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[-P process_inode_size] [-l|-L bad_blocks_file] device %s: %d/%d files, %d/%d blocks s %6d inode%s used (%d%%) %6d block%s used (%d%%) %6d bad block%s iesy %6d regular file%s %6d director%s %6d character device file%s %6d block device file%s %6d fifo%s %6d link%s %6d symbolic link%s (%d fast symbolic link%s) %6d socket%s ------ %6d file%s r/etc/mtab/Warning! %s is mounted. %s is mounted. Do you really want to continuecheck aborted. The filesystem superblock is corrupt. Try running e2fsck with an alternate superblock using the -b option. (8193 is commonly an alternate superblock; Hence, 'e2fsck -b 8193 ' may recover the filesystem.) Corruption found in superblock. (%s = %lu). inodes_countblocks_countfirst_data_blocklog_frag_sizelog_block_sizefrags_per_groupblocks_per_groupinodes_per_groupr_blocks_countSuperblock block_size = %d, fragsize = %d. This version of e2fsck does not support fragment sizes different from the block size. Superblock blocks_per_group = %lu, should have been %lu Superblock first_data_block = %lu, should have been %lu Block bitmap %lu for group %d is not in group. Continue (and relocate)Warning: Inode bitmap %lu for group %d not in group. ContinueWarning: Inode table %lu for group %d not in group. WARNING: SEVERE DATA LOSS POSSIBLE. contains a file system with errorshas reached maximal mount counthas gone too long without being checked%s %s, check forced. %s is clean, no check. PATH=/sbin:PATHpanyrcB:dfvtFVM:b:I:P:l:L:Couldn't malloc bad_blocks_filewhile opening %s for flushingopenwhile trying to flush %sBLKFLSBUF95/03/190.5a14-Feb-950.5be2fsck %s, %s for EXT2 FS %s, %s need terminal for interactive repairswhile trying to open %sGet a newer version of e2fsck! invalid_inode_bitmapinvalid_block_bitmapinvalid_inode_tableRestarting e2fsck from the beginning... %s: ***** FILE SYSTEM WAS MODIFIED ***** %s: ***** REBOOT LINUX ***** Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes in-use inode mapwhile allocating inode_used_mapext2fs_allocate_inode_bitmapdirectory inode mapwhile allocating inode_dir_mapin-use block mapwhile allocating block_found_mapext2fs_allocate_block_bitmapinode link count arrayarray of inodes to processdirectory block informationblock interate bufferdoing inode scanwhile opening inode scanwhile starting inode scanwhile calling e2fsc_block_interate in pass 1Root inode is not a directory. Clearpass1Root inode has dtime set (probably due to old mke2fs). FixNote: /lost+found will probably be deleted as well, due to the mke2fs bug. Be sure to run mklost+found to recreate it after e2fsck finishes. Deleted inode %lu has zero dtime. Set dtime Deleted inode detected with non-zero link count. This is probably due to old ext2fs kernel code. Fix inode(s)Inode %lu is deleted w/ non-zero link_count. %s while doing inode scanDuplicate or bad blocks in use! Pass 1: reading indirect blocks of inode %lubad inode mapwhile allocating inode_bad_mapmultiply claimed block mapwhile allocating block_dup_mapwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate in check_blockscheck_blockswhile reading to be cleared inode %dInode %lu is a zero length directory. Inode %lu, incorrect size, %lu (counted = %u). Set size to countedInode %lu, i_blocks wrong %lu (counted=%u). Set i_blocks to counted< FIRSTBLOCK (%lu)> BLOCKS (%lu)is the superblock in group %dis in the group descriptors in group %dis the block bitmap of group %dis the inode bitmap of group %dis in the inode table of group %dBlock %lu of inode %lu %s Remove illegal block(s) in inode %luToo many illegal blocks in inode %lu. Clear inodeSupress messagesBlock #%d (%lu) %s. %s Bad block %lu used as bad block indirect block?!? This inconsistency can not be fixed with e2fsck; to fix it, use dumpe2fs -b to dump out the bad block list and e2fsck -L filename to read it back in again. ContinueIllegal block %lu in bad block inode Remove illegal block(s) in bad block inodeIllegal block %lu in bad block inode. %s The primary superblock (%lu) is bad. Aiiieeee.... Warning: Group %d's superblock (%lu) is bad. Bad block %lu is in the primary group descriptors. Aiiieeee.... Warning: Group %d's copy of the group descriptors has a bad block (%lu). Group %d's block bitmap (%lu) is bad. RelocateGroup %d's inode bitmap (%lu) is bad. WARNING: Severe data loss possible!!!! Bad block %lu in group %d's inode table. Programming error? block #%lu claimed for no reason in process_bad_block. Could not allocate %d block(s) for %s: %s Could not allocate block buffer for relocating %s Relocating group %d's %s from %lu to %lu... Warning: could not read block %lu of %s: %s Warning: could not write block %lu for %s: %s block bitmapinode bitmapinode tableGroup %i's block bitmap at %lu conflicts with some other fs block. Group %i's inode bitmap at %lu conflicts with some other fs block. Group %i's inode table at %lu conflicts with some other fs block. INTERNAL ERROR: pass1_get_blocks: unexpected inode #%lu (was expecting %lu) INTERNAL ERROR: pass1_check_directory: unexpected inode #%lu multiply claimed inode mapwhile allocating inode_dup_mapext2fs_allocate_inode_bitmapDuplicate blocks found... invoking duplicate block passes. Pass 1B: Rescan for duplicate/bad blocks while opening inode scanwhile starting inode scan duplicate inode recordwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate in pass1bwhile doing inode scanDuplicate/bad block(s) in inode %lu: %luduplicate block recordPass 1C: Scan directories for inodes with dup blocks. pass1c: couldn't malloc generic pathname Pass 1D: Reconciling duplicate blocks (There are %d inodes containing duplicate/bad blocks.) Shared inode listFile %s (inode #%lu, mod time %s) s has %d duplicate blocks, shared with %d file%s: %s (inode #%lu, mod time %s) Duplicated blocks already reassigned or cloned. Clone duplicate/bad blocksCouldn't clone file: %s Delete fileinternal error; can't find dup_blk for %d delete_file_blockwhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate for inode %ddelete_fileclone_file_blockclone_filereturned from clone_file_blockPass 2: Checking directory structure buffer for inode countdirectory scan bufferPass 2: Missing '.' in directory inode %lu. Cannot fix, insufficient space to add '.'Fix.Cannot fix, first entry in directory contains '%s' Bad inode number for '.' in directory inode %lu. Directory entry for '.' is big. SplitMissing '..' in directory inode %lu. Cannot fix, insufficient space to add '..'..Cannot fix, first entry in directory contains %s while getting pathname in check_nameBad file name '%s' (contains '/' or null) in directory '%s' (%lu) Replace '/' or null by '.'while reading directory block %dDirectory inode %lu, block %d, offset %d: directory corrupted SalvageInternal error: couldn't find dir_info for %lu Entry '%s' in %s (%lu) is a link to '.' ClearEntry '%s' in %s (%lu) has bad inode #: %lu. Entry '%s' in %s (%lu) has deleted/unused inode %lu. INTERNAL ERROR: missing dir %lu Entry '%s' in %s (%lu) is a link to directory %s (%lu). Final rec_len is %d, should be %d while writing directory block %ddeallocate_inodewhile calling ext2fs_block_iterate for inode %d%s for inode %lu (%s) is %lu, should be zero. Clear %s%s for inode %lu (%s) is %d, should be zero. process_bad_inodewhile getting pathname for inode %dInode %lu (%s) has a bad mode (0%o). i_faddri_fragi_fsizei_file_acli_dir_aclPass 3: Checking directory connectivity inode loop detection bitmapwhile allocating inode_loop_detectext2fs_allocate_inode_bitmapinode done bitmapwhile allocating inode_done_mapPeak memory: Pass 3: Root inode not directoryRoot inode not allocated. RellocateCannot proceed without a root inode.while trying to create root directoryext2fs_new_blockwhile creating new root directoryext2fs_new_dir_blockwhile writing the root directory blockio_channel_write_blkWhile trying to create /lost+foundext2fs_write_inodeInternal error: couldn't find dir_info for %lu Unconnected directory inode %lu (%s) Connect to /lost+found'..' in %s (%lu) is %s (%lu), should be %s (%lu). Fixlost+foundError while trying to find /lost+found: %s/lost+found not found. Createwhile trying to create /lost+found directoryext2fs_new_inodewhile creating new directory blockwhile writing the directory block for /lost+foundWhile creating /lost+foundext2fs_linkBad or nonexistent /lost+found. Cannot reconnect. #%luNo room in /lost+found; expand /lost+foundCould not expand /lost+found: %s Could not reconnect %lu: %s ..Error while adjusting inode count on inode %lu Couldn't find parent direntory entryCouldn't fix parent of inode %lu: %s expand_directoryPass 4: Checking reference counts Unattached inode %lu Connect to /lost+foundpass4WARNING: PROGRAMMING BUG IN E2FSCK! inode_link_info[%d] is %lu, inode.i_links_count is %d. They should be the same! Inode %lu has ref count %d, expecting %d. Set i_nlinks to countPass 4: Fix summary informationPass 5: Checking group summary information Pass 5: Block bitmap differences:free block count array -%lu +%lu. %s Free blocks count wrong for group %lu (%u, counted=%d). %s Free blocks count wrong (%lu, counted=%d). %s Inode bitmap differences:free inode count arraydirectory count arrayFree inodes count wrong for group #%lu (%u, counted=%d). %s Directories count wrong for group #%lu (%u, counted=%d). %s Free inodes count wrong (%lu, counted=%d). %s while trying to fudge end of inode bitmapcheck_inode_endPadding at end of inode bitmap is not set. Fixwhile trying to fudge end of inode bitmap backwhile trying to fudge end of block bitmapcheck_block_endPadding at end of block bitmap is not set. while trying to fudge end of block bitmap backBad block %lu out of range; ignored. while sanity checking the bad blocks inodeext2fs_block_iteratewhile reading the bad blocks inodeext2fs_read_bb_inoderwhile trying to open %sread_bad_blocks_filewhile reading in list of bad blocks from fileext2fs_read_bb_FILEwhile updating bad block inodeext2fs_update_bb_inodeWarning illegal block %lu found in bad block inode. Cleared. -s badblocks %s%s %ldRunning command: %s while trying to run %spopenwhile processing list of bad blocks from programFIXEDIGNOREDCLEARED%s: %s %%s: Can't allocate %s (y/n)%s%s? yes no %s? no %s? yes yesno%s? %s read_bitmaps: illegal bitmap block(s) for %sreading inode and block bitmapswhile retrying to read bitmaps for %swriting block bitmapswhile retrying to write block bitmaps for %swriting inode bitmapswhile retrying to write inode bitmaps for %s %s: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY. Memory used: %d, elapsed time: %6.3f/%6.3f/%6.3f $tIwhile reading inode %ld in %sext2fs_read_inodewhile writing inode %ld in %sext2fs_write_inodedirectory mapError reading block %lu (%s) while %s. Error reading block %lu (%s). Ignore errorError writing block %lu (%s) while %s. Error writing block %lu (%s). Unknown code ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789_: `3xG{Y7mP7! j5x^H# oW?*Qo8Illegal triply indirect block foundIllegal doubly indirect block foundIllegal indirect block foundAttempt to fudge end of inode bitmap past the real endAttempt to fudge end of block bitmap past the real endIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_test_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_unmark_inode_bitmapIllegal inode number passed to ext2fs_mark_inode_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_test_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_unmark_block_bitmapIllegal block number passed to ext2fs_mark_block_bitmapNot enough space to build proposed filesystemInternal error in ext2fs_expand_dirIllegal block numberIllegal inode numberBLOCK bitmap not loadedInode bitmap not loadedNo free space in the directoryAttempt to write block from filesystem resulted in short writeAttempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short readEXT2 directory corruptedFilesystem has unexpected block sizeCan't read next inodeCan't read an inode tableCan't write an inode tableCan't read an block bitmapCan't write an block bitmapCan't read an inode bitmapCan't write an inode bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode tableCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for inode bitmapCorrupt group descriptor: bad block for block bitmapCan't write group descriptorsCan't read group descriptorsAttempt to write to filesystem opened read-onlyCan't write superblockCan't read superblockCan't seek to superblockFilesystem revision too highBad magic number in super-blockWrong magic number --- RESERVED_9Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_8Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_7Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_6Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_5Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_4Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_3Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_2Wrong magic number --- RESERVED_1Wrong magic number for inode_bitmap structureWrong magic number for block_bitmap structureWrong magic number for io_manager structureWrong magic number for unix io_channel structureWrong magic number for io_channel structureWrong magic number for inode_scan structureWrong magic number for badblocks_iterate structureWrong magic number for badblocks_list structureWrong magic number for ext2_filsys structureEXT2FS Library version 0.5b+;block bitmap for %sinode bitmap for %sUnix I/O Manager../....???#%u for %s#%u%luX {/??????InhnvЍ+ `P$~           . > N ^ n ~         .>N^n~.>N^n~ `  P, o  \ HGCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.7.0GCC: (GNU) 2.6.4 snapshot 950518.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.interp.hash.dynsym.dynstr.rel.bss.rel.plt.init.plt.text.fini.rodata.data.ctors.dtors.got.dynamic.bss.comment#D) ,,1o9 \ \ HB   K` ` Qh h VT\PPbXX6jpw~