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S5ÃtC;u1e[^_]ÐUSMuC1DCtҍDADCu9uЋ]]ÐUWVS}1=t5jWPi uFU 2F;u1e[^_]ÐUWVS}1=(t5(jWP uFU 2F;u1e[^_]ÐUSE] P…~JE*c l=w 1]]ÐUWVSuM I1ۋEH9}_}Et =}u*duu C9]}e[^_]ÐUWVSU<+t<-]CSƃ|f0}Htt%hUR:v4U:-u؋U nU:-u(]#sU 21 = tURPtɃ;u1e[^_]ÐUWS]0ug DAtWЍSDQtDDЍ@<CDAt(Ѝ:SDQtDe[_]ÐUWVSuhVEPDž|0ЍX ~Lh|3WܭuD/hW赭uDDž| 0u.VÃ~<|M MuDBt CDBu;:CV;|M ރDBt CDBuuV];MM2<:u,CV:;MS/;M 1p[^_]ÐUWVSuM UNEPVRQ,ۍÍO}RM}}R})Ѝe[^_]ÐUWVS0u4/t6<&u"M 9tCA9uCF<,tu0e[^_]UVS]S8Sa8‹PBPBPB PBPBPƃ S(:‹PBPBPB PBPBP)<e[^]ÐUSEu]SQ8S7@ ]]ÐS|=|t Ѓ;u[ÐÐ:@(#)$Id: addr_util.c,v 5.11 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $ !@:, %s%s%s, %s%s%s, %s%s%s) (, %s%s%s%s%s%sCannot expand alias '%s'! Use "checkalias" to find valid addresses! (alias "%s" is unknown) , %s%s%s %*s %sanonymous%s!%s%@Can't build return address - hit MAX_HOPS limit!@%%s%s%s@(#)$Id: alias.c,v 5.40 1994/05/30 16:42:48 syd Exp $ GroupPerson(S)Reverse Alias Name Reverse-AliasReverse Alias NameReverse Full (Real) NameReverse-NameReverse Full (Real) NameReverse Text File Reverse-TextReverse Text FileAlias Name AliasAlias NameFull (Real) Name NameFull (Real) NameText File TextText File/var/lib/elm/aliases/var/lib/elm/aliases.elm/aliases%s/%sThere is 1 alias tagged...Create group alias? (%c/%c) There are %d aliases tagged...Create group alias? (%c/%c) ,Enter alias name: Enter address for %s: No address specified!,.:;No message to alias to!Current message address aliased to: .elm/aliases.text%s/%saCouldn't open %s to add new alias!%s; %s, %s = %s = %s Couldn't write alias to file %s!,.elm/aliases.text%s/%s.elm/aliases.text%s/%s.trCouldn't open %s to delete alias!wCouldn't open temp file %s to delete alias!%sCouldn't write to temp file %s!Couldn't rename temp file %s after deleting alias!Resynchronize aliases...Add address from current message...Replace current alias in database...Warning: no aliases to replace!.elm/aliases.textEdit %s...Mail...Warning: no aliases to send mail to!Add a new alias to database...Return to main menu...Warning: new aliases not installed yet!Group alias: %-60.60sAliased address: %-60.60sWarning: no aliases to view!Return to main menu...Fully expand alias: Aliased address for: %s Press to continue.Not found.Warning: no aliases to view!Updating aliases....elm/aliases.text%s/%s.elm/aliases%s/%sProcessed %d aliases. Re-reading the database...Aliases updated successfully.Key: Key you want help for: Press the key you want help for, '?' for a key list, or '.' to exit help$ = Force resynchronization of aliases, processing additions and deletions./ = Search for specified name or alias in list.v = View the address for the currently selected alias.a = Add (return) address of current message to alias database.c = Change current user alias, modifying alias database at next resync.d = Mark the current alias for deletion from alias database.^D = Mark for deletion user aliases matching specified pattern.e = Edit the alias text file directly (will run newalias).f = Display fully expanded address of current alias.l = Limit displayed aliases on the specified criteria.^L = Rewrite the screen.m = Send mail to the current or tagged aliases.n = Add a new user alias, adding to alias database at next resync.r,q,i = Return from alias menu (with prompting).R,Q,I = Return from alias menu (no prompting).t = Tag current alias for further operations.T = Tag current alias and go to next alias.^T = Tag aliases matching specified pattern.u = Unmark the current alias for deletion from alias database.^U = Mark for undeletion user aliases matching specified pattern.x = Exit from alias menu, abandoning any pending deletions.That key isn't used in this section.messagemessagesMessageMessagesCommand: aliasaliasesAliasAliasesAlias: Already a group with name %s.Already an alias for %s.Replace existing alias? (%c/%c) System (%6s) alias for %s.Superceed? (%c/%c) Enter last name for %s: Enter first name for %s: Enter optional comment for %s: %s %sMessages addressed as: %s (%s), New alias: %s is '%s'. Accept new alias? (%c/%c) @(#)$Id: aliaslib.c,v 5.10 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $ (%s) (%s)Error expanding "%s" - probable alias definition loop.!@:%s (%s)Alias expansion is too long.@(#)$Id: args.c,v 5.9 1993/04/12 03:35:08 syd Exp $?acd:f:hi:kKms:tVvzWarning: system created without debugging enabled - request ignored Too many addresses, or addresses too long! %s%s%s Don't understand specifying a subject and no-one to send to! no subject (file transmission) Can't specify an included file with no-one to send to! Can't specify an included file in batch mode! Possible Starting Arguments for ELM program: arg Meaning -a Arrow - use the arrow pointer regardless -c Checkalias - check the given aliases only -dn Debug - set debug level to 'n' -fx Folder - read folder 'x' rather than incoming mailbox -h Help - give this list of options -ix Include prepared file 'x' in edit buffer for send -k Keypad - enable HP 2622 terminal keyboard -K Keypad&softkeys - enable use of softkeys + "-k" -m Menu - Turn off menu, using more of the screen -sx Subject 'x' - for batch mailing -t TiTe - don't use termcap/terminfo ti/te entries. -V Enable sendmail voyeur mode. -v Print out ELM version information. -z Zero - don't enter ELM if no mail is pending Elm Version and Identification Information: October 1, 1992242.4 Elm %s PL%s, of %s (C) Copyright 1988-1992 USENET Community Trust Based on Elm 2.0, (C) Copyright 1986,1987 Dave Taylor ---------------------------------- Fri Jan 13 19:55:47 EST 1995 Configured %s ---------------------------------- /usr/sbin/sendmail Use UNIX Mailbox Delimiters and %s Mail Transport Agent: not MMDF Let the MTA add the From: header: DONT_ADD_FROM Following mail spool locking protocols will be used: USE_DOTLOCK_LOCKING (.lock) From: and Reply-To: addresses are good: USE_EMBEDDED_ADDRESSES Support Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions: MIME Prefers Internet address formats: INTERNET No debug options are available: not DEBUG Crypt function enabled: CRYPT Mailbox editing not included: not ALLOW_MAILBOX_EDITING Subshell menu items included: ALLOW_SUBSHELL Spell checking feature enabled: ISPELL -x/usr/bin/ispell (Default spelling checker is %s options '%s') Calendar file feature disabled: not ENABLE_CALENDAR @(#)$Id: a_edit.c,v 5.2 1992/10/31 19:27:44 syd Exp $.elm/aliases.text%s/%s@(#)$Id: a_screen.c,v 5.4 1993/04/16 03:53:43 syd Exp $(modified, resync needed) Alias mode: %d shown out of %d %s[ELM %s]Alias mode: 1 alias %s[ELM %s]Alias mode: %d aliases %s[ELM %s]You can use any of the following commands by pressing the first character;a)lias current message, n)ew alias, d)elete or u)ndelete an alias,m)ail to alias, or r)eturn to main menu. To view an alias, press .j = move down, k = move up, ? = helpAlias commands: ?=help, =set current to n, /=search patterna)lias current message, c)hange, d)elete, e)dit aliases.text, f)ully expand,l)imit display, m)ail, n)ew alias, r)eturn, t)ag, u)ndelete, or e(x)it-> %s%s%c%-3d %s, %s%s%-*.*s %s %-18.18s @(#)$Id: a_sort.c,v 5.5 1993/06/12 05:27:44 syd Exp syd $Sorting aliases by %s...Reverse-AliasReverse Alias NameReverse Alias Name Reverse-NameReverse Full (Real) NameReverse Full (Real) NameReverse-TextReverse Text FileReverse Text File AliasAlias NameAlias Name NameFull (Real) NameFull (Real) Name TextText FileText File *UNKNOWN-SORT-PARAMETER*@(#)$Id: a_quit.c,v 5.4 1993/04/12 02:34:36 syd Exp $Delete 1 alias? (%c/%c) Delete %d aliases? (%c/%c) [Keeping 1 alias and deleting %d.][Keeping %d aliases and deleting %d.][Deleting all aliases.]@(#)$Id: bouncebk.c,v 5.2 1993/02/03 19:06:31 syd Exp $!!!!@(#)$Id: builtin.c,v 5.4 1994/05/30 16:42:48 syd Exp $ There is 1 line left (%d%%). Press for more, or 'i' to return. There are %d lines left (%d%%). Press for more, or 'i' to return. 1 line more (%d%%). Press for more, 'i' to return. %d lines more (%d%%). Press for more, 'i' to return. 1 line more (you've seen %d%%) %d lines more (you've seen %d%%) %s %d/%d %s %s%s%-*.*s%s @(#)$Id: calendar.c,v 5.3 1993/02/03 19:06:31 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: curses.c,v 5.18 1994/05/30 16:27:44 syd Exp $T)TERMclcmupdondbcsoseusuesosehshececdlicoitamxnkskemlmutite@(#)$Id: date.c,v 5.5 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $SatFriThuWedTueMonSunDecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan%s, %d %s %dampmam%s %d, %d %2.2d:%2.2d:%2.2d %s%3.3s %-2d@(#)$Id: delete.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:58:40 syd Exp $Can't delete a system alias!Can't delete a system alias!%s%c%s%c@(#)$Id: edit.c,v 5.10 1994/08/30 15:07:03 syd Exp $Invoking editor...builtinnone%s%s %s%s%s %sProblems invoking editor %s!@(#)$Id: editmsg.c,v 5.21 1994/09/01 19:42:39 syd Exp $ (Available options at this point are: %c? Print this help menu. ~~ Add line prefixed by a single '~' character. %cb Change the addresses in the Blind-carbon-copy list. %cc Change the addresses in the Carbon-copy list. %ce Invoke the Emacs editor on the message, if possible. %cf Add the specified message or current. %ch Change all available headers (to, cc, bcc, subject). %cm Same as '%cf', but with the current 'prefix'. %co Invoke a user specified editor on the message. %cp Print out message as typed in so far. %cr Read in the specified file. %cs Change the subject of the message. %ct Change the addresses in the To list. %cv Invoke the Vi visual editor on the message. %c! Execute a UNIX command (or give a shell if no command). %c< Execute a UNIX command adding the output to the message. . by itself on a line (or a control-D) ends the message. Continue.) (No filename specified for file read! Continue.) r (Couldn't read file '%s'! Continue.) (Added 1 line [ (Added %d lines [1 char] %d chars] from file %s. Continue.) to message. Continue.) To: %s Cc: %s Bcc: %s Subject: %s (Continue entering message.) (No messages to read in! Continue.) (Valid message numbers are between 1 and %d. Continue.) readmsg%s -- %sr(Can't find 'readmsg' command! Continue.) %s(Couldn't add the requested message. Continue.) (Added 1 line [ (Added %d lines [1 char] %d chars] to message. Continue.) %s%s %s%s(Interrupt. One more to cancel this letter.) (Interrupt. Letter canceled.) r+builtinnonebuiltinnone%s%s %sInvoking editor...%s%s %sCan't invoke editor '%s' for composition. Internal error - reentrant call to builtin editor attempted. (Continue.) (Continue entering message. Type ^D or '.' on a line by itself to end.) r+Couldn't open %s for update [%s]. Continue entering message. Enter message. Type Elm commands on lines by themselves. Commands include: ^D or '.' to end, %cp to list, %c? for help. %s %s. To: Bcc: Cc: Subject: To: Cc: Bcc: Subject: a+ (Can't find Emacs on this system! Continue.) (Don't know where Emacs would be. Continue.) a+ Please enter the name of the editor: a+(You need to use a specific command here. Continue.) elm-edit > %s%s.%d 2>&1elm-edit~r %s%s.%d (Don't know what %c%c is. Try %c? for help.) %s @(#)$Id: elm.c,v 5.21 1994/05/30 16:26:03 syd Exp $@(#) Version 2.4, USENET supported version, released October 1, 1992@(#) (C) Copyright 1986,1987, Dave Taylor @(#) (C) Copyright 1988-1992, The Usenet Community Trust messagemessagesMessageMessagesCommand: > ~XPelm2.4Send only mode [ELM %s]New mail has arrived! Hang on...Can't open folder '%s' for reading! 1 new message received.%d new messages received.Resynchronize folderNo mail to pipe!%.78sNo mail to get return address of!Sorry. Calendar function disabled.Bounce messageNo mail to bounce!Change folderFolder editing isn't configured in this version of ELM.ForwardNo mail to forward!Group replyCan't group reply to a Form!!No mail to reply to!Message with headers...Display messageNo mail to read!MailDisplay messageNo mail to read!Next MessageNo mail to read!OptionsPrint mailNo mail to print!QuitNew Mail! Quit canceled...Quick quitNew Mail! Quick Quit canceled...Reply to messageNo mail to reply to!No mail to save!No mail to copy!Save to folderCopy to folder(Use '?' for help)Quick ExitExitNo mail to check.Current message number = %d %d message(s) total Header_page = %d %d possible page(s) Current mail file is %s. Num From Subject Lines Offset Content %3d %-16.16s %-35.35s %4d %8d %8d Press any key to return. ----- Message %d ----- Lines : %-5d Status: A C D E F M D N N O P T U V Content-Length: %-12d c o e x o i e p e l r a r i t n l p r m c l w d i g g s n f d d m e o a v d n i Offset: %ld %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d Received on: %s Message sent on: %s From timezone: %s (%d) From: %s Subject: %s Primary Recipient: %s Internal Index Reference Number = %d Message-ID: %s Status: %s Please Press any key to return.Expands to: %s No mail in folder!No aliases!No %s to scan!pattern not found!Already on last page.Already on first page.No %s to delete!No more %s below.No more undeleted %s below.No more %s above.No more undeleted %s above.Limit displayed %s by...No %s to tag!No %s to mark as undeleted!No %s to undelete!%c%c%c%cNew Current %sNot that many %s.%s not in limited display.Unknown command. Use '?' for help.@(#)$Id: encode.c,v 5.5 1993/05/08 20:25:33 syd Exp $Enter decryption key: Enter encryption key: Please enter it again: Your keys were not the same!@(#)$Id: exitprog.c,v 5.5 1993/04/12 02:34:36 syd Exp $Abandon change to mailbox? (%c/%c) Abandon changes to mailbox? (%c/%c) @(#)$Id: expires.c,v 5.4 1993/08/10 18:53:31 syd Exp $%s %s %s %s %s%02d%*c%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%02d%*c@(#)$Id: file.c,v 5.21 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $ You must specify a file or folder to to. Several options are available: '!' will use your incoming mailbox () '>' will use your "received" folder () '<' will use your "sent" folder () '.' will use the previous folder () '@alias' will use the default folder for "alias" If you enter a filename elm will use that file. If the file name begins with a '=', elm will look for the file in your folder directory (your folder directory is ). You may use wildcards in the name, exactly as you do in the shell. If you do this, a list of all matching files or folders will be printed and you will be prompted for another name. Thus typing '=a*' will print the names of all folders in your folder directory starting with 'a'. Typing 'b*.c' will print all files in your local directory starting with 'b' and ending in '.c'. A star (*) will usually list everything. See your local shell manual for more information on wildcards. Sometimes elm will help you out by suggesting a name. If you want to use the suggested name, simply hit return. If you don't like it, hit your erase or line erase keys. %s message to: %s messages to: =%s?aCannot %s message to folder %s!Append to an existing file `%s'? (%c/%c) Append to mail folder `%s'? (%c/%c) Create a new file `%s'? (%c/%c) Create a new mail folder `%s'? (%c/%c) aCouldn't append to folder %s!Message %s to %s.%d messages %s to %s.Message %d appended to folder %s.Message %d %s to folder %s./%s%s%sDon't know what the home directory of "%s" is! Don't know what the home directory of "%s" is! %s%s/%s%s%s/%s%s%sCannot expand alias '%s'! Cannot expand alias '%s'! Don't know what the value of $%s is! Don't know what the value of $%s is! /%s%s%s!><.@(#)$Id: file_util.c,v 5.12 1994/06/03 17:05:17 syd Exp $ Error attempting fstat on file %s! ** %s. ** rCould not open file %s.wCould not open file %s. Write failed to temp file in copy Close failed on temp file in copy r Write failed to temp file in append Write failed to temp file in append Close failed on temp file in append rForward to You have no permission to read %s! You have no mail. Your mail is being forwarded to %s. @(#)$Id: fileio.c,v 5.16 1994/08/30 15:08:09 syd Exp $ Write in copy_message failed ELM [seek] failed trying to read %d bytes into file.%sSender: %s %sSender: %s Sender%sSender: %s %sStatus: O %sStatus: RO %s%s remote from %s Status%s%sReceived>FromStatusReturn-PathTo%sOrig-%s%s%s[encode][clear] From %s @(#)$Id: find_alias.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:58:40 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: forms.c,v 5.4 1993/08/03 19:10:22 syd Exp $rError %s trying to open %s to check fields!rCan't read the message to validate the form!form.%s%s%dwCouldn't open newform file for form output!WIDTH=78 TYPE=SIMPLE OUTPUT=TEXT *** *** Error %s unlinking file %s.Error %s linking %s to %s.Error %s unlinking file %s.ELM [seek] couldn't read %d bytes into file (%s).No form in this message!?No form in this message!?*** Badly constructed form. Can't reply!Badly constructed form. Can't reply!form.%s%s%dwCan't open "%s" as output file! (%s).*** (Enter as many lines as needed, ending with a '.' by itself on a line) .%s No Prompt Available: %s: %s%s %s: @(#)$Id: hdrconfg.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $tkCckCbkBsk rk ak ek p~knqk`idkuPI)n-reply-toPrecede(n)ceP)riorityE)xpiresA)ctionR)eply-toS)ubjectB)ccC)cT)oMessage Header Edit ScreenChoose header, u)ser defined header, d)omainize, !)shell, or .Choice: No such header!In how many days should this message expire? Enter in the format "HeaderName: HeaderValue".Enter value for the header. ...Expiration must be specified as a number of days.Expiration date must be within eight weeks of today. Unknown precedence value specified.The user-defined header must begin with a letter or number.The user-defined header must have a colon after the field name.Select header to domainize: T)o, C)c, B)cc, or .Domainize choice: %s@%s.uucp@(#)$Id: help.c,v 5.6 1994/05/30 16:42:48 syd Exp $Press the key you want help for, '?' for a key list, or '.' to exit helpHelp for key: Unknown command. Use '?' for a list of commands.ELM Help System$ = Force resynchronization of the current folder. This will purge deleted mail.! = Escape to the UNIX shell of your choice, or just to enter commands.@ = Debug - display a summary of the messages on the header page.| = Pipe the current message or tagged messages to the command specified.# = Debug - display all information known about current message.% = Debug - display the computed return address of the current message.* = Go to the last message in the current folder.- = Go to the previous page of messages. This is the same as the LEFT arrow.'=' = Go to the first message in the current folder. = Display next screen of current message (or first screen of next). = Display the current message.+ = Go to the next page of messages. This is the same as the RIGHT arrow./ = Search for specified pattern in folder.> = Save current message or tagged messages to specified file.^ = Toggle the Delete/Undelete status of the current message.a = Enter the alias sub-menu section. Create and display aliases.b = Bounce (remail) a message to someone as if you have never seen it.C = Copy current message or tagged messages to specified file.c = Change folders, leaving the current folder as if 'quitting'.d = Mark the current message for future deletion.^D = Mark for deletion all messages with the specified pattern.f = Forward the current message to someone, return address is yours.g = Group reply not only to the sender, but to everyone who received msg.h = Display message with all Headers (ignore weedout list).i = Return to the index.J = Go to the next message.j = Go to the next undeleted message. This is the same as the DOWN arrow.K = Go to the previous message.k = Go to the previous undeleted message. This is the same as the UP arrow.l = Limit displayed messages based on the specified criteria.m = Create and send mail to the specified person or persons.n = Display the next message.n = Display the current message, then move current to next message.o = Go to the options submenu.p = Print the current message or the tagged messages.q = Quit the pager and return to the index.q = Quit the mailer, asking about deletion, saving, etc.r = Reply to the message. This only sends to the originator of the message.s = Save current message or tagged messages to specified file.t = Tag a message for further operations (or untag if tagged).T = Tag a message (or untag if tagged) and go to next message.^T = Tag all messages with the specified pattern.u = Undelete - remove the deletion mark on the message.^U = Undelete all messages with the specified pattern.x = Exit leaving the folder untouched, ask permission if changed.X = Exit leaving the folder untouched, unconditionally.Q = Quick quit the mailer, save read, leave unread, delete deleted. = Display current message, or (builtin pager only) scroll forward. = Display the current message.^L = Rewrite the screen.Exit the mail system quickly. = Make specified number the current message.elm-help/var/lib/elm%s/%s.%drCouldn't open file %s.Press to continue, 'q' to return.%s %s Press any key to return.@(#)$Id: in_utils.c,v 5.16 1994/09/01 19:42:39 syd Exp $%s%c%cYes.No.Set current %s to :%d%s%s%s%s%s@(#)$Id: init.c,v 5.20 1994/05/30 16:31:40 syd Exp $242.4%s PL%syn[deleted]FormMessageToFrom Page %dchangesavecopySaveCopysavedcopiedmessagemessagesMessageMessagesCommand: LOGNAMEUSERYou have no password entry! Sorry, but you must specify what type of terminal you're on if you want to run the "elm" program. (You need your environment variable "TERM" set.) TERMYou need a cursor-addressable terminal to run "elm" and I can't find any kind of termcap entry for "%s" - check your "TERM" setting... Failed trying to initialize your terminal entry: unknown return code %d MAIL/var/spool/mail/%s%sCan't open folder '%s' for reading! LINES%dCOLUMNS%d/bin/%skukdklkrsoseThe window is too small to run Elm. It must have at least %d rows@(#)$Id: leavembox.c,v 5.24 1994/06/03 17:05:17 syd Exp $Delete message? (%c/%c) Delete messages? (%c/%c) Move read message to "received" folder? (%c/%c) Move read messages to "received" folder? (%c/%c) Keep unread message in incoming mailbox? (%c/%c) Keep unread messages in incoming mailbox? (%c/%c) Something wrong in message counts! Folder unchanged. Folder unchanged.[Keeping 1 message, storing %d, and deleting %d.][Keeping %d messages, storing %d, and deleting %d.][Keeping 1 message and storing %d.][Keeping %d messages and storing %d.][Keeping 1 message and deleting %d.][Keeping %d messages and deleting %d.][Keeping message.][Keeping all messages.][Storing 1 message and deleting %d.][Storing %d messages and deleting %d.][Storing message.][Storing all messages.][Deleting all messages.]New mail has just arrived. Resynchronizing...aPermission to append to %s denied! Leaving folder intact. aCould not append to folder %s! snd.%s%s%dwPermission to create temp file %s for writing denied! Leaving folder intact.wCould not create temp file %s! Close failed on temp keep file in leavembox Problems saving permissions of folder %s!Error %s on stat(%s).Error %s on stat(%s).Link failed! %s. Couldn't modify folder!emergency.mbox%s/%sCan't copy folder, system trouble : contents preserved in %s Saved mail in %s.Keeping empty folder '%s'.wProblems restoring permissions of folder %s!Error %s trying to change file %s access time.@(#)$Id: lock.c,v 5.16 1994/05/15 23:02:12 syd Exp $ Couldn't remove the current lock file %s ** %s ** Error encountered while attempting to create lock file %s; ** %s.** /var/spool/mail/Can't create lock file! Need write permission in "%s". Waiting to read mailbox while mail is being received: attempt #%d Giving up after %d iterations. Please try to read your mail again in a few minutes. Timed out on locking mailbox. Leaving program. %dCouldn't remove my own lock file %s!@(#)$Id: limit.c,v 5.4 1994/05/15 23:10:08 syd Exp $Enter criteria or '?' for help: Already have selection criteria - add more? (%c/%c) %c%cYes.Adding criteria...No.Change criteria...?Enter:{"name","alias"} [pattern] OR {"person","group","user","system"} OR "all"Enter: {"name","alias"} [pattern] OR {"person","group","user","system"}allnamealiaspersongroupusersystem"%s" not a valid criterion.?Enter: {"subject","to","from"} [pattern] OR "all"Enter: {"subject","to","from"} [pattern]allsubjsubjecttofrom"%s" not a valid criterion.Returned to unlimited display.%d aliases selected.1 alias selected.No aliases selected.%d messages selected.1 message selected.No messages selected.@(#)$Id: mailmsg1.c,v 5.7 1993/07/20 02:46:14 syd Exp $To: (%s)To: %sTo: (%s)To: %s To: %sTo: (%s)To: %sTo: (%s)To: %s To: %sSend the message to: To: REPLYTOSubject of message: Subject: Mail not sent.No subject - Continue with message? (%c/%c) Mail not sent.Subject: Copies to: Mail not sent.%sbuiltinnoneToo many people. Copies ignored.Copy message? (%c/%c) @(#)$Id: mailmsg2.c,v 5.39 1994/05/30 17:24:38 syd Exp $snd.%s%s%dwCould not create file %s (%s). Could not create file %s (%s).rCould not open file %s.form.%s%s%dCouldn't find forms file! Couldn't find forms file!Forwarded message: builtinnone==?<rCould not open reply file (%s).Could not open reply file (%s)., snd.Sorry - couldn't make temp file name! Sorry - couldn't make temp file name.Sorry - couldn't make temp file name.%s %s/bin/rm -f/bin/mailx(%s -s "%s" %s < %s ; %s %s) &/bin/mailxMessage sent using dumb mailer %s. /bin/mailxMessage sent using dumb mailer %s.%#%record%#% --%s-- %d%d%s %s /usr/sbin/sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail-oi -oem -v-oi -oem -om/usr/sbin/sendmail-mlrnv/usr/sbin/sendmail-d-m/usr/sbin/sendmail /bin/rm -f/usr/sbin/sendmail(%s %s %s < %s ; %s %s) &Sending mail... Sending mail... mailer returned error status %d mailer returned error status %dMail sent! Mail sent!Mail sent!Recall last kept message instead? (%c/%c) Recall last kept message? (%c/%c) %c??Please choose one of the following options by parenthesized letter: se)dit message, edit h)eaders, s)end it, or f)orget it.And now: se)dit form, e)dit msg, m)ake form, e)dit message, h)eaders, c)opy, i)spell, !)shell, s)end, or f)orget%c??SendForgetCanceled.mail%s/%sMessage kept. Can be restored at next f)orward, m)ail or r)eply.Copy fileEditHeadersNo fields in form!Ispell-x/usr/bin/ispell%s %s %sr+w+w+Error %s encountered trying to write to %s.From %s %sSubject: %s To: %s Date: %s Cc: %s Bcc: %s Action: %s Priority: %s Precedence: %s Expires: %s Reply-To: %s In-Reply-To: %s %s X-Mailer: ELM [version %s] Content-Type: mailform MIME-Version: 1.0%s %#%record%#%Content-Type:%s multipart/mixed; boundary=%s MIME-Version: 1.0%s Content-Type:%s text/plain; charset=%s us-ascii7bit7bitContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s Content-Length: [encode][clear][no save][nosave][include%d%#%record%#% --%s %#%record%#%--%s [encode]Sorry. Cannot send encrypted mail in "batch mode". [encode]%#%record%#%--%s Content-Type:%s text/plain; charset=%s us-ascii7bit7bitContent-Transfer-Encoding: %s Content-Length: From > Write failed in copy_message_across Write failed in copy_message_across "Bounce" a copy off the remote machine? (%c/%c) @%s%s/%s -- @(#)$Id: mime.c,v 5.15 1993/08/23 02:55:05 syd Exp $[include No Filename given, include line ignored No Content-type given, include line ignored Encoding is illegal r Include File can't be accessed %semm.%d.%d-b-q Unknown Encoding, include line ignored mmencode %s %s >%sr Can't stat included File,ignored Content-Type:%s %s Content-Name: %s Content-Length: %d Content-Transfer-Encoding: %s Write failed in copy_message_across Can't open included File 7bit8bitbinaryquoted-printablebase64x-text text/plaincharsetus-ascii @(#)$Id: mkhdrs.c,v 5.3 1993/05/08 20:25:33 syd Exp $%s from "%s" at %s.elm/elmheaders%s/%srWarning: blank line in %s ignored!%sprint.%s%s%d%s > %srBackquoted command "%s" in elmheaders failed.%s%s%s %s %s@(#)$Id: newmbox.c,v 5.36 1994/05/14 18:42:57 syd Exp $You seem to have ELM already reading this mail!You may not have two copies of ELM running simultaneously. -- Exiting --If this is in error, then you'll need to remove the following file:Sorry, can't unlink the temp file %s [%s]! r fail on open in newmbox, open %s failed!! ** %s. ** /var/spool/mail/mbox./tmp/%s%smboxmailboxinboxWhat's this? The temp folder already exists??Ahhhh... I give up.w Couldn't open file %s for use as temp file. ** %s. ** r+ Couldn't reopen file %s for use as temp file. ** %s. ** Couldn't fseek to end of reopened temp mbox. ** %s. ** Reading in %s, message: %dReading in %s, message: 0Reading message: 0 Couldn't seek to %ld (end of folder) in %s! ** %s. ** Write to temp file %s failed!! ** %s. ** forward to Mail being forwarded to %sFrom Folder is corrupt!! I can't read it!! From Couldn't allocate enough memory! Message #%d. Couldn't allocate enough memory! Message #%d. %d Folder is corrupt!! I can't read it!! Couldn't seek %ld bytes into folder. ** %s. ** Couldn't seek %ld bytes into temp file. ** %s. ** >From>FromSubjectSubjReFromMessage-IdContent-LengthExpiresDatePriority2Importancenormalprioritynon-urgentpriority2Sensitivity3SensitivitymailformContent-TypeAction1.0MIME-VersionRFCXXXXMIME-VersionX-Content-TypeContent-TypeContent-Transfer-EncodingToStatus[encode] Close on folder %s failed!! ** %s. ** Close on temp file %s failed!! ** %s. ** newmbox - length of mbox. != spool mailbox length!! r Couldn't reopen file %s for use as temp file. ** %s. ** @(#)$Id: options.c,v 5.18 1994/05/30 16:42:48 syd Exp $builtin+internal+ays/bdѧ˧ emf fhejUKk l = m/ * nܤo{8p& rݣԣs~@t.#آu̢¢vsfw ȡy g!zS"I#Whether to print dashes before including signature on outbound messages.sigdashesZ) signature dashesWhen mail is sent out, this is what your full name will be recorded as.fullnameY)our full nameWhether to ask for "Copies to:" list when sending messages.askccW)ant Cc: promptThis is the editor that will be used by the ~v command (Editor="builtin").visualeditorV)isual Editor (~v)The level of knowledge you have about the ELM mail system.userlevelU)ser levelThis is the editor that will be used by the ~e command (Editor="builtin").easyeditorT)ext editor (~e)This is used to specify the sorting criteria for the folders.sortbyS)orting criteriaWhether to copy the message being replied to into the reply.autocopyR)eply copies msgThis is the command used to print mail messages.printP)rint mail usingThis is where copies of outbound messages are saved automatically.sentmailO)utbound mail savedWhether to display the names and addresses on mail, or names only.namesN)ames onlyThis determines if you have the mini-menu displayed or not.menuM)enu displayThis is used to specify the sorting criteria for the alias display.aliassortbyA(l)ias SortingWhether to pause (prompt) at end of message with display message pager.promptafterK) pause after pagerThis is the editor that will be used for replies (Editor="builtin").alteditorJ) reply editorWhether to save a copy of outbound messages in O)utbound folder.copyH)old sent messageThis is the folders directory used when '=' (etc) is used in filenames.maildirF)older directoryThis is the editor used for all outbound messages (may be 'builtin').editorE)ditor (primary)This is the program invoked to display individual messages (try 'builtin').pagerD)isplay mail usingLeft margin string (prefix) for reply and forward.prefixB)order on copyThis defines whether the ELM cursor is an arrow or a highlight bar.arrowA)rrow cursor~~-- ELM Options Editor --%-20.20s : %%s-- ELM Options Editor --Press the key you want help for, '?' for a key list, or '.' to exit helpKey : %c = %s^L = Rewrite the screen.> = Save to elmrc file.i,q = Return from option menu.X = Exit leaving the folder untouched, unconditionally.That key isn't used in this section.Beginning User Intermediate UserExpert User ON OFF^_defsopyv_am_unCommand: Select letter of option line, '>' to save, or 'i' to return to index.Command unknown!Save options in .elm/elmrc...Command unknown!(use to toggle, any other key to leave) to change%s(SPACE for next, or R)everse)Resorting folder...This sort will order most-recently-sent to least-recently-sentThis sort will order most-recently-received to least-recently-receivedThis sort will order most-recently-added-to-folder to least-recentlyThis sort will order by sender name, in reverse alphabetical orderThis sort will order messages by longest to shortestThis sort will order by subject, in reverse alphabetical orderThis sort will order by reverse status - Deleted through Tagged...This sort will order least-recently-sent to most-recently-sentThis sort will order least-recently-received to most-recently-receivedThis sort will order least-recently-added-to-folder to most-recentlyThis sort will order by sender nameThis sort will order messages by shortest to longestThis sort will order messages by subjectThis sort will order by status - Tagged through Deleted...(SPACE for next, or R)everse)Resorting aliases...This sort will order by alias name, in reverse alphabetical orderThis sort will order by user (real) name, in reverse alphabetical orderThis sort will order aliases in the reverse order as listed in aliases.textThis sort will order by alias nameThis sort will order by user (real) nameThis sort will order aliases in the order as listed in aliases.textuserlevel@(#)$Id: out_utils.c,v 5.2 1993/02/03 19:06:31 syd Exp $%s @(#)$Id: pattern.c,v 5.11 1994/05/15 23:04:48 syd Exp $TagtaggedTaggedDeletemarked for deletionMarked for deletionUndeleteundeletedUndeletedEnter pattern: %s %s that match pattern...Some %s are already tagged.%s Remove Tags? (%c/%c) One %s is already tagged.%s Remove Tag? (%c/%c) %s %d %s.%s 1 %s.No matches. No %s %s.Match pattern:Match pattern (in entire %s):/ = Match anywhere in %s.Searching folder for pattern...ELM [match] failed looking %ld bytes into file (%s).@(#)$Id: pmalloc.c,v 5.4 1994/03/11 20:59:02 syd Exp $ Couldn't malloc %d bytes!! @(#)$Id: quit.c,v 5.4 1992/11/26 00:46:13 syd Exp $Can't open folder '%s' for reading! (Use '?' for help)Change to which folder: ?Change to which folder: Change to which folder: Already reading that folder!Can't open folder '%s' for reading!@(#)$Id: read_rc.c,v 5.25 1993/08/23 02:58:04 syd Exp $+localsignatureremotesignatureTHalwaysstorealwayskeepaliassortby TRalteditor7alternativesPalwaysdeleteRalwayskeepRalwaysleave<alwaysstore RarrowRask(Raskcc4Rattribution>auto_ccautocopyQbouncebouncebackRbuiltinlinesRcalendar=cccharset"compatcharsets$configoptions Mconfirmappend@RconfirmcreateDRconfirmfilesHRconfirmfoldersLRcopyQdeletedisplaycharset#easyeditor Keditor6escape OfoldersforcenameQformformsQfullname/hostdomain,hostfullname-hostname+hpkeypadhpsoftkeyskeepkeepempty,RkeypadQlocalsignatureGmailboxmaildir2maileditmenuQmenusmetooQmovepageQmovewhenpagedname|names$RnoheaderQpagevpagerCpointnewQpointtonewmprecedences NprefixA?print9printmailgpromptafterQquestioncreadmsginc"receivedmail4remotesignatureIresolveQsavebynameZsavemailQsavenameQsavetoHsentmail;shellAsigdashes8Rsignaturesleepmsg"softkeysQsortAsortbyPRstore5textencoding%timeoutXRtitlesQtmpdir*userlevelRusername,usetiteFrom Not enough memory for default weedlist. Leaving. ~/ And we're skipping the following headers: %s %d%cON OFF%s = %s onyestrue@(#)$Id: remail.c,v 5.13 1993/09/27 01:51:38 syd Exp $snd.Sorry - couldn't make file temp file name.wSorry - couldn't open file %s for writing (%s).Are you sure you want to remail this message (%c/%c)? Bounce of message canceled./usr/sbin/sendmail/usr/sbin/sendmail-oi -oem -v-oi -oem/usr/sbin/sendmail-mlrnv /usr/sbin/sendmail-d/bin/rm -f/usr/sbin/sendmail( %s %s %s < %s ; %s %s) &Resending mail...Mail resent.@(#)$Id: reply.c,v 5.15 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $Re: !Can't build return address. Hit MAX_HOPS limit!!%s%s%sELM [seek] couldn't read %d bytes into file (%s).ToccFilled in formRe: your mailRe: your mailEdit outgoing message? (%c/%c) (fwd) (fwd)Forwarded mail.../G/g/S/sX.400.John.Doe::@(#)$Id: returnadd.c,v 5.8 1993/04/12 03:11:23 syd Exp $%d not a valid message number!Couldn't seek %ld bytes into file (%s).ToOriginal-To %d not a valid message number!Couldn't seek %ld bytes into file (%s).From %*s %s>From%*s %s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %*s %s %sfrombyFromReply-ToTo@%s (%s)@(#)$Id: save_opts.c,v 5.8 1994/03/11 21:19:26 syd Exp $.elm/elmrc%s/%s.elm/elmrc.old%s/%sr/var/lib/elm/elmrc-info/var/lib/elm/elmrc-infoWarning: saving without comments! Can't get to %s.wCan't save configuration! Can't write to %s [%s].Options saved in file %s.*ERROR*%cOFFON%d%duserlevel%d# # .elm/elmrc - options file for the ELM mail system # # Saved automatically by ELM %s for %s # # Saved automatically by ELM %s # #$HDR### %s =*end-of-defaults**end-of-defaults* "*clear-weed-list*"*end-of-user-headers* ### "%s" ### %s = ### %s ### %s = %s @(#)$Id: savecopy.c,v 5.13 1994/05/15 23:10:08 syd Exp $==?Cannot determine `to' name to save by! Saving to "sent" folder %s instead.<=%s=?<Append to an existing file `%s'? (%c/%c) Append to mail folder `%s'? (%c/%c) Alright - saving to `%s' insteadCreate a new file `%s'? (%c/%c) Create a new mail folder `%s'? (%c/%c) Alright - saving to `%s' insteadaCannot save to %s!aCannot save to %s nor to "sent" folder %s!Cannot save to %s! Saving to "sent" folder %s instead.<"sent" folder>Save copy in (use '?' for help/to list folders): ?Enter: to not save a copy of the message, '<' to save in your "sent" folder (), '=' to save by name (the folder name depends on whom the message is to, in the end), '=?' to save by name if the folder already exists, and if not, to your "sent" folder, or a filename (a leading '=' denotes your folder directory). rCouldn't read file "%s"!--%%#%%record%%#%%-- %d%d@(#)$Id: screen.c,v 5.3 1993/01/20 03:02:19 syd Exp $FolderMailbox%s is '%s' with %d shown out of %d [ELM %s]%s is '%s' with 1 message [ELM %s]%s is '%s' with %d messages [ELM %s]You can use any of the following commands by pressing the first character;d)elete or u)ndelete mail, m)ail a message, r)eply or f)orward mail, q)uitTo read a message, press . j = move down, k = move up, ? = help|=pipe, !=shell, ?=help, =set current to n, /=search patterna)lias, C)opy, c)hange folder, d)elete, e)dit, f)orward, g)roup reply, m)ail,n)ext, o)ptions, p)rint, q)uit, r)eply, s)ave, t)ag, u)ndelete, or e(x)it%s %s %s ->-> %s%s%c%-3d %s To %-*.*s (%d) %s%-*.*s@(#)$Id: showmsg.c,v 5.16 1994/08/30 15:09:43 syd Exp $NOMETAMAIL%semm.%d.%dwmetamail -p -z -m Elm %sPress any key to return to index. ELM [seek] couldn't read %d bytes into file (%s).builtininternalCould not prepare for external pager(pipe()-%s).Could not prepare for external pager(fork()-%s).Could not prepare for external pager(dup()-%s).rCould not prepare for external pager(child fdopen()-%s).wCould not prepare for external pager(parent fdopen()-%s).%s %d/%d %s %s %s%-*.*s%s %sSubject:%*s%s %sTo: %s(message addressed to %.60s) %s (** This message is tagged Private (** This message is tagged Company Confidential (** This message is tagged Urgent, Urgent and Urgent (** This message has Expired, and has Expired **) Premature end of file![encode][clear]*** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Command ('i' to return to index): %s@(#)$Id: showmsg_c.c,v 5.4 1994/03/11 21:25:24 syd Exp $(Use 'i' to return to index.)PipeSystem callCan't scan for calendar entries!Display return addressBounce messageMessage marked for deletion.Forward messageGroup replyMail messagePrint messageReply to messageMessage tagged.Message untagged.Message undeleted.Quick ExitExit%s Command ('i' to return to index): -------------------------------------------------------------------------- @(#)$Id: signals.c,v 5.13 1994/09/01 19:42:39 syd Exp $ Illegal Instruction signal! Floating Point Exception signal! Bus Error signal! Segment Violation signal! Stopped. Use "fg" to return to ELM Back in ELM. (You might need to explicitly request a redraw.) @(#)$Id: softkeys.c,v 5.2 1993/04/16 03:51:38 syd Exp $ Display Msgm Mail Msgr Reply to Msgs Save Msgd Delete MsguUndelete Msgc Change Folders Save Msg^ Delete/Undeletep Print Msgq Quit ELMa Alias Currentp Check Persons Check Systemm Make Aliasr Return to ELMy Yesn No Next Page j Next Msg k Prev Msg r Reply to Msg d Delete Msg m Send Msg q Return to ELM =/ Mail Directry~/ Home Directry! Incoming Mailbox> "Received" Folder< "Sent" Folder Cancel%s%s%c&f%dk%dd%dL%s%c&s1A%c&jB%c&jR%c&s0A%c&j@ @(#)$Id: sort.c,v 5.2 1993/04/12 03:42:56 syd Exp $Sorting messages by %s...Reverse Date Mail Sent Reverse-SentReverse Date Mail SentReverse Date Mail Rec'vdReverse-ReceivedReverse Date Mail Rec'vdReverse Mailbox Order Reverse-MailboxReverse Mailbox OrderReverse Message Sender Reverse-FromReverse Message SenderReverse Lines in MessageReverse-LinesReverse Lines in MessageReverse Message Subject Reverse-SubjectReverse Message SubjectReverse Message Status Reverse-StatusReverse Message StatusDate Mail Sent SentDate Mail SentDate Mail Rec'vd ReceivedDate Mail Rec'vdMailbox Order MailboxMailbox OrderMessage Sender FromMessage SenderLines in Message LinesLines in MessageMessage Subject SubjectMessage SubjectMessage Status StatusMessage Status*UNKNOWN-SORT-PARAMETER*@(#)$Id: string2.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strings.c,v 5.8 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $,Get_token calls nested greater than %d deep!@(#)$Id: syscall.c,v 5.9 1994/08/30 15:09:43 syd Exp $(Use the shell name for a shell.)Shell command: Press any key to return to ELM: Return code was %d./bin/shpipeforkSHELL=%s%s-cPipe to: readmsg%s -Ih|%s Press any key to return to ELM: Return code was %d.Don't know how to print - option "printmail" undefined!print.%s%s%d%sreadmsg(%s -Ip > %s; %s 2>&1) > /dev/nullreadmsg%s -Ip | %srCannot create pipe to print command.Press any key to continue: %s Print job has been spooled.Printout failed with return code %d.Printout failed with status 0x%04x.cd %s;ls -C Contents of your folder directory: cd %s;ls -C %s Folders which match `%s': ls -C %s Files which match `%s': est./tmp/ELMSTATE%s=%s%s%dwCannot create folder state file "%s".F%s N%d I%ld C%d S%d C1 S%d C0 ELMSTATECannot create environment parameter "%s".@(#)$Id: utils.c,v 5.17 1994/06/03 17:05:17 syd Exp $%s/.elm%s/.alias_text.elm/aliases.text%s/%s Copying from: %s Copying to: %s /tmp/%d/usr/bin/sed%s -e 's/:/=/g' %s > %s /bin/mv%s %s %s newalias%s/.elmheaders.elm/elmheaders%s/%s Copying from: %s Copying to: %s %s/.elmrc.elm/elmrc%s/%s Copying from: %s Copying to: %s Welcome to the new version of ELM! Hit return to continue. Couldn't malloc %d bytes!! Emergency exit taken! All temp files intact! Write to temp file failed, exiting leaving mailbox intact! snd.%s%dsnd.%s%s%dsnd.%s%s%dsnd.%s%s%d@(#)$Id: wildcards.c,v 5.5 1992/12/11 01:45:04 syd Exp $[]*? []*?{} 52.)$ zshbashtcshkshshcshSHELL@(#)$Id: wordwrap.c,v 5.6 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $%s%s%s@(#)$Id: add_site.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $uucp%s!%s@(#)$Id: mk_aliases.c,v 5.15 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $Line + continuations exceeds maximum length of %ld:%.40sLine too long, split using continuation line format:%.40sLine too long, split using continuation line format (starting line with whitespace): %.40s ** Duplicate alias '%s' in file. Multiples ignored.** Error writing alias '%s'. Error - whitespace in alias '%.30s' is not allowed.Error - character '%c' in alias '%s' is not supported.Error - whitespace in address '%.30s' is not allowed.Error - alias "%.40s" missing '=' field separator.Error - alias "%.40s" missing '=' field separator.Unable to allocate space for alias buffer!rCouldn't open %s for input!Couldn't open %s.pag or %s.dir for output!wCouldn't open %s for output!** Not saving tables! Please fix and re-run!Could not delete alias data file %s!%s.dirCould not delete alias hash file %s!%s.pagCould not delete alias hash file %s!@(#)$Id: aliasdb.c,v 5.8 1993/09/19 23:40:48 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mk_lockname.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $%s.lock@(#)$Id: can_access.c,v 5.8 1993/08/23 02:46:07 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: can_open.c,v 5.4 1993/08/23 02:46:07 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: chloc.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: errno.c,v 5.4 1994/09/01 19:42:07 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: figadrssee.c,v 5.3 1993/06/12 05:33:32 syd Exp $, don't match me!From: %s@(#)$Id: getaddrfrm.c,v 5.4 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: getarpdate.c,v 5.10 1994/03/11 20:55:23 syd Exp $SatFriThuWedTueMonSunMIEA=951-)%! DecNovOctSepAugJulJunMayAprMarFebJan%s, %d %s %d %02d:%02d:%02d %c%02d%02d (%s)@(#)$Id: getfullnam.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: getword.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: header_cmp.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: in_list.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $, !@%:@(#)$Id: in_string.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: istrcmp.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: len_next.c,v 5.5 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mail_gets.c,v 5.4 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mcprt.c,v 5.6 1994/06/30 16:43:14 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: mcprtlib.c,v 5.5 1993/08/23 02:54:31 syd Exp $0123456789abcdef0123456789ABCDEF@(#)$Id: msgcat.c,v 5.2 1993/06/10 03:12:10 syd Exp $LANGCNLSPATH/nlslib/%L/%N.cat:/nlslib/%N/%L:Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. *nazgul*Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: %s is version %d, we need %d. Message Catalog System%s: %s has %d sets! Message Catalog System%s: no more memory. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. Message Catalog System%s: no more memory. Message Catalog System%s: corrupt file. @(#)$Id: move_left.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: ndbz.c,v 5.12 1994/03/11 21:01:35 syd Exp $.dir.pagww %rwwrr+rbr+brrbr+br-1234567890dbz %d %ld %d %ld %ld %d %d %d %ld%c@(#)$Id: okay_addr.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $%s!%s%s!%s%s@%s%s@%s@(#)$Id: opt_utils.c,v 5.9 1994/05/30 16:31:40 syd Exp $r/var/lib/elm/domain.UUCP@(#)$Id: parsarpdat.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $ @(#)$Id: parsarpwho.c,v 5.4 1993/07/20 02:06:13 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: posixsig.c,v 5.8 1993/08/23 02:46:51 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: qstrings.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: realfrom.c,v 5.5 1994/08/30 15:11:20 syd Exp $From @(#)$Id: remfirstwd.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: reverse.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: rfc822tlen.c,v 5.2 1993/07/20 03:15:15 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: safemalloc.c,v 5.1 1993/04/12 01:51:01 syd Exp $error - out of memory [%s failed allocating %d bytes] safe_mallocsafe_reallocsafe_strdup@(#)$Id: shiftlower.c,v 5.3 1994/03/11 22:11:09 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strfcpy.c,v 5.1 1993/01/19 04:46:21 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strincmp.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: striparens.c,v 5.2 1993/06/10 03:09:06 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: strtokq.c,v 5.3 1993/07/20 02:05:17 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: tail_of.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: validname.c,v 5.3 1992/12/11 01:45:04 syd Exp $/var/spool/mail/%s/%s@(#)$Id: addrmchusr.c,v 5.1 1992/10/03 22:41:36 syd Exp $!:%:%@@(#)$Id: atonum.c,v 5.2 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: date_util.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $" \ \<x<L.j  <<<stdtdstwdtwstnzdtnzstsstjsthstydtystndtnstadtastbsteetmetwetzpdtpstmdtmstcdtcstedtestgmtut|xtplhd`\decnovoctsepaugjuljunmayaprmarfebjansatfrithuwedtuemonsunc00ampm@(#)$Id: gcos_name.c,v 5.3 1993/08/03 19:28:39 syd Exp $@(#)$Id: get_tz.c,v 5.4 1994/05/30 16:53:35 syd Exp $x.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~.>N^n~  X  d`GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#p) XXp 19 dd`B KQV00\bh||ov{xx