AllPlanes, BlackPixel, WhitePixel, ConnectionNumber, DefaultColormap, DefaultDepth, XListDepths, DefaultGC, DefaultRootWindow, DefaultScreenOfDisplay, DefaultScreen, DefaultVisual, DisplayCells, DisplayPlanes, DisplayString, XMaxRequestSize, XExtendedMaxRequestSize, LastKnownRequestProcessed, NextRequest, ProtocolVersion, ProtocolRevision, QLength, RootWindow, ScreenCount, ScreenOfDisplay, ServerVendor, VendorRelease (3x) - Display macros and functions BlackPixelOfScreen, WhitePixelOfScreen, CellsOfScreen, DefaultColormapOfScreen, DefaultDepthOfScreen, DefaultGCOfScreen, DefaultVisualOfScreen, DoesBackingStore, DoesSaveUnders, DisplayOfScreen, XScreenNumberOfScreen, EventMaskOfScreen, HeightOfScreen, HeightMMOfScreen, MaxCmapsOfScreen, MinCmapsOfScreen, PlanesOfScreen, RootWindowOfScreen, WidthOfScreen, WidthMMOfScreen (3x) - screen information functions and macros DisplayOfCCC, VisualOfCCC, ScreenNumberOfCCC, ScreenWhitePointOfCCC, ClientWhitePointOfCCC (3x) - Color Conversion Context macros ImageByteOrder, BitmapBitOrder, BitmapPad, BitmapUnit, DisplayHeight, DisplayHeightMM, DisplayWidth, DisplayWidthMM, XListPixmapFormats, XPixmapFormatValues (3x) - image format functions and macros IsCursorKey, IsFunctionKey, IsKeypadKey, IsMiscFunctionKey, IsModiferKey, IsPFKey, IsPrivateKeypadKey (3x) - keysym classification macros SuperProbe (1x) - probe for and identify installed video hardware. X (3x) - a portable, network-transparent window system X Consortium (3x) - X Consortium information X Standards (3x) - X Consortium Standards X security (3x) - X display access control XAddConnectionWatch, XRemoveConnectionWatch, XProcessInternalConnection, XInternalConnectionNumbers (3x) - handle Xlib internal connections XAddHost, XAddHosts, XListHosts, XRemoveHost, XRemoveHosts, XSetAccessControl, XEnableAccessControl, XDisableAccessControl, XHostAddress (3x) - control host access and host control structure XAllocClassHint, XSetClassHint, XGetClassHint, XClassHint (3x) - allocate class hints structure and set or read a window's WM_CLASS property XAllocColor, XAllocNamedColor, XAllocColorCells, XAllocColorPlanes, XFreeColors (3x) - allocate and free colors XAllocIconSize, XSetIconSizes, XGetIconSizes, XIconSize (3x) - allocate icon size structure and set or read a window's WM_ICON_SIZES property XAllocSizeHints, XSetWMNormalHints, XGetWMNormalHints, XSetWMSizeHints, XGetWMSizeHints, XSizeHints (3x) - allocate size hints structure and set or read a window's WM_NORMAL_HINTS property XAllocStandardColormap, XSetRGBColormaps, XGetRGBColormaps, XStandardColormap (3x) - allocate, set, or read a standard colormap structure XAllocWMHints, XSetWMHints, XGetWMHints, XWMHints (3x) - allocate window manager hints structure and set or read a window's WM_HINTS property XAllowDeviceEvents (3x) - release queued events XAllowEvents (3x) - release queued events XAnyEvent, XEvent (3x) - generic X event structures XButtonEvent, XKeyEvent, XMotionEvent (3x) - KeyPress, KeyRelease, ButtonPress, ButtonRelease, and MotionNotify event structures XChangeDeviceDontPropagateList, XGetDeviceDontPropagateList (3x) - query or change the dont-propagate-list for extension devices XChangeKeyboardControl, XGetKeyboardControl, XAutoRepeatOn, XAutoRepeatOff, XBell, XQueryKeymap, XKeyboardControl (3x) - manipulate keyboard settings and keyboard control structure XChangeKeyboardDevice (3x) - change which device is used as the X keyboard XChangeKeyboardMapping, XGetKeyboardMapping, XDisplayKeycodes, XSetModifierMapping, XGetModifierMapping, XNewModifiermap, XInsertModifiermapEntry, XDeleteModifiermapEntry, XFreeModifierMap XModifierKeymap (3x) - manipulate keyboard encoding and keyboard encoding structure XChangePointerControl, XGetPointerControl (3x) - control pointer XChangePointerDevice (3x) - change which device is the X pointer XChangeSaveSet, XAddToSaveSet, XRemoveFromSaveSet (3x) - change a client's save set XChangeWindowAttributes, XSetWindowBackground, XSetWindowBackgroundPixmap, XSetWindowBorder, XSetWindowBorderPixmap, XSetWindowColormap (3x) - change window attributes XCirculateEvent (3x) - CirculateNotify event structure XCirculateRequestEvent (3x) - CirculateRequest event structure XClearArea, XClearWindow (3x) - clear area or window XClientMessageEvent (3x) - ClientMessage event structure XColormapEvent (3x) - ColormapNotify event structure XConfigureEvent (3x) - ConfigureNotify event structure XConfigureRequestEvent (3x) - ConfigureRequest event structure XConfigureWindow, XMoveWindow, XResizeWindow, XMoveResizeWindow, XSetWindowBorderWidth, XWindowChanges (3x) - configure windows and window changes structure XCopyArea, XCopyPlane (3x) - copy areas XCreateColormap, XCopyColormapAndFree, XFreeColormap, XColor (3x) - create, copy, or destroy colormaps and color structure XCreateFontCursor, XCreatePixmapCursor, XCreateGlyphCursor (3x) - create cursors XCreateFontSet, XFreeFontSet (3x) - create and free an international text drawing font set XCreateGC, XCopyGC, XChangeGC, XGetGCValues, XFreeGC, XGContextFromGC, XGCValues (3x) - create or free graphics contexts and graphics context structure XCreateIC, XDestroyIC, XIMOfIC (3x) - create, destroy, and obtain the input method of an input context XCreateOC, XDestroyOC, XSetOCValues, XGetOCValues, XOMOfOC (3x) - create output contexts XCreatePixmap, XFreePixmap (3x) - create or destroy pixmaps XCreateRegion, XSetRegion, XDestroyRegion (3x) - create or destroy regions XCreateWindow, XCreateSimpleWindow, XSetWindowAttributes (3x) - create windows and window attributes structure XCreateWindowEvent (3x) - CreateNotify event structure XCrossingEvent (3x) - EnterNotify and LeaveNotify event structure XDefineCursor, XUndefineCursor (3x) - define cursors XDestroyWindow, XDestroySubwindows (3x) - destroy windows XDestroyWindowEvent (3x) - DestroyNotify event structure XDeviceBell (3x) - ring a bell on a device supported through the input extension XDrawArc, XDrawArcs, XArc (3x) - draw arcs and arc structure XDrawImageString, XDrawImageString16 (3x) - draw image text XDrawLine, XDrawLines, XDrawSegments, XSegment (3x) - draw lines, polygons, and line structure XDrawPoint, XDrawPoints, XPoint (3x) - draw points and points structure XDrawRectangle, XDrawRectangles, XRectangle (3x) - draw rectangles and rectangles structure XDrawString, XDrawString16 (3x) - draw text characters XDrawText, XDrawText16, XTextItem, XTextItem16 (3x) - draw polytext text and text drawing structures XEmptyRegion, XEqualRegion, XPointInRegion, XRectInRegion (3x) - determine if regions are empty or equal XErrorEvent (3x) - X error event structure XExposeEvent (3x) - Expose event structure XExtentsOfFontSet (3x) - obtain the maximum extents structure for a font set XF86Config (5x) - Configuration File for XFree86 XF86_Accel (1x) - accelerated X Window System servers for UNIX on x86 platforms with an S3, Mach8, Mach32, Mach64, P9000, AGX, ET4000/W32 or 8514/A accelerator board XF86_Mono (1x) - 1 bit non-accelerated X Window System servers for UNIX on x86 platforms XF86_SVGA (1x) - non-accelerated SVGA X Window System servers for UNIX on x86 platforms XF86_VGA16 (1x) - 4 bit non-accelerated X Window System server for UNIX on x86 platforms XFillRectangle, XFillRectangles, XFillPolygon, XFillArc, XFillArcs (3x) - fill rectangles, polygons, or arcs XFilterEvent (3x) - filter X events for an input method XFlush, XSync, XEventsQueued, XPending (3x) - handle output buffer or event queue XFocusChangeEvent (3x) - FocusIn and FocusOut event structure XFontSetExtents (3x) - XFontSetExtents structure XFontsOfFontSet, XBaseFontNameListOfFontSet, XLocaleOfFontSet, XContextDependentDrawing, XContextualDrawing, XDirectionalDependentDrawing (3x) - obtain fontset information XFree (3x) - free client data XFree86 (1x) - X11R6 for UNIX on x86 platforms XGetDeviceControl, XChangeDeviceControl (3x) - query and change input device controls XGetDeviceKeyMapping, XChangeDeviceKeyMapping (3x) - query or change device key mappings XGetDeviceModifierMapping, XSetDeviceModifierMapping (3x) - query or change device modifier mappings XGetDeviceMotionEvents, XDeviceTimeCoord (3x) - get device motion history XGetExtensionVersion (3x) - query the version of the input extension. XGetFeedbackControl, XChangeFeedbackControl (3x) - query and change input device feedbacks XGetVisualInfo, XMatchVisualInfo, XVisualIDFromVisual, XVisualInfo (3x) - obtain visual information and visual structure XGetWindowAttributes, XGetGeometry, XWindowAttributes (3x) - get current window attribute or geometry and current window attributes structure XGetWindowProperty, XListProperties, XChangeProperty, XRotateWindowProperties, XDeleteProperty (3x) - obtain and change window properties XGrabButton, XUngrabButton (3x) - grab pointer buttons XGrabDevice, XUngrabDevice (3x) - grab/release the specified extension device XGrabDeviceButton, XUngrabDeviceButton (3x) - grab/ungrab extension input device buttons XGrabDeviceKey, XUngrabDeviceKey (3x) - grab/ungrab extension input device Keys XGrabKey, XUngrabKey (3x) - grab keyboard keys XGrabKeyboard, XUngrabKeyboard (3x) - grab the keyboard XGrabPointer, XUngrabPointer, XChangeActivePointerGrab (3x) - grab the pointer XGrabServer, XUngrabServer (3x) - grab the server XGraphicsExposeEvent, XNoExposeEvent (3x) - GraphicsExpose and NoExpose event structures XGravityEvent (3x) - GravityNotify event structure XIconifyWindow, XWithdrawWindow, XReconfigureWMWindow (3x) - manipulate top-level windows XIfEvent, XCheckIfEvent, XPeekIfEvent (3x) - check the event queue with a predicate procedure XInitImage, XCreateImage, XGetPixel, XPutPixel, XSubImage, XAddPixel, XDestroyImage (3x) - image utilities XInitThreads, XLockDisplay, XUnlockDisplay (3x) - multi-threading support XInstallColormap, XUninstallColormap, XListInstalledColormaps (3x) - control colormaps XInternAtom, XInternAtoms, XGetAtomName, XGetAtomNames (3x) - create or return atom names XIntersectRegion, XUnionRegion, XUnionRectWithRegion, XSubtractRegion, XXorRegion, XOffsetRegion, XShrinkRegion (3x) - region arithmetic XKeymapEvent (3x) - KeymapNotify event structure XListFonts, XFreeFontNames, XListFontsWithInfo, XFreeFontInfo (3x) - obtain or free font names and information XListInputDevices, XFreeDeviceList (3x) - list available input devices XLoadFont, XQueryFont, XLoadQueryFont, XFreeFont, XGetFontProperty, XUnloadFont, XCharStruct, XFontProp, XChar2b, XFontStruct (3x) - load or unload fonts and font metric structures XLookupKeysym, XRefreshKeyboardMapping, XLookupString, XRebindKeySym (3x) - handle keyboard input events in Latin-1 XMapEvent, XMappingEvent (3x) - MapNotify and MappingNotify event structures XMapRequestEvent (3x) - MapRequest event structure XMapWindow, XMapRaised, XMapSubwindows (3x) - map windows XNextEvent, XPeekEvent, XWindowEvent, XCheckWindowEvent, XMaskEvent, XCheckMaskEvent, XCheckTypedEvent, XCheckTypedWindowEvent (3x) - select events by type XNoOp (3x) - No Operation XOpenDevice, XCloseDevice (3x) - open or close an extension input device XOpenDisplay, XCloseDisplay (3x) - connect or disconnect to X server XOpenIM, XCloseIM, XSetIMValues, XGetIMValues, XDisplayOfIM, XLocaleOfIM, XRegisterIMInstantiateCallback, XUnregisterIMInstantiateCallback (3x) - open, close, and otain input method information XOpenOM, XCloseOM, XSetOMValues, XGetOMValues, XDisplayOfOM, XLocaleOfOM (3x) - open output methods XParseGeometry, XWMGeometry (3x) - parse window geometry XPolygonRegion, XClipBox (3x) - generate regions XPropertyEvent (3x) - PropertyNotify event structure XPutBackEvent (3x) - put events back on the queue XPutImage, XGetImage, XGetSubImage (3x) - transfer images XQueryBestSize, XQueryBestTile, XQueryBestStipple (3x) - determine efficient sizes XQueryColor, XQueryColors, XLookupColor, XParseColor (3x) - obtain color values XQueryDeviceState (3x) - query the state of an extension input device. XQueryPointer (3x) - get pointer coordinates XQueryTree (3x) - query window tree information XRaiseWindow, XLowerWindow, XCirculateSubwindows, XCirculateSubwindowsUp, XCirculateSubwindowsDown, XRestackWindows (3x) - change window stacking order XReadBitmapFile, XReadBitmapFileData, XWriteBitmapFile, XCreatePixmapFromBitmapData, XCreateBitmapFromData (3x) - manipulate bitmaps XRecolorCursor, XFreeCursor, XQueryBestCursor (3x) - manipulate cursors XReparentEvent (3x) - ReparentNotify event structure XReparentWindow (3x) - reparent windows XResizeRequestEvent (3x) - ResizeRequest event structure XResourceManagerString, XScreenResourceString (3x) - obtain server resource properties XSaveContext, XFindContext, XDeleteContext, XUniqueContext (3x) - associative look-up routines XSelectExtensionEvent, XGetSelectedExtensionEvents (3x) - select extension events, get the list of currently selected extension events XSelectInput (3x) - select input events XSelectionClearEvent (3x) - SelectionClear event structure XSelectionEvent (3x) - SelectionNotify event structure XSelectionRequestEvent (3x) - SelectionRequest event structure XSendEvent, XDisplayMotionBufferSize, XGetMotionEvents, XTimeCoord (3x) - send events and pointer motion history structure XSendExtensionEvent (3x) - send input extension events to a client XSetArcMode, XSetSubwindowMode, XSetGraphicsExposure (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetClipOrigin, XSetClipMask, XSetClipRectangles (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetCloseDownMode, XKillClient (3x) - control clients XSetCommand, XGetCommand (3x) - set or read a window's WM_COMMAND property XSetDeviceButtonMapping, XGetDeviceButtonMapping (3x) - query or change device button mappings XSetDeviceFocus, XGetDeviceFocus (3x) - control extension input device focus XSetDeviceMode (3x) - change the mode of a device XSetDeviceValuators (3x) - initialize the valuators on an extension input device XSetErrorHandler, XGetErrorText, XDisplayName, XSetIOErrorHandler, XGetErrorDatabaseText (3x) - default error handlers XSetFillStyle, XSetFillRule (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetFont (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetFontPath, XGetFontPath, XFreeFontPath (3x) - set, get, or free the font search path XSetICFocus, XUnsetICFocus (3x) - set and unset input context focus XSetICValues, XGetICValues (3x) - set and obtain XIC values XSetInputFocus, XGetInputFocus (3x) - control input focus XSetLineAttributes, XSetDashes (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetPointerMapping, XGetPointerMapping (3x) - manipulate pointer settings XSetScreenSaver, XForceScreenSaver, XActivateScreenSaver, XResetScreenSaver, XGetScreenSaver (3x) - manipulate the screen saver XSetSelectionOwner, XGetSelectionOwner, XConvertSelection (3x) - manipulate window selection XSetState, XSetFunction, XSetPlanemask, XSetForeground, XSetBackground (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetTextProperty, XGetTextProperty (3x) - set and read text properties XSetTile, XSetStipple, XSetTSOrigin (3x) - GC convenience routines XSetTransientForHint, XGetTransientForHint (3x) - set or read a window's WM_TRANSIENT_FOR property XSetWMClientMachine, XGetWMClientMachine (3x) - set or read a window's WM_CLIENT_MACHINE property XSetWMColormapWindows, XGetWMColormapWindows (3x) - set or read a window's WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property XSetWMIconName, XGetWMIconName, XSetIconName, XGetIconName (3x) - set or read a window's WM_ICON_NAME property XSetWMName, XGetWMName, XStoreName, XFetchName (3x) - set or read a window's WM_NAME property XSetWMProperties, XmbSetWMProperties (3x) - set standard window properties XSetWMProtocols, XGetWMProtocols (3x) - set or read a window's WM__PROTOCOLS property XShapeQueryExtension, XShapeQueryVersion, XShapeCombineRegion, XShapeCombineRectangles, XShapeCombineMask, XShapeCombineShape, XShapeOffsetShape, XShapeQueryExtents, XShapeSelectInput, XShapeInputSelected, XShapeGetRectangles (3x) - X nonrectangular shape functions XStoreBytes, XStoreBuffer, XFetchBytes, XFetchBuffer, XRotateBuffers (3x) - manipulate cut and paste buffers XStoreColors, XStoreColor, XStoreNamedColor (3x) - set colors XStringListToTextProperty, XTextPropertyToStringList, XFreeStringList, XTextProperty (3x) - convert string lists and text property structure XStringToKeysym, XKeysymToString, XKeycodeToKeysym, XKeysymToKeycode, XConvertCase (3x) - convert keysyms XSupportsLocale, XSetLocaleModifiers (3x) - determine locale support and configure locale modifiers XSynchronize, XSetAfterFunction (3x) - enable or disable synchronization XTextExtents, XTextExtents16, XQueryTextExtents, XQueryTextExtents16 (3x) - compute or query text extents XTextWidth, XTextWidth16 (3x) - compute text width XTranslateCoordinates (3x) - translate window coordinates XUnmapEvent (3x) - UnmapNotify event structure XUnmapWindow, XUnmapSubwindows (3x) - unmap windows XVaCreateNestedList (3x) - allocate a nested variable argument list XVisibilityNotifyEvent (3x) - VisibilityNotify event structure XWarpPointer (3x) - move pointer XauFileName, XauReadAuth, XauLockAuth, XauUnlockAuth, XauWriteAuth, XauGetAuthByAddr, XauGetBestAuthByAddr (3x) - X authority database routines XcmsAllocColor, XcmsAllocNamedColor (3x) - allocate colors XcmsCCCofColormap, XcmsSetCCCOfColormap (3x) - query and modify CCC of a colormap XcmsCIELabQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELabQueryMaxLC, XcmsCIELabQueryMinL (3x) - obtain the CIE L*a*b* coordinates XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxL, XcmsCIELuvQueryMaxLC, XcmsCIELuvQueryMinL (3x) - obtain the CIE L*u*v* coordinates XcmsColor, XcmsRGB, XcmsRGBi, XcmsCIEXYZ, XcmsCIEuvY, XcmsCIExyY, XcmsCIELab, XcmsCIELuv, XcmsTekHVC, XcmsPad (3x) - Xcms color struture XcmsConvertColors (3x) - convert CCC color specifications XcmsCreateCCC, XcmsFreeCCC (3x) - creating and destroying CCCs XcmsDefaultCCC (3x) - obtain the default CCC for a screen XcmsQueryBlack, XcmsQueryBlue, XcmsQueryGreen, XcmsQueryRed, XcmsQueryWhite (3x) - obtain black, blue, green, red, and white CCC color specifications XcmsQueryColor, XcmsQueryColors, XcmsLookupColor (3x) - obtain color values XcmsSetWhitePoint, XcmsSetWhiteAdjustProc (3x) - modifying CCC attributes XcmsStoreColor, XcmsStoreColors (3x) - set colors XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxV, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVC, XcmsTekHVCQueryMaxVSamples, XcmsTekHVCQueryMinV (3x) - obtain the TekHVC coordinates XmbDrawImageString, XwcDrawImageString (3x) - draw image text using a single font set XmbDrawString, XwcDrawString (3x) - draw text using a single font set XmbDrawText, XwcDrawText (3x) - draw text using multiple font sets XmbLookupString, XwcLookupString (3x) - obtain composed input from an input method XmbResetIC, XwcResetIC (3x) - reset the state of an input context XmbTextEscapement, XwcTextEscapement (3x) - obtain the escapement of text XmbTextExtents, XwcTextExtents (3x) - compute text extents XmbTextListToTextProperty, XwcTextListToTextProperty, XmbTextPropertyToTextList, XwcTextPropertyToTextList, XwcFreeStringList, XDefaultString (3x) - convert text lists and text property structures XmbTextPerCharExtents, XwcTextPerCharExtents (3x) - obtain per-character information for a text string XmbufQueryExtension, XmbufGetVersion, XmbufCreateBuffers, XmbufDestroyBuffers, XmbufDisplayBuffers, XmbufGetWindowAttributes, XmbufChangeWindowAttributes, XmbufGetBufferAttributes, XmbufChangeBufferAttributes, XmbufGetScreenInfo, XmbufCreateStereoWindow (3x) - X multibuffering functions Xnest (1x) - a nested X server XrmEnumerateDatabase (3x) - enumerate resource database entries XrmGetFileDatabase, XrmPutFileDatabase, XrmGetStringDatabase, XrmLocaleOfDatabase, XrmGetDatabase, XrmSetDatabase, XrmDestroyDatabase (3x) - retrieve and store resource databases XrmGetResource, XrmQGetResource, XrmQGetSearchList, XrmQGetSearchResource (3x) - retrieve database resources and search lists XrmInitialize, XrmParseCommand, XrmValue, XrmOptionKind, XrmOptionDescRec (3x) - initialize the Resource Manager, Resource Manager structures, and parse the command line XrmMergeDatabases, XrmCombineDatabase, XrmCombineFileDatabase (3x) - merge resource databases XrmPutResource, XrmQPutResource, XrmPutStringResource, XrmQPutStringResource, XrmPutLineResource (3x) - store database resources XrmUniqueQuark, XrmStringToQuark, XrmPermStringToQuark, XrmQuarkToString, XrmStringToQuarkList, XrmStringToBindingQuarkList (3x) - manipulate resource quarks Xserver (1x) - X Window System display server XtAddActions (3x) - register an action table XtAddCallback, XtAddCallbacks, XtRemoveCallback, XtRemoveCallbacks, XtRemoveAllCallbacks (3x) - add and remove callback procedures XtAddEventHandler, XtAddRawEventHandler, XtRemoveEventHandler, XtRemoveRawEventHandler, XtInsertEventHandler, XtInsertRawEventHandler (3x) - add and remove event handlers XtAddExposureToRegion (3x) - merge exposure events into a region XtAddGrab, XtRemoveGrab (3x) - redirect user input to a modal widget XtAddInput, XtAddTimeout (3x) - register input, timeout, and workprocs XtAllocateGC (3x) - obtain a sharable GC with modifiable fields XtAppAddActionHook, XtRemoveActionHook (3x) - register an action hook procedure XtAppAddActions (3x) - register an action table XtAppAddBlockHook, XtRemoveBlockHook (3x) - register a block hook procedure XtAppAddConverter, XtAddConverter (3x) - register resource converter XtAppAddInput, XtRemoveInput (3x) - register and remove an input source XtAppAddSignal, XtRemoveSignal, XtNoticeSignal (3x) - register and remove a signal source XtAppAddTimeOut, XtRemoveTimeOut (3x) - register and remove timeouts XtAppAddWorkProc, XtRemoveWorkProc (3x) - Add and remove background processing procedures XtAppCreateShell, XtVaAppCreateShell (3x) - create top-level widget instance XtAppError, XtAppSetErrorHandler, XtAppSetWarningHandler, XtAppWarning (3x) - low-level error handlers XtAppErrorMsg, XtAppSetErrorMsgHandler, XtAppSetWarningMsgHandler, XtAppWarningMsg (3x) - high-level error handlers XtAppGetErrorDatabase, XtAppGetErrorDatabaseText (3x) - obtain error database XtAppGetSelectionTimeout, XtAppSetSelectionTimeout (3x) - set and obtain selection timeout values XtAppInitialize, XtVaAppInitialize (3x) - initialize, open, or close a display XtAppLock, XtAppUnlock (3x) - lock and unlock application context XtAppNextEvent, XtAppPending, XtAppPeekEvent, XtAppProcessEvent, XtDispatchEvent, XtAppMainLoop (3x) - query and process events and input XtAppReleaseCacheRefs (3x) - decrement reference counts for resources XtAppSetExitFlag, XtAppGetExitFlag (3x) - thread support functions XtAppSetFallbackResources (3x) - set fallback resources XtAppSetTypeConverter, XtSetTypeConverter (3x) - register resource converter XtBuildEventMask (3x) - retrieve a widget's event mask XtCallAcceptFocus (3x) - calla widget's accept_focus procedure XtCallActionProc (3x) - invoke an action procedure directly XtCallCallbacks, XtCallCallbackList, XtHasCallbacks (3x) - process callbacks XtClass, XtSuperclass, XtIsSubclass, XtCheckSubclass, XtIsObject, XtIsRectObj, XtIsWidget, XtIsComposite, XtIsConstraint, XtIsShell, XtIsOverrideShell, XtIsWMShell, XtIsVendorShell, XtIsTransientShell, XtIsTopLevelShell, XtIsApplicationShell, XtIsSessionShell (3x) - obtain and verify a widget's class XtConfigureWidget, XtMoveWidget, XtResizeWidget (3x) - move and resize widgets XtConvert, XtDirectConvert (3x) - invoke resource converters XtConvertAndStore, XtCallConverter (3x) - invoke resource converters XtCreateApplicationContext, XtDestroyApplicationContext, XtWidgetToApplicationContext, XtToolkitInitialize (3x) - create, destroy, and obtain an application context XtCreateApplicationShell (3x) - create top-level widget instance XtCreatePopupShell, XtVaCreatePopupShell (3x) - create a popup shell XtCreateSelectionRequest, XtSendSelectionRequest, XtCancelSelectionRequest (3x) - bundle multiple selection conversion requests into a single request using MULTIPLE target XtCreateWidget, XtVaCreateWidget, XtCreateManagedWidget, XtVaCreateManagedWidget, XtDestroyWidget (3x) - create and destroy widgets XtCreateWindow (3x) - window creation convenience function XtDisplay, XtDisplayOfObject, XtScreen, XtScreenOfObject, XtWindow, XtWindowOfObject (3x) - obtain window information about a widget XtDisplayInitialize, XtOpenDisplay, XtDatabase, XtScreenDatabase, XtCloseDisplay (3x) - initialize, open, or close a display XtDisplayStringConversionWarning (3x) - issue a conversion warning message XtDisplayToApplicationContext (3x) - obtain an application context XtError, XtSetErrorHandler, XtSetWarningHandler, XtWarning (3x) - low-level error handlers XtErrorMsg, XtSetErrorMsgHandler, XtWarningMsg, XtSetWarningMsgHandler (3x) - high-level error handlers XtFindFile (3x) - search for a file using substitutions in the path list XtGetActionKeysym (3x) - obtain corresponding keysym XtGetActionList (3x) - obtain class action list XtGetApplicationNameAndClass (3x) - retrieve application name and class XtGetApplicationResources, XtVaGetApplicationResources (3x) - obtain application resources XtGetClassExtension (3x) - locate a class extension record XtGetDisplays (3x) - retrieve a list of displays associated with an application context XtGetErrorDatabase, XtGetErrorDatabaseText (3x) - obtain error database XtGetGC, XtReleaseGC (3x) - obtain and destroy a sharable GC XtGetKeyboardFocusWidget (3x) - extension event handling XtGetKeysymTable, XtKeysymToKeycodeList (3x) - query keysyms and keycodes XtGetResourceList, XtGetConstraintResourceList (3x) - obtain resource list XtGetSelectionParameters (3x) - retrieve target parameters for a selection request with a single target XtGetSelectionRequest (3x) - retrieve the event that triggered the XtConvertSelectionProc XtGetSelectionTimeout, XtSetSelectionTimeout (3x) - set and obtain selection timeout values XtGetSelectionValue, XtGetSelectionValues (3x) - obtain selection values XtGetSelectionValueIncremental, XtGetSelectionValuesIncremental (3x) - obtain selection values XtGetSubresources, XtVaGetSubresources (3x) - obtain subresources XtGrabKey, XtUngrabKey, XtGrabKeyboard, XtUngrabKeyboard, XtGrabButton, XtUngrabButton, XtGrabPointer, XtUngrabPointer (3x) - manage grabs XtHooksOfDisplay (3x) - external agent access points XtInitialize (3x) - initialize XtInitializeWidgetClass (3x) - initialize a widget class XtInsertEventTypeHandler, XtRemoveEventTypeHandler, XtRegisterExtensionSelector, XtSetEventDispatcher, XtDispatchEventToWidget (3x) - extension event handling XtLastEventProcessed, XtLastTimestampProcessed (3x) - last event, last timestamp processed XtMakeGeometryRequest, XtMakeResizeRequest (3x) - make geometry manager request XtMalloc, XtCalloc, XtRealloc, XtFree, XtNew, XtNewString (3x) - memory management functions XtManageChildren, XtManageChild, XtUnmanageChildren, XtUnmanageChild, XtChangeManagedSet, XtIsManaged (3x) - manage and unmanage children XtMapWidget, XtSetMappedWhenManaged, XtUnmapWidget (3x) - map and unmap widgets XtName (3x) - obtain widget's name XtNameToWidget, XtWindowToWidget (3x) - translating strings to widgets or widgets to windows XtNextEvent, XtPending, XtPeekEvent, XtProcessEvent, XtMainLoop (3x) - query and process events and input XtOffset, XtOffsetOf, XtNumber (3x) - determine the byte offset or number of array elements XtOpenApplication, XtVaOpenApplication (3x) - initialize, open, or close a display XtOwnSelection, XtOwnSelectionIncremental, XtDisownSelection (3x) - set selection owner XtParent (3x) - obtain widget's parent widget id XtParseAcceleratorTable, XtInstallAccelerators, XtInstallAllAccelerators (3x) - managing accelerator tables XtParseTranslationTable, XtAugmentTranslations, XtOverrideTranslations, XtUninstallTranslations (3x) - manage translation tables XtPopdown, XtCallbackPopdown (3x) - unmap a pop-up XtPopup, XtPopupSpringLoaded, XtCallbackNone, XtCallbackNonexclusive, XtCallbackExclusive (3x) - map a pop-up XtProcessLock, XtProcessUnlock (3x) - lock and unlock process XtQueryGeometry (3x) - query the preferred geometry of a child widget XtRealizeWidget, XtIsRealized, XtUnrealizeWidget (3x) - realize and unrealize widgets XtRegisterDrawable (3x) - register a drawable with the Intrisics event dispatcher XtRegisterGrabAction (3x) - register button and key grabs XtReservePropertyAtom, XtReleasePropertyAtom (3x) - maintain a cache of property atoms XtResolvePathname (3x) - search for a file using standard substitution XtSessionGetToken, XtSessionReturnToken (3x) - token management for checkpointing XtSetArg, XtMergeArgLists (3x) - set and merge ArgLists XtSetKeyTranslator, XtTranslateKeycode, XtRegisterCaseConverter, XtConvertCase (3x) - convert KeySym to KeyCodes XtSetKeyboardFocus (3x) - focus events on a child widget XtSetLanguageProc (3x) - set the language procedure XtSetMultiClicktime, XtGetMultiClickTime (3x) - set and get multi-click times XtSetSelectionParameters (3x) - specify target parameters for a selection request with a single target XtSetSensitive, XtIsSensitive (3x) - set and check a widget's sensitivity state XtSetValues, XtVaSetValues, XtSetSubvalues, XtVaSetSubvalues, XtGetValues, XtVaGetValues, XtGetSubvalues, XtVaGetSubvalues (3x) - obtain and set widget resources XtSetWMColormapWindows (3x) - Set the value of the WM_COLORMAP_WINDOWS property XtStringConversionWarning (3x) - issue a conversion warning message XtToolkitThreadInitialize (3x) - initialize the toolkit for multiple threads XtTranslateCoords (3x) - translate widget coordinates XtVaCreateArgsList (3x) - dynamically allocate a varargs list Xvfb (1x) - virtual framebuffer X server for X Version 11 appres (1x) - list X application resource database bdftopcf (1x) - convert X font from Bitmap Distribution Format to Portable Compiled Format beforelight (1x) - screen saver bggen (1) - generates colored backgrounds on X11 displays bitmap, bmtoa, atobm (1x) - bitmap editor and converter utilities for the X Window System editres (1x) - a dynamic resource editor for X Toolkit applications fsinfo (1x) - X font server information utility fslsfonts (1x) - list fonts served by X font server fstobdf (1x) - generate BDF font from X font server fvwm (1) - F(?) Virtual Window Manager for X11 ghostview (1) - View PostScript documents using ghostscript iceauth (1x) - ICE authority file utility ico (1x) - animate an icosahedron or other polyhedron imake (1x) - C preprocessor interface to the make utility lbxproxy (1x) - LBX proxy server for the X Window System listres (1x) - list resources in widgets lndir (1x) - create a shadow directory of symbolic links to another directory tree makedepend (1x) - create dependencies in makefiles makestrs (1x) - makes string table C source and header(s) maze (6) - an automated X11 demo repeatedly creating and solving a random maze mkdirhier (1x) - makes a directory hierarchy mkfontdir, fonts.dir, fonts.scale, fonts.alias (1x) - create an index of X font files in a directory oclock (1x) - round X clock reconfig (1x) - convert old Xconfig to new XF86Config resize (1x) - set TERMCAP and terminal settings to current xterm window size rstart (1x) - a sample implementation of a Remote Start client rstartd (1x) - a sample implementation of a Remote Start rsh helper rxvt (1) - VT100 emulator for the X window system sessreg (1x) - manage utmp/wtmp entries for non-init clients showfont (1x) - font dumper for X font server showrgb (1x) - uncompile an rgb color-name database smproxy (1x) - Session Manager Proxy spider (6) - play double deck solitaire startx (1x) - initialize an X session sxpm (1) - Show an XPM (X PixMap) file and/or convert XPM 1 or 2 files to XPM 3. twm (1x) - Tab Window Manager for the X Window System viewres (1x) - graphical class browser for Xt x11perf (1x) - X11 server performance test program x11perfcomp (1x) - X11 server performance comparison program xauth (1x) - X authority file utility xbiff (1x) - mailbox flag for X xcalc (1x) - scientific calculator for X xclipboard (1x) - X clipboard client xclock (1x) - analog / digital clock for X xcmap (1) - displays the default colormap on X11 displays xcmsdb (1x) - Device Color Characterization utility for X Color Management System xconsole (1x) - monitor system console messages with X xcuckoo (6) - cuckoo clock for X xcutsel (1x) - interchange between cut buffer and selection xditview (1x) - display ditroff output xdm (1x) - X Display Manager with support for XDMCP, host chooser xdpyinfo (1x) - display information utility for X xedit (1x) - simple text editor for X xev (1x) - print contents of X events xeyes (1x) - a follow the mouse X demo xf86config (1x) - generate an XF86Config file xfd (1x) - display all the characters in an X font xfilemanager (1) - X11 based Unix filemanager xfm (1) - X file and applications manager xfontsel (1x) - point & click interface for selecting X11 font names xfractint (1) - fractal generation program xfs (1x) - X font server xgc (1x) - X graphics demo xhost (1x) - server access control program for X xieperf (1x) - XIE server extension test and demo program xinit (1x) - X Window System initializer xkill (1x) - kill a client by its X resource xlander (6) - A lunar landing simulation with a twist xload (1x) - system load average display for X xlock (1) - Locks the local X display until a password is entered. .sp X xlock#(1) "" "xlock(1)" xlogo (1x) - X Window System logo xlsatoms (1x) - list interned atoms defined on server xlsclients (1x) - list client applications running on a display xlsfonts (1x) - server font list displayer for X xmag (1x) - magnify parts of the screen xmahjongg (6) - X11R3 verion of the solitaire mahjongg game xman (1x) - Manual page display program for the X Window System xmessage (1x) - display a message or query in a window (X-based /bin/echo) xmh (1x) - send and read mail with an X interface to MH xmkmf (1x) - create a Makefile from an Imakefile xmodmap (1x) - utility for modifying keymaps in X xon (1x) - start an X program on a remote machine xprop (1x) - property displayer for X xrdb (1x) - X server resource database utility xrefresh (1x) - refresh all or part of an X screen xroach (6) - cockroaches hide under your windows xset (1x) - user preference utility for X xsetroot (1x) - root window parameter setting utility for X xsm (1x) - X Session Manager xsmclient (1x) - X session manager tester xstdcmap (1x) - X standard colormap utility xterm (1x) - terminal emulator for X xtetris (6) - X Window block dropping game xv (1) - interactive image display for the X Window System xvidtune (1x) - video mode tuner for XFree86 xvier (6) - a X11 board game. xvpictoppm (1) - converts XV 'thumbnail' files to standard PPM format xwd (1x) - dump an image of an X window xwininfo (1x) - window information utility for X xwud (1x) - image displayer for X