %s to : Internal problem encounteredPipe command cancelledError detaching for pipe: %sPIPE ATTACHMENTError opening pipePipe cancelledUnable to access body part %sFormatting error: %sNo messages to read!MESSAGE TEXTNo messages to read!alternative%s%d.rfc822", "%s%s%.*s%sname%s%dVideoImageAudioApplicationMessageMultipartTextOtherMultilingual textMultilingual text (ISO-2022-JP-2)iso-2022-jp-2Mail-safe Unicode textMail-safe Unicode text (UNICODE-1-1-UTF-7)unicode-1-1-utf-7Unicode textUnicode text (UNICODE-1-1)unicode-1-1Latin & Korean textLatin & Korean text (ISO-2022-KR)iso-2022-krLatin & Japanese textLatin & Japanese text (ISO-2022-JP)iso-2022-jpLatin & Vietnamese textLatin & Vietnamese text (VISCII)visciiLatin & Russian textLatin & Russian text (KOI8-R)koi8-rLatin 6 textLatin 6 text (ISO-8859-10)x-iso-8859-10Latin 5 textLatin 5 text (ISO-8859-9)iso-8859-9Latin & Hebrew textLatin & Hebrew text (ISO-8859-8)iso-8859-8Latin & Greek textLatin & Greek text (ISO-8859-7)iso-8859-7Latin & Arabic textLatin & Arabic text (ISO-8859-6)iso-8859-6Latin & Cyrillic textLatin & Cyrillic text (ISO-8859-5)iso-8859-5Latin 4 textLatin 4 text (ISO-8859-4)iso-8859-4Latin 3 textLatin 3 text (ISO-8859-3)iso-8859-3Latin 2 textLatin 2 text (ISO-8859-2)iso-8859-2Latin 1 textLatin 1 text (ISO-8859-1)iso-8859-1us-asciicharsetUnknown text "%.100s"octet-streamAttached file "%s"File "%s"postscriptPostScriptApplication/%.100s%s/%.100s%s lines %-5.5sFull header mode ON. All header text being included Resent-DateResent-FromResent-ToResent-ccResent-Subject%s%s [Formatting error: %s]%s [ERROR fetching text of message]Parts/attachments: OK Shown %-*.*s %s %*.*s %-*.*s%s----------------------------------------Attached Text%s [ Part %s: "%.55s" ]%s%sIncluded Messageexternal-bodyThis part is not included and can be fetched as follows:Error writing message: %srichtextenriched [The following text is in the "" character set] [Your display is set for the "US-ASCII [Some characters may be displayed incorrectly]%s%s [Error: %s] "%s"%s%s$@$B$)D$(D$)C$(C$)B$(B$)A-$(A-M-L-H-G-F-D-C-B-A)I(J(BDate: From: Reply to: To: Cc: Bcc: Newsgroups: Subject: lines" %s [Part %s, %s%.100s%s%s %s%s]%s [Not Shown. Use the "V" command to view or save this part] [Can not display this part. Use the "V" command to save in a file] [Unable to print this part]WhereIsWReport BugBPrint AllZprYntYNextPageSpcPrevPage-Exit HelpEMain MenuMPipe|Flag*BounceHdrModeHNextNewTABJumpJExportSaveSTakeAddrTIndexIGotoFldrGListFldrsLComposeCQuitQForwardFReplyRUndeleteUDeleteDNextMsgNPrevMsgPViewAttchVOTHER CMDSOHelp?Fwd EmailExit ViewerQuit ViewerALL of message textNo help text currently availableAlready in HelpHELP FOR ATTACHED TEXT VIEWHELP FOR MESSAGE TEXT VIEWSTART of message textmessagetexthelpAlready at start of %sAlready at end of %sEND of message textSearch wrapped to start. %sFound on line %s on screenSearch cancelledWord not foundPine suspension not enabled - see help textNo default command in this screenFile to save text in : Problem saving to %s: %sText saved to %sCan't save to %s: %sSave CancelledUnknown Commandattachment text help text F1Last Line^VFirst Line^YWord to search for [%s] : Searched to First Line.Searched to Last Line.piw+b%-*s: %s * subject:with regard toin point ofrespectingrein reas respectsas regardsas toaboutconcerningregarding%ld new messages!New mail!%ld messages saved to folder "%s"Mail saved to folder "%s"@Most recent fF %srom %s%s%s %s %.150s with no subject%s%s%s%s%s** MAIL FOLDER "%s" CLOSED DUE TO ACCESS ERRORKEYBOARD LOCKYou may lock this keyboard so that no one else can access your mailwhile you are away. The screen will be locked after entering the password to be used for unlocking the keyboard when you return.This keyboard is locked by %s <%s>.To unlock, enter password used to lock the keyboard.Enter password to LOCK keyboard : Lock keyboard cancelledReally lock keyboard with entered passwordPassword to UNLOCK doesn't match password used to LOCKEnter password to UNLOCK keyboard : Keyboard UnlockedWhereIsWDelete ValDAdd ValueANextPageSpcPrevPage-NextNPrevP[Change Val]CExit ConfigEHelp?[Set/Unset]X[Select]S[Change]SETUP CONFIGURATION%-*s =Set Feature Name--- ----------------------[%c] %-*.*sSet Rule Values(%c) %-*.*sSet Sort OptionstoccReverse (%c) %s%-*s%*syesYes%*sNo%*sHELP FOR SETUP CONFIGURATIONNo help yet!][Word to find %s%s%s: WhereIs cancelledWord foundWord not foundF1Pine suspension not enabled - see help textPine demo can't change options or settingsCommand "%s" not defined here. See key menu below.Can't add to sys-admin defined value.Only single value allowed. Use "Change".Enter the value to be added : Can't add Empty value to listAdd cancelledNo set value to deleteDelete (unused) %.30s from %.20s item Really delete %s%.20s from %.30s Value not deletedCan't change sys-admin defined value.No current value set. Use "Add".Change field %.30s list entry : %sChange field %.35s value : Change cancelled.addressbookFolder List changes will take affect your next pine session.Initial command changes will affect your next pine session.Programmer botch! Unknown checkbox type.Delete old unused personal option settingDeletedReverse/%s%s%sProgrammer botch! Unknown radiobutton type.NoYes%-*s%*s": using "%*s%*sno-old-growth%s%sCan't change value fixed by sys-admin.: clearSome of your options conflict with site policy. InvestigateYour setting for %s is Your setting for %s is Your setting for %s is %sONOFFYour %s is %s, fixed value is %s3.91Report BugBAddrBookASetupSIndexIGotoFldrGListFldrsLComposeCQuitQKBLockKRelNotesRNextCmdNPrevCmdPOTHER CMDSOHelp?HOMECan't access terminal or input is not a terminal. Redirection of standard input is not allowed. For example "pine < file" doesn't work. Terminal type (environment variable TERM) not set. TERMTerminal type "%s", is unknown. Can't open termcap file; check TERMCAP variable and/or system manager. Your terminal, of type "%s", is lacking functions needed to run pine. INBOXStandard-InputFILE VIEW NULLStandard Input Can't display "%s": %s Pine finished Executing initial-keystroke-list......news messagesmail folder Please wait, opening %s......folder Unable to open %s "%s". Pine finished .pine-interrupted-mail[]Use compose command to continue interrupted message.Note: some of your config options conflict with site policy and are ignored, Bad address: %s %s QUIT - Exit the Pine program %s SETUP - Configure or update Pine %s ADDRESS BOOK - Update address book OR news group %s FOLDER LIST - Select a folder%s to view %s FOLDER INDEX - View messages in current folder/post %s COMPOSE MESSAGE - Compose and send%s a message %s HELP - Get help using PineHELP FOR MAIN MENUAlready at top of listAlready at bottom of listNEWS ABOUT PINEUse "L" to list FoldersAlready in MainPine suspension not enabled - see help textF1MAIN MENU]%sCopyright 1989-1994. PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington.Choose a setup task from the menu below : PrinterNewpasswordConfigUpdateAll setup tasks turned off or prohibited by Sys. Mgmt.USetup command cancelledConnecting to update server*{pine.cac.washington.edu/anonymous}updatesPassword change unavailable in restricted demo version of Pine.Sys. Mgmt. does not allow changing printer from "%s"SELECT PRINTEREnter printer number from above (1-3): Invalid number entered. Use only digits 0-9Printer number %s must be greater than 0Printer number must be %s or lessPrinter selection cancelledattached-to-ansiCan't select custom printer in Pine demoCommand for custom printer: Sys. Mgmt. does not allow custom print to be changed, just selectedPrinter set to "%s"; configuration saved1. Printer attached to IBM PC or compatible, MacIntoshThis may not work with all attached printers, and will depend on theterminal emulation/communications software in use. It is known to workwith Kermit and the latest UW version of NCSA telnet on Macs and PCs,Versaterm Pro on Macs, and WRQ Reflections on PCs.Command:2. Standard UNIX print commandUsing this option may require setting your "PRINTER" or "LPDEST"environment variable using the standard UNIX utilities.Command: 3. Personally selected print commandThe text to be printed will be piped into the command given here. Someexamples are: "prt", "lpr", "lp", or "enscript". The command may be givenwith options, for example "enscript -2 -r" or "lpr -Plpacc170". Thecommands and options on your system may be different from these examples.PINE is a trademark of the University of Washington.Request documentNo request sentType any character to continue : postponed-mailFrom Problem upgrading postponed message entitled "Secrets of Pine" ?SPECIAL OFFER: Would you like to receive (via email) a brief document[You ran an old version of Pine which may have truncated some of your][new pinerc list variables (because of a bug in the old version). ]Really quit pine%ld:%ldRemember: the "O" command is always optional Bug in Pine detected: "%s". Exiting pine. ffoPine paniced. (Reason for panic is too long to tell)No printer has been chosen. Use SETUP on main menu to make choice./tmp/pine-print-output-%dattached-to-ansiPrint %susing "%s"Print cancelledPrint %susing command "%s"Printing with command "%s"Printing to attached desktop printer...Error opening printer: %s PRINTPrint command completed> s Include %s%soriginal message%s in ReplyReply cancelledError fetching message %s. Can't reply to it.Post follow-up message to news group(s)References> <%s %sUse "Reply to:" address instead of "From:" addressReply to all recipientsRe: several messagesWarning: no valid addresses to reply to!Error allocating message text . Text not included1WARNING! Attachments not included in multiple reply.Multipart with no leading text part!Non-text message not included!Error including all message partsCOMPOSE MESSAGE REPLYFull header mode ON. All header text being included[ Error fetching header. ]your mailRe: %sDate: From: (Sender of message unknown) <To: Cc: Newgroups: Subject: On , , it was written: wrote:---------- Forwarded message ----------%s forwarded messages...Error fetching message %s. Can't forward it.Forward messages as a MIME digestForward message as an attachmentForward message cancelledDigestDigest of %s messages WARNING! Attachments not included in multiple forward.SEND MESSAGEFORWARD MESSAGEError fetching message contents. Can't forward message(fwd) (fwd)Forwarded mail....----- Included text -----Error reading text "%s"Can't bounce %s messages at once yet!Resent mail....ReceivedPlainError fetching message contents. Can't resend message>" <"%s%s%s%s%sBug (ID %c%c%d%c%c): Problem creating space for message text.Pine Configuration Datanameconfig.txtProblem creating space for config dataAttach current message to reportProblem Message (%ld of %ld)Problem creating space to attach messageBug report cancelled.COMPOSE BUG REPORT%s%s [Formatting error: %s]%s [ERROR fetching text of message]richtext%s: message number %ld.%d%s%srfc822external-bodyError fetching part %sLNX, Error "%s" reading signature file "%s"F%d)(%s%s%sPINE %s(READONLY)(CLOSED)MsgMessagePage %d of %d s%s %s%sNEW ANSDEL%s %s of %s %s%s %s of %s %s %sLine %*d of %*d %s File: %s%s...<%*.*s> %s%sFolder: %s%s%s of %s %s %s%s%s of %s %s%s%*d of %*d %s ALLTOPEND%2d%%Update_titlebar_page with wrong style%s%s of %s Can't happen in savebits() Can't happen in equalbits() .pine-interrupted-mail[]Continue interrupted composition (answering "n" won't erase it)Composition cancelledContinue postponed composition (answering "No" won't erase it)Problem creating space for message text.COMPOSE MESSAGEno_mailbox>Empty folder. No messages really postponed!Returning to "%s"FccNewsgroups1Error including all message parts\DELETEDNo more postponed messages, returning to "%s"From : FromTo AddrBkReply To: Reply ToTo : ToCc : CcBcc : BccNewsgrps: To NwsGrpsFcc : To FldrsAttchmnt: AttchmntTo FilesSubject : SubjectbccccReply-ToInternal error: 1)FreeText header %dInternal error: Address header %dUnknown header type %d in pine_simple_sendInternal problem encounteredError in address: %sNo addressee! No e-mail sent.Send cancelledFORWARD (as e-mail) to : BOUNCE (redirect) message to : Post to current newsgroup (%s)Message cancelledInternal error: i=%d in pine_sendBotched: Unmatched free text headerUnknown header type %d in pine_sendNot allowed to change header "From"Unknown custom header type %d : No default-composer-hdrs matched, displaying defaultsNot allowed to postpone message until addresses are qualifiedNo postponed file definedpostponed messageComposition postponed. Select Compose to resume.Continuing composition; message not postponed or sentPosted message may go to thousands of readers. Really postMessage not postedNo recipients specified!Problem creating space for Fcc.ReferencesFcc Failed!. No message saved.Fcc to %s"copied to and copied to NOT SENTsent and , NOT postedpostedMessage %s%s%s%s%s%s%s.,\ANSWEREDRestricted demo version of Pine. You may only send mail to yourselfmailer-daemonReally send this message to the MAILER-DAEMONCan't send to address %s, it's not in addressbookNews postings MUST have a subject! Please add one!docserver.cac.washington.edu391pine%s@%sDocument RequestDocument request: Pine for New Users and IMAP and NNTPRNo r%sequest sent from "%s"Sending mail.....MAILMail not sent. Transfer protocol error: %.40sMail not sent: %.60sError connecting to mail server: %.60sCan't send message. No recipients specified!Folder "%.20s" in <%.30s> doesn't exist. CreateFolder "%.40s" doesn't exist. CreateFcc of message rejectedWriting %s...Write to "%s" FAILED!!!name: [%s%s%s]Error "%s", couldn't attach file "%s"GIFJFIFJPEGMMIITIFFPostScript.sndBasicAPPLEFILEZIPoctet-streamPLAINcharsetUS-ASCIINo recipients specifiedRSETFROM:<>One or more recipients failedDATASMTP connection went away!. DateX-SenderIn-Reply-ToMessage-IDUnknown header type: %sMIME-Version: 1.0 %ld-%ld-%ld=:%ldBOUNDARY- This message is in MIME format. The first part should be readable text, while the remaining parts are likely unreadable without MIME-aware tools. Send mail to mime@docserver.cac.washington.edu for more info. --%s --%s--Encoding Error "%s"Content-Type: %s/%s; %s=; charset=US-ASCIIContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s Content-ID: %s Content-Description: %s Posting news.....Error posting message: %.60sError connecting to news server: %.60sPOSTNNTP connection went away!fooPath: %s!%s (resent-message-reply-toresent-message-ccresent-message-toresent-message-senderresent-message-fromresent-message-dateresent-message-idpathin-reply-tomessage-idreceiveddatex-sendersenderInternal error setting default headerNot allowed to change header "%s"Return-Receipt-toError resetting signals: %s Received abort signal Pine finished. Received hang up signal Pine finished. Received terminate signal Another Pine is accessing Inbox. Session now Read-Only.Another Pine is accessing folder. Session now Read-Only. Pine suspended. Give the "fg" command to come back. Warning: Your IMAP connection will be closed if Pine is suspended for more than 30 minutes Suspended for too long, IMAP connection broken[]NoNYesY%.*s? ^GHelp^CCancel[%s]YyNnSatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJanxxxUTGMTJSTEDTESTCDTCSTMDTMSTPDTPSTESCDELTABLINEFEEDRETURNXONXOFFUp ArrowDown ArrowRight ArrowLeft ArrowF%d^%c%c0%03ld%dGMK0 bytesBbytes%ld%s%s%ld.%ld%s%s%dth%dst%dnd%drd%ldSelect error: %s Pine finished. Error reading from terminal: %s vt102vt100AcceptRetxxx^TCancel^CHelp^GScreen's too thin. Ouch!TERMclcmupdondbssoseusuemdmececddcicimeidlalcssfsrtitelico %c%s/%sinbox./~Pine demo only opens local foldersError expanding folder name: "%s" unknown usercontrol-%cCharacter "%s" after "%s" not allowedFirst character, "%s", not allowedTMPDIR/tmp/XXXXXX./bin/passwdcharsetpine_pSHELLcsh/bin/cshsh/bin/sh-cwError executing external command: %srResult%s %s: %s%s command completedError opening file "%s", %sError "%s" writing "%s"/usr/lib/sendmaildoesn't existisn't executableMail Transport Agent %s %spinesend-oi -oem -t( ( %s %s ; /bin/rm -f %s ) < %s & )Internal error: %sCan't write temp file for sending: %sCan't post, NNTP-server must be defined!%s ; rm -f %spine_cmdVIEWER command completedVIEWERCannot spawn command : %sProblem reading from keyboard!Alternate editor not available in restricted modeUnknown CommandEDITORWhich alternate editor ? no alternate editor help yetProblem writing temp file for alt editor Too many args for command!Invoking alternate editor...Unknown command: ^Z Use "fg" to return to Pine pico.save.save~Problem allocating space for home dirFile not found: "%s"File name too long: "%s"Error getting file info: "%s"Not a directory: "%s"Can't malloc space for file namesCan't open "%s": %sFile "%s" not foundEnd of file "%s" reachedFile name "%s" too longFile "%s" is a directoryWrite permission denied: %sRead permission denied: %sExecute permission denied: %sFile I/O error: %s%s%c%s//tmp/pico.%dCan't Copy: %sCan't copy: %s is a directoryCan't Copy: %sIdentical files. File not copiedCopy Failed: %sCan't allocate space for copy buffer!Can't Read Copy: %sCan't Write Copy: %swCannot open file for writingError closing filerMAIL/usr/spool/mail%s/%s2.5mainUnknown Command: ^%cUnknown CommandCancel CancelledCancelling will abandon your mail message. CancelProblem with attachments! Send anywaySend messageSend cancelledSave modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES)Exit cancelledCancelledKey illegal in VIEW modeCan't allocate space for textCan't allocate space for more characters%dSet fill column to : line %d of %d (%d%%%%), character %ld of %ld (%d%%%%) (Could also use ctrl-^ to mark text for cutting)Line Deleted.%sBug: lost markEnd of Search Help. Should the search fail, a message will be displayed. entire message. The text search is not case sensitive, and will examine the search to be made with the default value.~ Hitting only ~R~e~t~u~r~n or at the prompt will cause the brackets. This string is the default search prompt. displayed in the "Search" prompt between the square The most recent string for which a search was made is at the beginning of the selected text. are found, the buffer will be redisplayed with the cursor When the characters or words that you entered ~ for, then press ~R~e~t~u~r~n. The search then takes place. Enter the words or characters you would like to search Help for Search CommandSearchHelp for SearchingSearch Cancelled"%s" not foundSearch Wrapped^YFirstLine^VLastLine [] : End of Spell Check Help after exiting help.~ Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ~^~C (~F~3) each occurrence of the incorrect word is offered for replacement.~ hit ~R~e~t~u~r~n at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected, highlighting it in the text. To leave a word unchanged simply offers each misspelled word for correction while simultaneously The spell checker examines all words in the text. It then Spell Check Help Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ^C (F3) hit Return at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected,Checking spelling...Can't write temp file for spell checkerSPELL/usr/bin/spell( %s ) < %sCan't fork spell checkerReplace "%s" with "%s"Edit a replacement: Spell Checking CancelledHelp with Spelling CheckerHuh?Done checking spellingTERMEnvironment variable TERM not defined!Unknown terminal type %s!pcclcmceupsesodlalcsicimeidcdmedsfsrtiteIncomplete termcap entry kPkNkhkukdklkrOPOQOROSOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOw[4J[3J[2J[N[=a[=b[=c[=d[=e[=f[=g[=h[=i[=j[=k[=lOAOBODOC[A[B[D[CABDC[215z[221z[217z[219zTerminal description too big!  No fill column set.?!:;"^TTo FilesFile to attach: Attachment comment: No Attachment file help yet!No Attachment comment help yet!/Attach cancelledRestricted mode allows attachments from home directory onlyrCan't realloc filename spaceCan't realloc space for sizeCan't realloc description%d. %dAttchmnt: '%c' not allowed in file name,("Attchmnt: Problem displaying real file pathAttchmnt: Expected ']' after "%s"]Attchmnt: Unknown reference: %sXXX"" (%s) %sAttchmnt: Expected '(' or '"' after %sAttchmnt: Size field missing ')': "%s"Attchmnt: Malformed comment, quotes requiredAttchmnt: Closing quote required at end of commentAttchmnt: Comma must separate attachmentsAttchmnt: Weirdness in ParseAttachNo memory to add attachmentCan't malloc name for attachmentCan't malloc size for attachmentCan't malloc description for attachment%d B%1.1f KB%d KB%1.1f MB%d MBzD$tINo end of line???Mark SetMark UNsetNo mark in this windowProgrammer botch! No mark in this window End of Help. written permission of the University of Washington. No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior Pine and Pico are trademarks of the University of Washington. ~ ~^~X (~F~2) Exit pico, saving buffer.~ ~^~O (~F~3) Output the current buffer to a file, saving it.~ ~^~R (~F~5) Insert an external file at the current cursor position.~ ~^~C (~F~1~1) Report current cursor position~ ~^~T (~F~1~2) To invoke the spelling checker Note: paragraphs delimited by blank lines or indentation.~ ~^~J (~F~4) Format (justify) the current paragraph.~ ~^~I Insert a tab at the current cursor position. current cursor position.~ ~^~U (~F~1~0) Uncut (paste) last cut text inserting it at the character under the cursor is not selected. selected text to the left of the cursor, the ends at the left edge of the cursor. So, with Note: The selected text's boundary on the cursor side~ ~^~K (~F~9) Cut selected text (displayed in inverse characters). Note: Setting mark when already set unselects text.~ ~^~^ Mark cursor position as beginning of selected text.~ ~^~D Delete the character at the cursor position.~ ~^~L Refresh the display.~ ~^~W (~F~6) Search for (where is) text, neglecting case.~ ~^~Y (~F~7) move backward a page of text.~ ~^~V (~F~8) move forward a page of text.~ ~^~E move to the End of the current line.~ ~^~A move to the beginning of the current line.~ ~^~N move to the Next line.~ ~^~P move to the Previous line.~ ~^~B move Backward a character.~ ~^~F move Forward a character.~ ~^~G (~F~1) Display this help text. corresponding function key commands are in parentheses). The following functions are available in pico (where applicable,~ combination is written as ~^~Q.~ the control key, sometimes marked "CTRL", so the ~C~T~R~L~-~q key special control-key sequences. A caret, '^', is used to denote movement (besides arrow keys) are given to pico by typing at the current cursor position. Editing commands and cursor Each character typed is automatically inserted into the buffer The bottom two lines list the available editing commands. to report informational messages and for additional command input. that have not been saved. The third line from the bottom is used edited and whether or not there are outstanding modifications top of the display shows pico's version, the current file being layout very similar to the pine mailer. The status line at the Pico is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use text editor with a Pico Help TextHelp on the Pine ComposerExit Help^X^VNext Pg^YPrev PgUnknown Command.Fwd PgSpcWhere isWGoto DirG[Select]SMake CopyMDel FileDBack Pg-RenameRGet Help?End of Browser Help. to move upward in the directory tree. of the directory being displayed. Select this directory The file named ".." is special, and means the "parent" the contents of that directory to be displayed for selection. verification question after a directory is selected causes inserted into edited text. Answering "yes" to the is selected during the "Read File" command, it is~ or ~R~e~t~u~r~n to select a file or directory. When a file~ Both directories and files are displayed. Press ~S file system for inclusion in the edited text. Pico's file browser is used to select a file from the Help for Browse CommandCan't read %s in restricted modeBuilding file list...You may possibly have new mail.Unknown command '%c'Can't delete a directoryDelete not allowed in restricted mode%s%c%swFile is write protected! OVERRIDEDelete file "%.*s"File CANNOT be UNdeleted! Really deleteDelete CancelledFile Not DeletedDelete Failed: %sHelp for BrowsingDirectory to go to: No help yet!Goto cancelledInvalid Directory: %sRestricted mode browsing limited to home directoryNot a directory: "%s"Can't copy a directoryCopy not allowed in restricted modeMake Copy CancelledNo destination, file not copiedCan't copy file on to itself!File "%.*s" exists! OVERWRITEMake copy cancelledFile Not RenamedFile copied to %sProblems refiguring browser/Name of new copy: ..Can't rename ".."Rename not allowed in restricted modeRename cancelledNot RenamedRename Failed: %sRename file to: A directory is selected, enter itCan't visit parent in restricted modeCan't move up a directoryProblem finding dir "%s"Select cancelledxCommand line : Command cancelledProgram selected, run itProgram to use on file : Whereis cancelled"%s" not foundFile name to findUnknown command: '%c'Unknown command: ^%cUnknown commandCan't malloc space for master filename cellCan't malloc space for name arrayCan't malloc cells for browser!(parent dir)(dir)XEExitExit BrwsrInternal error: can't find fname cell PINE %sBROWSER UW PICO(tm) %s BROWSER %s Dir ...%s%s Dir: %sCannot select builtin bufferbuffer lines not freed.Discard changesmainUnDel Line^UNxtPg/End^VAttach^JDel Char^DCancel^CPostpone^OCut Line^KPrvPg/Top^YRich Hdr^RSend^XGet Help^G,) (%d. %s %s%s%s"%s"%sUnable to make room for full Header.Unknown Command: ^ZProblem with attachments. Postpone anyway?Format lines failed!Can't allocate line for new attachment!%s (%s) "%.*s"Problem attaching: %s.%s%c%s (%s) ""%sProblem adding address to header !Unknown command: ^%cUnknown commandCan't move beyond top of headerCan't have a '%c' in folder nameCan't edit attachment number!Problem Unkilling textCan't allocate any more lines for header! Sorry, I can't help you with that.Help for Composer %.40s Field----- Message Text -----Can't malloc space to expand address , %s field: %sCan't malloc space for saved text^TCan't make room to pack header field.To Spell^T^UNext Pg^VWhere is^WJustify^JExit^XCur Pos^CCut Text^KPrev Pg^YRead File^RWriteOut^OGet Help^GCancelPostponeSendAllocating memory for virtual display failed.Allocating memory for physical display failed.Allocating memory for virtual display lines failed.Allocating memory for physical display lines failed.UnJustifyCan now UnJustify!UnCut Text^_Alt EditUnFill UW PICO(tm) %s File: .../ New Buffer Modified Y[Yes]YesN[No]No%s ? ABORTHELP[ ]F%dRead file: File reading disabled in secure modeNo file name enteredEnd of Insert File Help~ typing the ~F~3 (~^~C) key after exiting help. and the line directly below it. You may abort this by buffer between the line that the cursor is currently on Type in a file name to have it inserted into your editing Insert File Help TextEnd of Write File Help~ the ~F~3 (~^~C) key after exiting help. your buffer, to a file. You can abort this by typing Type in a file name to have it written out, thus savingWrite File Help Text directory: currenthomeInsert file from ^TTo Files.Can't insert file in restricted mode/Help for Insert FileNew fileReading filesRead %d line%sRead %d line%s, Long lines wrappedFile Name to write : wFile "%s" exists, OVERWRITEWriting...Wrote %d linesWrote 1 lineNo file nameNo such file: %sInserting %s.Inserted %d line%sInserted %d line%s, Long lines wrapped.rWrite I/O errorFile has long lineFile read errorFile doesn't end with newline. Adding one.Cannot allocate %d bytesProgrammer botch: geninsert%ld character literal truncated to %ld charactersBad mm_cache opSET_DRIVERS not permitteddummyno such bboardinvalid remote specificationno such mailboxCan't %s %s: %simap/:/:=serviceanonymousbboarddebugimap2imap4pop3nntpgeneralINBOXsubscribe to mailboxunsubscribe to mailbox*%ssubscribe to bboardunsubscribe to bboardCan't create mailbox %s: indeterminate formatCan't create mailbox %s: mailbox already existsdelete mailboxrename mailboxCan't rename to mailbox %s: mailbox already existsopen mailboxShort cache in mail_leltBad msgno in mail_eltBad msgno in mail_fetchstructureBad msgno in mail_fetchheaderBad msgno in mail_fetchtextBad msgno in mail_fetchbody%s@%sAppend validity confusionappend to mailboxSatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan???%2d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d%s %s %2d %02d:%02d:%02d %4d Lock when already lockedUnlock when not lockedSequence invalidSequence range invalidSyntax error in sequencebezerkCan't get lock for mailbox %s: %sMailbox %s is in use by another processCan't lock mailbox %s: %srenamedeleteCan't %s mailbox %s: %sCan't open mailbox lock, access is readonlyTrying to get mailbox lock from process %ldMailbox is open by another process, access is readonly%dCan't get write access to mailbox, access is readonlyMailbox is empty LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.30sCheck completedNo messages deleted, so no update neededUnable to expunge mailboxExpunged %d messagesExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxBad date in appendINBOX[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendInvalid Berkeley-format mailbox name: %sNot a Berkeley-format mailbox: %sCan't open append mailbox: %sFrom %s@%s AFDRStatus: %sO X-Status: %s%s%s Message append failed: %s.lock%s.%d.%d.Error creating %s: %sMailbox %s is locked, will override in %d seconds...Mailbox open failed, aborted: %sMailbox shrank from %d to %d bytes, abortedError reading mail file: %sMailbox format invalidated (consult an expert), abortedNew mailbox modification time but apparently no changesBogus entry in new cache list LCLUnparsable dateCache link-list inconsistencyAAAA1234 From Unable to update mailbox%s: %sMailbox rewrite error: %sUnable to sync mailbox: %s[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copyCan't open destination mailbox: %sMessage copy failed: %sMessage copy sync failed: %sBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"mtxINBOXCan't open mailbox %s: %sUnable to lock rename mailboxMailbox %s is in use by another processrenamedeleteCan't %s mailbox %s: %sCan't open mailbox: %sCan't get write access to mailbox, access is readonlyUnable to lock open mailboxMailbox is empty LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.80s[CHECK] Checking for flag updatesCheck completed,%ld;0000000000%02o Can't copy new mail: %sExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxUnable to lock expunge mailboxCan't expunge because mailbox is in use by another processExpunged %ld messagesNo messages deleted, so no update neededBad date in append[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendInvalid MTX-format mailbox name: %sNot a MTX-format mailbox: %sCan't open append mailbox: %sUnable to lock append mailbox,%ld;%010lo%02o Message append failed: %s/tmp/.%hx.%lxINBOX.MTXBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80sMailbox shrank from %ld to %ld!no data readUnable to read internal header at %ld, size = %ld: %sUnable to find end of line at %ld in %ld bytes: %sUnable to parse internal header at %ld: %sUnable to parse internal header elements at %ld: %s,%s;%sLast message runs past end of file[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copyUnable to open copy mailbox: %sUnable to lock copy mailboxUnable to write message: %sUnable to read new status: %s%010lo%02o"tenexINBOXCan't open mailbox %s: %sUnable to lock rename mailboxMailbox %s is in use by another processrenamedeleteCan't %s mailbox %s: %sCan't open mailbox: %sCan't get write access to mailbox, access is readonlyUnable to lock open mailboxMailbox is empty LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.80s[CHECK] Checking for flag updatesCheck completed,%ld;0000000000%02o Can't copy new mail: %sExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxUnable to lock expunge mailboxCan't expunge because mailbox is in use by another processExpunged %ld messagesNo messages deleted, so no update neededBad date in append[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendInvalid Tenex-format mailbox name: %sNot a Tenex-format mailbox: %sCan't open append mailbox: %sUnable to lock append mailbox,%ld;%010lo%02o Message append failed: %s/tmp/.%hx.%lx~/mail.TxTmail.TxTmail.txtBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80sMailbox shrank from %ld to %ld!no data readUnable to read internal header at %ld, size = %ld: %sUnable to find end of line at %ld in %ld bytes, text: %sUnable to parse internal header at %ld: %sUnable to parse internal header elements at %ld: %s,%s;%sLast message runs past end of file[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copyUnable to open copy mailbox: %sUnable to lock copy mailboxUnable to write message: %sUnable to read new status: %s%010lo%02o"mh.mh_profile%s/%spath:Mail#MHINBOX#mh/Can't create mailbox %s: invalid MH-format nameCan't create mailbox %s: mailbox already existsCan't create mailbox %s: %sCan't delete mailbox %s: invalid MH-format nameCan't delete mailbox %s: no such mailboxCan't delete mailbox %s: %sCan't rename mailbox %s: no such mailboxCan't rename to mailbox %s: invalid MH-format nameCan't rename to mailbox %s: destination already existsCan't rename mailbox %s to %s: %sMailbox is empty%s/%lu LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %sCheck completedExpunge of message %ld failed, aborted: %sExpunged %ld messagesNo messages deleted, so no update needed \Answered \Flagged \Deleted \Seen%s%s%s%s%s)\DeletedBad date in append[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendInvalid MH-format mailbox name: %sNot a MH-format mailbox: %s/%luCan't open append mailbox: %sMessage append failed: %sinboxBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"mmdf Can't get lock for mailbox %s: %sMailbox %s is in use by another processCan't lock mailbox %s: %srenamedeleteCan't %s mailbox %s: %sCan't open mailbox lock, access is readonlyTrying to get mailbox lock from process %ldMailbox is open by another process, access is readonly%dCan't get write access to mailbox, access is readonlyMailbox is empty LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.30sCheck completedNo messages deleted, so no update neededUnable to expunge mailboxExpunged %d messagesExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxBad date in append[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendInvalid MMDF-format mailbox name: %sNot a MMDF-format mailbox: %sCan't open append mailbox: %s%sFrom %s@%s AFDRStatus: %sO X-Status: %s%s%s Header write failed: %sMessage append failed: %s Unable to sync mailbox: %s.lock%s.%d.%d.Error creating %s: %sMailbox %s is locked, will override in %d seconds...Mailbox open failed, aborted: %sMailbox shrank from %d to %d bytes, abortedError reading mail file: %sMailbox format invalidated (consult an expert), abortedNew mailbox modification time but apparently no changesLCLUnparsable dateCache link-list inconsistencyAAAA1234Unable to update mailbox%s: %sMailbox rewrite error: %s[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before copyCan't open destination mailbox: %sMessage copy failed: %sMessage copy sync failed: %sBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"imap2BADFIND MAILBOXESFIND BBOARDSFIND ALL.MAILBOXES%sINBOXINBOXFIND ALL.BBOARDSSubscribe MailboxUnsubscribe MailboxSubscribe BBoardUnsubscribe BBoardCreateDeleteRenameCan't access serverClosing connection to %sReusing connection to %s/etc/rimapd*PREAUTH%s:%ldimapOKanonymousLOGINBYEToo many login failuresLogin abortedEXAMINESELECTBBOARD{%s}%s{%s}%s[READ-ONLY]Mailbox is emptyLOGOUTFASTFETCHFLAGS%ld%ld:%ldFULLALL(RFC822.HEADER RFC822.TEXT)RFC822.HEADERRFC822.TEXT1BODY[%s]+FlagsSTORE-FlagsSEARCH:%ldNOOPCHECKEXPUNGECopy rejected: connection to remote IMAP server closedCOPY\DeletedAPPENDCan't access server for appendNo-op dead streamA%05ld%s %s "%{\ {%ld} + "%s" %s} Program bug: bad literal (%s)IMAP connection broken (command data)IMAP connection broken (command)Unexpected tagged response: %.80s %.80s %.80sIMAP connection broken (server response) IMAP server sent a blank lineMissing IMAP reply key: %.80s Ready for more command%s NO [CLOSED] %sNOIMAP error: %.80sUnexpected IMAP response: %.80s %.80sMAILBOX%s%sUnexpected unsolicited message: %.80sEXISTSRECENTUnknown message data: %ld %.80s )ENVELOPEINTERNALDATEBogus date: %.80sRFC822.SIZEBody received for %ld when current is %ldRFC822Unknown message property: %.80sJunk at end of envelope: %.80sNot an envelope: %.80sJunk at end of address list: %.80sNot an address: %.80sJunk at end of address: %.80s\SEEN\DELETED\FLAGGED\ANSWERED\RECENT\JUNKED\XXXX\YYYY\UNDEFINEDFLAGUnknown system flag: %.80sUnknown user flag: %.80sNot a string: %c%.80sBad number: %ldBad body index: %.80sBody contents received when body structure unknownBogus section numberBad section numberInvalid section numberInvalid sub-sectionTextual body contents received for MULTIPART body partBad body fetch: %.80sMissing multipart subtypeJunk at end of multipart body: %.80sMissing parameter attributeMissing value for parameter %.80sJunk at end of parameter: %.80sBogus body parameter: %c%.80sJunk at end of body part: %.80sBogus body structure: %.80spop3INBOX{%s}INBOXClosing connection to %s%s:%ldUSERPASSToo many login failuresLogin abortedSTATMailbox is emptyQUIT01-JAN-1969 00:00:00 GMTRETR LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.80sNOOPCheck completedDELEExpunged %ld messagesNo messages deleted, so no update neededCopy not valid for POP3Move not valid for POP3Append not valid for POP3%ld%s %s POP3 connection broken in commandPOP3 connection broken in responseBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"news %s/%sNewsgroup is empty.MISSING-HOST-NAME.%s/%lu LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.80sExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxCopy not valid for netnewsMove not valid for netnewsAppend not valid for netnewsBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"nntpACTIVELISTgeneralClosing connection to %sReusing connection to %s:%ldGROUP%ld-%ldLISTGROUPXHDR Date.Newsgroup is empty.MISSING-HOST-NAME.01-JAN-1969 00:00:00 GMT%ldHEADBODY LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.80sNOOPExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxCopy not valid for NNTPMove not valid for NNTPAppend not valid for NNTPBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"phileINBOX*%sUnable to open file %s%s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02dUser-Number-%ldPLAINcharsetISO-8859-1US-ASCIIISO-2022-KRISO-2022-JPOCTET-STREAMnamebbbbbbbaaalaacaabbbbbbbbbbbebbbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA01 LLNSWEREDCCEFOREODYCELETEDLAGGEDROMEYWORDEWLDNECENTEENINCEUBJECTEXTOANSWEREDDELETEDFLAGGEDKEYWORDSEENUnknown search criterion: %.30sCheck completedExpunge ignored on readonly mailboxCopy not valid for fileMove not valid for fileAppend not valid for fileBad flag listUnknown flag: %.80s"dummyINBOXftp%s/%sCan't create mailbox %s: %sCan't delete mailbox %s: %sCan't rename mailbox %s: %s%s: %sNot a mailbox: %sImpossible dummy_fetchfastImpossible dummy_fetchflagsImpossible dummy_fetchstructureImpossible dummy_fetchheaderImpossible dummy_fetchtextImpossible dummy_fetchbodyImpossible dummy_setflagImpossible dummy_clearflagImpossible dummy_copyImpossible dummy_move[TRYCREATE] Must create mailbox before appendIndeterminate mailbox format: %sMissing MTP service hostsmtpHELOlocalhostQUITNo recipients specifiedRSETFROM:<>One or more recipients failedDATASMTP connection went away!.TO:<RCPT%s %s %ld %s .Missing NNTP service hostnntpREADERMODEPOSTNNTP connection went away!fooPath: %s!%s (.X-UNKNOWNVIDEOIMAGEAUDIOAPPLICATIONMESSAGEMULTIPARTTEXTQUOTED-PRINTABLEBASE64BINARY8BIT7BIT()<>@,;:\"[]. ()<>@,;:\"[]./?= ()<>@,;:\" ()<>@,;:\"[] ()<>@,;:\"[]/?=NewsgroupsDateFromSenderReply-ToSubjectToccIn-Reply-ToMessage-IDMIME-Version: 1.0 ReSent-: ; <>, %s%s: %s :@"\"\Content-Type: %s/%s; %s=; CHARSET=US-ASCIIContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s Content-ID: %s Content-Description: %s PLAINMIXEDRFC822OCTET-STREAMBASICUNKNOWNFROMCCC MIME-VersionATEROMN-REPLY-TOESSAGE-IDIME-VERSION1.0RFC-XXXXWarning: message has unknown MIME versionEWSGROUPSEPLY-TOUBJECTENDEROCHARSETUS-ASCIINested encoding of message contentsNested encoding of multipart contentsBOUNDARY-DESCRIPTIONYPEMissing parameter value: %.80sMissing parameterJunk at end of parameters: %.80sRANSFER-ENCODINGBad mailbox: %.80sJunk at end of group: %.80sMust use comma to separate addresses: %.80sJunk at end of address: %.80sUnterminated mailbox: %.80s@%.80sMissing or invalid host name after @Unterminated quoted string within comment: %.80sUnterminated comment: %.80s%ld-%ld-%ld=:%ldInvalid rfc822_encode_body message encoding--%s --%s--ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/rfc822_binary logic flaw0123456789ABCDEFAAAA1234Out of free storageCan't resize free storageIMAP C-Client crash: %s%d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02d%s, %02d-%s-%d %02d:%02d:%02d %+03d%02denv_init called twice!/var/spool/mail/%s/etc/imapd.conf%s/%s/INBOX/.mminit/.imaprc%s/.newsrc/usr/lib/news/active/var/spool/newsHOMEUnable to look up user in passwd file/~//ftpINBOX%s/INBOX/tmp/.%s/tmp/.%hx.%lxrset empty-folder-formatsame-as-inboxdummysystem-standardUnknown empty folder format in %s: %sset keywords, set from-widgetheader-onlyset black-box-directoryCan't set black-box-directory in user initset local-hostset news-active-fileset news-spool-directoryiptcpJunk after port number: %.80sBad format domain-literal: %.80sNo such host as %.80sUnable to create TCP socket: %sCan't connect to %.80s,%d: %sexecrsh/usr/bin/rshUNKNOWN (%s)~%s%s/.mailboxlistAlready subscribed to mailbox %s%s Can't create subscription databaseNot subscribed to mailbox %sNo subscriptions Error writing to %swUnable to create news state %sCreating news state %s%c%ld%c%ld-%ldrbr+bAlready subscribed to %sUnknown newline convention in %s Bogus character 0x%x in news stateNo state for newsgroup found, reading as new[UNSEEN] %ld is first unseen messagewb.oldCan't create backup news state %sError writing backup news state %sError reading backup news state %sCan't rewrite news state %s$Id: addrbook.c,v 4.149 1994/10/07 17:40:36 hubert Exp $|sqjhdbWUPNDB86-+%# ?|shbD ?|sB $Id: adrbklib.c,v 4.65 1994/10/07 17:40:36 hubert Exp $ $Id: args.c,v 4.38 1994/08/18 17:18:21 hubert Exp $$Id: context.c,v 4.36 1994/10/11 16:37:08 mikes Exp $$Id: filter.c,v 4.30 1994/09/30 21:59:46 mikes Exp $K$Id: folder.c,v 4.139 1994/10/08 01:22:13 mikes Exp $|zqofd^   * ' *  $Id: help.c,v 4.33 1994/08/23 06:51:58 mikes Exp $Ad d c c c c c zc `c Fc 'c c b b c b rb b c Yb c b a c a Ua a ` ` B` ` c _ c _ q_ 6_ _ ^ ^ c^ )^ ] ] c q] U] c 5] \ \ \ q\ &\ \ [ c r[ c L[ c Z Z Z c YZ c Z Y c Y c Y Y RY Y X X X mX RX 3X  X W W rW :W V V V KV #V c U U EU T T uT `T c T S S 9S c S c R R 1R Q Q Q XQ 1Q P c P P P c |P ?P O O O oO 9O c N N N `N N M M c M c RM M L L :L K K gK ZK c K J J ?J c I I pI (I H H OH  H c G |G 2G F F c F c XF  F E E @ c 5@  @ ? ? c ? g? c A? ? > > ~> V> .>  > = = c = c e= K= "= < < c < < m< #< < ; ; ; m; c B; ; ; c : c : _: : 9 9 A9 8 8 c 8 c 8 c o8 58 .8  8 8 7 c 7 c Z7 7 6 6 c {6 `6 {6 c 06 c 5 5 5 5 o5 D5 15  5 4 4 ^4 !4 c 4 4 4 c 3 p3 )3 2 2 R2  2 1 x1 .1 0 0 ~0 c 80 / / j/ "/ . . N. . - - c q- )- , , S,  , + + <+ * * c k*  * ) ) G) ) ( c ( c( ( ' ' D' & & o& '& % % U% % c $ $ :$ # # [# # " " >" ! ! g! c !   I    c d    M  c    c g     i F #   m c (    v c ,      f C  c    c @     w :    } Z 7   c   \ 9     e B     c j G $     Y 6 c 4 & 4 c   c  @     e =     I    c  c H    c  c Y *    S    q :    _ )    Q    c  c D    c  p ] c  c P  P c  k Q c  Q c  | 5   ]   c  F   i $   c   ƴ  j c c Y @ *   ˳   l S 3 c    c  } 2  ۱  l .  c  f  گ  c g " ڮ  c  x  c .   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B. - - h- #-  - c , {, N, c , + t+ )+ * c * * * c d* * ) c }) 4) ( ( _( ( ' c ' c ' H' ' & t& O& c 9& c % % k% c #% $ $ I$ %$ c # # S# (# c " " U" +" c ! ! ! c }! c 5!   ^    c *  * c =   i  c   m c "   O     =   ` 5 c   V   v c B    [ % c   S "   c * c > > c F> > = = p= I=  = c = < < t< c /< ; ; * c > > c F> > = = p= I=  = c = < < t< c /< ; ; * c > =? ,? c F> > = = p= I=  = c = < < t< c /< ; ; * bk j dj i Mi h Kh g 7g f Af e  e d kd Qd c  %d  c c c Qc c b c b ib  b a a ea c a ` ` >` c _ _ b_ _ ^ c ^ P^ ^ ] ] c [] ] \ \ c }\ c 3\ [ [ X[ >[ c Z c Z `Z KZ c /Z Z /Z c Y Y 4Y X c X [X X  X c * W * c W hW  W V V JV V U }U AU (U c T T ]T .T S S pS c %S R R PR AR c  ,R  c Q Q TQ Q P zP SP c &P O  c O hO O N N c KN N M pM &M L L OL c L K K 9K J J c hJ %J I I JI I H pH iH c %H G G LG G c F rF .F E E ]E E D D JD c /D D /D c C C DC B B c B QB B A A |A c 1A @ @ Z@ @ ? ? c ? o c ;  |o ^o .o o n c n {6 ln :n c m m jm m c l l Dl l c k k c * q c ;  |o ^o .o o n c q {6 Yq :n c q p }p 6p o c k k c *  c  q ~ n~ ~ } } | | { { c  z  c z [z z y y ay c y x x Ix x w yw 3w v v v c Zv v u u @u u c t t Dt s s hs s r c r ]r r q c k k c * c  C   ǃ  e 3   c `  Ӂ  c [  π  c * c c 3  c ڈ  _    G  ˆ x +   ;   c * ! c   S  ̠  1 ߟ  H   V   c c  l " u 9  c   c V c (   Q  ɞ  6 ̛  [ 7 c /Z f /Z c  Қ  c O   r * c   X c   c    c ԗ c  B   q 1 c   U  ̔  c  c S   { 8 c  c ג  E   f  Ӑ  c  c @   i c  Ԏ  c P  c  c  e ! ، c  c s *   Q  Ɗ c  c j " ى  { c * c =   d !  c  Z J c * c إ  B    c  Z J c * c   l %  c  e ! c * c  s [ @ c  ,  c    c t [ t c  ̮  6   \  c B QB B Ҭ A  c 1A @ @ Z@ @ ?  c d c  ǫ y N   p 6   r $ ֨  I c * c ڱ  @  ڰ c  c d c  ǫ y N   p 6   r $ ֨  I c * c j & ޲  L % ;  c d c  ǫ y N   p 6   r $ ֨  I c * c W  ȳ  c * c   s ( ߴ  c * c d L c  c d c  ǫ y N   p 6   r $ ֨  I c c * c d L c  c d c  ǫ y N   p 6   r $ ֨  I c c * c c  ׷  c f  Ӷ c * c   \  c ȸ  c * Y  k - c * c g  ڽ  E c   k %  c  } c 4  c * c  c  ǫ y N  e  6   b    c c P r P c *   c y /   S L c   n )  c  c  ~ 3   V   c  P    c t c +   N  c     W c  } c O c    c t c *   ` c U c c  ׷  c    c <  < c W C  B  c B QB B  A  c 1A @ @ Z@ @ ?  c * c    c M   o [ c q {6   c  \   y L  c    c  9   c q {6  T c  \   )   c c    c  9   c q {6   c  \   )   c  c  Z ? c *  c  H  c ?  c :   _ H c  c c * # c   G    c *  c   =   _    ? c *  c F   l #  c   u c /< 4 c *  c  R   } 9 c    c U   c  H   l !  c  c  c t c .   c X F c 1   c /<  c *  c  9   c  K 7 c    c ?  c *  c  ~ 5   ^ & c  c /< 4 c *  c m "   N @ c /< 4 c *  c  S    6   c d   c /< 4 c *  c { 3  c  v 4  c * y c 4   \    c t /  y c  `   c *  c  H  c   b c    ? 4 c   c  c * c c    L ( c   c  c   @ " c  c *  c D   d   c   c *  c h    B ( c   c *  c [   ~ 3   c *  c y 4   c * K c   { 3  AR c * D c   c  M %   ]    x <    D    L    ] +    c i c * 6 c   c  F    c ] c * J c   r (   ] c *  c  q '   h c *  c ]    @ ! c *  c  @   c  c  c *  c  n $  c *  c H   m (  c * J c    c * 9 c   p c *  c z ` c *  c  D   c *  c  b 0 c   W   c * Y c    =   c *  c =   _    c * ~" c 5" ! ! c! !   H c    c * # c w# .# " " c * S$ c $ # c * % c $ }$ t$ c * % c % [% ;% c * ' c W' ' & & A& & c * / c A/ . . e. +. c - - `- 0- c , , Z, , + |+ 3+ * * m* c #* ) ) P) ) ( u( ,( ( c ' c * 5 c :5 4 4 ]4 c 4 3 3 ?3 2 2 c e2 2 1 1 C1 0 0 n0 c %0 / / c * 8 c 8 _8 8 7 c 7 c7 c )7 c 6 6 [6 6 5 5 c * #= c < < [< -< c ; ; X; ; : : d: c : 9 9 P9 9 c * = c = d= M= c * > c > N> &> c * 3@ c ? ? 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If you # are using Pine on a Unix system, there may be a system-wide configuration # file which sets the defaults for these variables. There are comments in # this file to explain each variable, but if you have questions about # specific settings see the section on configuration options in the Pine # notes. On Unix, run pine -conf to see how system defaults have been set. # For variables that accept multiple values, list elements are separated # by commas. A line beginning with a space or tab is considered to be a # continuation of the previous line. For a variable to be unset its value # must be blank. To set a variable to the empty string its value should # be "". You can override system defaults by setting a variable to the # empty string. Switch variables are set to either "yes" or "no", and # default to "no". # Lines beginning with "#" are comments, and ignored by Pine. Over-rides your full name from Unix password file. Required for PC-Pine.Your login/e-mail user nameSets domain part of From: and local addresses in outgoing mail.List of SMTP servers for sending mail. If blank: Unix Pine uses sendmail.NNTP server for posting news. Also sets news-collections for news reading.Path of (local or remote) INBOX, e.g. ={mail.somewhere.edu}inbox # Normal Unix default is the local INBOX (usually /usr/spool/mail/$USER).List of incoming msg folders besides INBOX, e.g. ={host2}inbox, {host3}inbox # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-host-name}folder-pathList of directories where saved-message folders may be. First one is # the default for Saves. Example: Main {host1}mail/[], Desktop mail\[] # Syntax: optnl-label {optnl-imap-hostname}optnl-directory-path[]List, only needed if nntp-server not set, or news is on a different host # than used for NNTP posting. Examples: News *[] or News *{host3/nntp}[] # Syntax: optnl-label *{news-host/protocol}[]Over-rides default path for sent-mail folder, e.g. =old-mail (using first # folder collection dir) or ={host2}sent-mail or ="" (to suppress saving). # Default: sent-mail (Unix) or SENTMAIL.MTX (PC) in default folder collection.Over-rides default path for postponed messages folder, e.g. =pm (which uses # first folder collection dir) or ={host4}pm (using home dir on host4). # Default: postponed-mail (Unix) or POSTPONE.MTX (PC) in default fldr coltn.Pine compares this value with the first folder collection directory. # If they match (or no folder collections are defined), and the directory # does not exist, Pine will create and use it. Default: ~/mailIf set, specifies where already-read messages will be moved upon quitting.Over-rides default path for signature file. Default is ~/.signatureList of file or path names for global/shared addressbook(s). # Default: none # Syntax: optnl-label path-nameList of file or path names for personal addressbook(s). # Default: ~/.addressbook (Unix) or \PINE\ADDRBOOK (PC) # Syntax: optnl-label path-nameList of features; see Pine's Setup/options menu for the current set. # e.g. feature-list= select-without-confirm, signature-at-bottom # Default condition for all of the features is no-.Pine executes these keys upon startup (e.g. to view msg 13: i,j,1,3,CR,v)Only show these headers (by default) when composing messagesAdd these customized headers (and possible default values) when composingDetermines default folder name for Saves... # Choices: default-folder, by-sender, by-from, by-recipient, last-folder-used. # Default: "default-folder", i.e. "saved-messages" (Unix) or "SAVEMAIL" (PC).Determines default name for Fcc... # Choices: default-fcc, by-recipient, last-fcc-used. # Default: "default-fcc" (see also "default-fcc=" variable.)Sets presentation order of messages in Index. Choices: # subject, from, arrival, date, size. Default: "arrival".Sets presentation order of address book entries. Choices: dont-sort, # fullname-with-lists-last, fullname, nickname-with-lists-last, nickname # Default: "fullname-with-lists-last".Reflects capabilities of the display you have. Default: US-ASCII. # Typical alternatives include ISO-8859-x, (x is a number between 1 and 9).Specifies the program invoked by ^_ in the Composer, # or the "enable-alternate-editor-implicitly" feature.Program to view images (e.g. GIF or TIFF attachments).If "user-domain" not set, strips hostname in FROM address. (Unix only)Your printer selectionSpecial print command if it isn't one of the standard printersThe system wide standard printerSet by Pine; controls beginning-of-month sent-mail pruning.Set by Pine; controls display of "new version" message.Full name for bug report address used by "Report Bug" commandEmail address used by "Report Bug" commandElm-style-save is obsolete, use saved-msg-name-ruleHeader-in-reply is obsolete, use include-header-in-reply in feature-listFeature-level is obsolete, use feature-listOld-style-reply is obsolete, use signature-at-bottom in feature-listCompose-mime is obsoleteShow-all-characters is obsoleteSave-by-sender is obsolete, use saved-msg-name-ruleLast time NNTP server was checked for newly created news groupsExtension used for local folder names (".MTX" by default).Choose: black,blue,green,cyan,red,magenta,yellow,or white (CAPS=BLINKING).Window position in the format: CxR+X+Y # Where C and R are the window size in characters and X and Y are the # screen position of the top left corner of the window.Full path and name of NEWSRC file########################### Essential Parameters ################################################# Collections, Folders, and Files #################################################### Preferences ########################################## Set within or by Pine: No need to edit below this line ##########     :  :z  :   % : 6 : I : Z  f  w r  @    :  :< ʋ : ׋ :  :  :  W (  6  ? & R  ` i g  t   S  j     Ԍ    >  |      $ . 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(    ] Y U Q M I E A = 9 5 1 + & !                     | z r           x v n     l e c Z X R P H     F A ? 7 5 + )    z r                         T   z r F A  x v n     P           F A  x v n     P              ? 7   z r                z r    F      P    z r         $Id: newmail.c,v 4.38 1994/10/06 22:32:43 hubert Exp $         | m d d$Id: other.c,v 4.85 1994/10/08 00:28:43 hubert Exp $, ' %                   , ' %  : .           \ , ' %  E <            , ' %   G            $Id: pine.c,v 4.225 1994/10/11 00:27:14 mikes Exp $  Welcome to Pine... a Program for Internet News and Email. Pine offers the ability to: -Access local and remote message folders using a simple user-interface -Send documents, graphics, etc (via the MIME standard for attachments) COMMANDS IN PINE: Available commands are always listed on the last two lines of the screen. If there are more than can be displayed, the "O" command will cycle their display. Except in function key mode, commands can be executed even though they are not displayed. PINE CONFIGURATION: Pine has created a default configuration file for you. To customize pine's behavior, use the Setup/Config ("S" then "C" in Main Menu). We also suggest seeing pine's main help ("?" in Main Menu). <<>> Welcome to the latest version of Pine! Your Pine configuration file shows that you have not used Pine 3.90 before. You'll see very few changes to Pine's standard behavior, but there are many new features that you may enable via the new Config screen under the Main Menu SETUP command. See the Release Notes ("R" on the Main Menu) for a more detailed list of changes.                                4  ? z t C 4 I   L  A ~ S H Q  $Id: print.c,v 4.21 1994/10/05 18:37:55 mikes Exp $$Id: reply.c,v 4.94 1994/10/06 22:13:29 mikes Exp $. A$Id: screen.c,v 4.52 1994/10/06 22:32:43 hubert Exp $$Id: send.c,v 4.183 1994/10/10 20:01:15 mikes Exp $ *   O/ *9 D   O/ *M X   O/ "[ f   O/ "i t   O/ *x    ` *    X 8  (  &    Qص  O/ *D  *  X                  r ` H $Id: signals.c,v 4.31 1994/10/11 00:27:33 mikes Exp $$Id: status.c,v 4.29 1994/10/03 22:43:31 mikes Exp $yy6 2 nn0 - $Id: strings.c,v 4.17 1994/10/10 20:01:50 mikes Exp $s o k g c _ [           { w             $Id: ttyin.c,v 4.56 1994/10/11 22:53:43 mikes Exp $        0 $Id: ttyout.c,v 4.28 1994/09/21 22:29:18 hubert Exp $W "#$%&'()*,:;<=>?[]\^|Tue Aug 22 19:50:49 CDT 1995$Id: os_unix.c,v 4.51 1994/10/10 23:28:56 mikes Exp $$Id: pico.c,v 4.32 1994/08/18 00:24:40 mikes Exp $~ HWCSEVO ba``_0f0e`_@` A`_B_CpD E@`F``G iH IJCK`$L@MpNaOP bR TP/U"V0eW)XY0fZ@C^g_  ba``_0f0e`_@` A`_B_CpD E@`F``G iH IJCK`$L@MpNaO0P bR TP/U"V0eW)XY0fZ@C^g GCXJRWYV K U O T$Id: random.c,v 4.6 1994/07/15 23:33:52 mikes Exp $$Id: region.c,v 4.12 1994/07/07 01:29:01 mikes Exp $$Id: search.c,v 4.7 1994/08/03 03:05:03 mikes Exp $D B     ` 8 B    S ( %   %  %  % $Id: spell.c,v 4.8 1994/03/24 18:22:57 mikes Exp $  C   | 9         C    9       $Id: tcap.c,v 4.13 1994/03/17 01:00:06 mikes Exp $P@ 4;@???`@@$Id: window.c,v 4.3 1994/02/25 18:36:33 hubert Exp $$Id: word.c,v 4.4 1994/02/25 18:36:33 hubert Exp $$Id: attach.c,v 4.18 1994/09/29 19:15:54 mikes Exp $$Id: basic.c,v 4.13 1994/07/07 01:25:41 mikes Exp $$Id: bind.c,v 4.4 1994/03/17 00:56:12 mikes Exp $& & & W& & % % P% % & $ $ \$ $ # # & s# 9# & # & " " " r" 9" " ! ! & n! 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