#!/bin/bash # The Rust ecosystem isn't of the maturity yet, to permit me to sanely # build from source every time. The easiest way to get back on track is to # use their binaries. # For example, using rust 1.37, I cannot build rust 1.39 because the Cargo.lock # file isn't recognised. I suppose it was changed in rust-1.38, so I'd be expected # to either hack it to bits, or upgrade to rust-1.38 then 1.39. # This is a rather immature bootstrapping process, IMO. # # I find it easier to follow the method advertised on the web, rather than do it # from the SlackBuild by updating the binary archives manually. removepkg rust [ -d /lib64 ] && { cd /lib ln -vfs ../lib64/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1 . ldconfig ;} # From http://www.rust-lang.org: curl https://sh.rustup.rs -sSf | sh # Bung it on to the file system so that the rust build can find it. # This is because the boot strap version (v18) that the build downloads is older # than the one we're building (v19), and it doesn't work. cp -fav /root/.cargo/bin/* /usr/local/bin/ #source ~/.cargo/env cd /usr/bin ln -vfs /usr/local/bin/{rustc,cargo} .