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I hope you know what you're doing! Warning: interval set to %d seconds. I hope you know what you're doing! Incoming mail: r Permission to monitor "%s" denied! fseek() From From>FromTo:Subject:Re:Importance:Priority:normalnon-urgentSorry, but I can only keep track of %d folders. /var/spool/mail/%s%sr Permission to monitor "%s" denied! MAIL/var/spool/mail/%s%sr%s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %s%s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %s%s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %sanonymous%s!%s>> : %s%s -- %s %s%s - %s Error %d attempting fstat on %sNewmail: I can't get username! Usage: %s [-d] [-i interval] [-w] {folders} arg Meaning -d turns on debugging output -i D sets the interval checking time to 'D' seconds -w forces 'window'-style output, and bypasses auto-background folders can be specified by relative or absolute path names, can be the name of a mailbox in the incoming mail directory to check, or can have one of the standard Elm mail directory prefix chars (e.g. '+', '=' or '%%'). Furthermore, any folder can have '=string' as a suffix to indicate a folder identifier other than the basename of the file Sorry, but I couldn't expand "%s" @(#)$Id: expand.c,v 5.4 1993/09/19 23:38:55 syd Exp $maildirfoldersHOMECan't expand environment variable $HOME to find .elmrc file! .elm/elmrc%s/%srr/var/lib/elm/elm.rcMail~/%s/%s%s%sHOME%s%sCouldn't expand shell variable $%s in .elmrc! %s%s@(#)$Id: figadrssee.c,v 5.3 1993/06/12 05:33:32 syd Exp $, don't match me!From: %s@(#)$Id: getfullnam.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: header_cmp.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: istrcmp.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mail_gets.c,v 5.4 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mcprt.c,v 5.6 1994/06/30 16:43:14 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mcprtlib.c,v 5.5 1993/08/23 02:54:31 syd Exp $0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF@(#)$Id: msgcat.c,v 5.2 1993/06/10 03:12:10 syd Exp $LANGCNLSPATH/nlslib/%L/%N.cat:/nlslib/%N/%L:Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. *nazgul*Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: %s is version %d, we need %d. Message Catalog System%s: %s has %d sets! Message Catalog System%s: no more memory. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: no more memory. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. @(#)$Id: okay_addr.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $%s!%s%s!%s%s@%s%s@%s@(#)$Id: opt_utils.c,v 5.9 1994/05/30 16:31:40 syd Exp $r/var/lib/elm/domain.UUCP@(#)$Id: parsarpwho.c,v 5.4 1993/07/20 02:06:13 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: posixsig.c,v 5.8 1993/08/23 02:46:51 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: realfrom.c,v 5.5 1994/08/30 15:11:20 syd Exp $From @(#)$Id: reverse.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strfcpy.c,v 5.1 1993/01/19 04:46:21 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strincmp.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strtokq.c,v 5.3 1993/07/20 02:05:17 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: tail_of.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: addrmchusr.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $!:%:%@@(#)$Id: atonum.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: date_util.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $\ ~\|xt<pxl<hdL`.\jXT PLHC> :62</<,<stdtdstwdtwstnzdtnzstsstjsthstydtystndtnstadtastbsteetmetwetzpdtpstmdtmstcdtcstedtestgmtutܢdecnovoctsepaugjuljunmayaprmarfebjanD@<840,satfrithuwedtuemonsunc00ampm@(#)$Id: gcos_name.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: getword.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: in_list.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $, !@%:@(#)$Id: len_next.c,v 5.5 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: qstrings.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: shiftlower.c,v 5.3 1994/03/11 22:11:09 syd Exp $^ n ~         .>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~ @  _L   0 PGCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#d) LL@19 0 0 PB   K@ @ QH H V4N\__bo_5hov{\NΘ