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This makes it possible to swap modifier keys.are made; keysyms on the right are looked up after all of those on the leftKeysyms on the left hand side of the = sign are looked up before any changesfor MODIFIER names.an exclamation mark (!) are taken as comments. Case is significant exceptLock, Control, Mod1, Mod2, Mod3, Mod4, or Mod5. Lines beginning withKey Symbol name; and MODIFIER is one of the eight modifier names: Shift,where NUMBER is a decimal, octal, or hex constant; KEYSYM is a valid remove MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... remove the keysyms from the modifier add MODIFIER = KEYSYM ... add the keysyms to the modifier clear MODIFIER remove all keys for this modifier keysym KEYSYM = [KEYSYM ...] look up keysym and do a keycode operation keycode NUMBER = [KEYSYM ...] map keycode to given keysyms pointer = NUMBER ... set pointer button codes pointer = default reset pointer buttons to default%s accepts the following input expressions: -d%s: unable to open display '%s' clear shiftclear lockclear controlclear modXlockcontrolshiftremove %s = %sadd mod%c = %sadd %s = %ss%s: %d error%s encountered, aborting. commandlinestdinr%s: unable to open file '%s' for reading ! %s: ! %d: %s %s: %s:%d: bad pointerclearremoveaddkeysymkeycodeinput line '%s'%s: unknown command on line %s:%d %ld%lo%lxNoSymbol%dkeycode input lineany%o%xkeycode valuekeycode value (out of range)keysym input linetarget keysym namekeysym target key symbol '%s'keysym target keysym '%s', no corresponding keycodes! Keysym %s (0x%lx) corresponds to keycode(s) 0x%x keycode command (missing keysym list),attempt to allocate a %ld byte keycode opcodectrlmod5mod4mod3mod2mod1controllockshiftadd modifier input lineadd modifier name %sadd modifier name '%s', not allowedadd modifier = keysymadd modifier keysym list (empty)attempt to allocate %ld byte addmodifier opcoderemove modifier input lineremove modifier name %sremove modifier name '%s', not allowedremove modifier = keysymremove modifier keysym list (empty)attempt to allocate %ld byte keycode list?keysym in remove modifier list '%s', no corresponding keycodesattempt to allocate %ld byte removemodifier opcodeclear modifier input lineclear modifier name '%s'extra argument '%s' to clear modifierattempt to allocate %d byte clearmodifier opcodebuttons input linebuttons pointer code list, missing equal signdefaultskip of word in buttons line: %svalue %s given for buttons listnumber of buttons, must have %d instead of %d attempt to allocate a %ld byte pointer opcodeattempt to allocate %ld byte initial keysymlistkeysym name listkeysym name '%s' in keysym listattempt to grow keysym list to %ld bytes! dump of work queue keycode 0x%lx =keycode any =BADKEYSYM %sadd %s =remove %s = 0x%lxclear %s pointer = default %d! unknown opcode %d ! ! executing work queue %s: unknown event %ld %s: unknown opcode %d %s: no available keycode for assignment %s: please release the following keys within %d seconds: UNNAMED %s (keysym 0x%x, keycode %d) %s: please release the following buttons within %d seconds: Button%d %s: bad set modifier mapping. %s: bad return %d from XSetModifierMapping %s: unable to set modifier mapping, keyboard problem %s: up to %d keys per modifier, (keycodes in parentheses): %-10sBadKey,%s %s (0x%0x) %s: unable to get keyboard mapping table. There are %d KeySyms per KeyCode; KeyCodes range from %d to %d. KeyCode Keysym (Keysym) ... Value Value (Name) ... keycode %3d = %3d NoSymbolno name0x%04x (%s) %s 0x%04xThere are %d pointer buttons defined. Physical Button Button Code %3u %3u %s: bad pointer mapping %s: bad return %d from XSetPointerMapping %s: unable to set pointer mapping *?>>u>E>>==g==<<CBBLBBA|A<7A@@\@H@<??l?<CDDDPD"D0$D'D*FFF~FyFtFoFjFeF @pa         . > N ^ n ~           . > N ^ n ~           [  < p  `H8  8GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#) pp1  9   8B 8 8 HK  Q  V0 0 /\<<b<<j_Op`Pw`P~`PpapQbR,RR