PACKAGE NAME: gettext-tools-0.22-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/d PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 2092 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 8990 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: gettext-tools: gettext-tools (internationalization framework tools) gettext-tools: gettext-tools: The GNU gettext-tools package is useful for authors and maintainers of gettext-tools: internationalized software, or for anyone compiling programs that gettext-tools: use the gettext functions. This package provides the needed tools and gettext-tools: library functions for the handling of messages in different languages. gettext-tools: Some other GNU packages use the gettext program (included in this gettext-tools: package) to internationalize the messages given by shell scripts. gettext-tools: gettext-tools: gettext-tools: