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failed. ftape_ioctlfailed: not busy, failure or wrong unit. ftape_readcalled with count: %d. return with count: %d. ftape_writefdc_waitfdc_commandfdc-io.cfdc_mode = %02x, status = %02x at index %d. fdc_write timeout, retry. fdc_write timeout, fatal. fdc not ready. fdc_resultpremature end of result phase. fdc_read timeout, retry. fdc_read timeout, fatal. fdc_issue_commandfdc_command failed. fdc_ready_out_wait failed after: %d. result phase aborted. fdc_interrupt_waiterror: nested call. *** BUG: unexpected schedule exit ***. caused by signal ?. cleanup reset. fdc_motorturning motor %d on. turning motor %d off. fdc_update_dsrrate = %d, precomp = %d. fdc_resetmissing interrupt after reset. fdc_disablecouldn't unlock fifo, configuration remains changed. couldn't reconfigure fifo to old state. couldn't lock old state again. not endisfifo restored: %sabled, thr. %d, %slocked. ,fdc_sense_drive_statusissue_command failed. fdc_sense_interrupt_statusfdc_seekfailed, status = %d. destination was: %d, resetting FDC.... fdc_interrupt_wait timeout, status = %d. fdc_sense_interrupt_status failed, status = %d. no seek-end after seek completion !??. bad seek... fdc_recalibratefdc_set_seek_rate failed, status = %d. fdc_command failed, status = %d. fdc_interrupt_wait failed. failed: resulting track = %d. setup_fdc_and_dmaxfer %d sectors to 0x%p. xfer %d sectors from 0x%p. bug: illegal operation parameter. C: 0x%02x, H: 0x%02x, R: 0x%02x, cnt: 0x%02x. fdc_fifo_enableFDC dumpreg command failed, fifo unchanged. Register %d = 0x%02x. original fifo state: %sabled, thresshold %d, %slocked. FDC unlock command failed, configuration unchanged. FDC configure command failed, fifo unchanged. FDC lock command failed, stat = 0x%02x. Fifo not enabled because locked. fdc_probeType 8272A/765A compatible FDC found. Type 82072 FDC found. Type pre-1991 82077 FDC found, treating it like a 82072. FDC is already locked. Type 82077AA FDC found. Type 82077 FDC found. Unknown FDC found. No FDC found. fdc_configUsing the standard fdc controller. ftape_interruptUnexpected ftape interrupt. fdc_grab_irq_and_dmaUnable to grab IRQ%d for ftape driver. Unable to grab DMA%d for ftape driver. fdc_uninitfdc_initresetting fdc. couldn't enable fdc fifo !. fdc fifo enabled and locked. fdc (ftape)print_error_causefdc-isr.cno data error. id am error. id crc error. data am error. data crc error. overrun error. fdc_idlefdc_reading_datafdc_seekingfdc_writing_datafdc_reading_idfdc_recalibratingunknowndecode_irq_causenormal completion: %s. abnormal completion %s. ST0: 0x%02x, ST1: 0x%02x, ST2: 0x%02x. C: 0x%02x, H: 0x%02x, R: 0x%02x, N: 0x%02x. invalid completion %s. ready change %s. skip_bad_sectorskipping last sector in segment. update_error_mapshardsoftsector %d : %s error. hard map: 0x%08lx, soft map: 0x%08lx. determine_progressunexpected DMA residue: 0x%04x. DMA residue = 0x%04x. %d Sector(s) transferred. Sector %d not found. Error in sector %d. Unexpected error: failing DMA controller ?. Unexpected error at sector %d. pause_tapemotion command may be issued too soon. qic-pause failed, status = %d. stop_tapeqic-stop failed, status = %d. continue_xferunexpected runner/buffer state %d/%d. segments out of order, aborting write. writereadcouldn't start %s-ahead. emptyfullall input buffers %s, pausing tape. write nextread aheadno %s allowed, stopping tape. retry_sector%s error, will retry. find_resume_pointbug: sector_offset = %d. at sector %d. after sector %d. bug: no soft or hard errors. fdc_isrnested interrupt, not good !. probably fatal error during FDC Result Phase. drive may hang until (power) reset :-(. buffer[%d] status: %d, segment_id: %d. reading segment %d. error reading segment %d. aborting %s. this is retry nr %d. skipping empty segment (read). deleted data in sector %d. unexpected error. id read: C: 0x%02x, H: 0x%02x, R: 0x%02x. Didn't find valid sector Id. writing segment %d. error writing segment %d. skipping empty segment (write). media not writable. unforseen write error. Warning: unexpected irq during: %s. runner aborting. handled hidden interrupt. unexpected stray interrupt. expected stray interrupt. ***** FDC failure, busy too late. ***** FDC failure, no busy. awaited stray interrupt. waitingactivehiding interrupt while %s. isr() duration: %5d usec. setup_segmentftape-rw.cdata offset = %d sectors. segment: %d, bad sector map: %08lx. segment: %d. sector offset = %d, count = %d. empty segment, fake first sector good. setup_new_segmentreadingwriting%s segment %d (old = %d). setting up for retry nr %d. skipping %d sectors. check_bot_eotboteottape at logical %s. segment = %d. ftape_read_idfdc_command failed. tape has stopped. fdc_interrupt_wait failed :(. no id found. passing segment %d/%d. stop_tapefailed ! (fatal). ftape_dumb_stopaborting fdc operation. tape already halted. wait_segmentfdc_interrupt_wait failed. setup error. fast_seekwarning: zero or negative count: %d. skipping clipped at 4095 segment. skipping %d segment(s). backing up %d segment(s). Skip command failed. seek_forwardfatal: cannot seek from unknown location. fatal: head off track (bad hardware?). from %d/%d to %d/0 - %d. fast skipping %d segments. read_id failed completely. read_id failed, retry (%d). ended at %d/%d (%d,%d). adjusting overshoot from %d to %d. clipped overshoot to %d. missed segment %d while skipping. failed: skip ended at segment %d/%d. skip_reversewarning: location not known. ended at %d/%d (%d,%d,%d). adjusting min_rewind from %d to %d. clipped min_rewind to %d. ftape_read_id failed, retry (%d). ftape_report_drive_status failed with code %d. current location: %d/%d. determine_positionwaiting for tape stop. drive still running (fatal). drive is ready. error status set. start tape from logical bot. waiting for logical end of track. tape at logical end of track. start tape. location unknown. read-id failed. tape stopped for unknown reason ! status = 0x%02x. tape is positioned at segment %d. ftape_start_tape retrytarget segment: %d/%d%s. reduced datarate because of excessive overrun errors. stop tape failed with code %d. tape stopped. repositioning. panic: location not known. current segment: %d/%d. failed to reposition. [%03d]%s+%s (%s) [%03d]%s-%s (%s) [%03d]%s%s (%s) - convert_sector_mapftape-read.cbad_map = 0x%08lx. src_map = 0x%08lx. dst_map = 0x%08lx. correct_and_copyempty segment. crc error map: 0x%08lx. corrected map: 0x%08lx. ecc corrected segment: %d. ecc failure on segment %d. read_segmentsegment_id = %d. calling ftape_abort_operation. ftape_abort_operation failed. reading past end of tape. found segment in cache : %d. end of file mark in sector: %d. segment contains (bytes) : %d. ecc failed, retry. partial read count: %d. zapping segment in cache : %d. wait_segment failed while reading. ftape_ready_wait waiting for eot/bot failed. eot/bot not reached. interrupted by non-blockable signal. too many retries on ecc failure. head: %d, tail: %d, runner_status: %d. buffer[].status, [head]: %d, [tail]: %d. Error: segment %d unreachable. too many retries. read_header_segmenterror: error_status or report failure. reading.... header segment damaged, trying backup. no readable header segment found. wrong signature in header segment. header segments are %d and %d. (fmt/spt/tpc/fhm/ftm/fsm) = %d/%d/%d/%d/%d/%d. unknown tape format, please report !. calculated tape length is %d ft. the famous CONNER bug: max_floppy_side off by one !. the famous Colorado bug: max_floppy_track off by one !. Tape parameters inconsistency, please report. first data segment: %d. `last' segment is %d, %d Kb. This tape has no `Linux raw format' label, ***** Use `mt' to erase this tape if you want to use file marks !. _ftape_readoffline = %d, formatted = %d, no_tape = %d. remaining of last segment: %d. clipped request to remaining. remaining set to: %d. read_segment result: %d. nr bytes just read: %d. verify_area failed, exitcode = %d. partial count because of eof mark. copy_and_gen_eccftape-write.cbad sectors in map: %d. empty segment. ecc_set_segment_parity failed. start_writingstarting runner for segment %d. loop_until_writes_donetail: %d, head: %d. buffer[ %d] segment_id: %d, status: %d. fdc_interrupt_wait failed. interrupted by signal. unexpected state: runner_status != idle. looping until writes done. write_segmentsegment_id = %d. calling ftape_abort_operation. ftape_abort_operation failed. warning: %d hard error(s) in written segment. hard_error_map = 0x%08lx. wait for empty segment failed. eot/bot not reached. _write_segmentwrite failed, >100 retries in segment. write error, retry %d. write_segment failed, error: %d. empty segment, nothing written. update_header_segmentno input buffer specified. wrong header signature found, aborting. verified. verify failed. ftape_write_header_segmentsupdate of first header segment failed. update of second header segment failed. ftape_update_header_segmentsTape set read-only: no update. ftape_flush_buffersnested call, abort. entered, ftape_state = %d. no need for flush. flushing write buffers. remaining in buffer: %d. flush, padding count: %d. flush, moved out buffer: %d. last write: %d, netto pad-count: %d. deblock_buffer empty. waiting. flush buffers failed. _ftape_writeerror: cartridge write protected. remaining req_len: %d. buf_pos: %d. verify_area failed. moved into blocking buffer: %d. remaining in blocking buffer: %d. just written bytes: %d. _write_segment result = %d. retry.... moved out of blocking buffer: %d. ftape_fix. ..6$-6$-----v-7%e-T-A-7%1-- -,7%,,,,,,,y,6$c,6$K,9,',,,+++6$+6$++p+b+O+<+)+++***phantom deselectphantom selectvendor unique (45)vendor unique (44)vendor unique (43)vendor unique (42)vendor unique (41)vendor unique (40)reserved (39)set format segmentsreport format segmentscalibrate tape lengthskip extended forwardskip extended reversereport tape statusreport vendor idvendor unique (31)enter primary modeenter diag mode 2enter diag mode 1select rate [or format]skip segments forwardskip segments reversesoft deselectsoft selectmicro step head downmicro step head upreserved (20)reserved (19)stop tapeenter verify modewrite reference burstenter format modeseek load pointseek head to trackphysical forwardphysical reverselogical forwardreport rom versionreport drive configurationreport error codereport drive statusalternate command timeoutmicro step pausepausereport next bitsoft resetW50554444W424 4333a343322k2=22111x1a1I11111000l0^0E0'000/////Illegal Entry into Format ModeProm B Checksum ErrorDrive Wakeup Reset OccurredProm A Checksum ErrorEOT/BOT System FailureInvalid FormatProm Code MissingWrite Reference Burst FailureHead Positioning FailureInvalid MediaIllegal Seek Segment ValueIllegal Command While in High Speed ModeRate or Format Selection ErrorCommand Received During Non-Interruptable ProcessDiagnostic Mode 2 ErrorDiagnostic Mode 1 ErrorSoftware Reset OccurredPower On Reset OccurredTransmit Overrun (obs)Data Segment Too Long -- Logical Forward or PauseMotion Time-out ErrorEEPROM Corrupted or Hardware FailureWarning EEPROM Not Initialized, Defaults SetSelf-Diagnostic Failed (cannot be cleared)Command Illegal When Cartridge Not ReferencedLogical EOT Before All Segments generatedLogical Forward Not a Logical BOT or no Format Segments in Format ModeCommand Illegal or Undefined in Verify ModeCommand Illegal or Undefined in Format ModeCommand Illegal or Undefined in Primary ModeCommand Received While New Cartridge PendingCommand Received While Error Status Pending (obs)Warning--Read Gain Setting ErrorBroken Tape Detected (based on hole sensor)Illegal Entry into a Diagnostic ModeIllegal Command in Report SubcontextIllegal Track Address Specified for SeekUndefined or Reserved Command CodeCartridge Write ProtectedMotor Speed Fault (jammed, or gross speed errorMotor Speed Error (not within 1%)Cartridge Not Present or RemovedCommand Received while Drive Not ReadyNo error55*5}5250 K500 K1 M2 Mudelayftape_sleepftape-io.c%d msec, %d ticks. awoken by non-blocked signal :-(. ftape_commandbug - recursion for command: %d. called with parameter = %d. bug - bad command: %d. report drive status called. %s. motion cmd (%d) during non-intr cmd (%d). waiting until drive gets ready. command %d issued while not ready. command %d issued while error pending. clearing error status. Fatal: tape removed or reinserted !. wrong state: 0x%02x should be: 0x%02x. Bad: still busy!. ftape_ready_waitftape_report_raw_drive_status failed. timeout. interrupted by fatal signal. ftape_command_waitftape_parameter_waitftape_report_operationftape_command failed. fdc_sense_drive_status failed. Acknowledge after %u msec. (%i iter). No acknowledge after %u msec. (%i iter). timeout on Acknowledge. report next bit failed. fdc_sense_drive_status (2) failed. missing status stop bit. ftape_report_raw_drive_statusreport_operation failed. ftape_report_drive_statuswarning: error status set!. ftape_report_errorerrorcode: %d. No error. Non-%sFatal ERROR:. %s .... Unknown ERROR !. ... caused by command '%s'. ... caused by unknown command %d. ftape_in_error_stateftape_report_configurationreport tape status result = %02x. post qic-117b spec drive with unknown tape. ftape_report_vendor_idgot old 8 bit id: %04x. got 8 bit id: %04x. got 16 bit id: %04x. report rom version failed. CMS rom version: %d. CMS signature: %02x. This is an Iomega drive !. This is a real CMS drive !. CMS status: %d. ftape_set_rate_testnotSelect Rate command is%s supported. ftape_set_data_rate%sb/s data rate not supported by the fdc. could not set %sb/s data rate. post QIC-117Bpost QIC-117Dpre QIC-117Cprehistoric%s drive @ %sb/s. 301030208040unknown length QIC-%s tape. %d ft. QIC-%s tape. ftape_seek_head_to_tracktrack out of bounds. seeking track %d. ftape_parameter_wait failed. ftape_wakeup_driveftape_put_drive_to_sleepftape_reset_driveResetting fdc. Reset command to drive. Re-selecting drive. Wakeup failed !. Waiting until drive gets ready. aborted by non-blockable signal. General failure to reset tape drive. ftape_validate_labelftape-eof.ctape label = `%s'. format version = %d. reset_eof_listcheck_for_eofhit mark %d/%d at index %d. Bad file mark detected: %d/%d. clear_eof_mark_if_setclearing mark %d/%d at index %d. put_file_mark_in_mapmark %d/%d already exists. overwriting %d/%d at index %d with %d/%d. inserting %d/%d at index %d before %d/%d. appending %d/%d at index %d. ftape_weofparameter out of range: %d, %d, %d. segment out of range: %d. writing filemark %d/%d. ftape_eraseold label: `%s'. invalid label, overwriting with new. new label: `%s'. bad entry in failed sector log: %d. moved entry %d from failed sector log (%d). extract_file_marksFile Mark List is too long or damaged !. Bad Sector List is too long or damaged !. number of file marks: %d. swapping version 1 fields. eof mark: %5d/%2d. update_failed_sector_logupgrading version 1 format to version 2. new tape label = "%s". eof_map at byte offset %6d, size %d. ftape_seek_eomeom found at segment %d. Couldn't get eof mark table. ftape_seek_eoftape positioned at segment %d. beginendseek reached %s of tape. tape repositioned to segment %d. ftape_file_notime_inbcalibr.cinb() duration: %d nsec. fix_clockclock counter fixed. calibrateonce:%4d us,%5d times:%6d us, TC:%5d ns. TC for `%s()' = %d nsec (at %d counts). $Id: ecc.c,v 1.32 1995/04/22 07:30:15 bas Beta $ @=zo;v_qC:tW1b|w[QcdjǼe~k*NԽf1l +WϬOAg'25mE!, 8Xyp­PuHڊTB$^ha(L/?36nF"-=9;Y zqZ{ Q[vrI|גUC %sw\R_Jib)}M0܂V@4&7 DoxGt#S].K`>:< 8?61$#*-pw~ylkbeHOFATSZ] '.)<;25 PW^YLKBEhofatsz}G@IN[\URxqvcdmj709>+,%"ڧg`in{|ur_XQVCDMJ /(!&34=:gfmul_exp_longecc.cError: size of long is %d bytes. gfdivError: division by zero. gfinv3Inversion failed (3 CRC errors, >0 CRC failures). gfinv2Inversion failed (2 CRC errors, >0 CRC failures). set_parityError: long is of size %d. correct_blockECC failed (0 CRC errors, >1 CRC failures).. ECC failed (0 CRC errors, >1 CRC failures): . attempt to correct data at %d. ECC failed (1 erasure, >1 error). ECC failed (1 CRC errors, >1 CRC failures): . Internal Error: number of CRC errors > 3. ECC self-check failed, too many errors. ecc_correct_dataECC failed (>3 CRC errors). block contained error not caught by CRC. number of corrections: %d. store_bad_sector_mapftape-bsm.cextract_bad_sector_mapbad segment at sector: %6d. bad sector: %6d. eof mark: %4d/%2d. bsm for segment %4d: 0x%08x. %d Kb usable on this tape. WARNING: this tape has no bad blocks registered !. %d bad sectors. get_bad_sector_entryRMGZMZrMTWMTDM-6M2M@JLFHLJdLLbLNPLPPLRPLVPtLfLUGLR9L@+L@+LCLL@K@K!FK!KCOREtape QIC80AIWA CT-803Iomega 250Exabyte EXB-1500Wangtek 3080F (new)Wangtek 3080FWangtek 3040FSummit SE 250, Mountain FS8000Summit SE 150Conner TSM850R (new)Conner TSM850RConner TSM420RConner C250MQConner C250MQTArchive XL9250i [Conner/Escom]Archive 31250Q [Escom]Archive S.Hornet [Identity/Escom]Insight 80 Mb, Irwin 80SXArchive 5580iHP Colorado T-1000Colorado DJ-10/DJ-20 (new)Colorado 1400Colorado DJ-10/DJ-20Colorado DJ-10 (old)MMMMMMotor-onMountainColoradoNoneUnknownftape_seek_to_eotftape-ctl.cfailed. ftape_seek_to_botftape_abort_operationaborting runner, waiting. forcing runner abort. stopping tape. ftape_detach_drivedisabling tape drive and fdc. ftape_activate_driveenabling tape drive and fdc. known wakeup method failed. drive wakeup method: %s. no tape drive found !. ftape_get_drive_statusftape_ready_wait timeout. ftape_ready_wait aborted. ftape_ready_wait failed. error status set. report_error_code failed: %d. error code : %d. error command: %d. status: new cartridge. no cartridge present. Write protected cartridge. ftape_log_vendor_id============ unknown vendor id ===========. A new, yet unsupported tape drive is found. Please report the following values:. Vendor id : 0x%05x. Wakeup method : %s. And a description of your tape drive to:. Bas Laarhoven . ==========================================. tape drive type: %s. wakeup type mismatch:. found: %s, expected: %s. please report this to . ftape_calc_timeoutsUnknown qic_std (bug) ?. Unknown tape length, using worst case timing values!. drive : %s. delta time = %d, length = %d. has max tape speed of %d ips. speed = %d, length = %d. seek timeout: %d sec. rewind timeout: %d sec. ftape_init_drivestarting seek_load_point. seek_load_point failed (command). Warning: tape is not formatted !. _ftape_open_ftape_closeerror: update of header segments failed. error: unable to update header segments. rewinding tape. == Non-fatal errors this run: ==. fdc isr statistics:. id_am_errors : %d. id_crc_errors : %d. data_am_errors : %d. data_crc_errors : %d. overrun_errors : %d. no_data_errors : %d. retries : %d. ecc statistics:. crc_errors : %d. crc_failures : %d. ecc_failures : %d. sectors corrected: %d. !!!media defects : %d%s. repositions : %d. last segment : %d. ftape_ioctlbad argument size: %d. called with ioctl command: 0x%08x. calling MTIOCTOP command: 0x%08x. Putting tape drive offline. tracing set to %d. MTIOCTOP sub-command not implemented: %d. Mag tape ioctl command: MTIOCPOS. MTIOCPOS command not implemented. Unkown$Id: kernel-interface.c,v 1.55 1995/05/27 12:10:05 bas Beta $1.2.13 pp0`$Id: fdc-io.c,v 1.47 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $ftape$Id: fdc-isr.c,v 1.36 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-rw.c,v 1.54 1995/05/27 08:55:27 bas Beta $$Id: tracing.c,v 1.10 1995/04/22 07:30:15 bas Beta $* $Id: ftape-read.c,v 1.30 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-write.c,v 1.26 1995/05/27 08:55:27 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-io.c,v 1.58 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-eof.c,v 1.21 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $Linux raw format V$Id: calibr.c,v 1.30 1995/04/22 07:30:15 bas Beta $$Id: fc-10.c,v 1.7 1995/05/07 13:48:24 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-bsm.c,v 1.7 1995/04/30 13:15:14 bas Beta $$Id: ftape-ctl.c,v 1.10 1995/05/27 08:54:21 bas Beta $fGCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3GCC: (GNU) 2.6.3.symtab.strtab.shstrtab.text.rel.text.rodata.rel.rodata.data.rel.data.bss.comment@$! ̃P +%V3 5 ?{E 98 OzT]D9P  Pw&-49>GPUZ_glsnCC %/9B+GMW^e <EOZho|"'06<Cbk~_"+1=GMkt}<(2;AJT[a!6;=FLS #-4Qfqz $19BOTY^gqx 1 8 M Y b x  Q V [ ` e    % . < C h p  N B     N       " + 0 5 : C b k p u z            > G P U Z _      N            "+05:Ycj$3@ELRW` !(0J]S\afkB&]]]] B&6]A]K]B DBN[erw| D%.39BKPV[gqi{!(29BLS D3FNSt} )7>E\ "CLQV[dqv{#,6D#,16;\fm&HQ[ip^ ENSY^gm^ <INSXav| 7U^t}^,17MV[`ent{",3h|     % * 6 < C f         !!! !!$"P"""""""N#####(#1#?#F#g#p#y##########$ $%$1$6$P$`$m$s$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$%%,%9%>%C%H%%%%%%%%%%%%%%&(&1&;&J&Q&&&&&&&&&' 'M'Z'_'d'r'''''''''''($()(.(3(B(K(P(U(Z(r({(((((((((((() ))!)+)1)F)O)Y)d)r)y)))))))))))))))***!*/*6*=*b*k*p*u*z***********+++ +%+,+2+7+Q+X+^+3m+v+{++++++++++++ ,,,#,,,K,Q,cX,^,se,k,t,~,,,,,,,,,,,- --%-+-4->-E-g-p-z----D------ ..%...3.8.B.K.P.U.Z............../#/*/B/P/T/X/\/`/d/h/l/p/t/x/|/////////////////////////000020?0D0I0R0_0d0i0r000000000000!111A1Q1a1q11111222C2H2T2b2k2p2|222222222222333333333333!4044484<4@4D4H4L4P4T4X4\4`4d4h4l4p4t4x4|44444444444444444455$5-565D5K5u5~555555555526?6D6I6R6\6a6j6w6|6666666666Y77777777778 8%8.8G8X8]8g88888888888888909:9A9V9^9r999999999997:::::9:C:SR:[:q::::::::::U:::;;;(;/;<;e;r;7{;;;;;;;;;;;;;;<U<<!<8<A<J<T<c<j<<<<<<<<<= =+=4=;=A=S=\=c=i= ====K===->>>C>H>M>d>m>t>z>H>>>>>>>>>> >>>>? ???R?_?d?i?r?x?}???????????@$@.@5@`@i@r@|@@@@@@@@@@@@@A0ADAKAdAqAvAAAAAAA BBB'B,BBBOBTBYB^BgBqBxBBBBBBBBBBBCC CCCC(C.C5CRC^CsCC.CCCCCCCCCCCNC2DDD D0D5DBD2IDNDDDDDDDDDDD EEE+E0ECETEYE^EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEFFF FF=FJFOF\FaFFFN;GNSGNrGGGGGGNGWGGGH HHH$HW*H/HBHIHPHWWHhHmHrHHHHHHHHHHHHHI II,I9I>IKIPIcIpIuIzIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIJJJ JJJJJ J$J(J,J0J4J8JKRK_KdKnKsK|KNKKKKKKKKKNKNKKL LLLL!L*L^4LNRL][LdLqLvL{LLLLLLLLNLNLLLLM MMM"M+M0M5M:MCMMMVMB\M]dM]iMMMMMM]MMMMMMMMMMMN NNN%NMN2eNxNNNNNNNOO&O2O"AO"uOOOOOOPP"P'P4P9PRP_PdPmPrPPPPPPPPPPPPQQ&QPQdQkQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQQRRRR#RGRTRYR_RdRRRRRjSsS|SSSSSSSSSSTK TTT%T2T7T[E[X[a[j[z[[[K[[[[[[\\\\"\7\D\I\O\T\r\\\\\\\\\\\\]]*]U8]B]I]f]]]K]]K]]]]]]^!^+^8^=^B^G^s^|^^^^^i^^^^^^^^^^____2_B_O_T_Z___l__U____U______``$`*`/`J`S`X`]`c`i`o`u`z``````````````` a"a,a5a:a?aEaJaTabalauazaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab)b2bHW^ox}Îώ؎ݎ  /Lhuzď؏ݏ $2?DINcrxÐ͐א":KUfu͑=GN"38>CRchrwѓ6OY`ʔהܔkq(J05>Q^chmʕ3@EJZglqvΖՖ%BOTY^kx}ЗM&+05YmvJ~ kۘqJ>  !<NUbkty~řʙϙՙڙ $28BOTY^guҚߚ %5:T^lv}›՛ۛ!&7<T\$m$ĜɜΜ؜$ -:?DIR\fp}ɝ "t+4RZ_/ms˞ўޞ HWdins|؟ޟ#05:@EN[`nsĠѠ֠ܠ "0BHU\dlwšԡ2Ubglrw΢آߢ(/:R\%fv}ڣ16;@E\en|Ҥۤ&!&2BOTY^}ȥץޥ$2;HMV[{ŦʦϦ 7 %07<`inszŧ7(16;@M]7e7jɨҨרܨ 77ERW\aj7ĩɩ7 07DJLY7lvª&3<AFKx&۫")TipԬ"Pip­f#(-9QZޮ  %*/;IPƯ֯f Ybglq~ð 3@EJOgq{ı˱ <FLS|IJٲ1:?GLbkpuzdz̳ڳ $2?DINj7s7´ϴٴ#*GPUZ_mw~xŷ@U\ȸ͸ (-LY^chq{"/4>Cxĺغ?QXλۻ @RYfyPXUYyҽ߽ !',5X>OTZYcYkqYyľʾYӾY۾YX Y+CRQW]hxÿʿҿ"+06;T]bgvS *=D&6?DINxP4CLQV[h"1>CINWev"){p'49?MZaflsy (29`t{ CIJWah0AFch!)botJ '9Fbjw|"BOT[` !&/9BGLQV^t} !+0DWau~J !&@-j>LS0QBOTYbkpuz %Vjv%2J?HQV[`m0Q$-;U~J!/4AGQU[eioy &-Pel}/$)1BJKQW]di'-2BOTY_dq{ $.;@GOUZgoy8AKY`x =JOTY{uz16BPW HRY{:Tz#IsJ_fkqx $Jc)Sz 5<AGNc3Z:TzBKU`nu 'bz*1v (5Qy8ESgn*07Xeky9X^l9[ao9O\c|O[gt&S`ry!.38=FSXejw%In:A[hmrw  2GTY^clv});ELbls BOTY^ku|?y2BGTYiv}!0Upz0ELY0|00!+0^kpK&K-9K@F\inv|0%H`00"0?RYdkm0)\pw 6>T^d39?fn "-6;@ENWclu2 2 # ( . 8 ? 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