PACKAGE NAME: xfce4-session-4.18.3-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/xfce PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 308 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1750 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: xfce4-session: xfce4-session (Xfce session manager) xfce4-session: xfce4-session: Xfce4-session is a session manager for Xfce. Its task is to save the xfce4-session: state of your desktop (opened applications and their location) and xfce4-session: restore it during a next startup. You can create several different xfce4-session: sessions and choose one of them on startup. xfce4-session: xfce4-session: xfce4-session: xfce4-session: xfce4-session: