PACKAGE NAME: kdeconnect-kde-23.04.2-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/kde PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 916 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 6580 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: kdeconnect-kde: kdeconnect-kde (Integrate Android with the Plasma Desktop) kdeconnect-kde: kdeconnect-kde: KDE Connect is a module to connect KDE with your smartphone. kdeconnect-kde: Prominent features are: clipboard share, notifications sync, kdeconnect-kde: multimedia remote control over secured network connections. kdeconnect-kde: Please note you will need to install KDE Connect on Android kdeconnect-kde: for this app to work: kdeconnect-kde: kdeconnect-kde: kdeconnect-kde: kdeconnect-kde: