PACKAGE NAME: libvisual-plugins-0.4.0-loong64-7.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/l PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 100 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 640 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: libvisual-plugins: libvisual-plugins (plugins for the libvisual library) libvisual-plugins: libvisual-plugins: By itself, libvisual only provides a framework to build upon. The libvisual-plugins: plugins in this package are designed to work with libvisual to allow libvisual-plugins: it to actually do all sorts of interesting visualizations based on libvisual-plugins: metrics gathered as players process audio information data. Plugins libvisual-plugins: can be mixed (more than one run at a time), or morphed from one to libvisual-plugins: another. Other special effects are possible as well. libvisual-plugins: libvisual-plugins: Several authors have contributed libvisual-plugins under the GPL. libvisual-plugins: