PACKAGE NAME: pam-krb5-4.11-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/n PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 72 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 240 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: pam-krb5: pam-krb5 (PAM module for Kerberos v5) pam-krb5: pam-krb5: pam-krb5 is a Kerberos PAM module that supports ticket refreshing pam-krb5: by screen savers, configurable authorization handling, pam-krb5: authentication of non-local accounts for network services, pam-krb5: password changing, and password expiration, as well as all the pam-krb5: standard expected PAM features. pam-krb5: pam-krb5: Homepage: pam-krb5: pam-krb5: