PACKAGE NAME: libnfnetlink-1.0.2-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/n PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 24 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 80 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink (library for netfilter kernel/userspace comm) libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink is the low-level library for netfilter related libnfnetlink: kernel/userspace communication. It provides a generic messaging libnfnetlink: infrastructure for in-kernel netfilter subsystems (such as libnfnetlink: nfnetlink_log, nfnetlink_queue, nfnetlink_conntrack) and their libnfnetlink: respective users and/or management tools in userspace. libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink: libnfnetlink: