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No mark in this window End of Help. written permission of the University of Washington. No commercial use of these trademarks may be made without prior Pine and Pico are trademarks of the University of Washington. ~ ~^~X (~F~2) Exit pico, saving buffer.~ ~^~O (~F~3) Output the current buffer to a file, saving it.~ ~^~R (~F~5) Insert an external file at the current cursor position.~ ~^~C (~F~1~1) Report current cursor position~ ~^~T (~F~1~2) To invoke the spelling checker Note: paragraphs delimited by blank lines or indentation.~ ~^~J (~F~4) Format (justify) the current paragraph.~ ~^~I Insert a tab at the current cursor position. current cursor position.~ ~^~U (~F~1~0) Uncut (paste) last cut text inserting it at the character under the cursor is not selected. selected text to the left of the cursor, the ends at the left edge of the cursor. So, with Note: The selected text's boundary on the cursor side~ ~^~K (~F~9) Cut selected text (displayed in inverse characters). Note: Setting mark when already set unselects text.~ ~^~^ Mark cursor position as beginning of selected text.~ ~^~D Delete the character at the cursor position.~ ~^~L Refresh the display.~ ~^~W (~F~6) Search for (where is) text, neglecting case.~ ~^~Y (~F~7) move backward a page of text.~ ~^~V (~F~8) move forward a page of text.~ ~^~E move to the End of the current line.~ ~^~A move to the beginning of the current line.~ ~^~N move to the Next line.~ ~^~P move to the Previous line.~ ~^~B move Backward a character.~ ~^~F move Forward a character.~ ~^~G (~F~1) Display this help text. corresponding function key commands are in parentheses). The following functions are available in pico (where applicable,~ combination is written as ~^~Q.~ the control key, sometimes marked "CTRL", so the ~C~T~R~L~-~q key special control-key sequences. A caret, '^', is used to denote movement (besides arrow keys) are given to pico by typing at the current cursor position. Editing commands and cursor Each character typed is automatically inserted into the buffer The bottom two lines list the available editing commands. to report informational messages and for additional command input. that have not been saved. The third line from the bottom is used edited and whether or not there are outstanding modifications top of the display shows pico's version, the current file being layout very similar to the pine mailer. The status line at the Pico is designed to be a simple, easy-to-use text editor with a Pico Help TextHelp on the Pine ComposerExit Help^X^VNext Pg^YPrev PgUnknown Command.UnDel Line^UNxtPg/End^VAttach^JDel Char^DCancel^CPostpone^OCut Line^KPrvPg/Top^YRich Hdr^RSend^XGet Help^G,) (%d. %s %s%s%s"%s"%sUnable to make room for full Header.Unknown Command: ^ZProblem with attachments. Postpone anyway?Format lines failed!Can't allocate line for new attachment!%s (%s) "%.*s"Problem attaching: %s.%s%c%s (%s) ""%sProblem adding address to header !Unknown command: ^%cUnknown commandCan't move beyond top of headerCan't have a '%c' in folder nameCan't edit attachment number!Problem Unkilling textCan't allocate any more lines for header! Sorry, I can't help you with that.Help for Composer %.40s Field----- Message Text -----Can't malloc space to expand address , %s field: %sCan't malloc space for saved text^TCan't make room to pack header field.To Spell^T^UNext Pg^VWhere is^WJustify^JExit^XCur Pos^CCut Text^KPrev Pg^YRead File^RWriteOut^OGet Help^GCancelPostponeSendAllocating memory for virtual display failed.Allocating memory for physical display failed.Allocating memory for virtual display lines failed.Allocating memory for physical display lines failed.UnJustifyCan now UnJustify!UnCut Text^_Alt EditUnFill UW PICO(tm) %s File: .../ New Buffer Modified Y[Yes]YesN[No]No%s ? ABORTHELP[ ]F%dRead file: File reading disabled in secure modeNo file name enteredEnd of Insert File Help~ typing the ~F~3 (~^~C) key after exiting help. and the line directly below it. You may abort this by buffer between the line that the cursor is currently on Type in a file name to have it inserted into your editing Insert File Help TextEnd of Write File Help~ the ~F~3 (~^~C) key after exiting help. your buffer, to a file. You can abort this by typing Type in a file name to have it written out, thus savingWrite File Help Text directory: currenthomeInsert file from ^TTo Files.Can't insert file in restricted mode/Help for Insert FileNew fileReading filesRead %d line%sRead %d line%s, Long lines wrappedFile Name to write : wFile "%s" exists, OVERWRITEWriting...Wrote %d linesWrote 1 lineNo file nameNo such file: %sInserting %s.Inserted %d line%sInserted %d line%s, Long lines wrapped.rWrite I/O errorFile has long lineFile read errorFile doesn't end with newline. Adding one.Cannot allocate %d bytesProgrammer botch: geninsertProblem reading from keyboard!Alternate editor not available in restricted modeUnknown CommandEDITORWhich alternate editor ? no alternate editor help yetProblem writing temp file for alt editor Too many args for command!Invoking alternate editor...Unknown command: ^Z Use "fg" to return to Pine pico.save.save~Problem allocating space for home dirFile not found: "%s"File name too long: "%s"Error getting file info: "%s"Not a directory: "%s"Can't malloc space for file namesCan't open "%s": %sFile "%s" not foundEnd of file "%s" reachedFile name "%s" too longFile "%s" is a directoryWrite permission denied: %sRead permission denied: %sExecute permission denied: %sFile I/O error: %s%s%c%s//tmp/pico.%dCan't Copy: %sCan't copy: %s is a directoryCan't Copy: %sIdentical files. File not copiedCopy Failed: %sCan't allocate space for copy buffer!Can't Read Copy: %sCan't Write Copy: %swCannot open file for writingError closing filerMAIL/usr/spool/mail%s/%s2.5mainUnknown Command: ^%cUnknown CommandCancel CancelledCancelling will abandon your mail message. CancelProblem with attachments! Send anywaySend messageSend cancelledSave modified buffer (ANSWERING "No" WILL DESTROY CHANGES)Exit cancelledCancelledKey illegal in VIEW modeCan't allocate space for textCan't allocate space for more characters%dSet fill column to : line %d of %d (%d%%%%), character %ld of %ld (%d%%%%) (Could also use ctrl-^ to mark text for cutting)Line Deleted.%sBug: lost markEnd of Search Help. Should the search fail, a message will be displayed. entire message. The text search is not case sensitive, and will examine the search to be made with the default value.~ Hitting only ~R~e~t~u~r~n or at the prompt will cause the brackets. This string is the default search prompt. displayed in the "Search" prompt between the square The most recent string for which a search was made is at the beginning of the selected text. are found, the buffer will be redisplayed with the cursor When the characters or words that you entered ~ for, then press ~R~e~t~u~r~n. The search then takes place. Enter the words or characters you would like to search Help for Search CommandSearchHelp for SearchingSearch Cancelled"%s" not foundSearch Wrapped^YFirstLine^VLastLine [] : End of Spell Check Help after exiting help.~ Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ~^~C (~F~3) each occurrence of the incorrect word is offered for replacement.~ hit ~R~e~t~u~r~n at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected, highlighting it in the text. To leave a word unchanged simply offers each misspelled word for correction while simultaneously The spell checker examines all words in the text. It then Spell Check Help Spell checking can be cancelled at any time by typing ^C (F3) hit Return at the edit prompt. If a word has been corrected,Checking spelling...Can't write temp file for spell checkerSPELL/usr/bin/spell( %s ) < %sCan't fork spell checkerReplace "%s" with "%s"Edit a replacement: Spell Checking CancelledHelp with Spelling CheckerHuh?Done checking spellingTERMEnvironment variable TERM not defined!Unknown terminal type %s!pcclcmceupsesodlalcsicimeidcdmedsfsrtiteIncomplete termcap entry kPkNkhkukdklkrOPOQOROSOpOqOrOsOtOuOvOw[4J[3J[2J[N[=a[=b[=c[=d[=e[=f[=g[=h[=i[=j[=k[=lOAOBODOC[A[B[D[CABDC[215z[221z[217z[219zTerminal description too big!  No fill column set.?!:;"^TTo FilesFile to attach: Attachment comment: No Attachment file help yet!No Attachment comment help yet!/Attach cancelledRestricted mode allows attachments from home directory onlyrCan't realloc filename spaceCan't realloc space for sizeCan't realloc description%d. %dAttchmnt: '%c' not allowed in file name,("Attchmnt: Problem displaying real file pathAttchmnt: Expected ']' after "%s"]Attchmnt: Unknown reference: %sXXX"" (%s) %sAttchmnt: Expected '(' or '"' after %sAttchmnt: Size field missing ')': "%s"Attchmnt: Malformed comment, quotes requiredAttchmnt: Closing quote required at end of commentAttchmnt: Comma must separate attachmentsAttchmnt: Weirdness in ParseAttachNo memory to add attachmentCan't malloc name for attachmentCan't malloc size for attachmentCan't malloc description for attachment%d B%1.1f KB%d KB%1.1f MB%d MBzD$tINo end of line???Fwd PgSpcWhere isWGoto DirG[Select]SMake CopyMDel FileDBack Pg-RenameRGet Help?End of Browser Help. to move upward in the directory tree. of the directory being displayed. Select this directory The file named ".." is special, and means the "parent" the contents of that directory to be displayed for selection. verification question after a directory is selected causes inserted into edited text. Answering "yes" to the is selected during the "Read File" command, it is~ or ~R~e~t~u~r~n to select a file or directory. When a file~ Both directories and files are displayed. Press ~S file system for inclusion in the edited text. Pico's file browser is used to select a file from the Help for Browse CommandCan't read %s in restricted modeBuilding file list...You may possibly have new mail.Unknown command '%c'Can't delete a directoryDelete not allowed in restricted mode%s%c%swFile is write protected! OVERRIDEDelete file "%.*s"File CANNOT be UNdeleted! Really deleteDelete CancelledFile Not DeletedDelete Failed: %sHelp for BrowsingDirectory to go to: No help yet!Goto cancelledInvalid Directory: %sRestricted mode browsing limited to home directoryNot a directory: "%s"Can't copy a directoryCopy not allowed in restricted modeMake Copy CancelledNo destination, file not copiedCan't copy file on to itself!File "%.*s" exists! OVERWRITEMake copy cancelledFile Not RenamedFile copied to %sProblems refiguring browser/Name of new copy: ..Can't rename ".."Rename not allowed in restricted modeRename cancelledNot RenamedRename Failed: %sRename file to: A directory is selected, enter itCan't visit parent in restricted modeCan't move up a directoryProblem finding dir "%s"Select cancelledxCommand line : Command cancelledProgram selected, run itProgram to use on file : Whereis cancelled"%s" not foundFile name to findUnknown command: '%c'Unknown command: ^%cUnknown commandCan't malloc space for master filename cellCan't malloc space for name arrayCan't malloc cells for browser!(parent dir)(dir)XEExitExit BrwsrInternal error: can't find fname cell PINE %sBROWSER UW PICO(tm) %s BROWSER %s Dir ...%s%s Dir: %sCannot select builtin bufferbuffer lines not freed.Discard changesmain$Id: main.c,v 4.12 1994/09/12 18:31:47 mikes Exp $GXOJRWYV K U C T$Id: basic.c,v 4.13 1994/07/07 01:25:41 mikes Exp $$Id: bind.c,v 4.4 1994/03/17 00:56:12 mikes Exp $QQQiQ(QPPbP'PQOOnO-ONNQNKNQ#NQMMMMKMMLLQL]LQ"LKKcK)KJJJ@J#JIQIrIBIIQHH`H[HHGG[HGQ!RR$Id: composer.c,v 4.45 1994/09/29 22:29:00 mikes Exp $RRRRRRRRRRRRR|RyRpRmRfRcRYRVRKRGCXDRJ K U O T$Id: display.c,v 4.27 1994/10/10 21:56:33 mikes Exp $V VVUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUV VU&VUUUUUUVVUVUUUUUUUGC    0123456789ABCDEF$Id: file.c,v 4.14 1994/10/11 23:46:51 mikes Exp $XXXhX/XWXWXYXmY5Y YXXXX$Id: fileio.c,v 4.5 1994/02/25 18:36:33 hubert Exp $$Id: line.c,v 4.6 1994/07/07 01:26:22 mikes Exp $$Id: os_unix.c,v 4.51 1994/10/10 23:28:56 mikes Exp $$Id: pico.c,v 4.32 1994/08/18 00:24:40 mikes Exp $_HWCSEVO0 AB C@DEFG"HIJK0LM@N0OPRpT U`VWXYZp@^`!_0 AB C@DEFG"HIJK0LM@N0OPRpT U`VWXYZp@^`!GCXJRWYV K U O T$Id: random.c,v 4.6 1994/07/15 23:33:52 mikes Exp $$Id: region.c,v 4.12 1994/07/07 01:29:01 mikes Exp $$Id: search.c,v 4.7 1994/08/03 03:05:03 mikes Exp $ddbd$dcccdYc$cbbb}b@b/b}ba}ba}b$Id: spell.c,v 4.8 1994/03/24 18:22:57 mikes Exp $fffZffeefMe8ef effffZff)geff8ef ef$Id: tcap.c,v 4.13 1994/03/17 01:00:06 mikes Exp $P@``p0$Id: window.c,v 4.3 1994/02/25 18:36:33 hubert Exp $$Id: word.c,v 4.4 1994/02/25 18:36:33 hubert Exp $$Id: attach.c,v 4.18 1994/09/29 19:15:54 mikes Exp $$Id: browse.c,v 4.21 1994/09/27 16:19:37 mikes Exp $mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm?segrw- d  m UpRppoRpoxoEoonnRp^n$nmRpmRp$Id: buffer.c,v 4.7 1994/08/16 15:51:39 mikes Exp $8.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~  F@ p  (\ $ 8GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#) pp1@ @ 9 $ $ 8B \ \ (KQ`V3\FFbFF/jvppw~ 88ЖІІ|