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%s %s)(echo ".ll %d.%di"; cat %s)MANROFFSEQtwcp /dev/null %s 2>/dev/nullCOMPRESS(cd %s ; %s | %s > %s)(cd %s ; %s > %s)chmod 0%o %srm %s(cd %s ; %s | %s)%s %s (<-- %s) (cd %s ; %s) %s ...MANSECTAPROPOSWHATISmanpath./..//LANGPATHMANPATH:%s /man/MAN/../man1/man8manCOMPRESS_EXT/usr//var/catman1:2:3:4:5:6:7:8:9:tcl:n:l:p:oMANSECT.gzCOMPRESS_EXT/bin/gzipCOMPRESS/usr/bin/cmp -sCMP/usr/bin/less -isPAGERGRAPVGRIND/usr/bin/gpicPIC/usr/bin/greferREFERCOL/usr/bin/gtblTBL/usr/bin/geqn -Tlatin1NEQN/usr/bin/geqn -TpsEQN/usr/bin/groff -Tlatin1 -mandocNROFF/usr/bin/groff -Tps -mandocTROFF/usr/bin/whatisWHATIS/usr/bin/aproposAPROPOSMANBIN[no configuration file]/usr/lib/man.configrMANPATH_MAPMANPATHMANDATORY_MANPATHFSSTNDdMwpath-t-f-k-wPAGERCOMPRESSTROFFSYSTEMCMP%s %s %s manNLSPATHLANGenFailed to open the message catalog %s on the path NLSPATH=%s Looked whether there exists a message catalog %s, but there is none (and for English messages none is needed) man: internal error - cannot find message %d %s: ._%s_ (%d) no cat page stored because of nonstandard line length error: no TROFF command specified in %s Found the man page(s): Man page %s is identical to %s fatal error: the command _%s_ terminated abnormally very strange ..., got wrong pid while waiting for my child error while waiting for child _%s_ failed to fork off the command _%s_ but the real user can open the cat file and the real user cannot open the cat file either p string : string tells which preprocessors to run e - [n]eqn(1) p - pic(1) t - tbl(1) g - grap(1) r - refer(1) v - vgrind(1) m system : search for alternate system's man pages w : print location of man page(s) that would be displayed (if no name given: print directories that would be searched) W : as for -w, but display filenames only C file : use `file' as configuration file M path : set search path for manual pages to `path' P pager : use program `pager' to display pages S list : colon separated section list t : use troff to format pages for printing a : find all matching entries c : do not use cat file d : print gobs of debugging information D : as for -d, but also display the pages f : same as whatis(1) h : print this help message k : same as apropos(1) [-p string] name ... [-m system] usage: %s [-adfhktwW] [section] [-M path] [-P pager] [-S list] not executing command: %s cat_name in convert_to_cat () is: %s adding mandatory man directories and we found no man directory nearby but there is a man directory nearby is not in the config file is in the config file path directory %s adding %s to manpath Warning: %s isn't a directory! Warning: cannot stat file %s! but %s is already in the manpath searching in %s trying section %s status from is_newer() = %d will try to write %s if needed Couldn't open %s for writing. changed mode of %s to %o Formatting page, please wait... using default preprocessor sequence parsing directive from environment parsing directive from file %s parsing directive from command line found refer(1) directive found vgrind(1) directive found tbl(1) directive found pic(1) directive found grap(1) directive found eqn(1) directive Error reading man page %s Cannot open man page %s Attempt [%s] to expand man page failed globbing %s unlinked %s section: %s Line too long in config file corresponding catdir is %s found manpath map %s --> %s found man directory %s man-config.c: internal error: string %s not found Unrecognized line in config file (ignored) %s Error parsing *roff command from command line. Error parsing MANROFFSEQ. Using system defaults. Error parsing *roff command from file %s Out of memory - can't malloc %d bytes %s, version %s Error executing formatting or display command. System command exited with status %d. using %s as pager No manual entry for %s No entry for %s in section %s of the manual What manual page do you want? What manual page do you want from section %s? Man was compiled with automatic cat page compression, but the configuration file does not define COMPRESS. Sorry - no support for alternate systems compiled in incompatible options %s and %s Error parsing config file Warning: cannot open configuration file %s unable to make sense of the file %s PLLLLLLLLLfLbLOLJL3L/L!LLLLLLKKLKLKKKKKKKKKsKL1.4dC:M:P:S:acdDfhkm:p:twW?M[[^[C[#[ZZRZ3ZZYYYsYLY"YXXX]XEX(X XWWWWWWjWRW9W!W WVVVVkVFV%V VUUUUUhUIU)UUTTTTT^T8TTSSSRR8QQYP&POOOxOCO#O ONNnn ~           . > N ^ n ~           . > N ^ n ~         .>N^ P  `I` ( m  @GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#() P1``(9   @B   KP P QX X Vpp:\`I`IbhIhIHjk[pm]wm]~m]n^0o0_/0_`