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This kernel is version %s. They don't match! Check that the module is usable with the current kernel, recompile the module and try again. Trying to load it anyway..._RrmmodksymsinsmodUsage: insmod [-f] [-x] [-o name] [-m] [-s] [-v] module [[sym=value]...] get_kernel_sys failed: Cannot find Kernel symbols!Kernel symbol problem#_Using_VersionsUsing_Versions.o.modMODPATH:%s:%s/%srCannot open %sCould not read header of %s%s: %sELF%s: not an object fileyesnoversioned kernel: %s versioned module: %sa.out%s kernel %s moduleinit_modulecleanup_modulemod_use_count_bss2 sym %08x, size =%7d: %s%s: wrong version%s undefinedFailed to load module! The symbols from kernel %s don't match %s-oSymbol '%s' not found%x%o%dA module named %s already existsCannot allocate space for modulecreate_module_Initialization of %s failed%08lx %c %s %s needed, but can't be found/proc/modulesStrange reference in /proc/modules: '%s' used by '%s'?usage: rmmod [-r] [-s] module ... -r-a-susage: rmmod [-r] module ...module '%s' not loadedmodule '%s' is in use!/dev/kmemUsage: ksyms [-a] [-h] Address Symbol Defined by %08lx --- (%dk) --- [%s] %08lx %s [%s] Bad relocationUnimplemented relocation: r_length = %dreading %d symbolsError reading symbol tableError reading stringtabBad nlist entryexternal bss size =%7d total module size =%7dError reading text & datatextseg -> 0x%08lx, size =%7ddataseg -> 0x%08lx, size =%7dbss1seg -> 0x%08lx, size =%7dbss2seg -> 0x%08lx, size =%7dUnable to resolve symbol %s'%s' not in gotUnable to handle reloc type %dcan't handle program headers...Error reading ELF section headersError reading ELF PROGBITS sectionError - multiple bss sectionsCan't handle >1 symbol sectionError reading ELF SYMTAB sectionError reading ELF STRTAB sectionError reading ELF REL sectioncan't handle section RELAcan't handle section HASHcan't handle section DYNAMICcan't handle section SHLIBcan't handle section DYMSYMcan't handle section NUMcan't handle section > 12Ouch! 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