#!/bin/bash ulimit -s unlimited shopt -s extglob # The man pages in Slackware are predominantly arch neutral anyway # so I'll just copy Slackware's package. # Stuart Winter. # 18-Sep-04 # Record toolchain & other info for the build log: slackbuildinfo # Paths to skeleton port's source & real Slackware source tree: slackset_var_cwds # Temporary build locations: export TMPBUILD=$TMP/build-$PKGNAM export PKG=$TMP/package-$PKGNAM mkpkgdirs # Delete & re-create temporary directories then cd into $TMPBUILD cd $PKG # Unpack Slackware package: tar xvvf $SLACKSOURCE/../slackware*/ap/man-pages-*.t?z -C. # Just incase! ;-) slackhousekeeping # Make our own t?z package: slackmp # run makepkg -l y -c n