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Skipping %s (needs BIOS read)... skipping %s (exclusion list)... skipping %s (noprobe list)... Probing %s... %s Version %d.%d %s can detect the following standard video hardware: %s %s can detect the following SVGA chipsets/vendors: %s, %s can detect the following graphics coprocessors/vendors: %s can detect the following RAMDACs: -v-no16-excl-x%s: Warning - only one exclusion list allowed. The last one will be used %s: Exclusion list not specified -mask10-msk10-10-o%s: Warning - only one order list allowed. %s: Order list not specified -nopr%s: Warning - only one noprobe list allowed. %s: noprobe list not specified -bios%s: BIOS base address not specified -no_bios-no_dac-no_mem-in-?-h %s accepts the following options: -verbose Give lots of information -no16 Skip any test that requires 16-bit ports -excl list Skip any test that requires port on list -mask10 Mask registers to 10 bits before comparing with the exclusion list -order list Perform test on the specified chipsets in the specified order -noprobe list Don't probe for any chipsets specified -bios base Set BIOS base address to 'base' -no_bios Don't read BIOS & assume EGA/VGA as primary -no_dac Don't probe for RAMDAC type -no_mem Don't probe for video memory -info Print a list of the capabilities of %s Refer to the manual page '%s.1' for complete details %s: Unknown option '%s' (c) Copyright 1993,1994 by David Wexelblat This work is derived from the 'vgadoc2.zip' and 'vgadoc3.zip' documentation packages produced by Finn Thoegersen, and released with all appropriate permissions having been obtained. Additional information obtained from 'Programmer's Guide to the EGA and VGA, 2nd ed', by Richard Ferraro, and from manufacturer's data books The author welcomes bug reports and other comments mailed to the electronic mail address above. In particular, reports of chipsets that this program fails to correctly detect are appreciated. w/dev/ttyWARNING - THIS SOFTWARE COULD HANG YOUR MACHINE. READ THE SuperProbe.1 MANUAL PAGE BEFORE RUNNING THIS PROGRAM. INTERRUPT WITHIN FIVE SECONDS TO ABORT! %s: Cannot open video assuming no EGA/VGA present %s: Could not determine BIOS base address; %sAssuming an EGA/VGA is present BIOS Base address = 0x%X %s: Failed to read BIOS Doing Super-VGA Probes... %s: Chip class '%s' not known Memory probe not supported for this chipset. Skipping memory probe Doing Graphics CoProcessor Probes... Memory probe not supported for this chipset. Could not identify any video First video: MDA Hercules CGA MCGA EGA Generic VGA (or unknown SVGA) Super-VGA Memory: %d Kbytes Skipping RAMDAC probe Attached graphics coprocessor: Memory: %d Kbytes Second video: TsengWDCTVideo7Genoa%s: Failed to read Genoa BIOS address. %s: Failed to read Genoa BIOS signature. TridentOakCirrusCirrus54Cirrus64AheadATI761295520%s: Failed to read ATI signature %s: Failed to read ATI BIOS data S3ALYamahaNCRMXRealTekPrimusCompaqHMCUMCWeitek8514/AATI_MachI128VGA*** ==> New Sierra SC 15025/26 version (%x) found, please report! %s: Failed to read ATI BIOS data SuperProbeYamaha 6388 VPDCWeitek 5286Weitek 5186Weitek 5086Weitek (chipset unknown)WD/Paradise 90C33WD/Paradise 90C31WD/Paradise 90C30WD/Paradise 90C27WD/Paradise 90C26WD/Paradise 90C24WD/Paradise 90C22WD/Paradise 90C20AWD/Paradise 90C20WD/Paradise 90C11WD/Paradise 90C10WD/Paradise 90C00WD/Paradise PVGA1WD/Paradise (chipset unknown)Video7 VEGAVideo7 HT216EVideo7 HT216DVideo7 HT216B,CVideo7 VRAM II (HT208C,D)Video7 VRAM II (HT208B)Video7 1024i (HT208A)Video7 FastWrite/VRAM (HT208)Video7 (chipset unknown)UMC 85c408Tseng ET4000/W32p Rev DTseng ET4000/W32p Rev CTseng ET4000/W32p Rev BTseng ET4000/W32i Rev CTseng ET4000/W32i Rev BTseng ET4000/W32p Rev ATseng ET4000/W32iTseng ET4000/W32Tseng ET4000Tseng ET3000Tseng (chipset unknown)Trident GUI 9420DGiTrident GUI 9660Trident GUI 9440AGiTrident GUI 9420Trident 9400CXiTrident LCD9320Trident 9200CXrTrident LCD9100BTrident 9000iTrident 9000Trident 8900CL/8900DTrident 8900CTrident 8900BTrident 8800CSTrident 8800BRTrident LX8200Trident (chipset unknown)S3 Trio64V+S3 Trio64S3 Trio32S3 Vision968S3 Vision868S3 Vision866S3 Vision964S3 Vision864S3 86C928PCIS3 86C928, E-stepS3 86C928, A,B,C, or D-stepS3 86C805iS3 86C805, D-stepS3 86C805, C-stepS3 86C805, A or B-stepS3 86C801iS3 86C801, D-stepS3 86C801, C-stepS3 86C801, A or B-stepS3 86C924S3 86C911S3 (chipset unknown)Realtek RT-3106Realtek RT-3105Realtek RT-3103Realtek (chipset unknown)Primus P2000Oak OTI-087Oak OTI-083Oak OTI-077Oak OTI-067Oak OTI-057Oak OTI037COak (chipset unknown)NCR 77C32BLTNCR 77C22E+NCR 77C22ENCR 77C22NCR 77C21NCR (chipset unknown)MX 68010MX 68000HMC HM86304Genoa GVGA 6400/6600Genoa GVGA 6200/6300Genoa GVGA 6100Compaq Advanced VGA, PortableCompaq QVision/1280Compaq QVision/1024Compaq Advanced VGACompaq Int. Vid. Graphics Sys.Compaq (chipset unknown)Cirrus CL-GD5436Cirrus CL-GD6420BCirrus CL-GD6440Cirrus CL-GD6420ACirrus CL-GD6412Cirrus CL-GD6410Cirrus CL-GD5410Cirrus CL-GD6235Cirrus CL-GD6225Cirrus CL-GD6215Cirrus CL-GD6205Cirrus CL-GD5434Cirrus CL-GD5430Cirrus CL-GD5429Cirrus CL-GD5428Cirrus CL-GD5426Cirrus CL-GD5424Cirrus CL-GD5422Cirrus CL-GD5420 Rev 1Cirrus CL-GD5420Cirrus CL-GD5402 Rev 1Cirrus CL-GD5402Cirrus/AcuMos AVGA2Cirrus Video7 OEMCirrus CL-GD 610/620Cirrus CL-GD 510/520Cirrus (chipset unknown)Chips & Tech F65545Chips & Tech F65540Chips & Tech F65530Chips & Tech F65520Chips & Tech F65510Chips & Tech 82c457Chips & Tech 82c456Chips & Tech 82c455Chips & Tech 82c453Chips & Tech 82c452Chips & Tech 82c451Chips & Tech 82c450Chips & Tech (chipset unknown)Avance Logic 2228Avance Logic 2101Avance Logic (chipset unknown)ATI 88800GXATI 88800CXATI 68800AXATI 68800LXATI 68800-6ATI 68800-3ATI 28800-6ATI 28800-5ATI 28800-4ATI 28800-2ATI 18800-1ATI 18800ATI (chipset unknown)Ahead V5000 Version BAhead V5000 Version AAhead (chipset unknown)InColorPlusStandardSTG1703 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux,clockSTG1703IBM RGB528 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux,clockRGB528IBM RGB514/525 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux,clockRGB514/525IBM RGB524 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux,clockRGB524TI ViewPoint3026 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux,clockTVP3026S3 86C716 SDAC 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux w/clock-PLLS3_SDACS3 86C708 GENDAC 15/16/24-bit DAC w/clock-PLLS3_GENDACSTG1700 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-muxSTG1700AT&T 22C498 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux22C498AT&T 20C498/21C498 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux20C498EDSUN CEG DACEDSUNTI ViewPoint3025 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux,clockTVP3025TI ViewPoint3020 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-muxTVP3020AT&T 20C505 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux20C505AT&T 20C504 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-mux20C504BrookTree Bt485 24-bit TrueColor DAC w/cursor,pixel-muxBt485AT&T 20C497 24-bit wide, 8-bit pseudo-color DAC20C497AT&T 20C493 15/16/18-bit DAC20C493AT&T 20C492 15/16/18-bit DAC with gamma correction20C492AT&T 20C491 15/16/24-bit DAC with gamma correction20C491AT&T 20C490 15/16/24-bit DAC20C490Cirrus Logic 15/16/24-bit DACCirrus24Cirrus Logic Built-in 15/16/24-bit DACCirrus24BCirrus Logic Built-in 8-bit pseudo-color DACCirrus8ATI Misc 3rd-party {AT&T, BT, Sierra} 15/16/24-bit DACATIMiscATI-68875/Bt885/TLC34075 15/16/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux68875ATI 68860 15/15/24-bit DAC w/pixel-mux68860ATI 68830 15/16-bit HiColor DAC68830AcuMos ADAC1 15/16/24-bit DACADAC1MUSIC MU9C4910 15/16/24-bit DACMU9C4910MUSIC MU9C4870 15/16-bit HiColor DACMU9C4870Sierra 1502{5,6} 15/16/24-bit DACSierra24Sierra SC1148{2,3,4} 15-bit or SC1148{5,7,9} 15/16-bit HiColorSierra16Sierra SC1148{1,6,8} 15-bit HiColor DACSierra15Diamond SS2410 15/16/24-bit DACSS2410Avance Logc ALG1101ALG1101Generic 8-bit pseudo-color DACGenericNon-standard but unknown DACUnknownNumber Nine Imagine I128ATI Mach64Chips & Technologies 82C480 (8514/A clone)ATI Mach32ATI Mach88514/A (or true clone) Chipset: %s Signature data: %02x (please report) RAMDAC: %s (with 8-bit wide lookup tables) (with 6-bit wide lookup tables (or in 6-bit mode)) (programmable for 6/8-bit wide lookup tables) Chipset: %s %s: Must be run as root or installed suid-root /dev/console%s: Cannot open /dev/console %s: No free VTs /dev/tty%d%s: Could not open VT %s %s: VT_ACTIVATE failed! %s: VT_WAITACTIVE failed! /dev/mem%s: Failed to open /dev/mem %s: Failed to mmap framebuffer %s: cannot open /dev/mem %s: BIOS sanity check failed, addr=%x %s: BIOS seek failed %s: BIOS read failed Xx (L`pDp,P00L P!#'(p*p, .p/a/2i3@5m5dt6d<} 6d0>?@nA@EޡF$K`MHOPlPPQR`STU0V(W YLY YpZ[B]]R6BR^` 'b$f,g\h ܭƭth\PD8֬¬r^J6"ͫ}lUD- تǪraP?- ©hXC."ۨϨ¨|pdW=- ͧucX<*ܦҦȦugYD7)ץåyl[I1ѤwaI/٣ǣlZH6$բɢ .)!ɵ}ibB9ɴpgGA#гʳUM Ȳjc0) ձϱ\U!ذ~NGyq2+jb75+  ѵ.>N^n~  . > N ^ n ~      P<  0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#T) <<19 0B KQV  \PPbXXR#jpw~\