PACKAGE NAME: usb_modeswitch-2.6.1-loong64-3.txz PACKAGE LOCATION: ./slackware64/a PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): 80 K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): 870 K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: usb_modeswitch: usb_modeswitch (mode switching tool for multiple mode USB devices) usb_modeswitch: usb_modeswitch: USB-ModeSwitch is (surprise!) a small mode switching tool for usb_modeswitch: controlling "flip flop" (multiple device) USB gear. These devices usb_modeswitch: initially appear to be USB storage, typically containing the MS usb_modeswitch: Windows drivers for whatever the real purpose of the device is, such usb_modeswitch: as a wireless USB modem. To use these devices with Linux, they need usb_modeswitch: to be told to switch out of storage mode, which is the purpose of the usb_modeswitch: USB-ModeSwitch utility. usb_modeswitch: usb_modeswitch: Homepage: