PACKAGE NAME: ispell-3.4.05-loong64-1.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/ap PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 340 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 1540 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: ispell: ispell (spelling checker) ispell: ispell: Ispell is a fast screen-oriented spelling checker that shows you your ispell: errors in the context of the original file, and suggests possible ispell: corrections when it can figure them out. Compared to UNIX spell, it ispell: is faster and much easier to use. Ispell can also handle languages ispell: other than English. Ispell has a long history, and many people have ispell: contributed to the current version -- some of the major contributors ispell: include R. E. Gorin, Pace Willisson, Walt Buehring, and Geoff ispell: Kuenning. ispell: